Ejemplo n.º 1
	MyDateTime::MyDateTime(std::string tz, std::string & fmt , std::string & str ): 
		_ldt(boost::local_time::not_a_date_time, boost::shared_ptr<boost::local_time::posix_time_zone> (new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone(tz)) ) 
		setFormatedtime(fmt, str);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	MyDateTime::MyDateTime(std::string tz, std::time_t & t):
		boost::shared_ptr<boost::local_time::posix_time_zone> (new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone(tz)) )
Ejemplo n.º 3

uint8_t W5100Class::init(void)
	static bool initialized = false;
	uint8_t i;

	if (initialized) return 1;

	// Many Ethernet shields have a CAT811 or similar reset chip
	// connected to W5100 or W5200 chips.  The W5200 will not work at
	// all, and may even drive its MISO pin, until given an active low
	// reset pulse!  The CAT811 has a 240 ms typical pulse length, and
	// a 400 ms worst case maximum pulse length.  MAX811 has a worst
	// case maximum 560 ms pulse length.  This delay is meant to wait
	// until the reset pulse is ended.  If your hardware has a shorter
	// reset time, this can be edited or removed.
	//Serial.println("w5100 init");


	// Attempt W5200 detection first, because W5200 does not properly
	// reset its SPI state when CS goes high (inactive).  Communication
	// from detecting the other chips can leave the W5200 in a state
	// where it won't recover, unless given a reset pulse.
	if (isW5200()) {
		CH_BASE_MSB = 0x40;
#if MAX_SOCK_NUM <= 1
		SSIZE = 16384;
#elif MAX_SOCK_NUM <= 2
		SSIZE = 8192;
#elif MAX_SOCK_NUM <= 4
		SSIZE = 4096;
		SSIZE = 2048;
		SMASK = SSIZE - 1;
		for (i=0; i<MAX_SOCK_NUM; i++) {
			writeSnRX_SIZE(i, SSIZE >> 10);
			writeSnTX_SIZE(i, SSIZE >> 10);
		for (; i<8; i++) {
			writeSnRX_SIZE(i, 0);
			writeSnTX_SIZE(i, 0);
	// Try W5500 next.  Wiznet finally seems to have implemented
	// SPI well with this chip.  It appears to be very resilient,
	// so try it after the fragile W5200
	} else if (isW5500()) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
uint8_t W5100Class::init(void)
  uint8_t i;

  //Serial.println("w5100 init");

  SPIFIFO.begin(W5200_SS_PIN, SPI_CLOCK_12MHz);  // W5100 is 14 MHz max
  if (isW5100()) {
    CH_BASE = 0x0400;
    SSIZE = 2048;
    SMASK = 0x07FF;
    TXBUF_BASE = 0x4000;
    RXBUF_BASE = 0x6000;

  } else if (isW5200()) {
    //SPIFIFO.begin(W5200_SS_PIN, SPI_CLOCK_24MHz);  // W5200 is 33 MHz max
    CH_BASE = 0x4000;
    SSIZE = 4096;
    SMASK = 0x0FFF;
    TXBUF_BASE = 0x8000;
    RXBUF_BASE = 0xC000;
    for (i=0; i<MAX_SOCK_NUM; i++) {
      writeSnRX_SIZE(i, SSIZE >> 10);
      writeSnTX_SIZE(i, SSIZE >> 10);
    for (; i<8; i++) {
      writeSnRX_SIZE(i, 0);
      writeSnTX_SIZE(i, 0);

  } else {
BlockLocalPositionEstimator::BlockLocalPositionEstimator() :
	// this block has no parent, and has name LPE
	SuperBlock(nullptr, "LPE"),
	// subscriptions, set rate, add to list
	_sub_armed(ORB_ID(actuator_armed), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_land(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_att(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// set flow max update rate higher than expected to we don't lose packets
	_sub_flow(ORB_ID(optical_flow), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// main prediction loop, 100 hz
	_sub_sensor(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// status updates 2 hz
	_sub_param_update(ORB_ID(parameter_update), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// gps 10 hz
	_sub_gps(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// vision 50 hz
	_sub_vision_pos(ORB_ID(vehicle_vision_position), 1000 / 50, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// mocap 50 hz
	_sub_mocap(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap), 1000 / 50, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// all distance sensors, 10 hz
	_sub_dist0(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist1(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 1, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist2(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 2, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist3(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 3, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_landing_target_pose(ORB_ID(landing_target_pose), 1000 / 40, 0, &getSubscriptions()),

