Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Save the MetaData, triggered by parent->save Button
void MetaPanel::saveMeta()
    if( p_input == NULL )

    /* now we read the modified meta data */
    input_item_SetTitle(  p_input, qtu( title_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetArtist( p_input, qtu( artist_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetAlbum(  p_input, qtu( collection_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetGenre(  p_input, qtu( genre_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetTrackNum(  p_input, qtu( seqnum_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetTrackTotal(  p_input, qtu( seqtot_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetDate(  p_input, qtu( date_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetLanguage(  p_input, qtu( language_text->text() ) );

    input_item_SetCopyright( p_input, qtu( copyright_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetPublisher( p_input, qtu( publisher_text->text() ) );
    input_item_SetDescription( p_input, qtu( description_text->toPlainText() ) );

    playlist_t *p_playlist = pl_Get( p_intf );
    input_item_WriteMeta( VLC_OBJECT(p_playlist), p_input );

    /* Reset the status of the mode. No need to emit any signal because parent
       is the only caller */
    b_inEditMode = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: mtp.c Proyecto: etix/vlc
static void AddTrack( services_discovery_t *p_sd, LIBMTP_track_t *p_track )
    input_item_t *p_input;
    char *psz_string;
    char *extension;

    extension = rindex( p_track->filename, '.' );
    if( asprintf( &psz_string, "mtp://%"PRIu32":%"PRIu8":%"PRIu16":%d%s",
                  p_sd->p_sys->i_bus, p_sd->p_sys->i_dev,
                  p_sd->p_sys->i_product_id, p_track->item_id,
                  extension ) == -1 )
        msg_Err( p_sd, "Error adding %s, skipping it", p_track->filename );
    if( ( p_input = input_item_New( psz_string, p_track->title ) ) == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_sd, "Error adding %s, skipping it", p_track->filename );
        free( psz_string );
    free( psz_string );

    input_item_SetArtist( p_input, p_track->artist );
    input_item_SetGenre( p_input, p_track->genre );
    input_item_SetAlbum( p_input, p_track->album );
    if( asprintf( &psz_string, "%d", p_track->tracknumber ) != -1 )
        input_item_SetTrackNum( p_input, psz_string );
        free( psz_string );
    if( asprintf( &psz_string, "%d", p_track->rating ) != -1 )
        input_item_SetRating( p_input, psz_string );
        free( psz_string );
    input_item_SetDate( p_input, p_track->date );
    input_item_SetDuration( p_input, p_track->duration * 1000 );
    services_discovery_AddItem( p_sd, p_input, NULL );
    p_sd->p_sys->pp_items[p_sd->p_sys->i_count++] = p_input;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: ram.c Proyecto: MarkYuan/vlc
 * Main demux callback function
 * @param p_demux: this demux object
static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
    char       *psz_line;
    char       *psz_artist = NULL, *psz_album = NULL, *psz_genre = NULL, *psz_year = NULL;
    char       *psz_author = NULL, *psz_title = NULL, *psz_copyright = NULL, *psz_cdnum = NULL, *psz_comments = NULL;
    mtime_t    i_duration = -1;
    const char **ppsz_options = NULL;
    int        i_options = 0, i_start = 0, i_stop = 0;
    bool b_cleanup = false;
    input_item_t *p_input;

    input_item_t *p_current_input = GetCurrentItem(p_demux);

    input_item_node_t *p_subitems = input_item_node_Create( p_current_input );

    psz_line = vlc_stream_ReadLine( p_demux->s );
    while( psz_line )
        char *psz_parse = psz_line;

        /* Skip leading tabs and spaces */
        while( *psz_parse == ' ' || *psz_parse == '\t' ||
               *psz_parse == '\n' || *psz_parse == '\r' ) psz_parse++;

        if( *psz_parse == '#' )
            /* Ignore comments */
        else if( *psz_parse )
            char *psz_mrl, *psz_option_next, *psz_option;
            char *psz_param, *psz_value;

            /* Get the MRL from the file. Note that this might contain parameters of form ?param1=value1&param2=value2 in a RAM file */
            psz_mrl = ProcessMRL( psz_parse, p_demux->p_sys->psz_prefix );

            b_cleanup = true;
            if ( !psz_mrl ) goto error;

