QList<QImage> NonchipTilesetV2Interface::loadTileList(QString source){
    QFile inputFile (source);
    quint8 tileSize;
    inputFile.read( ( (char*) &tileSize ),1);
    qDebug()<<"loading tileset with tileSize"<<tileSize;
    int width = tileSize * 16;
    int height = (inputFile.size()-1)/4/width;
    qDebug()<<"calculated size:"<<width<<"x"<<height;

    QImage inputImage(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    quint8 value[4];
    for (int y = 0; y<height; ++y){
        for (int x = 0; x<width; ++x){
            inputFile.read( ( (char*) &value ),4);
    return parseInputImage(inputImage, tileSize);
Ejemplo n.º 2
const std::vector<unsigned char> &chilitags::ReadBits::operator()(const cv::Mat &inputImage, const Quad &corners)
    cv::Mat_<cv::Point2f> cornersCopy(corners);

    auto roi = cv::boundingRect(cornersCopy);

    // Refine can actually provide corners outside the image
    roi.x = cv::max(roi.x, 0);
    roi.y = cv::max(roi.y, 0);
    roi.width = cv::min(roi.width, inputImage.cols-roi.x);
    roi.height = cv::min(roi.height, inputImage.rows-roi.y);

    cv::Point2f origin = roi.tl();
    for (int i : {0,1,2,3}) cornersCopy(i) -= origin;

    cv::Matx33f transformation = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(NORMALIZED_CORNERS, cornersCopy);

    cv::perspectiveTransform(mSamplePoints, mTransformedSamplePoints, transformation);

    cv::Mat inputRoi = inputImage(roi);

    uchar* sampleData = mSamples.ptr(0);
    for (auto& transformedSamplePoint : mTransformedSamplePoints) {
        *sampleData++ = inputRoi.at<uchar>(transformedSamplePoint);

    cv::threshold(mSamples, mBits, -1, 1, cv::THRESH_BINARY | cv::THRESH_OTSU);

#ifdef DEBUG_ReadBits

    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < DATA_SIZE; ++j)
            std::cout << (int) mBits[i*DATA_SIZE + j];
        std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << std::endl;
#define ZOOM_FACTOR 10

    cv::Mat debugImage = inputImage.clone();

    cv::Mat tag;
    cv::resize(inputRoi, tag, cv::Size(0,0), ZOOM_FACTOR, ZOOM_FACTOR, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
    cv::cvtColor(tag, tag, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);

    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < DATA_SIZE; ++j)
            cv::Point2f position = mTransformedSamplePoints[i*DATA_SIZE + j];
            cv::circle(tag, position * ZOOM_FACTOR, 1,
            cv::circle(tag, position * ZOOM_FACTOR, 3,
                       cv::Scalar::all(mBits[i*DATA_SIZE + j]*255),2);

    cv::circle(tag, *cornersCopy[0] * ZOOM_FACTOR, 3, cv::Scalar(255,0,0),2);

    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[0]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[1]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[1]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[2]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[2]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[3]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[3]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[0]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));

    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[2]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[0]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[3]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[1]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));

    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[0]+origin, *cornersCopy[1]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[1]+origin, *cornersCopy[2]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[2]+origin, *cornersCopy[3]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[3]+origin, *cornersCopy[0]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));

    cv::imshow("ReadBits-full", debugImage);
    cv::imshow("ReadBits-tag", tag);

    return mBits;
Ejemplo n.º 3
const std::vector<unsigned char>& ReadBits::operator()(const cv::Mat &inputImage, const Quad &corners)
    static const float TAG_SIZE = 2*TAG_MARGIN+DATA_SIZE;
    static const Quad NORMALIZED_CORNERS = {
         0.f,      0.f,
    TAG_SIZE,      0.f,
         0.f, TAG_SIZE

    cv::Mat_<cv::Point2f> cornersCopy(corners);

    // Sometimes, the corners are refined into a concave quadrilateral
    // which makes ReadBits crash
    cv::Mat convexHull;
    cv::convexHull(cornersCopy, convexHull, true);
    if (convexHull.rows != 4) {
        cornersCopy = convexHull;

    auto roi = cv::boundingRect(cornersCopy);

