Ejemplo n.º 1
static char *
variable_append (const char *name, unsigned int length,
                 const struct variable_set_list *set)
  const struct variable *v;
  char *buf = 0;

  /* If there's nothing left to check, return the empty buffer.  */
  if (!set)
    return initialize_variable_output ();

  /* Try to find the variable in this variable set.  */
  v = lookup_variable_in_set (name, length, set->set);

  /* If there isn't one, look to see if there's one in a set above us.  */
  if (!v)
    return variable_append (name, length, set->next);

  /* If this variable type is append, first get any upper values.
     If not, initialize the buffer.  */
  if (v->append)
    buf = variable_append (name, length, set->next);
    buf = initialize_variable_output ();

  /* Append this value to the buffer, and return it.
     If we already have a value, first add a space.  */
  if (buf > variable_buffer)
    buf = variable_buffer_output (buf, " ", 1);
  assert (v->value_length == strlen (v->value));

  /* Either expand it or copy it, depending.  */
  if (! v->recursive)
    return variable_buffer_output (buf, v->value, v->value_length);
    return variable_buffer_output (buf, v->value, strlen (v->value));

  variable_expand_string_2 (buf, v->value, v->value_length, &buf);
  return buf;
  buf = variable_expand_string (buf, v->value, strlen (v->value));
  return (buf + strlen (buf));
Ejemplo n.º 2
install_variable_buffer (char **bufp, unsigned int *lenp)
  *bufp = variable_buffer;
  *lenp = variable_buffer_length;

  variable_buffer = 0;
  initialize_variable_output ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
static char *
variable_append (const char *name, unsigned int length,
                 const struct variable_set_list *set, int local)
    const struct variable *v;
    char *buf = 0;
    /* If this set is local and the next is not a parent, then next is local.  */
    int nextlocal = local && set->next_is_parent == 0;

    /* If there's nothing left to check, return the empty buffer.  */
    if (!set)
        return initialize_variable_output ();

    /* Try to find the variable in this variable set.  */
    v = lookup_variable_in_set (name, length, set->set);

    /* If there isn't one, or this one is private, try the set above us.  */
    if (!v || (!local && v->private_var))
        return variable_append (name, length, set->next, nextlocal);

    /* If this variable type is append, first get any upper values.
       If not, initialize the buffer.  */
    if (v->append)
        buf = variable_append (name, length, set->next, nextlocal);
        buf = initialize_variable_output ();

    /* Append this value to the buffer, and return it.
       If we already have a value, first add a space.  */
    if (buf > variable_buffer)
        buf = variable_buffer_output (buf, " ", 1);

    /* Either expand it or copy it, depending.  */
    if (! v->recursive)
        return variable_buffer_output (buf, v->value, strlen (v->value));

    buf = variable_expand_string (buf, v->value, strlen (v->value));
    return (buf + strlen (buf));
Ejemplo n.º 4
char *
variable_expand (const char *line)
  return variable_expand_string(NULL, line, (long)-1);
  char *s;

  /* this function is abused a lot like this: variable_expand(""). */
  if (!*line)
      s = variable_buffer_output (initialize_variable_output (), "\0", 2);
      return s - 2;
  return variable_expand_string_2 (NULL, line, (long)-1, &s);
Ejemplo n.º 5
char *
variable_expand_for_file_2 (char *o, const char *line, unsigned int length,
                            struct file *file, unsigned int *value_lenp)
  char *result;
  struct variable_set_list *savev;
  const struct floc *savef;
  long len = length == ~0U ? (long)-1 : (long)length;
  char *eol;

  if (!o)
    o = initialize_variable_output();

  if (file == 0)
     result = variable_expand_string_2 (o, line, len, &eol);
      savev = current_variable_set_list;
      current_variable_set_list = file->variables;

      savef = reading_file;
      if (file->cmds && file->cmds->fileinfo.filenm)
        reading_file = &file->cmds->fileinfo;
        reading_file = 0;

      result = variable_expand_string_2 (o, line, len, &eol);

      current_variable_set_list = savev;
      reading_file = savef;

  if (value_lenp)
    *value_lenp = eol - result;

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Scan STRING for variable references and expansion-function calls.  Only
   LENGTH bytes of STRING are actually scanned.  If LENGTH is -1, scan until
   a null byte is found.

