Ejemplo n.º 1
intPerm (
INT * const                 permtab,              /*+ Permutation array to build +*/
const INT                   permnbr)              /*+ Number of entries in array +*/
  INT *               permptr;
  INT                 permrmn;

  for (permptr = permtab, permrmn = permnbr;      /* Perform random permutation */
       permrmn > 0; permptr ++, permrmn --) {
    INT                 permnum;
    INT                 permtmp;

    permnum          = intRandVal (permrmn);      /* Select index to swap       */
    permtmp          = permptr[0];                /* Swap it with current index */
    permptr[0]       = permptr[permnum];
    permptr[permnum] = permtmp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
main (
int                 argc,
char *              argv[])
  INT *               randtab;
  int                 randnbr;
  int                 randnum;
  struct stat         statdat;
  FILE *              fileptr;
  int                 passnum;

  if (argc != 3) {
    errorPrint ("usage: %s file passnum", argv[0]);
    return     (1);

  if ((randtab = malloc (RANDNBR * sizeof (INT))) == NULL) {
    errorPrint ("main: out of memory");
    return     (1);

  intRandInit ();                                 /* Initialize random generator */

  for (randnum = 0; randnum < RANDNBR; randnum ++)
    randtab[randnum] = intRandVal (INTVALMAX);

  intRandReset ();

  passnum = (atoi (argv[2]) == 0);                /* First pass to write file; second pass to read it */

  if ((fileptr = fopen (argv[1], (passnum) ? "w+" : "r")) == NULL) {
    errorPrint ("main: cannot open file");
    return     (1);

  if (passnum) {                                  /* If first pass */
    for (randnum = 0; randnum < RANDNBR; randnum ++) {
      if (randtab[randnum] != intRandVal (INTVALMAX)) {
        errorPrint ("main: cannot replay random sequence");
        return     (1);

    if (fwrite (randtab, sizeof (INT), RANDNBR, fileptr) < RANDNBR) {
      errorPrint ("main: cannot write to file");
      return     (1);

    sleep (1);                                    /* Next run will not get the same time() value */
  else {                                          /* Second pass */
    const char * const  bufftab = "";
    char *              charptr;
    int                 o;

    if (fread (randtab, sizeof (INT), RANDNBR, fileptr) < RANDNBR) {
      errorPrint ("main: cannot read from file");
      return     (1);

    for (randnum = 0; randnum < RANDNBR; randnum ++) {
      if (randtab[randnum] != intRandVal (INTVALMAX))

    o = (randnum == RANDNBR);
    charptr = (o) ? "same" : "different";
    o ^= 1;
#endif /* ((defined COMMON_DEBUG) || (defined COMMON_RANDOM_FIXED_SEED) || (defined SCOTCH_DETERMINISTIC)) */

    if (o) {
      errorPrint ("main: two consecutive runs yield %s values.", charptr);
      return     (1);
    printf ("Two consecutive runs yield %s values.\n", charptr);

  fclose (fileptr);
  free   (randtab);

  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
main (
int                 argc,
char *              argv[])
  FiboHeap            fibodat;
  TestFibo *          nodetab;
  TestFibo *          nodeptr;
  int                 nodesiz;
  int                 nodemax;
  int                 nodenbr;
  int                 nodenum;
  int                 nodetmp;
  int                 randval;
  int                 randtmp;
  int                 passnbr;
  int                 passnum;

  SCOTCH_errorProg (argv[0]);

  if (fiboHeapInit (&fibodat, testFiboCmpFunc) != 0) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: cannot initialize Fibonacci heap");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  intRandInit ();                                 /* Initialize random generator */

  nodesiz = 100;
  passnbr = -1;
  switch (argc) {
    case 4 :
      intRandSeed (MAX (0, atoi (argv[3])));
    case 3 :
      passnbr = MAX (1, atoi (argv[2]));
    case 2 :
      nodesiz = MAX (1, atoi (argv[1]));
    case 1 :
    default :
      SCOTCH_errorPrint ("usage: %s [nodenbr [passnbr [seed]]]", argv[0]);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  if (passnbr < 0)
    passnbr = 10 * nodesiz;

  if ((nodetab = malloc (nodesiz * sizeof (TestFibo))) == NULL) {
    SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: out of memory");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  for (nodenum = 0; nodenum < nodesiz; nodenum ++) /* Initialize node array */
    nodetab[nodenum].randval = -1;

  nodemax = nodesiz - 1;                          /* Set maximum index */
  nodenbr = 0;                                    /* Array is empty    */
  for (passnum = 0; passnum < passnbr; passnum ++) {
    switch (intRandVal (6)) {
      case 0 :                                    /* Add node */
      case 1 :
      case 2 :                                    /* More additions than deletions on average */
        if (nodenbr >= nodemax)
        for (nodenum = 0; nodenum <= nodemax; nodenum ++) { /* Search for a free slot */
          if (nodetab[nodenum].randval < 0)
        if (nodenum > nodemax) {
          SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid node array (1)");
          exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
        nodetab[nodenum].randval = abs (intRandVal (INTVALMAX));
        fiboHeapAdd (&fibodat, (FiboNode *) &nodetab[nodenum]);
        nodenbr ++;
      case 3 :                                    /* Remove arbitrary node */
        if (nodenbr <= 0)
        nodetmp = intRandVal (nodenbr);
        for (nodenum = 0; ; nodenum ++) {         /* Search for non-empty slot */
          if (nodenum > nodemax) {
            SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid node array (2)");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
          if (nodetab[nodenum].randval >= 0) {
            if (-- nodetmp <= 0)
        fiboHeapDel (&fibodat, (FiboNode *) &nodetab[nodenum]);
        nodetab[nodenum].randval = -1;
        nodenbr --;
      case 4 :                                    /* Remove minimum node */
        if (nodenbr <= 0)
        nodeptr = (TestFibo *) fiboHeapMin (&fibodat);
        randval = nodeptr->randval;               /* Keep node key value   */
        fiboHeapDel (&fibodat, (FiboNode *) nodeptr); /* Remove node first */
        nodeptr->randval = -1;
        nodenbr --;
        for (nodenum = 0; nodenum <= nodemax; nodenum ++) { /* Check if smaller node exists */
          if ((nodetab[nodenum].randval >= 0) &&
              (nodetab[nodenum].randval <  randval)) {
            SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: node is not of minimum key");
      case 5 :                                    /* Decrease value of arbitrary node */
        if (nodenbr <= 0)
        nodetmp = intRandVal (nodenbr);
        for (nodenum = 0; ; nodenum ++) {         /* Search for non-empty slot */
          if (nodenum > nodemax) {
            SCOTCH_errorPrint ("main: invalid node array (3)");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
          if (nodetab[nodenum].randval >= 0) {
            if (-- nodetmp <= 0)
        if (nodetab[nodenum].randval <= 0)        /* Cannot decrease smallest value */
        randtmp = intRandVal (nodetab[nodenum].randval + 1);
        if (randtmp > nodetab[nodenum].randval)
        nodetab[nodenum].randval -= randtmp;
        fiboHeapDecrease (&fibodat, (FiboNode *) &nodetab[nodenum]);

  fiboHeapExit (&fibodat);
  free         (nodetab);

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);