    // Refine can actually provide corners outside the image
    roi.x = cv::max(roi.x, 0);
    roi.y = cv::max(roi.y, 0);
    roi.width = cv::min(roi.width, inputImage.cols-roi.x);
    roi.height = cv::min(roi.height, inputImage.rows-roi.y);

    cv::Point2f origin = roi.tl();
    for (int i : {0,1,2,3}) cornersCopy(i) -= origin;

    cv::Matx33f transformation = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(NORMALIZED_CORNERS, cornersCopy);

    cv::perspectiveTransform(mSamplePoints, mTransformedSamplePoints, transformation);

    cv::Mat inputRoi = inputImage(roi);

    uchar* sampleData = mSamples.ptr(0);
    for (auto& transformedSamplePoint : mTransformedSamplePoints) {
        transformedSamplePoint.x = cv::max(cv::min(roi.width - 1, (int)std::round(transformedSamplePoint.x)), 0);
        transformedSamplePoint.y = cv::max(cv::min(roi.height - 1, (int)std::round(transformedSamplePoint.y)), 0);

        *sampleData++ = inputRoi.at<uchar>(transformedSamplePoint);

    cv::threshold(mSamples, mBits, -1, 1, cv::THRESH_BINARY | cv::THRESH_OTSU);

#ifdef DEBUG_ReadBits

    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < DATA_SIZE; ++j)
            std::cout << (int) mBits[i*DATA_SIZE + j];
        std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << std::endl;
#define ZOOM_FACTOR 10

    cv::Mat debugImage = inputImage.clone();

    cv::Mat tag;
    cv::resize(inputRoi, tag, cv::Size(0,0), ZOOM_FACTOR, ZOOM_FACTOR, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
    cv::cvtColor(tag, tag, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);

    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < DATA_SIZE; ++j)
            cv::Point2f position = mTransformedSamplePoints[i*DATA_SIZE + j];
            cv::circle(tag, position * ZOOM_FACTOR, 1,
            cv::circle(tag, position * ZOOM_FACTOR, 3,
                       cv::Scalar::all(mBits[i*DATA_SIZE + j]*255),2);

    cv::circle(tag, *cornersCopy[0] * ZOOM_FACTOR, 3, cv::Scalar(255,0,0),2);

    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[0]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[1]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[1]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[2]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[2]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[3]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[3]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[0]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));

    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[2]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[0]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(tag, *cornersCopy[3]*ZOOM_FACTOR, *cornersCopy[1]*ZOOM_FACTOR,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));

    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[0]+origin, *cornersCopy[1]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[1]+origin, *cornersCopy[2]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[2]+origin, *cornersCopy[3]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));
    cv::line(debugImage, *cornersCopy[3]+origin, *cornersCopy[0]+origin,cv::Scalar(255,0,255));

    cv::imshow("ReadBits-full", debugImage);
    cv::imshow("ReadBits-tag", tag);

    return mBits;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ImageSourceThread::run(){

   if (debug) {
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: width          " << *widthValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: height         " << *heightValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: noise          " << *noiseValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: window flag    " << *windowValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: random flag    " << *randomValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: horizontal FoV " << *horizontalViewAngleValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: vertical FoV   " << *verticalViewAngleValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: xShift         " << *xShiftValue << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: yShift         " << *yShiftValue << endl;

    * copy the image data from file, either scale or extract sub-image, and add noise

   double noise;
   double azimuth;
   double elevation;
   /* generate offsets for sub-image extraction */

   if (*windowValue == 1) {

      windowFlag = true;

      if ( (*widthValue < inputImage.width())  && (*heightValue < inputImage.height()) ) {

         if (*randomValue == 1) {

            // random position of window

            xOffset = (int)((float)(inputImage.width() - *widthValue)*((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)));
            yOffset = (int)((float)(inputImage.height() - *heightValue)*((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)));

         else {

            // regular scan pattern: row major order, with x and y increment equal to the xShift and yShift value
            // so that the window scans the complete image (except for borders at the right-hand side and bottom)

