void close() override
				invokeEvent(EventType::CLOSE_BEGIN, "", -1, -1);

				invokeEvent(EventType::CLOSE_FINISHED, "", -1, -1);
			bool open(const Path& path, Mode mode) override
				invokeEvent(EventType::OPEN_BEGIN, path.c_str(), -1, mode);
				bool ret = m_file.open(path, mode);
				invokeEvent(EventType::OPEN_FINISHED, path.c_str(), ret ? 1 : 0, mode);

				return ret;
			bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) override
				invokeEvent(EventType::WRITE_BEGIN, "", -1, (int32)size);
				bool ret = m_file.write(buffer, size);

				invokeEvent(EventType::WRITE_FINISHED, "", ret ? 1 : 0, (int32)size);
				return ret;
			bool read(void* buffer, size_t size) override
				invokeEvent(EventType::READ_BEGIN, "", -1, (int32)size);
				bool ret = m_file.read(buffer, size);

				invokeEvent(EventType::READ_FINISHED, "", ret ? 1 : 0, (int32)size);
				return ret;
			size_t seek(SeekMode base, size_t pos) override
				invokeEvent(EventType::SEEK_BEGIN, "", (int32)pos, base);
				size_t ret = m_file.seek(base, pos);

				invokeEvent(EventType::SEEK_FINISHED, "", (int32)ret, base);
				return ret;
			size_t size() override
				invokeEvent(EventType::SIZE_BEGIN, "", -1, -1);
				size_t ret = m_file.size();

				invokeEvent(EventType::SIZE_FINISHED, "", (int32)ret, -1);
				return ret;
			size_t pos() override
				invokeEvent(EventType::POS_BEGIN, "", -1, -1);
				size_t ret = m_file.pos();

				invokeEvent(EventType::POS_FINISHED, "", (int32)ret, -1);
				return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 8
			virtual bool open(const char* path, Mode mode) override
				invokeEvent(EventType::OPEN_BEGIN, path, -1, mode);
				bool ret = m_file.open(path, mode);
				invokeEvent(EventType::OPEN_FINISHED, path, ret ? 1 : 0, mode);

				return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void cTranscript::startAdvTranscript ()
  QString af;
  if (advrunning)
    stopAdvTranscript ();
  cTelnet *telnet = dynamic_cast<cTelnet *>(object ("telnet"));
  if (!(telnet->isConnected()))  //no transcript if we aren't connected
    return; // no transcript if advanced filename failed
  errno = 0;
  transtimer = new QTimer();
  connect (transtimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (timeout ()));

  cProfileSettings *sett = settings ();
  af = sett ? sett->getString ("transcript-directory") : QDir::homePath();
  af += advfname;

  advfile = fopen (af.toLatin1(), "a");
  if (advfile == NULL)
    KMessageBox::detailedSorry (cActionManager::self()->mainWidget(),
        i18n ("Advanced transcript file could not be opened."), strerror (errno));
    errno = 0;
    invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Advanced session transcript could not be started."));
    advrunning = true;
    cOutput *output = dynamic_cast<cOutput *>(object ("output"));
    fputs ("\n\n", advfile);
    if (advtype == TRANSCRIPT_HTML)
      //TODO: what if we're adding to an existing HTML transcript?
      fputs ("<html>\n", advfile);
      fputs ("<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"KMuddy\">\n", advfile);
      fputs ("<body bgcolor=", advfile);
      fputs (output->defaultBkColor().name().toLatin1(), advfile);
      fputs (">\n", advfile);
    QString s = i18n ("Advanced session transcript has just started.");
    fputs (s.toLatin1(), advfile);
    if (advtype == TRANSCRIPT_HTML) fputs ("<br><pre>", advfile);  //pre-formatted text starting...
    fputs ("\n\n", advfile);

    invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Advanced session transcript has been started."));
    if (rotatedaily)
      invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Session transcript will be rotated at midnight."));
      transtimer->start (60000);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void cTranscript::stopAdvTranscript ()
  if (!advrunning)
  fputs ("\n\n", advfile);
  if (type == TRANSCRIPT_ANSI)  //ANSI transcript
    //set output color to default (usually gray on black)
    char defcolor[5];
    defcolor[0] = 27;
    defcolor[1] = '[';
    defcolor[2] = '0';
    defcolor[3] = 'm';
    defcolor[4] = 0;
    fputs (defcolor, advfile);
  if (type == TRANSCRIPT_HTML)  //HTML transcript
    //closing HTML tags
    fputs ("</pre></body></html>\n", advfile);
  advrunning = false;
  fclose (advfile);
  advfile = 0;
  if (transtimer->isActive ())
    transtimer->stop ();
    delete transtimer;
  invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Advanced session transcript has been stopped."));
Ejemplo n.º 11
void cTranscript::stopTranscript ()
  if (!running)
  fputs ("\n\n", file);
  if (type == TRANSCRIPT_ANSI)  //ANSI transcript
    //set output color to default (usually gray on black)
    char defcolor[5];
    defcolor[0] = 27;
    defcolor[1] = '[';
    defcolor[2] = '0';
    defcolor[3] = 'm';
    defcolor[4] = 0;
    fputs (defcolor, file);
  if (type == TRANSCRIPT_HTML)  //HTML transcript
    //closing HTML tags
    fputs ("</pre></body></html>\n", file);
  running = false;
  fclose (file);
  file = 0;
  invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Session transcript has been stopped."));
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CanvasProcessor::propagateEvent(Event* event, Outport* source) {
    if (event->hasVisitedProcessor(this)) return;

    if (event->hasBeenUsed()) return;

    if (event->hash() == ResizeEvent::chash()) {
        auto resizeEvent = static_cast<ResizeEvent*>(event);

