Ejemplo n.º 1
STDMETHODIMP MailPropertyMap::get_Item(BSTR index, BSTR* pVal)
      if(0 == index)
         throw Workshare::ArgumentNullException(_T("index"), _T("The property index may not be null."));

      if(0 == pVal)
         throw Workshare::ArgumentNullException(_T("pVal"), _T("The return buffer for the property value must be valid."));

      _bstr_t indexName(index);

      *pVal = SysAllocString(m_map[indexName.GetBSTR()].c_str());
      return S_OK;
   catch(Workshare::Exception const& e)
      return AtlReportError(__uuidof(this), e.Message, __uuidof(IMailPropertyMap), e.ErrorCode);
      return AtlReportError(__uuidof(this), L"Unexpected Error", __uuidof(IMailPropertyMap), ProcessUnhandledException());      
Ejemplo n.º 2
STDMETHODIMP MailPropertyMap::put_Item(BSTR index, BSTR newVal)
      if(0 == index)
         throw Workshare::ArgumentNullException(_T("index"), _T("The property index may not be null."));

      _bstr_t indexName(index);
      if(0 != newVal)
         m_map[indexName.GetBSTR()] = newVal;
         m_map[indexName.GetBSTR()] = L"";
      return S_OK;
   catch(Workshare::Exception const& e)
      return AtlReportError(__uuidof(this),e.Message, __uuidof(IMailPropertyMap), e.ErrorCode);
      return AtlReportError(__uuidof(this),L"Unexpected Error", __uuidof(IMailPropertyMap), ProcessUnhandledException());      
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int voteUnvotedSIVN( VRR* it, const StoredIndexVoteNode* votes, NameIndexEntry* cur ) {
	int i;
	int unvoted = 1;
	for ( i = 0; i < votes->numVotes; i++ ) {
		if ( votes->vote[i].index == cur->index ) {
			unvoted = 0;
	if ( unvoted ) {
		// All names not voted assumed to rate -0, lose to names with >= 0 ratings and beat < 0 ratings.
		int j;
		if ( debug ) {
			printf("unvoted %d \"%s\"\n", cur->index, indexName( it->ni, cur->index ) );
		for ( j = 0; j < votes->numVotes; j++ ) {
			if ( votes->vote[j].rating >= 0 ) {
				incxy( votes->vote[j].index, cur->index );
			} else {
				incxy( cur->index, votes->vote[j].index );
	i = 0;
	if ( cur->lt != NULL ) {
		i |= voteUnvotedSIVN( it, votes, cur->lt );
	if ( cur->gt != NULL ) {
		i |= voteUnvotedSIVN( it, votes, cur->gt );
	return i;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /* delete this index.  does NOT clean up the system catalog
       (system.indexes or system.namespaces) -- only NamespaceIndex.
    void IndexDetails::kill_idx() {
        string ns = indexNamespace(); // e.g. foo.coll.$ts_1
        try {

            string pns = parentNS(); // note we need a copy, as parentNS() won't work after the drop() below

            // clean up parent namespace index cache
            NamespaceDetailsTransient::get_w( pns.c_str() ).deletedIndex();

            string name = indexName();

            /* important to catch exception here so we can finish cleanup below. */
            try {
            catch(DBException& ) {
                log(2) << "IndexDetails::kill(): couldn't drop ns " << ns << endl;

            // clean up in system.indexes.  we do this last on purpose.
            int n = removeFromSysIndexes(pns.c_str(), name.c_str());
            wassert( n == 1 );

        catch ( DBException &e ) {
            log() << "exception in kill_idx: " << e << ", ns: " << ns << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void IndexDetails::kill_idx() {
        const string ns = indexNamespace();
        const string parentns = parentNS();


