Ejemplo n.º 1
SteeringController::SteeringController(ros::NodeHandle* nodehandle):nh_(*nodehandle)
{ // constructor
    ROS_INFO("in class constructor of SteeringController");
    initializeSubscribers(); // package up the messy work of creating subscribers; do this overhead in constructor
    odom_phi_ = 1000.0; // put in impossible value for heading; test this value to make sure we have received a viable odom message
    ROS_INFO("waiting for valid odom message...");
    while (odom_phi_ > 500.0) {
        ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); // sleep for half a second
        std::cout << ".";
    ROS_INFO("constructor: got an odom message");    
    tfListener_ = new tf::TransformListener; 
    bool tferr=true;
    ROS_INFO("waiting for tf...");
    while (tferr) {
        try {
                //try to lookup transform from target frame "odom" to source frame "map"
            //The direction of the transform returned will be from the target_frame to the source_frame. 
             //Which if applied to data, will transform data in the source_frame into the target_frame. See tf/CoordinateFrameConventions#Transform_Direction
                tfListener_->lookupTransform("odom", "map", ros::Time(0), mapToOdom_);
            } catch(tf::TransformException &exception) {
                ROS_ERROR("%s", exception.what());
                ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); // sleep for half a second
    ROS_INFO("tf is good");
    // from now on, tfListener will keep track of transforms from map frame to target frame
    //initialize desired state, in case this is not yet being published adequately
    des_state_ = current_odom_;  // use the current odom state
    // but make sure the speed/spin commands are set to zero
    current_speed_des_ = 0.0;  // 
    current_omega_des_ = 0.0;    
    des_state_.twist.twist.linear.x = current_speed_des_; // but specified desired twist = 0.0
    des_state_.twist.twist.angular.z = current_omega_des_;
    des_state_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();   

    //initialize the twist command components, all to zero
    twist_cmd_.linear.x = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.linear.y = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.linear.z = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.angular.x = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.angular.y = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.angular.z = 0.0;

    twist_cmd2_.twist = twist_cmd_; // copy the twist command into twist2 message
    twist_cmd2_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // look up the time and put it in the header  

Ejemplo n.º 2
//CONSTRUCTOR:  this will get called whenever an instance of this class is created
// want to put all dirty work of initializations here
// odd syntax: have to pass nodehandle pointer into constructor for constructor to build subscribers, etc
ExampleRosClass::ExampleRosClass(ros::NodeHandle* nodehandle):nh_(*nodehandle)
{ // constructor
    ROS_INFO("in class constructor of ExampleRosClass");
    initializeSubscribers(); // package up the messy work of creating subscribers; do this overhead in constructor
    //initialize variables here, as needed
    // can also do tests/waits to make sure all required services, topics, etc are alive
Ejemplo n.º 3
DesStatePublisher::DesStatePublisher(ros::NodeHandle& nh) : nh_(nh) {
    //as_(nh, "pub_des_state_server", boost::bind(&DesStatePublisher::executeCB, this, _1),false) {
    //as_.start(); //start the server running
    //configure the trajectory builder: 
    //dt_ = dt; //send desired-state messages at fixed rate, e.g. 0.02 sec = 50Hz
    //dynamic parameters: should be tuned for target system
    accel_max_ = accel_max;
    alpha_max_ = alpha_max;
    speed_max_ = speed_max;
    omega_max_ = omega_max;
    path_move_tol_ = path_move_tol;
    //define a halt state; zero speed and spin, and fill with viable coords
    halt_twist_.linear.x = 0.0;
    halt_twist_.linear.y = 0.0;
    halt_twist_.linear.z = 0.0;
    halt_twist_.angular.x = 0.0;
    halt_twist_.angular.y = 0.0;
    halt_twist_.angular.z = 0.0;
    motion_mode_ = OFF; //init in state ready to process new goal
    h_e_stop_ = false;
    e_stop_trigger_ = false; //these are intended to enable e-stop via a service
    e_stop_reset_ = false; //and reset estop
    current_pose_ = trajBuilder_.xyPsi2PoseStamped(0,0,0);
    start_pose_ = current_pose_;
    end_pose_ = current_pose_;
    current_des_state_.twist.twist = halt_twist_;
    current_des_state_.pose.pose = current_pose_.pose;
    halt_state_ = current_des_state_;
    seg_start_state_ = current_des_state_;
    seg_end_state_ = current_des_state_;
    lidar_alarm = false;

    odom_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe("/odom", 1, &DesStatePublisher::odomCallback, this); //subscribe to odom messages
    cmd_mode_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe("/cmd_mode", 1, &DesStatePublisher::cmdModeCallback, this);
    go_home_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe("/go_home", 1, &DesStatePublisher::goHomeRobotYoureDrunk, this);
SteeringController::SteeringController(ros::NodeHandle* nodehandle):nh_(*nodehandle)
{ // constructor
    ROS_INFO("in class constructor of SteeringController");
    initializeSubscribers(); // package up the messy work of creating subscribers; do this overhead in constructor
    state_psi_ = 1000.0; // put in impossible value for heading; 
    //test this value to make sure we have received a viable state message
    ROS_INFO("waiting for valid state message...");
    while (state_psi_ > 500.0) {
        ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); // sleep for half a second
        std::cout << ".";
    ROS_INFO("constructor: got a state message");    
    //initialize desired state;  can be changed dynamically by publishing to topic /desState
    des_state_speed_ = MAX_SPEED; //can make dynamic via des_state_rcvd.twist.twist.linear.x;
    des_state_omega_ = 0.0; //des_state_rcvd.twist.twist.angular.z;
    // hard code a simple path: the world x axis
    des_state_x_ = 0.0; 
    des_state_y_ = 0.0; 
    des_state_psi_ = 0.0; 
    // make sure the speed/spin commands are set to zero
    current_speed_des_ = 0.0;  // 
    current_omega_des_ = 0.0;    

    //initialize the twist command components, all to zero
    twist_cmd_.linear.x = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.linear.y = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.linear.z = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.angular.x = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.angular.y = 0.0;
    twist_cmd_.angular.z = 0.0;