	// publications
	_pub_lpos(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_gpos(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_est_status(ORB_ID(estimator_status), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_innov(ORB_ID(ekf2_innovations), -1, &getPublications()),

	// map projection

	// block parameters
	_fusion(this, "FUSION"),
	_vxy_pub_thresh(this, "VXY_PUB"),
	_z_pub_thresh(this, "Z_PUB"),
	_sonar_z_stddev(this, "SNR_Z"),
	_sonar_z_offset(this, "SNR_OFF_Z"),
	_lidar_z_stddev(this, "LDR_Z"),
	_lidar_z_offset(this, "LDR_OFF_Z"),
	_accel_xy_stddev(this, "ACC_XY"),
	_accel_z_stddev(this, "ACC_Z"),
	_baro_stddev(this, "BAR_Z"),
	_gps_delay(this, "GPS_DELAY"),
	_gps_xy_stddev(this, "GPS_XY"),
	_gps_z_stddev(this, "GPS_Z"),
	_gps_vxy_stddev(this, "GPS_VXY"),
	_gps_vz_stddev(this, "GPS_VZ"),
	_gps_eph_max(this, "EPH_MAX"),
	_gps_epv_max(this, "EPV_MAX"),
	_vision_xy_stddev(this, "VIS_XY"),
	_vision_z_stddev(this, "VIS_Z"),
	_vision_delay(this, "VIS_DELAY"),
	_mocap_p_stddev(this, "VIC_P"),
	_flow_z_offset(this, "FLW_OFF_Z"),
	_flow_scale(this, "FLW_SCALE"),
	//_flow_board_x_offs(NULL, "SENS_FLW_XOFF"),
	//_flow_board_y_offs(NULL, "SENS_FLW_YOFF"),
	_flow_min_q(this, "FLW_QMIN"),
	_flow_r(this, "FLW_R"),
	_flow_rr(this, "FLW_RR"),
	_land_z_stddev(this, "LAND_Z"),
	_land_vxy_stddev(this, "LAND_VXY"),
	_pn_p_noise_density(this, "PN_P"),
	_pn_v_noise_density(this, "PN_V"),
	_pn_b_noise_density(this, "PN_B"),
	_pn_t_noise_density(this, "PN_T"),
	_t_max_grade(this, "T_MAX_GRADE"),

	// landing target
	_target_min_cov(this, "LT_COV"),
	_target_mode(this, "LTEST_MODE", false),

	// init origin
	_fake_origin(this, "FAKE_ORIGIN"),
	_init_origin_lat(this, "LAT"),
	_init_origin_lon(this, "LON"),

	// flow gyro
	_flow_gyro_x_high_pass(this, "FGYRO_HP"),
	_flow_gyro_y_high_pass(this, "FGYRO_HP"),

	// stats
	_baroStats(this, ""),
	_sonarStats(this, ""),
	_lidarStats(this, ""),
	_flowQStats(this, ""),
	_visionStats(this, ""),
	_mocapStats(this, ""),
	_gpsStats(this, ""),

	// low pass
	_xLowPass(this, "X_LP"),
	// use same lp constant for agl
	_aglLowPass(this, "X_LP"),

	// delay
	_xDelay(this, ""),
	_tDelay(this, ""),

	// misc

	// reference altitudes

	// status

	// masks

	// sensor update flags
	// assign distance subs to array
	_dist_subs[0] = &_sub_dist0;
	_dist_subs[1] = &_sub_dist1;
	_dist_subs[2] = &_sub_dist2;
	_dist_subs[3] = &_sub_dist3;

	// setup event triggering based on new flow messages to integrate
	_polls[POLL_FLOW].fd = _sub_flow.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_FLOW].events = POLLIN;

	_polls[POLL_PARAM].fd = _sub_param_update.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_PARAM].events = POLLIN;

	_polls[POLL_SENSORS].fd = _sub_sensor.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_SENSORS].events = POLLIN;

	// initialize A, B,  P, x, u

	// map
	_map_ref.init_done = false;

