Ejemplo n.º 1
int PART_run_part(MDS_gen_strct*  mds_gen_strct, MBSdataStruct* MBSdata, PART_gen_strct*  part_gen_strct)

	int i; 
	int err, nbiter;
	int* ind_c = NULL;
	int* ind_u_des = NULL; 

	LocalDataStruct *lds; //change it !

	if(MBSdata->Ncons == 0) // change it !
			printf(">>PART>> no coordinate partitioning required for this system !\n");
		MBSdata->DonePart = 1;
		return MBSdata->DonePart;
		printf(">>PART>> PART_run start\n");

	// sort qu and qc

	ind_c = get_int_vec(mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qc);
	ind_u_des = get_int_vec(mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qu);

	sort_int_vec(mds_gen_strct->bodytree->qc, ind_c, mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qc);
	sort_int_vec(mds_gen_strct->bodytree->qu, ind_u_des, mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qu);

	// call user_drivenJoints

	user_DrivenJoints(MBSdata, MBSdata->tsim);
	for ( i=0; i<100; i++)
	print_int_vec(mds_gen_strct->bodytree->qu, s->nqu);
	print_int_vec(ind_u_des, s->nqu);

	//  First partitioning

	if (part_gen_strct->options->verbose)
		printf(">>PART>> ***** Coordinate partitioning *****\n");
	PART_coord_part(mds_gen_strct, MBSdata, part_gen_strct, ind_u_des, mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qu, ind_c, mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qc, 1, &err); // d'abord on cherche un choix valable

	if( err == -1)
		printf(">>PART>> ***** mbs_run_part : Coordinate partitioning interrupted : *****\n");
		//myproject_part = MBS_part;
		MBSdata->DonePart = 0; 
		return MBSdata->DonePart;

	//  Fermeture
	if (part_gen_strct->options->verbose)
		printf(">>PART>> ***** Geometrical Constraint solution *****\n");

	lds = initLocalDataStruct(MBSdata);
	nbiter = mbs_close_geo(MBSdata, lds); // on essaie de fermer
	freeLocalDataStruct(lds, MBSdata);
	if (nbiter == -1)
		printf(">>PART>> ***** mbs_run_part : impossible to close the MBS : *****\n");
		printf(">>PART>>    -> try with other desired independent variables u\n");
		printf(">>PART>>    and/or\n");
		printf(">>PART>>    -> try with other initial values for q (u, v)\n");
		printf(">>PART>>    -> ... but have a look at the proposed {u,v} partition\n");
		if (part_gen_strct->options->verbose)
		printf("***** Constaints solved after %d iterations *****\n", nbiter);
		copy_double_vec(MBSdata->q, part_gen_strct->q_closed ,mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_joint);

	// Second partitioning sur la structure fermée (peaufinement éventuel toujours sur base des ind_u_des)

		PART_coord_part(mds_gen_strct, MBSdata, part_gen_strct, ind_u_des, mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qu, ind_c, mds_gen_strct->bodytree->n_qc, 0, &err);
		if (err == -1)   // peu probable mais à envisager ...
			printf(">>PART>> ***** mbs_run_part : Second coordinate partitioning interrupted : *****\n");
			//myproject_part = MBS_part;
			MBSdata->DonePart = 0; 
			return MBSdata->DonePart;
		MBSdata->DonePart = 1;  

	// Stockage des résultats dans la structure part_gen_strct et s//tockage
	part_gen_strct.nu = length(ind_u);
	part_gen_strct.ind_u = ind_u;
	part_gen_strct.nv = length(ind_v);
	part_gen_strct.ind_v = ind_v;
	part_gen_strct.nhu = length(ind_hu); // JFC : 15/01/2008 : ajout
	part_gen_strct.hu = ind_hu;
	part_gen_strct.nhv =  length(ind_hv); // PF : 09/04/2009 : ajout
	part_gen_strct.hv = ind_hv;