            xOffset = xOffset + *xShiftValue;
            if (xOffset > (inputImage.width() - *widthValue)) {
               xOffset = 0;
               yOffset = yOffset + *yShiftValue;
               if (yOffset > (inputImage.height() - *heightValue)) {
                  yOffset = 0;
      else {
         xOffset = 0;
         yOffset = 0;
   else {
      windowFlag = false;

   if (debug) {
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: xOffset     " << xOffset << endl;
      cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: yOffset     " << yOffset << endl;
   ImageOf<PixelRgb> &outputImage = imagePortOut->prepare();
   outputImage.resize(*widthValue, *heightValue);
   for (x=0; x<outputImage.width(); x++) {
      for (y=0; y<outputImage.height(); y++) {
         noise = ((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX));          // 0-1
         noise = 2 * (noise - 0.5);                            // -1 - +1
         noise = noise * (*noiseValue);                        // -noiseValue - +noiseValue

         // decide whether to copy directly or extract a sub-image

         if (windowFlag == false) {

            // scale the image
            rgbPixel = inputImage((int)(x * ((float)inputImage.width()/(float)outputImage.width())), 
                                  (int)(y * ((float)inputImage.height()/(float)outputImage.height())));
         else {
            // extract a sub-image from the original image
            rgbPixel = inputImage((int)(x + xOffset), 
                                  (int)(y + yOffset));

         if (((double) rgbPixel.r + noise) < 0)   
            rgbPixel.r = 0; 
         else if (((double) rgbPixel.r + noise) > 255) 
            rgbPixel.r = 255; 
            rgbPixel.r = (unsigned char) (rgbPixel.r + noise);

         if (((double) rgbPixel.g + noise) < 0)   
            rgbPixel.g = 0; 
         else if (((double) rgbPixel.g + noise) > 255) 
            rgbPixel.g = 255; 
            rgbPixel.g = (unsigned char) (rgbPixel.g + noise);

         if (((double) rgbPixel.b + noise) < 0)   
            rgbPixel.b = 0; 
         else if (((double) rgbPixel.b + noise) > 255) 
            rgbPixel.b = 255; 
            rgbPixel.b = (unsigned char) (rgbPixel.b + noise);
         outputImage(x,y) = rgbPixel;

    * Now write out the simulated gaze angles

   if (windowFlag == true) {

      azimuth   = ((xOffset * 2.0) - ((double)inputImage.width() - (double)outputImage.width())) * 
                  (*horizontalViewAngleValue /  (2.0 * (double)inputImage.width()));
      elevation = ((yOffset * 2.0) - ((double)inputImage.height() - (double)outputImage.height())) * 
                  (*verticalViewAngleValue /  (2.0 * (double)inputImage.height()));

      if (debug) {
         cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: azimuth     " << azimuth << endl;
         cout << "ImageSourceThread::run: elevation   " << elevation << endl;

      VectorOf<double> &vctPos = gazePortOut->prepare();
      vctPos(0) = azimuth;
      vctPos(1) = elevation;
      vctPos(2) = (double)(int)'a'; // absolute (neck reference) coordinates are sent
      vctPos(3) = (double)(int)'s'; // receiver module should do saccades
      vctPos(4) = 0; // saccade index

      // write output vector
    * Now write out the simulated encoder values

   VectorOf<double> &vctEnc = encoderPortOut->prepare();
   vctEnc(0) = 0;
   vctEnc(1) = 1;
   vctEnc(2) = 2; 
   vctEnc(3) = 3;  
   vctEnc(4) = 4; 
   vctEnc(5) = 5; 