	// intialize parameter dependent matrices

	// print fusion settings to console
	printf("[lpe] fuse gps: %d, flow: %d, vis_pos: %d, "
	       "landing_target: %d, land: %d, pub_agl_z: %d, flow_gyro: %d, "
	       "baro: %d\n",
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_GPS) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_FLOW) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_VIS_POS) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_LAND_TARGET) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_LAND) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_PUB_AGL_Z) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_FLOW_GYRO_COMP) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_BARO) != 0);
BlockLocalPositionEstimator::BlockLocalPositionEstimator() :
	// this block has no parent, and has name LPE
	SuperBlock(nullptr, "LPE"),
	// subscriptions, set rate, add to list
	_sub_armed(ORB_ID(actuator_armed), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_land(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_att(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// set flow max update rate higher than expected to we don't lose packets
	_sub_flow(ORB_ID(optical_flow), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// main prediction loop, 100 hz
	_sub_sensor(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// status updates 2 hz
	_sub_param_update(ORB_ID(parameter_update), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// gps 10 hz
	_sub_gps(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// vision 50 hz
	_sub_vision_pos(ORB_ID(vehicle_vision_position), 1000 / 50, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// mocap 50 hz
	_sub_mocap(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap), 1000 / 50, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// all distance sensors, 10 hz
	_sub_dist0(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist1(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 1, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist2(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 2, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist3(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 3, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_landing_target_pose(ORB_ID(landing_target_pose), 1000 / 40, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_airdata(ORB_ID(vehicle_air_data), 0, 0, &getSubscriptions()),

	// publications
	_pub_lpos(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_gpos(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_est_status(ORB_ID(estimator_status), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_innov(ORB_ID(ekf2_innovations), -1, &getPublications()),

	// map projection

	// flow gyro
	_flow_gyro_x_high_pass(this, "FGYRO_HP"),
	_flow_gyro_y_high_pass(this, "FGYRO_HP"),

	// stats
	_baroStats(this, ""),
	_sonarStats(this, ""),
	_lidarStats(this, ""),
	_flowQStats(this, ""),
	_visionStats(this, ""),
	_mocapStats(this, ""),
	_gpsStats(this, ""),

	// low pass
	_xLowPass(this, "X_LP"),
	// use same lp constant for agl
	_aglLowPass(this, "X_LP"),

	// delay
	_xDelay(this, ""),
	_tDelay(this, ""),

	// misc

	// reference altitudes

	// status

	// masks

	// sensor update flags
	// assign distance subs to array
	_dist_subs[0] = &_sub_dist0;
	_dist_subs[1] = &_sub_dist1;
	_dist_subs[2] = &_sub_dist2;
	_dist_subs[3] = &_sub_dist3;

	// setup event triggering based on new flow messages to integrate
	_polls[POLL_FLOW].fd = _sub_flow.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_FLOW].events = POLLIN;

	_polls[POLL_PARAM].fd = _sub_param_update.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_PARAM].events = POLLIN;

	_polls[POLL_SENSORS].fd = _sub_sensor.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_SENSORS].events = POLLIN;

	// initialize A, B,  P, x, u

	// map
	_map_ref.init_done = false;

	// print fusion settings to console
	printf("[lpe] fuse gps: %d, flow: %d, vis_pos: %d, "
	       "landing_target: %d, land: %d, pub_agl_z: %d, flow_gyro: %d, "
	       "baro: %d\n",
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_GPS) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_FLOW) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_VIS_POS) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_LAND_TARGET) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_LAND) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_PUB_AGL_Z) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_FLOW_GYRO_COMP) != 0,
	       (_fusion.get() & FUSE_BARO) != 0);
BlockLocalPositionEstimator::BlockLocalPositionEstimator() :
	// this block has no parent, and has name LPE
	SuperBlock(NULL, "LPE"),
	// subscriptions, set rate, add to list
	_sub_armed(ORB_ID(actuator_armed), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_att(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// flow 10 hz
	_sub_flow(ORB_ID(optical_flow), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// main prediction loop, 100 hz
	_sub_sensor(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), 1000 / 100, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// status updates 2 hz
	_sub_param_update(ORB_ID(parameter_update), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_manual(ORB_ID(manual_control_setpoint), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_home(ORB_ID(home_position), 1000 / 2, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// gps 10 hz
	_sub_gps(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// vision 5 hz
	_sub_vision_pos(ORB_ID(vision_position_estimate), 1000 / 5, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	// all distance sensors, 10 hz
	_sub_mocap(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist0(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 0, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist1(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 1, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist2(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 2, &getSubscriptions()),
	_sub_dist3(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), 1000 / 10, 3, &getSubscriptions()),