        // Removing this index's ns from the system.indexes/namespaces catalog.
        if (nsToCollectionSubstring(parentns) != "system.indexes") {
            removeFromSysIndexes(parentns, indexName());
Ejemplo n.º 6
void VRR_makeWinners( VRR* it, int* defeatCount ) {
	int i;
	if ( it->winners != NULL ) {
		free( it->winners );
		it->winners = NULL;
	it->winners = (NameVote*)malloc( sizeof(NameVote)*it->numc );
	assert( it->winners != NULL );
	for ( i = 0; i < it->numc; i++ ) {
		it->winners[i].name = indexName( it->ni, i );
		it->winners[i].rating = 0.0 - defeatCount[i];
	sortNameVotes( it->winners, it->numc );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Stack::Init(){
    title = name;
    name = indexName(name);

    frame = NULL;
    can = NULL;
    leg = new TLegend(0.7, 0.8, 1, 1);
    leg -> SetFillColor(0);
    leg -> SetLineColor(0);
    _displayLegend = true;
    labelSizeX = 0;
    labelSizeY = 0;
    verbose = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void Stack::draw1D(){
    if( debug > 0 ) std::cout << "Stack::draw1D()" << std::endl;
    int nHisto = vec.size();
    int Ngraph = vecGraph.size();
    if( frame == NULL ){

        float *binX = normalBinning(100, limitsX.first, limitsX.second);
        float *binY;
        if(limitsY.first >= 0 && (limitsY.second - limitsY.first) > 1e3){
            if(limitsY.first == 0) limitsY.first = 0.8;
            binY = logarithmicBinning(100, limitsY.first, limitsY.second + topMarginFactor * (limitsY.second - limitsY.first) );
        else binY = normalBinning(100, limitsY.first, limitsY.second + topMarginFactor * (limitsY.second - limitsY.first) );

        frame = new TH2F( indexName("frame").c_str(), title.c_str(),100, binX, 100, binY);
        frame -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle( titleX.c_str() );
        frame -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle( titleY.c_str() );

    can -> cd( );
    frame -> Draw();
    for(int i = 0;i<nHisto;i++){
        vec[i] -> SetLineColor( getColor(i) );
        vec[i] -> SetLineWidth(2);
        if( nHisto == 1 ) vec[i] -> SetFillColor(18);
        drawingOption[ vec[i] ] += "same";
        vec[i] -> Draw( drawingOption[ vec[i] ].c_str() );

    // Add all graphs on the plot
    for(int i = nHisto;i<Ngraph+nHisto;i++) drawGraph( vecGraph[i-nHisto], i );

    int Nlines = vecLine.size();
    for(int i = nHisto + Ngraph;i<Ngraph+nHisto+Nlines;i++){
        drawLine( vecLine[i-(nHisto+Ngraph)] );
        vecLine[i-(nHisto+Ngraph)] -> SetLineColor( getColor(i) );

    int NTF1 = vecTF1.size();
    for(int i = 0; i<NTF1;i++){
        vecTF1[i] -> SetLineColor( getColor(i+Ngraph+nHisto+Nlines) );
        vecTF1[i] -> Draw("same");
Ejemplo n.º 9
void Stack::setFrame( float infX, float supX, float infY, float supY ){
    if(frame) delete frame;

    if( supX < infX ){
        std::cerr << "WARNING: borne sup X cannot be smaller than borne inf X" << std::endl;

    if( supY < infY ){
        std::cerr << "WARNING: borne sup Y cannot be smaller than borne inf Y" << std::endl;
    std::string theName = indexName("frame");
    frame = new TH2F(theName.c_str(), title.c_str(),10000, infX, supX, 10000, infY, supY);
    frame -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle( titleX.c_str() );
    frame -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle( titleY.c_str() );
Ejemplo n.º 10
static int enumerateNChoseKNameIndexHelper(
    NameIndex* in, int numChoices, int votePos, int* slatei,
    int depth, int depthLimit, int start, struct strbuf* b, NameIndex* out ) {
    while ( start < numChoices ) {
        slatei[depth] = start;
        if ( depth == depthLimit ) {
            int j;
            int seats = depthLimit + 1;  // this is true. depthLimit passed to optimize more frequent test above.
            int newnamelen = 0;
            int newindex;
            // Add up the rating for everything in the in-vote that is in this slate permutation.
            for ( j = 0; j < seats; ++j ) {
                const char* jname = indexName(in, slatei[j]);
                int jlen = strlen(jname);
                if ((newnamelen + jlen + 2) > b->len) {
                    b->len = newnamelen + jlen + 512;
                    b->buf = (char*)realloc(b->buf, b->len);
                strcpy(b->buf + newnamelen, jname);
                newnamelen += jlen;
                b->buf[newnamelen] = ',';
            b->buf[newnamelen] = '\0';
            newindex = nameIndex( out, b->buf );
            assert(newindex == votePos);
        } else {
            votePos = enumerateNChoseKNameIndexHelper( in, numChoices, votePos, slatei, depth + 1, depthLimit, start + 1, b, out );
    return votePos;
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Constructor for the Index class. The arguments passed in are 
//     'name' -- file name of the relation
//     'offset', 'length', 'type' -- describing the attribute indexed
//     'unique' -- flag for enforcing uniquess of the entries
Index::Index(const string& name, 
	     const int offset, 
	     const int length, 
	     const Datatype type, 
	     const int unique, 
	     Status& status)
  Page* pagePtr;
  file = 0;