   // write output vector
CppDetEstCircle4 (vector < double >x, vector < double >y,
                  double cellsize, unsigned int maxR, unsigned int sigmacoef,
                  double epsion, unsigned int maxIter, unsigned int minnumfit,
                  vector < double >&detectedcircle,
                  vector < double >&mapfinalHTcircle,
                  vector < double >&iterationdata, vector < double >&ArcInfo,
                  vector < double >&finalx, vector < double >&finaly,
                  vector < double >&DebugInfo)
  // based from 0.
  // detectedcircle: [yc, xc, r], in unit of meter.
  // mapfinalHTcircle: [rowc, colc, r], in unit of pixel.
  if (x.size () != y.size ()) {
      ("CppDetEstCircle ==> input x and y do not have the same length!\n");
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return false;
  mxArray *mx_x, *mx_y, *mx_refmatrix;
  double *tempGetPr;

  vector < unsigned int >img, dim_img (2), dim_refmatrix (2);
  vector < double >refmatrix;
  // call CppGridPts to grid the points cloud into cellsize*cellsize cells
  bool callflag;
  callflag =
    CppGridPts (x, y, cellsize, maxR, minnumfit, img, dim_img, refmatrix,
  if (!callflag) {
    mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppGridPts failed!\n");
    // maybe inputs are invalid!
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return false;
  if (img.size () == 0 || refmatrix.size () == 0) {
    // less than minnumfit points in this section
#ifdef DEBUG
      ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppGridPts ==> less than minnumfit points in this section!\n");
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
    iterationdata[0] = 0.0;
    iterationdata[1] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[2] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(x.size ());
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return true;
  // convert x, y to row and col by MATLAB function: map2pix
  // xpix, ypix: based from 0.
  vector < double >xpix (x.size ()), ypix (y.size ());
  mxArray *prhs[3], *plhs[2];
  mx_x = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (x.size (), 1, mxREAL);
  mx_y = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (y.size (), 1, mxREAL);
  mx_refmatrix =
    mxCreateDoubleMatrix (dim_refmatrix[0], dim_refmatrix[1], mxREAL);
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (mx_x);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size (); i++) {
    tempGetPr[i] = x[i];
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (mx_y);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < y.size (); i++) {
    tempGetPr[i] = y[i];
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (mx_refmatrix);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refmatrix.size (); i++) {
    tempGetPr[i] = refmatrix[i];
  prhs[1] = mx_x;
  prhs[2] = mx_y;
  prhs[0] = mx_refmatrix;
  mexCallMATLAB (2, plhs, 3, prhs, "map2pix");
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[1]);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size (); i++) {
    xpix[i] = tempGetPr[i] - 1;
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[0]);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < y.size (); i++) {
    ypix[i] = tempGetPr[i] - 1;
  mxDestroyArray (mx_x);
  mxDestroyArray (mx_y);

  vector < double >estcircle;
  CppCircleFitting (xpix, ypix, estcircle);
  if (estcircle.size () == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> CppCircleFitting return empty!\n");
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
    iterationdata[0] = 0.0;
    iterationdata[1] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[2] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(x.size ());
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return true;
  if (estcircle[2] < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> CppCircleFitting return negative!\n");
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
    iterationdata[0] = 0.0;
    iterationdata[1] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[2] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(x.size ());
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return true;
  vector < double >precircle (3, mxGetInf ());
  vector < bool > ROIimage (img.size ());
  vector < double >ROIxpix, ROIypix;
  vector < unsigned int >inputImage (img.size ());
  vector < unsigned int >edgeImage (img.size ());
  vector < unsigned int >HTrow, HTcol, HTr, HTpeak;
  vector < double >zeros (img.size (), 0.0);
  vector < double >finalHTcircle, allRsigma;
  unsigned int iterativecount = 0;
  bool fitflag = true;
  double centerchange, radiuschange, finalRsigma;
  transform (img.begin (), img.end (), zeros.begin (), ROIimage.begin (),
             std::not_equal_to < double >());
  centerchange =
    sqrt ((estcircle[0] - precircle[0]) * (estcircle[0] - precircle[0]) +
          (estcircle[1] - precircle[1]) * (estcircle[1] - precircle[1]));
  radiuschange = fabs (estcircle[2] - precircle[2]);
  while (centerchange > epsion / cellsize || radiuschange > epsion / cellsize) {
    // In this while loop, estcircle and precircle are both in unit of pixel.

