Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: mir-ror/moc
/* Run client and the server if needed. */
static void start_moc (const struct parameters *params, lists_t_strs *args)
	int server_sock;

	if (params->foreground) {
		set_me_server ();
		server_init (params->debug, params->foreground);
		server_loop ();

	server_sock = server_connect ();

	if (server_sock != -1 && params->only_server)
		fatal ("Server is already running!");

	if (server_sock == -1) {
		int i = 0;
		int notify_pipe[2];
		ssize_t rc;

		printf ("Running the server...\n");

		/* To notify the client that the server socket is ready */
		if (pipe(notify_pipe))
			fatal ("pipe() failed: %s", xstrerror (errno));

		switch (fork()) {
		case 0: /* child - start server */
			set_me_server ();
			server_init (params->debug, params->foreground);
			rc = write (notify_pipe[1], &i, sizeof(i));
			if (rc < 0)
				fatal ("write() to notify pipe failed: %s", xstrerror (errno));
			close (notify_pipe[0]);
			close (notify_pipe[1]);
			server_loop ();
			options_free ();
			decoder_cleanup ();
			io_cleanup ();
			files_cleanup ();
			rcc_cleanup ();
			common_cleanup ();
			exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
		case -1:
			fatal ("fork() failed: %s", xstrerror (errno));
			close (notify_pipe[1]);
			if (read(notify_pipe[0], &i, sizeof(i)) != sizeof(i))
				fatal ("Server exited!");
			close (notify_pipe[0]);
			server_sock = server_connect ();
			if (server_sock == -1) {
				perror ("server_connect()");
				fatal ("Can't connect to the server!");

	if (params->only_server)
		send_int (server_sock, CMD_DISCONNECT);
	else {
		xsignal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
		if (!ping_server (server_sock))
			fatal ("Can't connect to the server!");

		init_interface (server_sock, params->debug, args);
		interface_loop ();
		interface_end ();

	close (server_sock);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	struct parameters params;
	lists_t_strs *deferred_overrides;
	lists_t_strs *args;

	int rc;
	struct utsname uts;

	logit ("This is Music On Console (revision %s)", PACKAGE_REVISION);
	logit ("This is Music On Console (version %s)", PACKAGE_VERSION);

	logit ("Configured:%s", CONFIGURATION);

	rc = uname (&uts);
	if (rc == 0)
		logit ("Running on: %s %s %s", uts.sysname, uts.release, uts.machine);

	log_command_line (argc, argv);

	files_init ();

	if (get_home () == NULL)
		fatal ("Could not determine user's home directory!");

	memset (&params, 0, sizeof(params));
	options_init ();
	deferred_overrides = lists_strs_new (4);

	/* set locale according to the environment variables */
	if (!setlocale(LC_ALL, ""))
		logit ("Could not set locale!");

	args = process_command_line (argc, argv, &params, deferred_overrides);

	if (params.dont_run_iface && params.only_server)
		fatal ("-c, -a and -p options can't be used with --server!");

	if (!params.config_file)
		params.config_file = xstrdup (create_file_name ("config"));
	options_parse (params.config_file);
	if (params.config_file)
		free (params.config_file);
	params.config_file = NULL;

	process_deferred_overrides (deferred_overrides);
	lists_strs_free (deferred_overrides);
	deferred_overrides = NULL;

	check_moc_dir ();

	io_init ();
	rcc_init ();
	decoder_init (params.debug);
	srand (time(NULL));

	if (!params.only_server && params.dont_run_iface)
		server_command (&params, args);
		start_moc (&params, args);

	lists_strs_free (args);
	options_free ();
	decoder_cleanup ();
	io_cleanup ();
	rcc_cleanup ();
	files_cleanup ();
	compat_cleanup ();
