Ejemplo n.º 1
		   Calculate interpolation coefficients for Linear
	Matrix<double> setupSplineLinear(const Vector<double>& x,
											const Vector<double>& y) {

		const unsigned int n = x.size();
		Matrix<double> interp_coeffs(2, n - 1);

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
			interp_coeffs(0, i) = y(i);
			interp_coeffs(1, i) = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / (x(i + 1) - x(i));

		return interp_coeffs;

Ejemplo n.º 2
		   Calculate interpolation coefficients for Monotone splines
	Matrix<double> setupSplineMonotoneSpline(const Vector<double>& x,
																const Vector<double>& y) {

		// these are the interpolation coefficients
		// y(x, x_i-1<x<x_i) = _ai (x - x_i)^3 + _bi (x - x_i)^2
		//							+ _ci (x - x_i) + _di
		const unsigned int n = x.size();
		Matrix<double> interp_coeffs(4, n - 1);

	  // initialize x-grid step sizes and slopes.
	  Vector<double> h(n - 1);
	  Vector<double> s(n - 1);
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
		   h(i) = x(i + 1) - x(i);
		   s(i) = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / h(i);

	  if (n > 2) {

		   Vector<double> p(n);
		   p(0) = 0.0;
		   p(n - 1) = 0.0;
		   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i)
		       p(i) = (s(i - 1) * h(i) + s(i) * h(i - 1)) / (h(i - 1) + h(i));

		   Vector<double> yp(n);

		   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) {

		       double s1 = abs(s(i - 1));
		       double s2 = abs(s(i));

		       if (s(i - 1) * s(i) <= 0.0) {
		           yp(i) = 0.0;
		       } else if ((abs(p(i)) > 2.0 * s1) ||
		               (abs(p(i)) > 2.0 * s2)) {
		           double a = (s1 > 0.0) - (s1 < 0.0); //sign function.
		           yp(i) = 2.0 * a * min(s1, s2);
		       } else {
		           yp(i) = p(i);


		   // second derivative at extreme points equal
			// to zero boundary condition.
		   yp(0) = 1.5 * s(0) - 0.5 * yp(1);
		   yp(n - 1) = 1.5 * s(n - 2) - 0.5 * yp(n - 3);

		   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
		       interp_coeffs(3, i) = (yp(i) + yp(i + 1) - 2.0 * s(i))
											/ (h(i) * h(i));
		       interp_coeffs(2, i) = (3.0 * s(i) - 2.0 * yp(i) - yp(i + 1))
											/ h(i);
		       interp_coeffs(1, i) = yp(i);
		       interp_coeffs(0, i) = y(i);

	  } else {

		   // in this case, with second derivative at extreme points equal to zero,
		   // the solution will be just the linear interpolation.

		   interp_coeffs(3, 0) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(3, 1) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(2, 0) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(2, 1) = 0.0;
		   interp_coeffs(1, 0) = s(0);
		   interp_coeffs(1, 1) = s(1);
		   interp_coeffs(0, 0) = y(0);
		   interp_coeffs(0, 1) = y(1);


	  return interp_coeffs;

void *thread_func(void* threadarg) {
    /* Get struct argument */
    struct thread_data *my_data;
    my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg;
    int thread_id = my_data->thread_id;
    int top = my_data->top;
    int bottom = my_data->bottom;
    int left = my_data->left;
    int right = my_data->right;
    int subimage = my_data->subimage;
    double* Ai = my_data->Ai;
    double* w1w2 = my_data->w1w2;
    double* w2 = my_data->w2;
    double* f1f2 = my_data->f1f2;
    double* f2 = my_data->f2;
    double* mu1 = my_data->mu1;
    double* mu2 = my_data->mu2;
    double* exp_sqr_err = my_data->exp_sqr_err;
    double* Bi = my_data->Bi;
    int *xjfloor = my_data->xjfloor;
    int *yjfloor = my_data->yjfloor;
    double *coeffs = my_data->coeffs;

    double erri;
    double sqrcoeffs[n_interp];