        // Avoid continues evaluation when port dimensions changes
        NetworkLock lock(this);
        if (enableCustomInputDimensions_) {
        } else {
            inport_.propagateEvent(resizeEvent, nullptr);
            // Make sure this processor is invalidated.
    } else {
        bool used = event->hasBeenUsed();
        for (auto inport : getInports()) {
            if (event->shouldPropagateTo(inport, this, source)) {
                used |= event->hasBeenUsed();
        if (used) event->markAsUsed();
Ejemplo n.º 13
// 接続失敗時
void CSCConnection::onConnectionFailed()
    CAuthEvent* event = new CAuthEvent();
    event->SetEventType(myEVT_THREAD_GET_PING); // イベントの種類をセット

Ejemplo n.º 14
void cTranscript::startTranscript ()
  //we'll have multiple <html></html> sections in a transcript file if we continue an existing
  //one, but every browser that I've tested can handle it correctly :D
  if (running)
    stopTranscript ();
  cTelnet *telnet = dynamic_cast<cTelnet *>(object ("telnet"));
  if (!(telnet->isConnected()))  //no transcript if we aren't connected
  errno = 0;
  file = fopen (fname.toLatin1(), overwrite ? "w" : "a");
  if (file == NULL)
    KMessageBox::detailedSorry (cActionManager::self()->mainWidget(),
        i18n ("Transcript file could not be opened."), strerror (errno));
    errno = 0;
    invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Session transcript could not be started."));
    running = true;
    cOutput *output = dynamic_cast<cOutput *>(object ("output"));
    fputs ("\n\n", file);
    if (type == TRANSCRIPT_HTML)
      //TODO: what if we're adding to an existing HTML transcript?
      fputs ("<html>\n", file);
      fputs ("<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"KMuddy\">\n", file);
      fputs ("<body bgcolor=", file);
      fputs (output->defaultBkColor().name().toLatin1(), file);
      fputs (">\n", file);
    QString s = i18n ("Session transcript has just started.");
    fputs (s.toLatin1(), file);
    if (type == TRANSCRIPT_HTML) fputs ("<br><pre>", file);  //pre-formatted text starting...
    fputs ("\n\n", file);

    //add buffer dump if requested
    if (includedump)
      output->console()->dumpBuffer (false, file, type);

    invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Session transcript has been started."));
Ejemplo n.º 15
// メッセージ取得
void CSCConnection::onMessageReceived(CMessageData* message)
    CSCMessageData* scMessage = dynamic_cast<CSCMessageData*>(message);
    CSCEventFactory factory;
    CConnectionEventBase* event = factory.Create(*scMessage);
    if (event != NULL){
Ejemplo n.º 16
void Processor::propagateEvent(Event* event) {

    if (event->hasBeenUsed()) return;
    for (auto inport : getInports()) {
        if (event->hasBeenUsed()) return;
Ejemplo n.º 17
unsigned int cCmdParser::repeater (QString &command)
  bool multi = false;
  if ((multistr.length() > 0) && (command.startsWith (multistr)))
    multi = true;

  if (multi)
  //chance is that there is some repeater
    QString cmd = command;
    cmd.remove (0, multistr.length());
    cmd = cmd.trimmed ();
    QString rep = cmd.section (' ', 0, 0); //first section
    //if rep is a number, then this is a multi-command
    bool ok;
    unsigned int repc = rep.toUInt (&ok);
    if (ok) //GREAT!!! This really is a repeater command!!!
      command = command.section (' ', 1); //everything except the 1st section

      //limit repeat count if needed
      cProfileSettings *sett = settings ();
      bool limitRepeats = ((sett == 0) ? true : sett->getBool ("limit-repeater"));

      if ((repc > 100) && limitRepeats)
        invokeEvent ("message", sess(), i18n ("Sorry, count is limited to 100.\n"));
        if (sett)
          invokeEvent ("message", sess(),
              i18n ("You can disable this limit in Profile / MUD Preferences."));
        //return 0 - nothing will be sent...
        return 0;
      return repc;
    else       //no repeater here...
      return 1;
  else  //no repeater -> count is 1
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void ImageLayoutGL::propagateEvent(Event* event) {
    std::unique_ptr<Event> newEvent(viewManager_.registerEvent(event));

    int activeView = viewManager_.getActiveView();
    auto data = multiinport_.getConnectedOutports();

    if (newEvent && activeView >= 0 && activeView < static_cast<long>(data.size()) ) {

        multiinport_.propagateEvent(newEvent.get(), data[activeView]);
        if (newEvent->hasBeenUsed()) event->markAsUsed();
Ejemplo n.º 19
// 切断時
void CSCConnection::onDisconnected()
    CDisconnectEvent* event = new CDisconnectEvent();
    event->SetEventType(myEVT_THREAD_DISCONNECT); // イベントの種類をセット