Ejemplo n.º 1
float Raycast(b2Vec2 startPosition, b2Vec2 dir, float distance)
	b2RayCastInput input;
	b2Vec2 p1 = startPosition;
	b2Vec2 p2 = p1 + distance * dir;
	input.p1 = p1;
	input.p2 = p2;
	input.maxFraction = 1;

	//check every fixture of every body to find closest
	float closestFraction = 1; //start with end of line as p2
	b2Vec2 intersectionNormal(0, 0);

	for (b2Body* b = PHYSX->world->GetBodyList(); b; b = b->GetNext()) 
		for (b2Fixture* f = b->GetFixtureList(); f; f = f->GetNext()) 
			if (f->GetFilterData().categoryBits == CATEGORY_STATIC && !f->IsSensor())
				b2RayCastOutput output;

				if (!f->RayCast(&output, input, 0))
				if (output.fraction < closestFraction)
					closestFraction    = output.fraction;
					intersectionNormal = output.normal;
	// Add raycast to debug renderer
	/*DebugLine l;
	l.p1 = p1;
	l.p2 = p1 + distance * closestFraction * dir;

	return closestFraction;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Render ()
   LoadFPS (60);
   glClearColor (250/255.0, 245/255.0, 245/255.0, 1);
   srand (time (NULL) );
   //at global scope
   static float currentRayAngle = 0;
   currentRayAngle += 6;
   //calculate points of ray

   b2Vec2 p1 ( b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x,
                       agent->body->GetPosition ().y) ); //center of scene
   b2Vec2 p2 = p1 + rayLength * b2Vec2 (sinf (DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle  ) ),
                                        cosf ( DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle ) ) );

   b2Vec2 p3 ( b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x,
                       agent->body->GetPosition ().y) );
   b2Vec2 p4 = p3 + rayLength * b2Vec2 (sinf (DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle + 90) ),
                                        cosf ( DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle + 90) ) );

   b2Vec2 p5 ( b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x,
                       agent->body->GetPosition ().y) ); //center of scene
   b2Vec2 p6 = p5 + rayLength * b2Vec2 (sinf (DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle + 180) ),
                                        cosf ( DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle + 180) ) );

   b2Vec2 p7 ( b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x,
                       agent->body->GetPosition ().y) );
   b2Vec2 p8 = p7 + rayLength * b2Vec2 (sinf (DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle + 270 ) ),
                                        cosf ( DEGTORAD * (currentRayAngle + 270 ) ) );
   b2Vec2 p9 =  b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x ,
                        agent->body->GetPosition ().y  - 4 ) ;
   b2Vec2 p10 = b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x ,
                        agent->body->GetPosition ().y - 4 )  + rayLength / 2.0 * b2Vec2 (sinf ( (
                                 agent->angle + 1.57) ),
                              cosf ( ( agent->angle + 1.57  ) ) );

   b2Vec2 p11 =  b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x ,
                         agent->body->GetPosition ().y + 4  ) ;
   b2Vec2 p12 = b2Vec2 (agent->body->GetPosition ().x,
                        agent->body->GetPosition ().y + 4   )  + rayLength / 2.0  * b2Vec2 (sinf ( (
                                 agent->angle + 1.57) ),
                              cosf ( ( agent->angle + 1.57 ) ) );

   b2RayCastInput input;
   input.p1 = p1;
   input.p2 = p2;
   input.maxFraction = rayLength / 50.0;

   b2RayCastInput input2;
   input2.p1 = p3;
   input2.p2 = p4;
   input2.maxFraction = rayLength / 50.0;

   b2RayCastInput input3;
   input3.p1 = p5;
   input3.p2 = p6;
   input3.maxFraction = rayLength / 50.0 ;

   b2RayCastInput input4;
   input4.p1 = p7;
   input4.p2 = p8;
   input4.maxFraction = rayLength / 50.0;

   b2RayCastInput input5;
   input5.p1 = p9;
   input5.p2 = p10;
   input5.maxFraction = rayLength / 50.0;

   b2RayCastInput input6;
   input6.p1 = p11;
   input6.p2 = p12;
   input6.maxFraction = rayLength / 50.0;