  // For this assignment turn off hash indices on strings
  if (type == STRING ) 
     status = NOCHARIDX;
  if(name.empty()) {
    status = BADFILE;
  if (offset < 0 || length < 1) {
    status = BADINDEXPARM;

  if (type != STRING && type != INTEGER && type != DOUBLE){
    status = BADINDEXPARM;
  if ((type == INTEGER && length != sizeof(int)) || 
      (type == DOUBLE && length != sizeof(double))) {
    status = BADINDEXPARM;

  curBuc = NULL;

  recSize = length + sizeof(RID);     // size of the index entry
  numSlots = (PAGESIZE - 2*sizeof(short)) / recSize;   // # entries on a page

  status = OK;

  // get name of the index file by concatenating relation name and
  // the offset of the attribute

  ostringstream outputString;
  outputString << name << '.' << offset << ends;
  string indexName(outputString.str());

  // The constructor runs in two cases. In the first case, an index 
  // doesn't exist as detected by db.openFile. The relation file 
  // should be scanned and each tuple is inserted to the index. In
  // the second case, an index already exists. Only the headerPage
  // needs to read in and pinned down in the buffer pool.

  file = 0;
  status = db.openFile(indexName, file);
  if (status != OK) { // index doesn't exit. Create it

    status = db.createFile(indexName);
    if (status != OK)

    // open the file
    status = db.openFile(indexName, file);
    if (status != OK)

    // allocate and initialize the header page
    status = bufMgr->allocPage(file, headerPageNo, (Page*&)headerPage);
    if (status != OK)
    strcpy(headerPage->fileName, name.c_str());

    headerPage->offset = offset;
    headerPage->length = length;
    headerPage->type = type;
    headerPage->depth = 0;
    headerPage->unique = unique;
    dirSize = 1;

    // allocate and initialize the first bucket pointed by dir[0]
    int pageNo;
    Bucket* bucket;
    status = bufMgr->allocPage(file, pageNo, (Page*&)bucket);
    if (status != OK)
    bucket->depth = 0;
    bucket->slotCnt = 0;
    headerPage->dir[0] = pageNo;

    status = bufMgr->unPinPage(file, pageNo, true);
    if (status != OK)

    // build index by scanning the relation file and inserting every
    // tuple
    HeapFileScan heapFileScan(name, offset, length, type, NULL, EQ, status);

    if (status != OK)

    Record rec;
    RID   rid;

    while(1) {
      status = heapFileScan.scanNext(rid);
      if (status == FILEEOF)
	  status = OK;
      status = heapFileScan.getRecord(rid, rec);
      if (status != OK)
      status = insertEntry((char *)rec.data + offset, rid);
      if (status != OK)
  else  { // file already exists.  get header page into the buffer pool

    status = file->getFirstPage(headerPageNo);
    if (status != OK) 
	cerr << "fetch of first page failed\n";
    status = bufMgr->readPage(file, headerPageNo, pagePtr);
    if (status != OK) 
	cerr << "read of first page failed\n";
    headerPage = (iHeaderPage*) pagePtr;
    dirSize = (int)pow(2.0, headerPage->depth);
Ejemplo n.º 12
	const char *Operand::string() const
		static char string[256];

