// Name: Main
// Desc: ...
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    /* Check Arguments */
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
        printf("Usage: %s: Input Audio\n", argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Initialize SRC Algorithm */

    /* Initialize Glut */
    initialize_glut(argc, argv);

    /* Initialize PortAudio */

    /* Start Curses Mode */
    cbreak();       // Line Buffering Disabled
    noecho();       // Comment This Out if You Want to Show Characters When They Are Typed
    curs_set(0);    // Make ncurses Cursor Invisible

    /* Print Help Menu and GUI */

    /* Main Interactive Loop, Quits With 'q' */

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
initialize(int argc, char **argv)
    return initialize_goal_image(argc,argv) &&
        initialize_cuda(1,argv) && // xxx hack cuda init
        initialize_glut(argc,argv) &&
        initialize_population(argc,argv); // population needs GL up-n-running
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

 paData data;
    PaStream *stream;
    PaError err;
    PaStreamParameters outputParams;

    if (argc != 2) {
        printf ("\nAudio file name required as argument: \n");
        printf ("    Usage : hv <stereofilename>\n");
        exit (1);

    /* clear structures - set everything to zero */
    memset(&data.sfinfo1, 0, sizeof(data.sfinfo1));
    /* Open audio file */
    data.infile1 = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ, &data.sfinfo1);
    if (data.infile1 == NULL) {
        printf ("Error: could not open file: %s\n", argv[1]) ;
        puts(sf_strerror (NULL)) ;

    printf("Audio file: Frames: %d Channels: %d Samplerate: %d\n", 
            (int)data.sfinfo1.frames, data.sfinfo1.channels, data.sfinfo1.samplerate);

    /* If file is not stereo, exit */
    if (data.sfinfo1.channels != STEREO) {
        printf("Error: audio file must be stereo.\n");

	data.sampleRate = data.sfinfo1.samplerate;

    /* Initialize volume for audio */
    data.amplitude1 = INITIAL_VOLUME; 

    /* Init and start PortAudio */
    /* Initializing PortAudio */
    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if (err != paNoError ) {
        printf("PortAudio error: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err));

 /* Ouput stream parameters */
    outputParams.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();
    outputParams.channelCount = STEREO;
    outputParams.sampleFormat = paFloat32;
    outputParams.suggestedLatency = 
    outputParams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;

    /* Open audio stream */
    err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream,
            NULL, /* no input */
            paNoFlag, /* flags */

	printf("Sample rate: %f\n", data.sampleRate);

    if (err != paNoError) {
        printf("PortAudio error: open stream: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err));

    /* Start audio stream */
    err = Pa_StartStream(stream);
    if (err != paNoError) {
        printf(  "PortAudio error: start stream: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err));
	printf("Ratio: %f to %f\n", ratio, ratio2);

	initialize_glut(argc, argv);

    /* Clean up: close PortAudio and sound files */

    /* Close files */

    /* Stop stream */
    err = Pa_StopStream(stream );
    if (err != paNoError) {
        printf(  "PortAudio error: stop stream: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err));

    /* Close stream */
    err = Pa_CloseStream(stream );
    if (err != paNoError) {
        printf(  "PortAudio error: close stream: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err));

    /* Terminate PortAudio */
    err = Pa_Terminate();
    if (err != paNoError) {
        printf("PortAudio error: terminate: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err));

Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

    const std::string exec_name = (argc > 0) ? fs::basename(argv[0]) : "";
    scm::shared_ptr<scm::core> scm_core(new scm::core(1, argv));

    putenv((char *)"__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0");

    int window_width;
    int window_height;
    unsigned int main_memory_budget;
    unsigned int video_memory_budget ;
    unsigned int max_upload_budget;

    std::string resource_file_path = "";
    std::string measurement_file_path = "";
    bool measurement_file_interpolation = false;
    float measurement_interpolation_stepsize = 1.0f;

    std::string pvs_file_path = "";
    bool pvs_culling = true;

    po::options_description desc("Usage: " + exec_name + " [OPTION]... INPUT\n\n"
                               "Allowed Options");
      ("help", "print help message")
      ("width,w", po::value<int>(&window_width)->default_value(1920), "specify window width (default=1920)")
      ("height,h", po::value<int>(&window_height)->default_value(1080), "specify window height (default=1080)")
      ("resource-file,f", po::value<std::string>(&resource_file_path), "specify resource input-file")
      ("vram,v", po::value<unsigned>(&video_memory_budget)->default_value(2048), "specify graphics memory budget in MB (default=2048)")
      ("mem,m", po::value<unsigned>(&main_memory_budget)->default_value(4096), "specify main memory budget in MB (default=4096)")
      ("upload,u", po::value<unsigned>(&max_upload_budget)->default_value(64), "specify maximum video memory upload budget per frame in MB (default=64)")
      ("measurement-file", po::value<std::string>(&measurement_file_path)->default_value(""), "specify camera session for quality measurement_file (default = \"\")")
      ("measurement-interpolate", po::value<bool>(&measurement_file_interpolation)->default_value(false), "allow interpolation between measurement transformations (default=false)")
      ("measurement-stepsize", po::value<float>(&measurement_interpolation_stepsize)->default_value(1.0f), "if interpolation is activated, this will be the stepsize in spatial units between interpolation points")
      ("pvs-file,p", po::value<std::string>(&pvs_file_path), "specify potentially visible set file.")
      ("pvs-culling", po::value<bool>(&pvs_culling)->default_value(true), "pvs will optimize drawn level of detail, yet if pvs culling is set to true, potentially occluded geometry will not be renderer");