    // initially detect circle by Hough Transform.
    inputImage.clear ();
    inputImage.resize (img.size (), 0);
    transform (img.begin (), img.end (), ROIimage.begin (),
               inputImage.begin (), std::multiplies < unsigned int >());
    //int debugcount=0;
    //for (unsigned int i=0; i<img.size(); i++)
    //      if ( (img[i]!=0) && ROIimage[i] )
    //      {
    //              inputImage[i]=img[i];
    //              debugcount++;
    //      }
    HTrow.clear ();
    HTcol.clear ();
    HTr.clear ();
    HTpeak.clear ();
    if (!
         (inputImage, dim_img, maxR, edgeImage, dim_img, HTrow, HTcol, HTr,
)) {
      mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppIterCHT failed!\n");
      return false;
    if (HTrow.size () == 0) {
      // no circle detected by CHT
      fitflag = false;
    // select one circle from the above derived by CHT. 
    finalHTcircle.clear ();
    allRsigma.clear ();
    finalRsigma =
      CppSelectHTCircle (edgeImage, dim_img, HTrow, HTcol, HTr, finalHTcircle,
    if (finalRsigma < 0) {
      mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppSelectHTCircle failed!\n");
      return false;
    // mark ROI
    ROIimage.clear ();
    if (!
         (edgeImage, dim_img, finalHTcircle, xpix, ypix, sigmacoef,
          finalRsigma, ROIimage, ROIxpix, ROIypix)
)) {
      mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppMarkROI failed!\n");
      return false;

    if (ROIxpix.size () < minnumfit) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        ("CppDetEstCircle ==> less than minnumfit points used to fit a circle!\n");
      fitflag = false;
    precircle.clear ();
    precircle.resize (estcircle.size (), 0.0);
    copy (estcircle.begin (), estcircle.end (), precircle.begin ());
    // fit circles using points in ROI
    CppCircleFitting (ROIxpix, ROIypix, estcircle);
    if (estcircle.size () == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> CppCircleFitting return empty!\n");
      fitflag = false;
    if (estcircle[2] < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> CppCircleFitting return negative!\n");
      fitflag = false;
    // calculate change compared with previous circle
    centerchange =
      sqrt ((estcircle[0] - precircle[0]) * (estcircle[0] - precircle[0]) +
            (estcircle[1] - precircle[1]) * (estcircle[1] - precircle[1]));
    radiuschange = fabs (estcircle[2] - precircle[2]);
    iterativecount += 1;

    if (iterativecount == maxIter) {
      fitflag = true;


  // Now, we begin to check if estcircle(detectedcircle) is derived in while loop and if the derived is valid. 
  // We check it from 3 aspects. 

  // 1st check: whether circle is derived, see if fitflag is true
  if (!fitflag) {
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
    iterationdata[0] = static_cast < double >(iterativecount);
    iterationdata[1] = centerchange * cellsize;
    iterationdata[2] = radiuschange * cellsize;
    iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(ROIxpix.size ());
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return true;
  //2nd check: 
  //see if the detectedcircle(or estcircle) locates within point
  //cloud of trunk, if true, this horizontal point cloud section is
  //unqualified, discard the detectedcircle. If in the 3*3 window
  //centered at detectedcircle point density in every cell is greater
  //than 1, we think the circle center locating within trunk. 
  double ptsdensity;
  ptsdensity =
    CppNeighborPtsDensity (img, dim_img, 3, estcircle[0], estcircle[1]);
  if (ptsdensity < 0) {
    mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppNeighborPtsDensity failed!\n");
    return false;
  if (mxIsInf (ptsdensity)) {
    // If ptsdensity is Inf, the derived center locates outside the rasterized image.

    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    detectedcircle.resize (3, 0.0);
    mapfinalHTcircle.resize (3, 0.0);
    prhs[0] = mx_refmatrix;
    prhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (2, 1, mxREAL);
    prhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (2, 1, mxREAL);
    tempGetPr = mxGetPr (prhs[1]);
    tempGetPr[0] = estcircle[0] + 1;
    tempGetPr[1] = finalHTcircle[0] + 1;
    tempGetPr = mxGetPr (prhs[2]);
    tempGetPr[0] = estcircle[1] + 1;
    tempGetPr[1] = finalHTcircle[1] + 1;
    mexCallMATLAB (2, plhs, 3, prhs, "pix2map");
    tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[0]);      //xc
    detectedcircle[1] = tempGetPr[0];
    mapfinalHTcircle[1] = tempGetPr[1]; // xc
    tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[1]);      //yc
    detectedcircle[0] = tempGetPr[0];
    mapfinalHTcircle[0] = tempGetPr[1]; // yc
    detectedcircle[2] = estcircle[2] * cellsize;
    mapfinalHTcircle[2] = finalHTcircle[2] * cellsize;  // r
    mxDestroyArray (prhs[1]);
    mxDestroyArray (prhs[2]);
    mxDestroyArray (plhs[0]);
    mxDestroyArray (plhs[1]);