            /* We have the MRL, now we have to check for options and parse them from MRL */
            psz_option = strchr( psz_mrl, '?' ); /* Look for start of options */
            if( psz_option )
                /* Remove options from MRL
                   because VLC can't get the file otherwise */
                *psz_option = '\0';
                psz_option_next = psz_option;
                while( 1 ) /* Process each option */
                    /* Look for end of first option which maybe a & or \0 */
                    psz_option = psz_option_next;
                    psz_option_next = strchr( psz_option, '&' );
                    if( psz_option_next )
                        *psz_option_next = '\0';
                        psz_option_next = strchr( psz_option, '\0' );
                    /* Quit if options are over */
                    if( psz_option_next == psz_option )

                    /* Parse out param and value */
                    psz_param = psz_option;
                    psz_value = strchr( psz_option, '=' );
                    if( psz_value == NULL )
                    *psz_value = '\0';

                    /* Take action based on parameter value in the below if else structure */
                    /* TODO: Remove any quotes surrounding values if required */
                    if( !strcmp( psz_param, "clipinfo" ) )
                        ParseClipInfo( psz_value, &psz_artist, &psz_title,
                           &psz_album, &psz_genre, &psz_year,
                           &psz_cdnum, &psz_comments ); /* clipinfo has various sub parameters, which is parsed by this function */
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "author" ) )
                        psz_author = vlc_uri_decode_duplicate(psz_value);
                        EnsureUTF8( psz_author );
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "start" )
                            && strncmp( psz_mrl, "rtsp", 4 ) /* Our rtsp-real or our real demuxer is wrong */  )
                        i_start = ParseTime( psz_value, strlen( psz_value ) );
                        char *temp;
                        if( i_start )
                            if( asprintf( &temp, ":start-time=%d", i_start ) != -1 )
                                INSERT_ELEM( ppsz_options, i_options, i_options, temp );
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "end" ) )
                        i_stop = ParseTime( psz_value, strlen( psz_value ) );
                        char *temp;
                        if( i_stop )
                            if( asprintf( &temp, ":stop-time=%d", i_stop ) != -1 )
                                INSERT_ELEM( ppsz_options, i_options, i_options, temp );
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "title" ) )
                        free( psz_title );
                        psz_title = vlc_uri_decode_duplicate(psz_value);
                        EnsureUTF8( psz_title );
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "copyright" ) )
                        psz_copyright = vlc_uri_decode_duplicate(psz_value);
                        EnsureUTF8( psz_copyright );
                    {   /* TODO: insert option anyway? Currently ignores*/
                        /* INSERT_ELEM( ppsz_options, i_options, i_options, psz_option ); */

            /* Create the input item and pump in all the options into playlist item */
            p_input = input_item_NewExt( psz_mrl, psz_title, i_duration,
                                         ITEM_TYPE_UNKNOWN, ITEM_NET_UNKNOWN );
            if( !p_input )
                free( psz_mrl );
                goto error;
            input_item_AddOptions( p_input, i_options, ppsz_options, 0 );

            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_artist ) ) input_item_SetArtist( p_input, psz_artist );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_author ) ) input_item_SetPublisher( p_input, psz_author );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_title ) ) input_item_SetTitle( p_input, psz_title );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_copyright ) ) input_item_SetCopyright( p_input, psz_copyright );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_album ) ) input_item_SetAlbum( p_input, psz_album );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_genre ) ) input_item_SetGenre( p_input, psz_genre );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_year ) ) input_item_SetDate( p_input, psz_year );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_cdnum ) ) input_item_SetTrackNum( p_input, psz_cdnum );
            if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_comments ) ) input_item_SetDescription( p_input, psz_comments );

            input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_input );
            vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
            free( psz_mrl );

        /* Fetch another line */
        free( psz_line );
        psz_line = vlc_stream_ReadLine( p_demux->s );
        if( !psz_line ) b_cleanup = true;

        if( b_cleanup )
            /* Cleanup state */
            while( i_options-- ) free( (char*)ppsz_options[i_options] );
            FREENULL( ppsz_options );
            FREENULL( psz_artist );
            FREENULL( psz_title );
            FREENULL( psz_author );
            FREENULL( psz_copyright );
            FREENULL( psz_album );
            FREENULL( psz_genre );
            FREENULL( psz_year );
            FREENULL( psz_cdnum );
            FREENULL( psz_comments );
            i_options = 0;
            i_duration = -1;
            i_start = 0;
            i_stop = 0;
            b_cleanup = false;
    input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_subitems );
    var_Destroy( p_demux, "m3u-extvlcopt" );
    return 0; /* Needed for correct operation of go back */
static int GetTracks( access_t *p_access, input_item_t *p_current )
    access_sys_t *p_sys = p_access->p_sys;

