Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Creates a HrscCamera Camera Model
   * @param lab Pvl label from the iamge
   * @internal
   *   @history 2011-05-03 Jeannie Walldren - Added NAIF error check.
  HrscCamera::HrscCamera(Pvl &lab) : LineScanCamera(lab) {
    // Setup camera characteristics from instrument and frame kernel

    // Get required keywords from instrument group
    PvlGroup &inst = lab.findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);


    // Setup detector map for transform of image pixels to detector position
    new VariableLineScanCameraDetectorMap(this, p_lineRates);

    // Setup focal plane map for transform of detector position to
    // focal plane x/y.  This will read the appropriate CCD
    // transformation coefficients from the instrument kernel

    new CameraFocalPlaneMap(this, naifIkCode());

    QString ikernKey = "INS" + toString(naifIkCode())  + "_BORESIGHT_SAMPLE";
    double sampleBoresight = getDouble(ikernKey);

    ikernKey = "INS" + toString(naifIkCode())  + "_BORESIGHT_LINE";
    double lineBoresight = getDouble(ikernKey);

    FocalPlaneMap()->SetDetectorOrigin(sampleBoresight, lineBoresight);

    // Setup distortion map.  This will read the optical distortion
    // coefficients from the instrument kernel
    new CameraDistortionMap(this);

    // Setup the ground and sky map to transform undistorted focal
    // plane x/y to lat/lon or ra/dec respectively.
    new LineScanCameraGroundMap(this);
    new LineScanCameraSkyMap(this);

Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Creates a Mariner10 Camera Model
   * @param lab Pvl label from a Mariner 10 image.
   * @throw iException::User - "File does not appear to be a Mariner 10 image.
   *        Invalid InstrumentId."
   * @throw iException::Programmer - "Unable to create distortion map."
   * @internal
   *   @history 2011-05-03 Jeannie Walldren - Added NAIF error check.
  Mariner10Camera::Mariner10Camera(Pvl &lab) : FramingCamera(lab) {

    //  Turn off the aberration corrections for instrument position object

    // Set camera parameters

    PvlGroup inst = lab.findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
    // Get utc start time
    QString stime = inst["StartTime"];

    iTime startTime;

    // Setup detector map
    new CameraDetectorMap(this);

    // Setup focal plane map, and detector origin
    CameraFocalPlaneMap *focalMap = new CameraFocalPlaneMap(this, naifIkCode());

    QString ikernKey = "INS" + toString((int)naifIkCode()) + "_BORESIGHT_SAMPLE";
    double sampleBoresight = getDouble(ikernKey);
    ikernKey = "INS" + toString((int)naifIkCode()) + "_BORESIGHT_LINE";
    double lineBoresight = getDouble(ikernKey);

    focalMap->SetDetectorOrigin(sampleBoresight, lineBoresight);

    // Setup distortion map which is dependent on encounter, use start time
    // MOON:  1973-11-08T03:16:26.350
    QString spacecraft = (QString)inst["SpacecraftName"];
    QString instId = (QString)inst["InstrumentId"];
    QString cam;
    if(instId == "M10_VIDICON_A") {
      cam = "a";
    else if(instId == "M10_VIDICON_B") {
      cam = "b";
    else {
      QString msg = "File does not appear to be a Mariner10 image. InstrumentId ["
          + instId + "] is invalid Mariner 10 value.";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    QString fname = FileName("$mariner10/reseaus/mar10" + cam
                             + "MasterReseaus.pvl").expanded();

    try {
      new ReseauDistortionMap(this, lab, fname);
    catch(IException &e) {
      string msg = "Unable to create distortion map.";
      throw IException(e, IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // Setup the ground and sky map
    new CameraGroundMap(this);
    new CameraSkyMap(this);

Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Creates a Hirise Camera Model
   * @param lab Pvl label from the iamge
   * @internal 
   *   @history 2011-05-03 Jeannie Walldren - Added NAIF error check.
  HiriseCamera::HiriseCamera(Cube &cube) : LineScanCamera(cube) {
    // Setup camera characteristics from instrument and frame kernel

    // Get required keywords from instrument group
    Pvl &lab = *cube.label();
    PvlGroup &inst = lab.findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
    int tdiMode = inst["Tdi"];
    double binMode = inst["Summing"];
    int chan = inst["ChannelNumber"];
    int cpmm = inst["CpmmNumber"];
    double deltaLineTimerCount = inst["DeltaLineTimerCount"];
    QString stime = inst["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];

    // Convert CPMM number to CCD number
    static int cpmm2ccd[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 4, 10, 11, 5, 13, 6, 7, 8, 9};
    int ccd = cpmm2ccd[cpmm];

    // Compute the line rate, convert to seconds, and multiply by the
    // downtrack summing
    double unBinnedRate = (74.0 + (deltaLineTimerCount / 16.0)) / 1000000.0;
    double lineRate = unBinnedRate * binMode;

    // Convert the spacecraft clock count to ephemeris time
    SpiceDouble et;
    // The -74999 is the code to select the transformation from
    // high-precision MRO SCLK to ET
    et = getClockTime(stime, -74999).Et();

    // Adjust the start time so that it is the effective time for
    // the first line in the image file.  Note that on 2006-03-29, this
    // time is now subtracted as opposed to adding it.  The computed start
    // time in the EDR is at the first serial line.
    et -= unBinnedRate * (((double) tdiMode / 2.0) - 0.5);
    // Effective observation
    // time for all the TDI lines used for the
    // first line before doing binning
    et += unBinnedRate * (((double) binMode / 2.0) - 0.5);
    // Effective observation time of the first line
    // in the image file, which is possibly binned

    // Compute effective line number within the CCD (in pixels) for the
    // given TDI mode.
    //   This is the "centered" 0-based line number, where line 0 is the
    //   center of the detector array and line numbers decrease going
    //   towards the serial readout.  Line number +64 sees a spot
    //   on the ground before line number 0 or -64.
    double ccdLine_c = -64.0 + ((double) tdiMode / 2.0);

    // Setup detector map for transform of image pixels to detector position
    //      CameraDetectorMap *detectorMap =
    //        new LineScanCameraDetectorMap(this,et,lineRate);
    LineScanCameraDetectorMap *detectorMap =
      new LineScanCameraDetectorMap(this, et, lineRate);
    if(chan == 0) {

    // Setup focal plane map for transform of detector position to
    // focal plane x/y.  This will read the appropriate CCD
    // transformation coefficients from the instrument kernel
    CameraFocalPlaneMap *focalMap =
      new CameraFocalPlaneMap(this, -74600 - ccd);
    focalMap->SetDetectorOrigin(1024.5, 0.0);
    focalMap->SetDetectorOffset(0.0, ccdLine_c);

    // Setup distortion map.  This will read the optical distortion
    // coefficients from the instrument kernel
    CameraDistortionMap *distortionMap = new CameraDistortionMap(this);

    // Setup the ground and sky map to transform undistorted focal
    // plane x/y to lat/lon or ra/dec respectively.
    new LineScanCameraGroundMap(this);
    new LineScanCameraSkyMap(this);