    /* Loop over all blurry image pixels:
        (xi,yi): 1-based 2D position in blurry image */
    int xi, yi;
    int i, j, k, jj, kjj;
    double sqrBik, sqrAij, w2inc, term2i, term3i, term4i;
    double xj, yj;
    int xinterp, yinterp;
    bool inbounds;
    /* Loop over all blurry pixels i */
    for(xi=left; xi<=right; ++xi) {
        for(yi=top; yi<=bottom; ++yi) {
            i = (xi-1+blurry_subim_l[subimage]-1)*h_blurry + yi - 1;
                ++(*mu2); /* Increment observation count */
                continue; /* Skip this blurry pixel */
            term2i = 0;
            term3i = 0;
            term4i = 0;
            /* Clear temporary variables */
            double gbari = 0;
            /* Clear Ai */
            for(j=0; j<n_sharp; ++j)
                Ai[j] = 0;
            /* Loop over all orientations k */
            for(k=0; k<n_kernel; ++k) {
                Bi[k] = 0;
                /* Project blurry pixel into sharp image */
                /* Get interpolation coefficients */
                for(jj=0; jj<n_interp; ++jj) sqrcoeffs[jj] = sqr(coeffs[k*n_interp+jj]);
                /* Interpolate points */
                for(jj=0; jj<n_interp; ++jj) {
                    yinterp = yjfloor[k] + yoff[jj];
                    xinterp = xjfloor[k] + xoff[jj];
                    inbounds = yinterp >= 1 && yinterp <= h_sharp && xinterp >= 1 && xinterp <= w_sharp;
                    j       = (xinterp-1+sharp_subim_l[subimage]-1)*h_sharp + yinterp - 1;
                    kjj     = k*n_interp+jj;
                    Bi[k]  += coeffs[kjj]*mf1[j];
                    Ai[j]  += coeffs[kjj]*mw1[k];
                    f2[j]  += sqrcoeffs[jj]*var_w[k];
                    w2inc   = sqrcoeffs[jj]*var_f[j];
                    w2[k]  += w2inc;
                    term2i += w2inc*var_w[k]; /* += sqrcoeffs[jj]*var_f[j]*var_w[k]; */
                sqrBik = Bi[k]*Bi[k];
                /* w2 */
                w2[k] += sqrBik;
                /* Accumulate gbar[i] */
                    gbari += Bi[k]*mw1[k];
                /* exp_sqr_err */
                term4i += sqrBik*var_w[k];
                /* Having calculated Bik, interpolate terms involving it */
                for(jj=0; jj<n_interp; ++jj) {
                    yinterp = yjfloor[k] + yoff[jj];
                    xinterp = xjfloor[k] + xoff[jj];
                    inbounds = yinterp >= 1 && yinterp <= h_sharp && xinterp >= 1 && xinterp <= w_sharp;
                    j = (xinterp-1+sharp_subim_l[subimage]-1)*h_sharp + yinterp - 1;
                    f1f2[j] += coeffs[k*n_interp+jj]*Bi[k]*var_w[k];
            /* Expected error */
            erri = obsmask[i]*(g[i] - gbari - mmu1);
            *mu1 += obsmask[i]*(g[i] - gbari);
            /* Accumulate terms for image parameters */
            for(j=0; j<n_sharp; ++j) {
                if(Ai[j] > 0) {
                    sqrAij = Ai[j]*Ai[j];
                    term3i += sqrAij*var_f[j];
                    f2[j] += sqrAij;
                    f1f2[j] += Ai[j]*erri;
            /* Loop over rotations again to calculate terms for kernel */
            for(k=0; k<n_kernel; ++k) {
                /* Interpolate points */
                for(jj=0; jj<n_interp; ++jj) {
                    yinterp = yjfloor[k] + yoff[jj];
                    xinterp = xjfloor[k] + xoff[jj];
                    inbounds = yinterp >= 1 && yinterp <= h_sharp && xinterp >= 1 && xinterp <= w_sharp;
                    j = (xinterp-1+sharp_subim_l[subimage]-1)*h_sharp + yinterp - 1;
                    w1w2[k] -= coeffs[k*n_interp+jj]*Ai[j]*var_f[j];
                /* w1w2 */
                w1w2[k] += Bi[k]*erri;
            /* Add everything together for exp_sqr_err */
            exp_sqr_err[i] = sqr(erri) + term2i + term3i + term4i + mmu2 - sqr(mmu1);