   Write the results to LINE, which must point into `variable_buffer'.  If
   LINE is NULL, start at the beginning of the buffer.
   Return a pointer to LINE, or to the beginning of the buffer if LINE is
char *
variable_expand_string (char *line, const char *string, long length)
  struct variable *v;
  const char *p, *p1;
  char *abuf = NULL;
  char *o;
  unsigned int line_offset;

  if (!line)
    line = initialize_variable_output();
  o = line;
  line_offset = line - variable_buffer;

  if (length == 0)
      variable_buffer_output (o, "", 1);
      return (variable_buffer);

  /* If we want a subset of the string, allocate a temporary buffer for it.
     Most of the functions we use here don't work with length limits.  */
  if (length > 0 && string[length] != '\0')
      abuf = xmalloc(length+1);
      memcpy(abuf, string, length);
      abuf[length] = '\0';
      string = abuf;
  p = string;

  while (1)
      /* Copy all following uninteresting chars all at once to the
         variable output buffer, and skip them.  Uninteresting chars end
	 at the next $ or the end of the input.  */

      p1 = strchr (p, '$');

      o = variable_buffer_output (o, p, p1 != 0 ? (unsigned int)(p1 - p) : strlen (p) + 1);

      if (p1 == 0)
      p = p1 + 1;

      /* Dispatch on the char that follows the $.  */

      switch (*p)
	case '$':
	  /* $$ seen means output one $ to the variable output buffer.  */
	  o = variable_buffer_output (o, p, 1);

	case '(':
	case '{':
	  /* $(...) or ${...} is the general case of substitution.  */
	    char openparen = *p;
	    char closeparen = (openparen == '(') ? ')' : '}';
            const char *begp;
	    const char *beg = p + 1;
	    char *op;
            char *abeg = NULL;
	    const char *end, *colon;

	    op = o;
	    begp = p;
	    if (handle_function (&op, &begp))
		o = op;
		p = begp;

	    /* Is there a variable reference inside the parens or braces?
	       If so, expand it before expanding the entire reference.  */

	    end = strchr (beg, closeparen);
	    if (end == 0)
              /* Unterminated variable reference.  */
              fatal (*expanding_var, _("unterminated variable reference"));
	    p1 = lindex (beg, end, '$');
	    if (p1 != 0)
		/* BEG now points past the opening paren or brace.
		   Count parens or braces until it is matched.  */
		int count = 0;
		for (p = beg; *p != '\0'; ++p)
		    if (*p == openparen)
		    else if (*p == closeparen && --count < 0)
		/* If COUNT is >= 0, there were unmatched opening parens
		   or braces, so we go to the simple case of a variable name
		   such as `$($(a)'.  */
		if (count < 0)
		    abeg = expand_argument (beg, p); /* Expand the name.  */
		    beg = abeg;
		    end = strchr (beg, '\0');
	      /* Advance P to the end of this reference.  After we are
                 finished expanding this one, P will be incremented to
                 continue the scan.  */
	      p = end;

	    /* This is not a reference to a built-in function and
	       any variable references inside are now expanded.
	       Is the resultant text a substitution reference?  */

	    colon = lindex (beg, end, ':');
	    if (colon)
		/* This looks like a substitution reference: $(FOO:A=B).  */
		const char *subst_beg, *subst_end, *replace_beg, *replace_end;

		subst_beg = colon + 1;
		subst_end = lindex (subst_beg, end, '=');
		if (subst_end == 0)
		  /* There is no = in sight.  Punt on the substitution
		     reference and treat this as a variable name containing
		     a colon, in the code below.  */
		  colon = 0;
		    replace_beg = subst_end + 1;
		    replace_end = end;

		    /* Extract the variable name before the colon
		       and look up that variable.  */
		    v = lookup_variable (beg, colon - beg);
		    if (v == 0)
		      warn_undefined (beg, colon - beg);

                    /* If the variable is not empty, perform the
                       substitution.  */
		    if (v != 0 && *v->value != '\0')
			char *pattern, *replace, *ppercent, *rpercent;
			char *value = (v->recursive
                                       ? recursively_expand (v)
				       : v->value);

                        /* Copy the pattern and the replacement.  Add in an
                           extra % at the beginning to use in case there
                           isn't one in the pattern.  */
                        pattern = alloca (subst_end - subst_beg + 2);
                        *(pattern++) = '%';
                        memcpy (pattern, subst_beg, subst_end - subst_beg);
                        pattern[subst_end - subst_beg] = '\0';