    const int i_titles = ioctl_GetTracksMap( VLC_OBJECT(p_access),
                                             p_sys->vcddev, &p_sys->p_sectors );
    if( i_titles <= 0 )
        if( i_titles < 0 )
            msg_Err( p_access, "unable to count tracks" );
        else if( i_titles <= 0 )
            msg_Err( p_access, "no audio tracks found" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;;

    /* */
    input_item_SetName( p_current, "Audio CD" );

    const char *psz_album = NULL;
    const char *psz_year = NULL;
    const char *psz_genre = NULL;
    const char *psz_artist = NULL;
    const char *psz_description = NULL;

/* Return true if the given string is not NULL and not empty */
#define NONEMPTY( psz ) ( (psz) && *(psz) )
/* If the given string is NULL or empty, fill it by the return value of 'code' */
#define ON_EMPTY( psz, code ) do { if( !NONEMPTY( psz) ) { (psz) = code; } } while(0)

    /* Retreive CDDB information */
    char psz_year_buffer[4+1];
    msg_Dbg( p_access, "fetching infos with CDDB" );
    cddb_disc_t *p_disc = GetCDDBInfo( p_access, i_titles, p_sys->p_sectors );
    if( p_disc )
        psz_album = cddb_disc_get_title( p_disc );
        psz_genre = cddb_disc_get_genre( p_disc );

        /* */
        const unsigned i_year = cddb_disc_get_year( p_disc );
        if( i_year > 0 )
            psz_year = psz_year_buffer;
            snprintf( psz_year_buffer, sizeof(psz_year_buffer), "%u", i_year );

        /* Set artist only if unique */
        for( int i = 0; i < i_titles; i++ )
            cddb_track_t *t = cddb_disc_get_track( p_disc, i );
            if( !t )
            const char *psz_track_artist = cddb_track_get_artist( t );
            if( psz_artist && psz_track_artist &&
                strcmp( psz_artist, psz_track_artist ) )
                psz_artist = NULL;
            psz_artist = psz_track_artist;

    /* CD-Text */
    vlc_meta_t **pp_cd_text;
    int        i_cd_text;

    if( ioctl_GetCdText( VLC_OBJECT(p_access), p_sys->vcddev, &pp_cd_text, &i_cd_text ) )
        msg_Dbg( p_access, "CD-TEXT information missing" );
        i_cd_text = 0;
        pp_cd_text = NULL;

    /* Retrieve CD-TEXT information but prefer CDDB */
    if( i_cd_text > 0 && pp_cd_text[0] )
        const vlc_meta_t *p_disc = pp_cd_text[0];
        ON_EMPTY( psz_album,       vlc_meta_Get( p_disc, vlc_meta_Album ) );
        ON_EMPTY( psz_genre,       vlc_meta_Get( p_disc, vlc_meta_Genre ) );
        ON_EMPTY( psz_artist,      vlc_meta_Get( p_disc, vlc_meta_Artist ) );
        ON_EMPTY( psz_description, vlc_meta_Get( p_disc, vlc_meta_Description ) );

    if( NONEMPTY( psz_album ) )
        input_item_SetName( p_current, psz_album );
        input_item_SetAlbum( p_current, psz_album );

    if( NONEMPTY( psz_genre ) )
        input_item_SetGenre( p_current, psz_genre );

    if( NONEMPTY( psz_artist ) )
        input_item_SetArtist( p_current, psz_artist );

    if( NONEMPTY( psz_year ) )
        input_item_SetDate( p_current, psz_year );

    if( NONEMPTY( psz_description ) )
        input_item_SetDescription( p_current, psz_description );

    const mtime_t i_duration = (int64_t)( p_sys->p_sectors[i_titles] - p_sys->p_sectors[0] ) *
                               CDDA_DATA_SIZE * 1000000 / 44100 / 2 / 2;
    input_item_SetDuration( p_current, i_duration );

    input_item_node_t *p_root = input_item_node_Create( p_current );