	// publications
	_pub_lpos(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_gpos(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), -1, &getPublications()),
	_pub_est_status(ORB_ID(estimator_status), -1, &getPublications()),

	// map projection

	// block parameters
	_xy_pub_thresh(this, "XY_PUB"),
	_z_pub_thresh(this, "Z_PUB"),
	_sonar_z_stddev(this, "SNR_Z"),
	_sonar_z_offset(this, "SNR_OFF_Z"),
	_lidar_z_stddev(this, "LDR_Z"),
	_lidar_z_offset(this, "LDR_OFF_Z"),
	_accel_xy_stddev(this, "ACC_XY"),
	_accel_z_stddev(this, "ACC_Z"),
	_baro_stddev(this, "BAR_Z"),
	_gps_on(this, "GPS_ON"),
	_gps_delay(this, "GPS_DELAY"),
	_gps_xy_stddev(this, "GPS_XY"),
	_gps_z_stddev(this, "GPS_Z"),
	_gps_vxy_stddev(this, "GPS_VXY"),
	_gps_vz_stddev(this, "GPS_VZ"),
	_gps_eph_max(this, "EPH_MAX"),
	_gps_epv_max(this, "EPV_MAX"),
	_vision_xy_stddev(this, "VIS_XY"),
	_vision_z_stddev(this, "VIS_Z"),
	_vision_on(this, "VIS_ON"),
	_mocap_p_stddev(this, "VIC_P"),
	_flow_z_offset(this, "FLW_OFF_Z"),
	_flow_xy_stddev(this, "FLW_XY"),
	//_flow_board_x_offs(NULL, "SENS_FLW_XOFF"),
	//_flow_board_y_offs(NULL, "SENS_FLW_YOFF"),
	_flow_min_q(this, "FLW_QMIN"),
	_pn_p_noise_density(this, "PN_P"),
	_pn_v_noise_density(this, "PN_V"),
	_pn_b_noise_density(this, "PN_B"),
	_pn_t_noise_density(this, "PN_T"),

	// init home
	_init_home_lat(this, "LAT"),
	_init_home_lon(this, "LON"),

	// flow gyro
	_flow_gyro_x_high_pass(this, "FGYRO_HP"),
	_flow_gyro_y_high_pass(this, "FGYRO_HP"),

	// stats
	_baroStats(this, ""),
	_sonarStats(this, ""),
	_lidarStats(this, ""),
	_flowQStats(this, ""),
	_visionStats(this, ""),
	_mocapStats(this, ""),
	_gpsStats(this, ""),

	// low pass
	_xLowPass(this, "X_LP"),

	// delay
	_xDelay(this, ""),
	_tDelay(this, ""),

	// misc

	// initialization flags

	// reference altitudes

	// flow integration

	// status

	// faults

	// loop performance

	// kf matrices
	_x(), _u(), _P()
	// assign distance subs to array
	_dist_subs[0] = &_sub_dist0;
	_dist_subs[1] = &_sub_dist1;
	_dist_subs[2] = &_sub_dist2;
	_dist_subs[3] = &_sub_dist3;

	// setup event triggering based on new flow messages to integrate
	_polls[POLL_FLOW].fd = _sub_flow.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_FLOW].events = POLLIN;

	_polls[POLL_PARAM].fd = _sub_param_update.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_PARAM].events = POLLIN;

	_polls[POLL_SENSORS].fd = _sub_sensor.getHandle();
	_polls[POLL_SENSORS].events = POLLIN;

	// initialize A, B,  P, x, u
	_flowX = 0;
	_flowY = 0;

	// perf counters
	_loop_perf = perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED,
	//_interval_perf = perf_alloc(PC_INTERVAL,
	_err_perf = perf_alloc(PC_COUNT, "local_position_estimator_err");

	// map
	_map_ref.init_done = false;

	// intialize parameter dependent matrices
Ejemplo n.º 9
MyDateTime::MyDateTime(std::string tz):
_ldt(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(), boost::shared_ptr<boost::local_time::posix_time_zone> (new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone(tz)) ) 