   //check every fixture of every body to find closest
   float closestFraction = rayLength / 50.0; //start with end of line as p2
   float closestFraction2 = rayLength / 50.0 ;
   float closestFraction3 =  rayLength / 50.0;
   float closestFraction4 =  rayLength / 50.0;
   float closestFraction5 = rayLength / 50.0;
   float closestFraction6 = rayLength / 50.0;
   static int timer = 0;
   b2Vec2 intersectionNormal (0, 0);

   bool isObstacle[5] = {0} ;
   static int freeAngle[5] = {0};
   freeAngle[1] = agent->angle;
   static int count = 0 ;
    * Raycasting is done here, there are 6 ray here
   for (b2Body * b = myWorld.GetBodyList (); b; b = b->GetNext () )
      if (100 == (int) b->GetUserData () )
      { break; }
      for (b2Fixture * f = b->GetFixtureList (); f; f = f->GetNext () )
         b2RayCastOutput output;

         if ( f->RayCast ( &output, input, 0 ) )
            if ( output.fraction < closestFraction )
               isObstacle[1] = 1;

               count = 0 ;
               closestFraction = output.fraction;
               intersectionNormal = output.normal;
               b2Vec2 intersectionPoint = p1 + closestFraction * (p2 - p1);
               b2Vec2 diff1  =  agent->body->GetPosition () - intersectionPoint;

               int x = diff1.x / (800 / 80.0) ;
               int y = diff1.y / (600 / 60.0) ;
               carCollisionMap[20 - y][20 - x] = 1;

         b2RayCastOutput output2;
         if (f->RayCast (&output2, input2, 0) )
            if (output2.fraction < closestFraction)
               isObstacle[2] = 1;
               closestFraction2 = output2.fraction;
               b2Vec2 intersectionPoint2 = p3 + closestFraction2 * (p4 - p3);

               b2Vec2 diff2 =  agent->body->GetPosition () - intersectionPoint2;
               int x = diff2.x / (800 / 80.0) ;
               int y = diff2.y / (600 / 60.0) ;
               carCollisionMap[20 - y][20 - x] = 1;

         b2RayCastOutput output3;
         if (f->RayCast (&output3, input3, 0) )
            if (output3.fraction < closestFraction3)
               isObstacle[3] = 1;
               closestFraction3 = output3.fraction;
               b2Vec2 intersectionPoint3 = p5 + closestFraction3 * (p6 - p5);

               b2Vec2 diff2 =  agent->body->GetPosition () - intersectionPoint3;
               int x = diff2.x / (800 / 80.0) ;
               int y = diff2.y / (600 / 60.0) ;
               carCollisionMap[20 - y][20 - x] = 1;

         b2RayCastOutput output4;
         if (f->RayCast (&output4, input4, 0) )
            if (output4.fraction < closestFraction4)
               isObstacle[4] = 1;
               closestFraction4 = output4.fraction;
               b2Vec2 intersectionPoint4 = p7 + closestFraction4 * (p8 - p7);

               b2Vec2 diff2 =  agent->body->GetPosition () - intersectionPoint4;
               int x = diff2.x / (800 / 80.0) ;
               int y = diff2.y / (600 / 60.0) ;
               carCollisionMap[20 - y][20 - x] = 1;

         b2RayCastOutput output5;
         if (f->RayCast (&output5, input5, 0) )
            if (output5.fraction < closestFraction5)
               closestFraction5 = output5.fraction;
               b2Vec2 intersectionPoint5 = p9 + closestFraction5 * (p10 - p9);

               b2Vec2 diff2 =  agent->body->GetPosition () - intersectionPoint5;
               int x = diff2.x / (800 / 80.0) ;
               int y = diff2.y / (600 / 60.0) ;
               carCollisionMap[20 - y][20 - x] = 1;
               agent->frontObstacle = 1;
         b2RayCastOutput output6;
         if (f->RayCast (&output6, input6, 0) )
            if (output6.fraction < closestFraction6)
               closestFraction6 = output6.fraction;
               b2Vec2 intersectionPoint6 = p11 + closestFraction6 * (p12 - p11);