    /*detectedcircle.assign(estcircle.begin(), estcircle.end());
       mapfinalHTcircle.assign(finalHTcircle.begin(), finalHTcircle.end()); */

    iterationdata.clear ();
    iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
    iterationdata[0] = static_cast < double >(iterativecount);
    iterationdata[1] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[2] = mxGetNaN ();
    iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(ROIxpix.size ());
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return true;
  } else if (ptsdensity > 1) {
    // If ptsdensity is greater than 1, the derived center is on the trunk, not valid!
    detectedcircle.clear ();
    mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
    iterationdata.clear ();
    iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
    iterationdata[0] = static_cast < double >(iterativecount);
    iterationdata[1] = centerchange * cellsize;
    iterationdata[2] = radiuschange * cellsize;
    iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(ROIxpix.size ());
    ArcInfo.clear ();
    ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
    finalx.clear ();
    finaly.clear ();
    DebugInfo.clear ();
    return true;
  // 3rd check: Iteration (while loop) ends possibly without getting right circle but due to reaching maximum iteration count or failed HT.
  // So here the estcircle derived from while loop is checked whether satisfying the right circle condition. 
  if (iterativecount == maxIter) {
    if (centerchange > epsion / cellsize || radiuschange > epsion / cellsize) {
      detectedcircle.clear ();
      mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
      iterationdata.clear ();
      iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
      iterationdata[0] = static_cast < double >(maxIter);
      iterationdata[1] = centerchange * cellsize;
      iterationdata[2] = radiuschange * cellsize;
      iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(ROIxpix.size ());
      ArcInfo.clear ();
      ArcInfo.resize (3, 0.0);
      finalx.clear ();
      finaly.clear ();
      DebugInfo.clear ();
      return true;
  //After all checked, we can output the valid derived circle.
  detectedcircle.clear ();
  mapfinalHTcircle.clear ();
  detectedcircle.resize (3, 0.0);
  mapfinalHTcircle.resize (3, 0.0);
  prhs[0] = mx_refmatrix;
  prhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (2, 1, mxREAL);
  prhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (2, 1, mxREAL);
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (prhs[1]);
  tempGetPr[0] = estcircle[0] + 1;
  tempGetPr[1] = finalHTcircle[0] + 1;
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (prhs[2]);
  tempGetPr[0] = estcircle[1] + 1;
  tempGetPr[1] = finalHTcircle[1] + 1;
  mexCallMATLAB (2, plhs, 3, prhs, "pix2map");
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[0]);        //xc
  detectedcircle[1] = tempGetPr[0];
  mapfinalHTcircle[1] = tempGetPr[1];   // xc
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[1]);        //yc
  detectedcircle[0] = tempGetPr[0];
  mapfinalHTcircle[0] = tempGetPr[1];   // yc
  detectedcircle[2] = estcircle[2] * cellsize;
  mapfinalHTcircle[2] = finalHTcircle[2] * cellsize;    // r
  mxDestroyArray (prhs[1]);
  mxDestroyArray (prhs[2]);
  mxDestroyArray (plhs[0]);
  mxDestroyArray (plhs[1]);