    po::positional_options_description p;
    po::variables_map vm;

    try {    
      auto parsed_options = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).allow_unregistered().run();
      po::store(parsed_options, vm);

      std::vector<std::string> to_pass_further = po::collect_unrecognized(parsed_options.options, po::include_positional);
      bool no_input = !vm.count("input") && to_pass_further.empty();

      if (resource_file_path == "") {
        if (vm.count("help") || no_input)
          std::cout << desc;
          return 0;

      // no explicit input -> use unknown options
      if (!vm.count("input") && resource_file_path == "") 
        resource_file_path = "auto_generated.rsc";
        std::fstream ofstr(resource_file_path, std::ios::out);
        if (ofstr.good()) 
          for (auto argument : to_pass_further)
            ofstr << argument << std::endl;
        } else {
          throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open file");

    } catch (std::exception& e) {
      std::cout << "Warning: No input file specified. \n" << desc;
      return 0;

    // set min and max
    window_width        = std::max(std::min(window_width, 4096), 1);
    window_height       = std::max(std::min(window_height, 2160), 1);
    main_memory_budget  = std::max(int(main_memory_budget), 1);
    video_memory_budget = std::max(int(video_memory_budget), 1);
    max_upload_budget   = std::max(int(max_upload_budget), 64);

    initialize_glut(argc, argv, window_width, window_height);

    std::pair< std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<scm::math::mat4f> > model_attributes;
    std::set<lamure::model_t> visible_set;
    std::set<lamure::model_t> invisible_set;
    model_attributes = read_model_string(resource_file_path, &visible_set, &invisible_set);

    //std::string scene_name;
    //create_scene_name_from_vector(model_attributes.first, scene_name);
    std::vector<scm::math::mat4f> & model_transformations = model_attributes.second;
    std::vector<std::string> const& model_filenames = model_attributes.first;

    lamure::ren::policy* policy = lamure::ren::policy::get_instance();
    policy->set_max_upload_budget_in_mb(max_upload_budget); //8
    policy->set_render_budget_in_mb(video_memory_budget); //2048
    policy->set_out_of_core_budget_in_mb(main_memory_budget); //4096, 8192

    lamure::ren::model_database* database = lamure::ren::model_database::get_instance();

    std::vector<scm::math::mat4d> parsed_views = std::vector<scm::math::mat4d>();

    std::string measurement_filename = "";

    snapshot_session_descriptor measurement_descriptor;

    if( ! measurement_file_path.empty() ) {
      measurement_descriptor.recorded_view_vector_ = parse_camera_session_file(measurement_file_path);
      measurement_descriptor.snapshot_resolution_ = scm::math::vec2ui(window_width, window_height);
      size_t last_dot_in_filename_pos = measurement_file_path.find_last_of('.');
      size_t first_slash_before_filename_pos = measurement_file_path.find_last_of("/\\", last_dot_in_filename_pos);

      measurement_descriptor.session_filename_ = measurement_file_path.substr(first_slash_before_filename_pos+1, last_dot_in_filename_pos);
      quality_measurement_mode_enabled_ = true;
      measurement_descriptor.snapshot_session_enabled_ = true;

    management_ = new management(model_filenames, model_transformations, visible_set, invisible_set, measurement_descriptor);

    // PVS basic setup. If no path is given, runtime access to the PVS will always return true (visible).
    if(pvs_file_path != "")
        std::string pvs_grid_file_path = pvs_file_path;
        pvs_grid_file_path.resize(pvs_grid_file_path.length() - 3);
        pvs_grid_file_path = pvs_grid_file_path + "grid";

        lamure::pvs::pvs_database* pvs = lamure::pvs::pvs_database::get_instance();
        pvs->load_pvs_from_file(pvs_grid_file_path, pvs_file_path, false);

    // Start rendering main loop.

    if (management_ != nullptr)
        delete lamure::ren::cut_database::get_instance();
        delete lamure::ren::controller::get_instance();
        delete lamure::ren::model_database::get_instance();
        delete lamure::ren::policy::get_instance();
        delete lamure::ren::ooc_cache::get_instance();


    return 0;