Ejemplo n.º 1
int main()
{  long i; o_t *o; 
   printf("starting \n");
   o = create_order();
   for(i=100000; i>=0; i-- )
      insert_bottom( o, p(i) );
   for(i=100001; i< 300007; i+=2 )
   {  insert_after(o, p(i+1), p(i-1) );
      insert_before( o, p(i), p(i+1) );
   printf("inserted 300000 elements. ");
   for(i = 250000; i < 300007; i++ )
      delete_o( o, p(i) );
   printf("deleted 50000 elements. ");
   insert_top( o, p(300006) );
   for(i = 250000; i < 300006; i++ )
      insert_before( o, p(i) , p(300006) );
   printf("reinserted. now testing order\n");
   for( i=0; i < 299000; i +=42 )
   {  if( compare( o, p(i), p(i+23) ) != 1 )
      {  printf(" found error (1) \n"); exit(0);
   for( i=300006; i >57; i -=119 )
   {  if( compare( o, p(i), p(i-57) ) != 0 )
      {  printf(" found error (0) \n"); exit(0);
   printf("finished. no problem found.\n");
void insert_top_test(Stats_Log *log, Buffer_Set *buffers, int test_repitions, float *advance_data,
                     int edit_count, void *scratch, int scratch_size, Record_Statistics *stats_out){
    Sample_Machine machine;
    machine = begin_machine(test_repitions, &scratch, &scratch_size);
    char word[] = "stuff";
    int word_len = sizeof(word) - 1;
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < test_repitions; ++i){
        for (j = 0; j < edit_count; ++j){
            insert_top(&buffers->buffer, word, word_len,
                       advance_data, scratch, scratch_size);
        machine.samples[i].buffer = stop(&machine);
        for (j = 0; j < edit_count; ++j){
            insert_top(&buffers->gap_buffer, word, word_len,
                       advance_data, scratch, scratch_size);
        machine.samples[i].gap_buffer = stop(&machine);
        for (j = 0; j < edit_count; ++j){
            insert_top(&buffers->multi_gap_buffer, word, word_len,
                       advance_data, scratch, scratch_size);
        machine.samples[i].multi_gap_buffer = stop(&machine);
        for (j = 0; j < edit_count; ++j){
            insert_top(&buffers->rope_buffer, word, word_len,
                       advance_data, scratch, scratch_size);
        machine.samples[i].rope_buffer = stop(&machine);

        if (i == 0){
            stream_check_test(buffers, scratch, scratch_size);
    end_machine(&machine, stats_out, __FUNCTION__);

    log_sample_set(log, litstr("insert-top"), stats_out, machine.samples, machine.count);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static link_t join_2_tree(link_t a, link_t b)
    if (a == null_link) return b;
    if (b == null_link) return a;

    b        = insert_top(b, a->key);
    b->left  = join_2_tree(a->left, b->left);
    b->right = join_2_tree(a->right, b->right);
    b->count = b->left->count + b->right->count + 1;
    return b;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static link_t insert_top(link_t root, int key)
    if (root == null_link) return newlink(key, 1, null_link, null_link);

    /* as we insert an item, the count of current should increase by one */
    if (key < root->key) { /* we should insert the key at the left subtree */
        root->left = insert_top(root->left, key);
        /* the nwe should move the root of left subtree as the root of the
         * current tree, that is, we should perform a rotate right action on the
         * current node.
         * */
        root = rotate_right(root);
    else { /* we should insert the key at the right subtree */
        root->right = insert_top(root->right, key);
        root = rotate_left(root);

    return root;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void bst_insert(T t, int key)
    t->root = insert_top(t->root, key);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* inserts the key a immediately after key b in the ordered set */
void insert_after(o_t *ord, key_t a, key_t b){
    if( ord == NULL ) return;

    if( ord->right == NULL && ord->height == 0 ){
    /* single o_t node */

    int stack_p = 0;
    o_t *path_st_p[STACKSIZE];
    for(int i=0; i <STACKSIZE; ++i ) path_st_p[i] = NULL;

    o_t *b_ot_leaf = ord;
    while( b_ot_leaf->right != NULL){
    /* find o_t leaf */
        path_st_p[stack_p++] = b_ot_leaf;
        if( b < b_ot_leaf->key  )
            b_ot_leaf = b_ot_leaf->left;
            b_ot_leaf  = b_ot_leaf->right;

    if( b_ot_leaf->key != b ){
        printf("ERROR: in insert_after(), key (%ld) not found in o_t \n", b);

    int is_top_need_update = ( ord->lot_root->top->key == b ) ? 1 : 0;