    /* Build title table */
    for( int i = 0; i < i_titles; i++ )
        input_item_t *p_input_item;

        char *psz_uri, *psz_opt, *psz_first, *psz_last;
        char *psz_name;

        msg_Dbg( p_access, "track[%d] start=%d", i, p_sys->p_sectors[i] );

        /* */
        if( asprintf( &psz_uri, "cdda://%s", p_access->psz_location ) == -1 )
            psz_uri = NULL;
        if( asprintf( &psz_opt, "cdda-track=%i", i+1 ) == -1 )
            psz_opt = NULL;
        if( asprintf( &psz_first, "cdda-first-sector=%i",p_sys->p_sectors[i] ) == -1 )
            psz_first = NULL;
        if( asprintf( &psz_last, "cdda-last-sector=%i", p_sys->p_sectors[i+1] ) == -1 )
            psz_last = NULL;

        /* Define a "default name" */
        if( asprintf( &psz_name, _("Audio CD - Track %02i"), (i+1) ) == -1 )
            psz_name = NULL;

        /* Create playlist items */
        const mtime_t i_duration = (int64_t)( p_sys->p_sectors[i+1] - p_sys->p_sectors[i] ) *
                                   CDDA_DATA_SIZE * 1000000 / 44100 / 2 / 2;
        p_input_item = input_item_NewWithType( psz_uri, psz_name, 0, NULL, 0,
                                               i_duration, ITEM_TYPE_DISC );
        input_item_CopyOptions( p_current, p_input_item );
        input_item_AddOption( p_input_item, psz_first, VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED );
        input_item_AddOption( p_input_item, psz_last, VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED );
        input_item_AddOption( p_input_item, psz_opt, VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED );

        const char *psz_track_title = NULL;
        const char *psz_track_artist = NULL;
        const char *psz_track_genre = NULL;
        const char *psz_track_description = NULL;

        /* Retreive CDDB information */
        if( p_disc )
            cddb_track_t *t = cddb_disc_get_track( p_disc, i );
            if( t != NULL )
                psz_track_title = cddb_track_get_title( t );
                psz_track_artist = cddb_track_get_artist( t );

        /* Retreive CD-TEXT information but prefer CDDB */
        if( i+1 < i_cd_text && pp_cd_text[i+1] )
            const vlc_meta_t *t = pp_cd_text[i+1];

            ON_EMPTY( psz_track_title,       vlc_meta_Get( t, vlc_meta_Title ) );
            ON_EMPTY( psz_track_artist,      vlc_meta_Get( t, vlc_meta_Artist ) );
            ON_EMPTY( psz_track_genre,       vlc_meta_Get( t, vlc_meta_Genre ) );
            ON_EMPTY( psz_track_description, vlc_meta_Get( t, vlc_meta_Description ) );

        /* */
        ON_EMPTY( psz_track_artist,       psz_artist );
        ON_EMPTY( psz_track_genre,        psz_genre );
        ON_EMPTY( psz_track_description,  psz_description );

        /* */
        if( NONEMPTY( psz_track_title ) )
            input_item_SetName( p_input_item, psz_track_title );
            input_item_SetTitle( p_input_item, psz_track_title );

        if( NONEMPTY( psz_track_artist ) )
            input_item_SetArtist( p_input_item, psz_track_artist );

        if( NONEMPTY( psz_track_genre ) )
            input_item_SetGenre( p_input_item, psz_track_genre );

        if( NONEMPTY( psz_track_description ) )
            input_item_SetDescription( p_input_item, psz_track_description );

        if( NONEMPTY( psz_album ) )
            input_item_SetAlbum( p_input_item, psz_album );

        if( NONEMPTY( psz_year ) )
            input_item_SetDate( p_input_item, psz_year );

        char psz_num[3+1];
        snprintf( psz_num, sizeof(psz_num), "%d", 1+i );
        input_item_SetTrackNum( p_input_item, psz_num );

        input_item_node_AppendItem( p_root, p_input_item );
        vlc_gc_decref( p_input_item );
        free( psz_uri ); free( psz_opt ); free( psz_name );
        free( psz_first ); free( psz_last );
#undef ON_EMPTY

    input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_root );

    /* */
    for( int i = 0; i < i_cd_text; i++ )
        vlc_meta_t *p_meta = pp_cd_text[i];
        if( !p_meta )
        vlc_meta_Delete( p_meta );
    free( pp_cd_text );

    if( p_disc )
        cddb_disc_destroy( p_disc );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;