               b2Vec2 diff2 =  agent->body->GetPosition () - intersectionPoint6;
               int x = diff2.x / (800 / 80.0) ;
               int y = diff2.y / (600 / 60.0) ;
               carCollisionMap[20 - y][20 - x] = 1;
               agent->frontObstacle = 1;

   static float timetem= glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
   if(glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)-timetem > 1000)
   for (int i = 1 ; i <= 4; ++i)
      if (isObstacle[i] == false)
         float tempAngle;
         tempAngle = (int) (currentRayAngle + 90 * (i - 1) ) % 360;

         if (tempAngle >= converToDegree (agent->angle) && tempAngle <= (int) (converToDegree (agent->angle) + 180) % 360)
            if (agent->nearestAngle[RIGHT_SIDE] > tempAngle - converToDegree (agent->angle) )
               agent->nearestAngle[RIGHT_SIDE] = tempAngle - converToDegree (agent->angle) ;

            { isObstacle[i] = true; }
            if (agent->nearestAngle[LEFT_SIDE] > (360 - tempAngle) - converToDegree (agent->angle) )
            { agent->nearestAngle[LEFT_SIDE] = fabs ( (360 - tempAngle) - converToDegree (agent->angle) ); }
            { isObstacle[i] = true; }

      timetem= glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);

// if no obstacle is infront of behicle and destination is set, then head for the destination
// this is done by changing vehicle angle to face the destination

   b2Vec2 intersectionPoint  = p1  + closestFraction  * (p2 - p1);
   b2Vec2 intersectionPoint2 = p3  + closestFraction2 * (p4 - p3);
   b2Vec2 intersectionPoint3 = p5  + closestFraction3 * (p6 - p5);
   b2Vec2 intersectionPoint4 = p7  + closestFraction4 * (p8 - p7);
   b2Vec2 intersectionPoint5 = p9  + closestFraction4 * (p10 - p9);
   b2Vec2 intersectionPoint6 = p11 + closestFraction4 * (p12 - p11);
   float dist = (agent->body->GetPosition().x - intersectionPoint5.x) * (agent->body->GetPosition().x - intersectionPoint5.x)
               + (agent->body->GetPosition().y - intersectionPoint5.y) * (agent->body->GetPosition().x - intersectionPoint5.y);
   //draw a line
   glColor3f (255, 0, 0); //white
   glBegin (GL_LINES);
   glVertex2f ( p1.x, p1.y );
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint.x, intersectionPoint.y );
   glEnd ();

   SetRenderColor (0, 0, 0, 255);
   if (isObstacle[1] == false)
   { SetRenderColor (255, 0, 255, 255); }
   //draw a point at the intersection point
   glPointSize (10);

   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint.x, intersectionPoint.y );
   glEnd ();

   SetRenderColor (255, 34, 25, 255);
   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( destination.x, destination.y );
   glEnd ();

   glBegin (GL_LINES);
   glVertex2f ( p3.x, p3.y );
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint2.x, intersectionPoint2.y );
   glEnd ();

   glBegin (GL_LINES);
   glVertex2f ( p5.x, p5.y );
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint3.x, intersectionPoint3.y );
   glEnd ();

   glBegin (GL_LINES);
   glVertex2f ( p7.x, p7.y );
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint4.x, intersectionPoint4.y );
   glEnd ();

   glBegin (GL_LINES);
   glVertex2f ( p9.x, p9.y );
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint5.x, intersectionPoint5.y );
   glEnd ();
   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint5.x, intersectionPoint5.y );
   glEnd ();
   glBegin (GL_LINES);
   glVertex2f ( p11.x, p11.y );
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint6.x, intersectionPoint6.y );
   glEnd ();

   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint6.x, intersectionPoint6.y );
   glEnd ();
   SetRenderColor (0, 0, 0, 255);
   if (isObstacle[2] == false)
   { SetRenderColor (255, 0, 255, 255); }
   glPointSize (10);
   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint2.x, intersectionPoint2.y );
   glEnd ();

   SetRenderColor (0, 0, 0, 255);
   if (isObstacle[3] == false)
   { SetRenderColor (255, 0, 255, 255); }
   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint3.x, intersectionPoint3.y );
   glEnd ();