			return 0;
		else if(isImm(type))
				return reference;
				if(value <= 127 && value >= -128)
					snprintf(string, 255, "0x%0.2X", value & 0xFF);
				else if(value <= 32767 && value -32768)
					snprintf(string, 255, "0x%0.4X", value & 0xFFFF);
					snprintf(string, 255, "0x%0.8X", value);
		else if(isReg(type))
			return regName();
		else if(isMem(type))
			case OPERAND_MEM8:
				snprintf(string, 255, "byte ptr [");
			case OPERAND_MEM16:
				snprintf(string, 255, "word ptr [");
			case OPERAND_MEM32:
				snprintf(string, 255, "dword ptr [");
			case OPERAND_MEM64:
				snprintf(string, 255, "qword ptr [");
			case OPERAND_MEM128:
				snprintf(string, 255, "xmmword ptr [");
			case OPERAND_MEM:
				snprintf(string, 255, "byte ptr [");

			if(baseReg != Encoding::REG_UNKNOWN)
				snprintf(string, 255, "%s%s", string, regName());

				if(indexReg != Encoding::REG_UNKNOWN)
					snprintf(string, 255, "%s+", string);

			if(indexReg != Encoding::REG_UNKNOWN)
				snprintf(string, 255, "%s%s", string, indexName());

			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
				snprintf(string, 255, "%s*2", string);
			case 4:
				snprintf(string, 255, "%s*4", string);
			case 8:
				snprintf(string, 255, "%s*8", string);

				if(baseReg != Encoding::REG_UNKNOWN ||
				   indexReg != Encoding::REG_UNKNOWN)
					snprintf(string, 255, "%s+", string);

					snprintf(string, 255, "%s%s", string, reference);
					if(displacement <= 32767 && displacement >= -32768)
						snprintf(string, 255, "%s%d", string, displacement);
						snprintf(string, 255, "%s0x%0.8X", string, displacement);

			snprintf(string, 255, "%s]", string);

		return strlwr(string);
Ejemplo n.º 13
// http://wiki.electorama.com/wiki/Ranked_Pairs
int VRR_RankedPairs( VRR* it, int winnersLength, NameVote** winnersP, int* defeatCount ) {
	pair* ranks;
	int numc = it->numc;
	int i, j;
	int x = 0;

	ranks = (pair*)malloc( sizeof(pair) * ((numc * numc) / 2) );
	for ( i = 0; i < numc; ++i ) {
		for ( j = i + 1; j < numc; ++j ) {
			int ij, ji;
			ij = xy(i,j);
			ji = xy(j,i);
			if ( ij > ji ) {
				ranks[x].i = i;
				ranks[x].j = j;
				ranks[x].Vij = ij;
				ranks[x].Vji = ji;
				ranks[x].active = 1;
			} else if ( ji > ij ) {
				ranks[x].i = j;
				ranks[x].j = i;
				ranks[x].Vij = ji;
				ranks[x].Vji = ij;
				ranks[x].active = 1;
			} else {
				// tie policy?
	qsort(ranks, x, sizeof(pair), pair_cmp_qsort);
	if ( verbose ) {
		for ( i = 0; i < x; ++i ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%3d > %3d (%5d > %5d)\n", ranks[i].i, ranks[i].j, ranks[i].Vij, ranks[i].Vji);
	if ( it->explain != NULL ) {
		fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "<p>Initial pair rankings:</p><table border=\"0\">\n" );
		for ( i = 0; i < x; ++i ) {
			fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "<tr><td>%s</td><td>&gt;</td><td>%s</td><td>(%d > %d)</td></tr>\n",
					indexName(it->ni, ranks[i].i), indexName(it->ni, ranks[i].j), ranks[i].Vij, ranks[i].Vji);
		fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "</table>\n<p>");
	i = 1;
	while ( i < x ) {
		int equivalenceLimit = i;
		while ( (equivalenceLimit + 1) < x ) {
			if (pair_cmp(ranks + equivalenceLimit, ranks + (equivalenceLimit + 1))) {
		if ( findPath(ranks, equivalenceLimit, ranks[i].j, ranks[i].i, NULL) ) {
			// drop this link as there is a pre-existing reverse path
			if ( verbose ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "DROP: %3d > %3d (%5d > %5d)\n", ranks[i].i, ranks[i].j, ranks[i].Vij, ranks[i].Vji);
			if ( it->explain != NULL ) {
				fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "DROP: %s > %s (%d > %d)<br />\n",
						indexName(it->ni, ranks[i].i), indexName(it->ni, ranks[i].j), ranks[i].Vij, ranks[i].Vji);
			ranks[i].active = 0;
	if ( it->explain != NULL ) {
		fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "</p><p>Final pair rankings:</p><table border=\"0\">\n" );
		for ( i = 0; i < x; ++i ) {
			fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "<tr%s><td>%s</td><td>&gt;</td><td>%s</td><td>(%d > %d)</td></tr>\n",
					(ranks[i].active ? "" : " style=\"color: #999999\""),
					indexName(it->ni, ranks[i].i), indexName(it->ni, ranks[i].j), ranks[i].Vij, ranks[i].Vji);
		fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "</table>\n");
	for ( i = 0; i < numc; ++i ) {
		defeatCount[i] = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < x; ++i ) {
		if ( ranks[i].active ) {
	VRR_makeWinners( it, defeatCount );
	free( defeatCount );
	return VRR_returnWinners( it, winnersLength, winnersP );
Ejemplo n.º 14
// I believe this correctly implements Cloneproof Schwartz Set Dropping, aka
// the Schulze method.
// http://wiki.electorama.com/wiki/Schulze_method
static int VRR_CSSD( VRR* it, int winnersLength, NameVote** winnersP, int* defeatCount ) {
	int numc = it->numc;
	int i, j;
	int* tally;
	int* ss;
	minij* mins;
	int numWinners;
	int mind; // minimum defeat, index and strength
	int tie = 0;