  // convert ROIxpix, ROIypix to finalx, finaly
  finalx.clear ();
  finalx.resize (ROIxpix.size ());
  finaly.clear ();
  finaly.resize (ROIypix.size ());
  prhs[0] = mx_refmatrix;
  prhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (ROIypix.size (), 1, mxREAL);
  prhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (ROIxpix.size (), 1, mxREAL);
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (prhs[1]);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ROIypix.size (); i++) {
    tempGetPr[i] = ROIypix[i] + 1;
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (prhs[2]);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ROIxpix.size (); i++) {
    tempGetPr[i] = ROIxpix[i] + 1;
  mexCallMATLAB (2, plhs, 3, prhs, "pix2map");
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[0]);        //finalx
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ROIxpix.size (); i++) {
    finalx[i] = tempGetPr[i];
  tempGetPr = mxGetPr (plhs[1]);        //finaly
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ROIypix.size (); i++) {
    finaly[i] = tempGetPr[i];
  mxDestroyArray (prhs[1]);
  mxDestroyArray (prhs[2]);
  mxDestroyArray (plhs[0]);
  mxDestroyArray (plhs[1]);
  mxDestroyArray (mx_refmatrix);

  iterationdata.clear ();
  iterationdata.resize (4, 0.0);
  iterationdata[0] = static_cast < double >(iterativecount);
  iterationdata[1] = centerchange * cellsize;
  iterationdata[2] = radiuschange * cellsize;
  iterationdata[3] = static_cast < double >(ROIxpix.size ());
  ArcInfo.clear ();
  if (!CppArcInfo (ROIxpix, ROIypix, estcircle, ArcInfo)) {
    mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> calling CppArcInfo failed!\n");
    return false;
  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  // Because when rasterizing point clouds
  // in the function CppGridPts the center of the first pixel, 
  // i.e. the pixel at [1,1] locates at (minx, maxy), 
  // we have to transform the angle in i-j(raster) coordinate system
  // to x-y(point clouds) coordinate system. 
  // In x-y coordinate system, y axis points to north, 
  // so angle is presented in counterclockwise. 
  // In contrast, in i-j coordinate system, 
  // i axis (i.e. y axis in raster) points to south, 
  // so angle is presented in clockwise.
  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  ArcInfo[0] = 2 * PI - ArcInfo[0];
  ArcInfo[1] = 2 * PI - ArcInfo[1];

  DebugInfo.clear ();
  DebugInfo.resize (1);
  DebugInfo[0] = finalRsigma * cellsize;

#ifdef DEBUG
  mexPrintf ("CppDetEstCircle ==> finally points used to fit a circle: %d!\n",
             ROIxpix.size ());

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main()
    // Objects
    CameraInput *camera = new CameraInput();
    Control *controller = new Control();
    Process *processer = new Process();
    Tracking *tracker = new Tracking();
    Serial_Communication *serial = new Serial_Communication("/dev/ttyUSB0", "/dev/ttyUSB1");
//    Serial_Communication *serial = new Serial_Communication("/dev/ttyUSB0");// #### For testing with only one arduino
    File_Handler *file_Handler = new File_Handler();
    Window_Handler *window_Handler = new Window_Handler();
    Menu *menu = new Menu();

    // Threads
    QThread *t1 = new QThread;
    QThread *t2 = new QThread;
    QThread *t3 = new QThread;
    QThread *t4 = new QThread;
    QThread *t5 = new QThread;


    // Connect signals to slots. Whenever a signal is emitted in a function, its corresponding (connected) function will run.

    //Signals calling from:
    //Main thread
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(startRecording(bool)), controller, SLOT(startRecording(bool)));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(stopRecording()), controller, SLOT(stopRecording()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(displayMenu(cv::Mat)), window_Handler, SLOT(drawImage(cv::Mat)));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(requestDataFromFootController()), serial, SLOT(receiveDataFromFootControllerLoop()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(startHighRep()), controller, SLOT(startDelayMode()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(decreaseDelay()), controller, SLOT(decreaseDelay()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(increaseDelay()), controller, SLOT(increaseDelay()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(modeSwitch()), controller, SLOT(endMode()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(startPlayback()), file_Handler, SLOT(readFromFile()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(stopPlayback()), file_Handler, SLOT(stopVideo()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(toggleSlowMotion()), file_Handler, SLOT(toggleSlowMotion()));
    QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(toggleTracking()), controller, SLOT(toggleTracking()));