    /* begin insertion in l_o_t tree*/
    l_o_t *b_lot_leaf    = NULL;
    l_o_t *new_lot_leaf  = NULL;
    l_o_t *new_lot_upper = NULL;
    l_o_t *lot_parent    = NULL;

    b_lot_leaf = (l_o_t *) b_ot_leaf->left;
    lot_parent = b_lot_leaf->parent;

    /* new parent leaf */
    new_lot_upper = _l_o_t_get_node();
    new_lot_upper->top    = NULL;
    new_lot_upper->bottom = NULL;
    new_lot_upper->parent = lot_parent;

    if( lot_parent != NULL ){
        if( lot_parent->left != b_lot_leaf )
            lot_parent->right = new_lot_upper;
            lot_parent->left  = new_lot_upper;

    /* new leaf */
    new_lot_leaf        = _l_o_t_get_node();
    new_lot_leaf->key   = a;
    new_lot_leaf->height= 0;
    new_lot_leaf->right = NULL;
    key_t *obj = (key_t *) malloc( sizeof(key_t));
    *obj = a;
    new_lot_leaf->left   = (l_o_t *) obj;
    new_lot_leaf->top    = NULL;
    new_lot_leaf->bottom = NULL;
    new_lot_leaf->parent = new_lot_upper;

    /* update- leaf's parent*/
    b_lot_leaf->parent = new_lot_upper;
    if( a < b )
        new_lot_upper->key = b;
        new_lot_upper->key = a;

    /* a comes after b*/
    new_lot_upper->left  = b_lot_leaf;
    new_lot_upper->right = new_lot_leaf;

    if( is_top_need_update )
        ord->lot_root->top = new_lot_leaf;


    stack_p = 0;
    for(int i=0; i <STACKSIZE; ++i ) path_st_p[i] = NULL;

    b_ot_leaf = ord;
    while( b_ot_leaf->right != NULL){
    /* find o_t leaf */
        path_st_p[stack_p++] = b_ot_leaf;
        if( a < b_ot_leaf->key  )
            b_ot_leaf = b_ot_leaf->left;
            b_ot_leaf  = b_ot_leaf->right;

    /* insert new key in o_t tree*/
    o_t *new_ot_leaf   = NULL;
    o_t *other_ot_leaf = NULL;

    /* a new leaf to stand for the old one */
    other_ot_leaf           = _o_t_get_node();
    other_ot_leaf->key      = b_ot_leaf->key;
    other_ot_leaf->height   = b_ot_leaf->height;
    other_ot_leaf->lot_root = NULL;
    other_ot_leaf->left     = b_ot_leaf->left;
    other_ot_leaf->right    = b_ot_leaf->right;

    new_ot_leaf           = _o_t_get_node();
    new_ot_leaf->key      = a;
    new_ot_leaf->height   = 0;
    new_ot_leaf->lot_root = NULL;
    new_ot_leaf->left     = (o_t *) new_lot_leaf;
    new_ot_leaf->right    = NULL;

    if( a < other_ot_leaf->key){
        b_ot_leaf->left  = new_ot_leaf;
        b_ot_leaf->right = other_ot_leaf;
        b_ot_leaf->key  = new_ot_leaf->key;
        b_ot_leaf->left = other_ot_leaf;
        b_ot_leaf->right= new_ot_leaf;


     path_st_p[stack_p++] = b_ot_leaf;

    _o_t_rebalance_tree(path_st_p, stack_p );