   SetRenderColor (0, 0, 0, 255);
   if (isObstacle[4] == false)
   { SetRenderColor (255, 0, 255, 255); }

   glBegin (GL_POINTS);
   glVertex2f ( intersectionPoint4.x, intersectionPoint4.y );
   glEnd ();

//   glBegin (GL_LINES);
//   glVertex2f ( agent->body->GetPosition ().x, agent->body->GetPosition ().y );
//   glVertex2f ( agent->body->GetPosition ().x + sin (agent->angle + 1.57) * 100,
//                agent->body->GetPosition ().y + cos (agent->angle + 1.57) * 100);
//   glEnd ();

   static float posx = 0;
   posx = posx + .1;
// we are drawing collision array here
   for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
      for (int j = 0; j < 40; ++j)
         if (carCollisionMap[i][j] == 1)
            glPointSize (5);
            glBegin (GL_POINTS);
            glVertex2f (agent->body->GetPosition ().x -  (20 - j) * 10 ,
                        agent->body->GetPosition ().y -  (20 - i) * 10 );

            glEnd ();

   turnToNearestAngle ();
   agent->isCollision = 0;

//  checking collision here, not so important now
   for (int i = 1; i < 15; ++i)
      float x = 20  + (i * 2) * sinf (agent->angle + 1.57) ;
      float y = 20  +  (i * 2) * cosf (agent->angle + 1.57);
      if (x < 40 && y < 40)
         if (carCollisionMap[ (int) y][ (int) x] == 1)
//               printf ("obstacle found\n");
            agent->isCollision = 1;
            static float timerT = glutGet (GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
            bool safe = 1;
            safe = rand () % 2;
            if (!agent->frontObstacle)
               if (agent->nearestAngle[LEFT_SIDE] != 1000 || agent->nearestAngle[RIGHT_SIDE] != 1000)
//                  if (glutGet (GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) - timerT > 500)
                     if (agent->nearestAngle[LEFT_SIDE] < agent->nearestAngle[RIGHT_SIDE])
                        printf ("Left side wins %f\n", agent->nearestAngle[LEFT_SIDE]);
                        agent->angle = agent->angle - .2;
                        agent->foundNearestAngle = true;
//                  agent->nearestAngle[RIGHT_SIDE] = 1000;
                        printf ("Right side wins %f\n", agent->nearestAngle[RIGHT_SIDE]);
                        agent->foundNearestAngle = true;
//                  agent->nearestAngle[LEFT_SIDE] = 1000;
                        agent->angle = agent->angle + .2;
                 timerT = glutGet (GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
//            if (glutGet (GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) - timerT > 1000)
//            {
//               if (safe == 1)
//                  for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
//                  {
//                     float x = 20 + ( (j ) * sinf (agent->angle + 1.57 + .3) ) ;
//                     float y = 20 + ( (j ) * cosf (agent->angle + 1.57 + .3) ) ;
//                     if (carCollisionMap[ (int) y][ (int) x] == 1)
//                     {
//                        safe = 0;
//                        break;
//                     }
//                  }
//               if (safe == 1)
//               { agent->angle = agent->angle + .3; }
//               {
//                  memset (carCollisionMap, 0, sizeof (carCollisionMap) );
//               }
//               if (safe == 0)
//               {
//                  safe = 1;
//                  for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
//                  {
//                     float x = 20 + ( (j ) * sinf (agent->angle + 1.57 - .3) ) ;
//                     float y = 20 + ( (j ) * cosf (agent->angle + 1.57 - .3) ) ;
//                     if (carCollisionMap[ (int) y][ (int) x] == 1)
//                     {
//                        safe = 0;
//                        break;
//                     }
//                  }
//                  if (safe == 1)
//                  {
//                     agent->angle = agent->angle - .3;
//                     memset (carCollisionMap, 0, sizeof (carCollisionMap) );
//                  }
//               }
//               timerT = glutGet (GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
//            }


   agent->moveForward ();
   SetRenderColor (0, 0, 0, 255);

   RenderBitmapText (60, 550, GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15, "ctrl + left click to add obstacle, alt + left click to add a destination");

   sprintf (fps, "%f", GetFps () );
   SetRenderColor (255, 0, 255, 255);
   RenderBitmapText (10, 590, GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15, fps);

   myWorld.DrawDebugData ();