	// Affectation global=>Workspace

	//myproject_part = MBS_part;

	if (1)
		MBSdata->nqu = part_gen_strct->n_qu;
		for(i=0; i<part_gen_strct->n_qu; i++)
			MBSdata->qu[i+1] = part_gen_strct->ind_qu[i] +1;
		MBSdata->nqv = part_gen_strct->n_qv;
		for(i=0; i<part_gen_strct->n_qv; i++)
			MBSdata->qv[i+1] = part_gen_strct->ind_qv[i] +1;
		MBSdata->nhu = part_gen_strct->n_hu;
		for(i=0; i<part_gen_strct->n_hu; i++)
			MBSdata->hu[i+1] = part_gen_strct->ind_hu[i] +1;
		/*MBSdata->nhv = part_gen_strct->n_hv;
		for(i=0; i<part_gen_strct->n_hv; i++)
			MBSdata->hv[i+1] = part_gen_strct->ind_hv[i] +1;

	if (part_gen_strct->options->verbose)
	printf(">>PART>> ***** mbs_run_part end *****\n");

	return MBSdata->DonePart;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Simulation initialization
Loop_inputs* init_simulation()
	// -- Variables declaration -- //
	int i;
	int model_state_size;

    double *ystart;

	MBSdataStruct *MBSdata   = NULL;
	LocalDataStruct *lds     = NULL;
	Loop_inputs *loop_inputs = NULL;

	#if defined(JNI) & defined (REAL_TIME)
	JNI_struct* jni_struct = NULL;

	Write_files *write_files;

	#ifdef YARP
    void* RobotranYarp_interface = NULL;

	struct timeval seed_time;

	// -- Seed for random -- //

	gettimeofday(&seed_time, NULL);
	srand(seed_time.tv_usec * seed_time.tv_sec);
    // -- Variables initialization -- //

    MBSdata = loadMBSdata_xml(MBS_FILE);

	if(MBSdata == NULL)
        printf("error while loading MBSdata \n");
        printf("MBSdata successfully loaded \n");

    // LocalDataStruct initialization

    #if !defined ACCELRED
    lds = initLocalDataStruct(MBSdata);
    lds = NULL;

	if(lds == NULL)
	    printf("error while initializing LocalDataStruct\n");
	    printf("LocalDataStruct successfully initialized\n");

	// Yarp Initialization
	#ifdef YARP
    RobotranYarp_interface = yarp_init();
    if(RobotranYarp_interface == NULL)
        printf("******************\nSomething went wrong during YARP initialization... what to do here?\n******************\n");

	// Model initialization
	if(user_initialization(MBSdata, lds))
	    printf("error in user_initialization\n");
	    printf("Model successfully initialized\n");

	// Integrator parameters initialization
	model_state_size = 2*MBSdata->nqu + MBSdata->Nux;

	printf("model_state_size: %d\n", model_state_size);

	ystart = dvector(1,model_state_size);

	write_files = init_write_files(NB_SIMU_STEPS, MBSdata->njoint);

    // Simulation state initialization
	for(i=1; i<=MBSdata->nqu; i++)
		ystart[i]              = MBSdata->q[MBSdata->qu[i]];
		ystart[i+MBSdata->nqu] = MBSdata->qd[MBSdata->qu[i]];

	for(i=1; i<=MBSdata->Nux; i++)
	    ystart[i+2*MBSdata->nqu] = MBSdata->ux[i];

	// JNI visualization
	#if defined(JNI) & defined (REAL_TIME)
	jni_struct = init_jni(MBSdata);

    // initialize the inputs of the simulation loop
    loop_inputs = (Loop_inputs*) malloc(sizeof(Loop_inputs));

    // absolute initial time of the simulation
    time_get(&(loop_inputs->init_t_sec), &(loop_inputs->init_t_usec));

    loop_inputs->nvar    = model_state_size;
    loop_inputs->nstep   = NB_SIMU_STEPS;
    loop_inputs->x1      = TSIM_INIT;
    loop_inputs->x2      = TSIM_END;
    loop_inputs->ystart  = ystart;
    loop_inputs->lds     = lds;
    loop_inputs->MBSdata = MBSdata;

    #ifdef WRITE_FILES
    loop_inputs->write_files = write_files;

    // Real-time constraiints
    #ifdef REAL_TIME
    loop_inputs->real_time = init_real_time(loop_inputs->init_t_sec, loop_inputs->init_t_usec);

    // SDL window
    #if defined(SDL) & defined (REAL_TIME)	
	loop_inputs->screen_sdl = configure_screen_sdl(loop_inputs->init_t_sec, loop_inputs->init_t_usec);

	#if defined(JNI) & defined (REAL_TIME)
    loop_inputs->jni_struct = jni_struct;
    update_jni(loop_inputs->jni_struct, MBSdata, loop_inputs->real_time, MBSdata->q+1);

    #ifdef YARP
    loop_inputs->RobotranYarp_interface = RobotranYarp_interface;

    // Running model integration
    #ifdef PRINT_REPORT
    printf("Running integration of the model...\n");

    return loop_inputs;