                        replace = alloca (replace_end - replace_beg + 2);
                        *(replace++) = '%';
                        memcpy (replace, replace_beg,
                               replace_end - replace_beg);
                        replace[replace_end - replace_beg] = '\0';

                        /* Look for %.  Set the percent pointers properly
                           based on whether we find one or not.  */
			ppercent = find_percent (pattern);
			if (ppercent)
                            rpercent = find_percent (replace);
                            if (rpercent)
                            ppercent = pattern;
                            rpercent = replace;

                        o = patsubst_expand_pat (o, value, pattern, replace,
                                                 ppercent, rpercent);

			if (v->recursive)
			  free (value);

	    if (colon == 0)
	      /* This is an ordinary variable reference.
		 Look up the value of the variable.  */
		o = reference_variable (o, beg, end - beg);

	  if (abeg)
	    free (abeg);

	case '\0':

	  if (isblank ((unsigned char)p[-1]))

	  /* A $ followed by a random char is a variable reference:
	     $a is equivalent to $(a).  */
          o = reference_variable (o, p, 1);


      if (*p == '\0')


  if (abuf)
    free (abuf);

  variable_buffer_output (o, "", 1);
  return (variable_buffer + line_offset);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Scan STRING for variable references and expansion-function calls.  Only
   LENGTH bytes of STRING are actually scanned.  If LENGTH is -1, scan until
   a null byte is found.

   Write the results to LINE, which must point into `variable_buffer'.  If
   LINE is NULL, start at the beginning of the buffer.
   Return a pointer to LINE, or to the beginning of the buffer if LINE is
   NULL. Set EOLP to point to the string terminator.
char *
variable_expand_string_2 (char *line, const char *string, long length, char **eolp)
  struct variable *v;
  const char *p, *p1, *eos;
  char *o;
  unsigned int line_offset;

  if (!line)
    line = initialize_variable_output();
  o = line;
  line_offset = line - variable_buffer;

  if (length < 0)
    length = strlen (string);
    MY_ASSERT_MSG (string + length == (p1 = memchr (string, '\0', length)) || !p1, ("len=%ld p1=%p %s\n", length, p1, line));

  /* Simple 1: Emptry string. */

  if (length == 0)
      o = variable_buffer_output (o, "\0", 2);
      *eolp = o - 2;
      return (variable_buffer + line_offset);

  /* Simple 2: Nothing to expand. ~50% if the kBuild calls. */

  p1 = (const char *)memchr (string, '$', length);
  if (p1 == 0)
      o = variable_buffer_output (o, string, length);
      o = variable_buffer_output (o, "\0", 2);
      *eolp = o - 2;
      assert (strchr (variable_buffer + line_offset, '\0') == *eolp);
      return (variable_buffer + line_offset);

  p = string;
  eos = p + length;

  while (1)
      /* Copy all following uninteresting chars all at once to the
         variable output buffer, and skip them.  Uninteresting chars end
	 at the next $ or the end of the input.  */

      o = variable_buffer_output (o, p, p1 != 0 ? (p1 - p) : (eos - p));

      if (p1 == 0)
      p = p1 + 1;

      /* Dispatch on the char that follows the $.  */

      switch (*p)
	case '$':
	  /* $$ seen means output one $ to the variable output buffer.  */
	  o = variable_buffer_output (o, p, 1);

	case '(':
	case '{':
	  /* $(...) or ${...} is the general case of substitution.  */
	    char openparen = *p;
	    char closeparen = (openparen == '(') ? ')' : '}';
            const char *begp;
	    const char *beg = p + 1;
	    char *op;
            char *abeg = NULL;
            unsigned int alen = 0;
	    const char *end, *colon;

	    op = o;
	    begp = p;
            end = may_be_function_name (p + 1, eos);
	    if (    end
                &&  handle_function (&op, &begp, end, eos))
		o = op;
		p = begp;
                MY_ASSERT_MSG (!(p1 = memchr (variable_buffer + line_offset, '\0', o - (variable_buffer + line_offset))),
                               ("line=%p o/exp_end=%p act_end=%p\n", variable_buffer + line_offset, o, p1));