	if ( debug ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"pre cssd defeat count:");
		for ( i = 0; i < numc; i++ ) {
			fprintf(stderr," %d", defeatCount[i] );

	tally = malloc( sizeof(int)*numc*numc );
	assert( tally != NULL );
	ss = malloc( sizeof(int)*numc );
	assert( ss != NULL );
	mins = malloc( sizeof(minij)*numc );
	assert( mins != NULL );
	// Copy original VRR tally into local tally where defeats can be deleted.
	for ( i = 0; i < numc; i++ ) {
		for ( j = 0; j < numc; j++ ) {
			if ( i != j ) {
				tally[i*numc+j] = xy(i,j);
			} else {
				//tally[i*numc+j] = -1; // i==j should never be accessed
	numWinners = getSchwartzSet( it, tally, defeatCount, ss );
	while ( 1 ) {
		int ji, ki;
		mind = INT_MAX;
		tie = 0;
		if ( it->explain != NULL ) {
			assert(numWinners > 0);
			fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "<p>Top choices: %s", indexName(it->ni, ss[0]));
			for ( i = 1; i < numWinners; ++i ) {
				fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, ", %s", indexName(it->ni, ss[i]) );
			fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "</p>");
		if ( debug ) {
			fprintf(stderr,"ss (%d):", numWinners );
			for ( i = 0; i < numWinners; i++ ) {
				fprintf(stderr," %d", ss[i] );
		// find weakest defeat between members of schwartz set
		for ( ji = 0; ji < numWinners - 1; ji++ ) {
			j = ss[ji];
			for ( ki = ji + 1; ki < numWinners; ki++ ) {
				int k;
				int vj, vk;
				int ihi, ilo;
				int vhi, vlo;
				int m;