    //Thread 1
    QObject::connect(t1, SIGNAL(started()), camera, SLOT(captureImage()));
    QObject::connect(camera, SIGNAL(capturedImage(cv::Mat)), controller, SLOT(inputImage(cv::Mat)));

    //Thread 2
    QObject::connect(t2, SIGNAL(started()), controller, SLOT(processerReady()));
    QObject::connect(processer, SIGNAL(posXposY(int,int)), tracker, SLOT(position(int,int)));
    QObject::connect(processer, SIGNAL(readyForWork()), controller, SLOT(processerReady()));

    //Thread 3
    QObject::connect(tracker, SIGNAL(directionAndSpeed(int,int)), serial, SLOT(sendDataToControlUnit(int,int)));
    QObject::connect(serial, SIGNAL(fromFootController(char)), menu, SLOT(giveInput(char)));

    //Thread 4
    QObject::connect(t4, SIGNAL(started()), controller, SLOT(fileHandlerReadyToWrite()));
    QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(imageToProcess(cv::Mat)), processer, SLOT(processImage(cv::Mat)));
    QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(requestImage()), camera, SLOT(captureImage()));
    QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(imageToRecord(cv::Mat)), file_Handler, SLOT(writeImage(cv::Mat)));
//    QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(imageToShow(cv::Mat)), window_Handler, SLOT(drawImage(cv::Mat)));
    QObject::connect(processer, SIGNAL(processedImage(cv::Mat)), window_Handler, SLOT(drawImage(cv::Mat)));
    QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(stopMotor()), serial, SLOT(stopMotor()));

    //Thread 5
    QObject::connect(file_Handler, SIGNAL(showFrame(cv::Mat)), window_Handler, SLOT(drawImage(cv::Mat)));
    QObject::connect(file_Handler, SIGNAL(readyToWrite()), controller, SLOT(fileHandlerReadyToWrite()));
    QObject::connect(file_Handler, SIGNAL(timeout()), file_Handler, SLOT(playVideo()));
    QObject::connect(file_Handler, SIGNAL(playbackEnded()), menu, SLOT(returnToLowRep()));

    // Starting Threads

//    menu->menu();
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // insert code here...
    //std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
    Palette c64palette(c64_colors, num_64_colors);
    Ditherer* ditherer = Ditherer::createC64Ditherer();
    const char* dirname = argv[1];
    const char* outdirname = argv[2];
    const char* out64fname = argv[3];
    int index = 0;
    char thisfname[256];
    char nextfname[256];
    char outfname[256];
    unsigned char* c64frame = NULL;
    FILE* fp = fopen(out64fname, "wb");
    NetPort port(192,168,1,25,99998,99999);
    Tools::Timer frameTimer;
    for (index = 1; index < 9999; index++)
        // check if file can be opened
        sprintf(thisfname, "%s/%04d.ppm", dirname, index);
        sprintf(nextfname, "%s/%04d.ppm", dirname, index+1);
        printf("%s\n", thisfname);
        // open image
        Image inputImage(thisfname);
        int imWidth = inputImage.getWidth();
        int imHeight = inputImage.getHeight();
        Image halfImage(inputImage, imWidth/2, imHeight);
        Image* dithered = ditherer->createDitheredImageFromImageWithPalette(halfImage, c64palette);
        C64Image* c64im = (C64Image*)dithered;
        // test - output to new ppm
        sprintf(outfname, "%s/%04d.ppm", outdirname, index);
        Image fullImage(*dithered, imWidth, imHeight);
        int c64FrameSize = c64im->getC64FrameSize();
        if (!c64frame)
            c64frame = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * c64FrameSize);
        float time = (float)index / 8.0;
        c64im->getC64Frame(c64frame, time);
        fwrite(c64frame, 1, c64FrameSize, fp);
        float thisTime = frameTimer.getTime();
        printf("pts %f, time %f\n", time, thisTime);
        while (thisTime < time)
            float diff = time - thisTime;
            float usec = diff * 1000000.0;
            thisTime = frameTimer.getTime();
        // send bytes to port
        port.send(&c64frame[4], 9216);
        delete dithered;
    return 0;