	    /* Is there a variable reference inside the parens or braces?
	       If so, expand it before expanding the entire reference.  */

	    end = memchr (beg, closeparen, eos - beg);
	    if (end == 0)
              /* Unterminated variable reference.  */
              fatal (*expanding_var, _("unterminated variable reference"));
	    p1 = lindex (beg, end, '$');
	    if (p1 != 0)
		/* BEG now points past the opening paren or brace.
		   Count parens or braces until it is matched.  */
		int count = 0;
		for (p = beg; p < eos; ++p)
		    if (*p == openparen)
		    else if (*p == closeparen && --count < 0)
		/* If COUNT is >= 0, there were unmatched opening parens
		   or braces, so we go to the simple case of a variable name
		   such as `$($(a)'.  */
		if (count < 0)
                    unsigned int len;
                    char saved;

                     /* Expand the name.  */
                    saved = *p;
                    *(char *)p = '\0'; /* XXX: proove that this is safe! XXX2: shouldn't be necessary any longer! */
                    abeg = allocated_variable_expand_3 (beg, p - beg, &len, &alen);
                    beg = abeg;
                    end = beg + len;
                    *(char *)p = saved;
	      /* Advance P to the end of this reference.  After we are
                 finished expanding this one, P will be incremented to
                 continue the scan.  */
	      p = end;

	    /* This is not a reference to a built-in function and
	       any variable references inside are now expanded.
	       Is the resultant text a substitution reference?  */

	    colon = lindex (beg, end, ':');
	    if (colon)
		/* This looks like a substitution reference: $(FOO:A=B).  */
		const char *subst_beg, *subst_end, *replace_beg, *replace_end;

		subst_beg = colon + 1;
		subst_end = lindex (subst_beg, end, '=');
		if (subst_end == 0)
		  /* There is no = in sight.  Punt on the substitution
		     reference and treat this as a variable name containing
		     a colon, in the code below.  */
		  colon = 0;
		    replace_beg = subst_end + 1;
		    replace_end = end;

		    /* Extract the variable name before the colon
		       and look up that variable.  */
		    v = lookup_variable (beg, colon - beg);
		    if (v == 0)
		      warn_undefined (beg, colon - beg);

                    /* If the variable is not empty, perform the
                       substitution.  */
		    if (v != 0 && *v->value != '\0')
			char *pattern, *replace, *ppercent, *rpercent;
			char *value = (v->recursive
                                       ? recursively_expand (v)
				       : v->value);

                        /* Copy the pattern and the replacement.  Add in an
                           extra % at the beginning to use in case there
                           isn't one in the pattern.  */
                        pattern = alloca (subst_end - subst_beg + 2);
                        *(pattern++) = '%';
                        memcpy (pattern, subst_beg, subst_end - subst_beg);
                        pattern[subst_end - subst_beg] = '\0';

                        replace = alloca (replace_end - replace_beg + 2);
                        *(replace++) = '%';
                        memcpy (replace, replace_beg,
                               replace_end - replace_beg);
                        replace[replace_end - replace_beg] = '\0';

                        /* Look for %.  Set the percent pointers properly
                           based on whether we find one or not.  */
			ppercent = find_percent (pattern);
			if (ppercent)
                            rpercent = find_percent (replace);
                            if (rpercent)
                            ppercent = pattern;
                            rpercent = replace;

                        o = patsubst_expand_pat (o, value, pattern, replace,
                                                 ppercent, rpercent);

			if (v->recursive)
			  free (value);

	    if (colon == 0)
	      /* This is an ordinary variable reference.
		 Look up the value of the variable.  */
		o = reference_variable (o, beg, end - beg);

	  if (abeg)
            recycle_variable_buffer (abeg, alen);

	case '\0':
          assert (p == eos);

	  if (isblank ((unsigned char)p[-1])) /* XXX: This looks incorrect, previous is '$' */

	  /* A $ followed by a random char is a variable reference:
	     $a is equivalent to $(a).  */
          o = reference_variable (o, p, 1);


      if (++p >= eos)
      p1 = memchr (p, '$', eos - p);

  o = variable_buffer_output (o, "\0", 2); /* KMK: compensate for the strlen + 1 that was removed above. */
  *eolp = o - 2;
  MY_ASSERT_MSG (strchr (variable_buffer + line_offset, '\0') == *eolp,
                 ("expected=%d actual=%d\nlength=%ld string=%.*s\n",
                  (int)(*eolp - variable_buffer + line_offset), (int)strlen(variable_buffer + line_offset),
                  length, (int)length, string));
  return (variable_buffer + line_offset);