				k = ss[ki];
				vk = tally[k*numc + j];	// k beat j vk times // OR k prefered to j vk times
				vj = tally[j*numc + k];	// j beat k vj times // OR j prefered to k vj times
				if ((vk == -1) && (vj == -1)) {
				if ( vk > vj ) {
					ihi = k;
					ilo = j;
					vhi = vk;
					vlo = vj;
				} else /*if ( vj > vk )*/ {
					// A tie is indeed a weak defeat, probably the weakest, and
					// it doesn't matter in which direction it is considered for deletion.
					ihi = j;
					ilo = k;
					vhi = vj;
					vlo = vk;
				if ( winningVotes ) {
					m = vhi;
				} else if ( margins ) {
					m = vhi - vlo;
				} else {
				if ( m < mind ) {
					tie = 1;
					mind = m;
					mins[0].ihi = ihi;
					mins[0].ilo = ilo;
				} else if ( m == mind ) {
					mins[tie].ihi = ihi;
					mins[tie].ilo = ilo;
		if ( tie == 0 ) {
			if ( debug ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "tie = 0, no weakest defeat found to cancel\n");
			goto finish;
		// all are tied
		if ( tie == numWinners) {
			if ( debug ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "tie==numWinners==%d, mind=%d\n", tie, mind);
			goto finish;
		for ( i = 0; i < tie; ++i ) {
			int mindk = mins[i].ihi;
			int mindj = mins[i].ilo;
			if ( it->explain != NULL ) {
				fprintf((FILE*)it->explain, "<p>Weakest defeat is %s (%d) v %s (%d). %s has one fewer defeat.</p>\n",
						indexName(it->ni, mindk), tally[mindk*numc + mindj],
						indexName(it->ni, mindj), tally[mindj*numc + mindk],
						indexName(it->ni, mindj)
			tally[mindk*numc + mindj] = -1;
			tally[mindj*numc + mindk] = -1;
		numWinners = getSchwartzSet( it, tally, defeatCount, ss );
		if ( numWinners == 1 ) {
			goto finish;
		if ( debug ) {
			assert(numWinners > 0);
			fprintf(stderr, "ss={ %d", ss[0] );
			for ( j = 1; j < numWinners; j++ ) {
				fprintf(stderr, ", %d", ss[j] );
			fprintf(stderr, " }\n");
	free( mins );
	free( ss );
	free( tally );
	VRR_makeWinners( it, defeatCount );
	free( defeatCount );
	return VRR_returnWinners( it, winnersLength, winnersP );
Ejemplo n.º 15
int IRNR::getWinners( int numVotes, NameVote** votes ) {
	int numActive = numNames();
	assert(votes != NULL);
	if ((numVotes == 0) || (*votes == NULL)) {
		*votes = new NameVote[numActive];
		numVotes = numActive;
	if ( tally != NULL ) {
		delete tally;
	tally = new double[numNames()];
	bool* active = new bool[numNames()];
	int i;
	int toret = -1;
	for ( i = 0; i < numNames(); i++ ) {
		active[i] = true;
	while ( numActive > 1 ) {
		// init tally and count it
		for ( i = 0; i < numNames(); i++ ) {
			tally[i] = 0.0;
			StoredIndexVoteNode* cur;
			cur = storedVotes;
			while ( cur != NULL ) {
				double sum;
				sum = 0.0;
				for ( i = 0; i < cur->numVotes; i++ ) {
					if ( active[cur->vote[i].index] ) {
						sum += fabs( cur->vote[i].rating );
				if ( sum > 0.0 ) {
					// many multiplies are faster, specially if there's a madd
					sum = 1.0 / sum;
					for ( i = 0; i < cur->numVotes; i++ ) {
						if ( active[cur->vote[i].index] ) {
							tally[cur->vote[i].index] += cur->vote[i].rating * sum;
				cur = cur->next;
#if 0
		for ( i = 0; i < numNames(); i++ ) {
			printf("\t\"%s\" = %g\n", indexName( i ), tally[i] );
		// disqualify loser(s)
			double min;
			int tied;
			for ( i = 0; ! active[i]; i++ ) {
			min = tally[i];
			tied = 1;
			for ( ; i < numNames(); i++ ) {
				if ( ! active[i] ) {
					// skip
				} else if ( tally[i] < min ) {
					min = tally[i];
					tied = 1;
				} else if ( tally[i] == min ) {
			if ( tied == numActive ) {
				// last N are tied, return them all
			for ( i = 0; i < numNames(); i++ ) {
				if ( tally[i] == min ) {
					//printf("disqualify \"%s\" with %g\n", indexName( i ), tally[i] );
					active[i] = false;
					if ( numActive < numVotes ) {
						(*votes)[numActive].name = indexName( i );
						(*votes)[numActive].rating = tally[i];
	toret = numActive;
	for ( i = 0; i < numNames(); i++ ) {
		if ( active[i] == true ) {
			if ( numActive < numVotes ) {
				(*votes)[numActive].name = indexName( i );
				(*votes)[numActive].rating = tally[i];
	delete [] active;
	return toret;