Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Bitshuffle a single block. */
int64_t bshuf_bitshuffle_block(ioc_chain *C_ptr,
        const size_t size, const size_t elem_size) {

    size_t this_iter;
    void *in = ioc_get_in(C_ptr, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_in(C_ptr, &this_iter,
            (void*) ((char*) in + size * elem_size));
    void *out = ioc_get_out(C_ptr, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_out(C_ptr, &this_iter,
            (void *) ((char *) out + size * elem_size));

    int64_t count = bshuf_trans_bit_elem(in, out, size, elem_size);
    return count;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Wrap a function for processing a single block to process an entire buffer in
 * parallel. */
int64_t bshuf_blocked_wrap_fun(bshufBlockFunDef fun, void* in, void* out,
        const size_t size, const size_t elem_size, size_t block_size) {

    size_t ii;
    ioc_chain C;
    ioc_init(&C, in, out);

    int64_t err = 0, count, cum_count = 0;
    size_t last_block_size;

    if (block_size == 0) {
        block_size = bshuf_default_block_size(elem_size);
    if (block_size < 0 || block_size % BSHUF_BLOCKED_MULT) return -81;

#if defined(_OPENMP)
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) \
            private(count) reduction(+ : cum_count)
    for (ii = 0; ii < size / block_size; ii ++) {
        count = fun(&C, block_size, elem_size);
        if (count < 0) err = count;
        cum_count += count;

    last_block_size = size % block_size;
    last_block_size = last_block_size - last_block_size % BSHUF_BLOCKED_MULT;
    if (last_block_size) {
        count = fun(&C, last_block_size, elem_size);
        if (count < 0) err = count;
        cum_count += count;

    if (err < 0) return err;

    size_t leftover_bytes = size % BSHUF_BLOCKED_MULT * elem_size;
    size_t this_iter;
    char *last_in = (char *) ioc_get_in(&C, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_in(&C, &this_iter, (void *) (last_in + leftover_bytes));
    char *last_out = (char *) ioc_get_out(&C, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_out(&C, &this_iter, (void *) (last_out + leftover_bytes));

    memcpy(last_out, last_in, leftover_bytes);


    return cum_count + leftover_bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Decompress and bitunshuffle a single block. */
int64_t bshuf_decompress_lz4_block(ioc_chain *C_ptr,
        const size_t size, const size_t elem_size) {

    int64_t nbytes, count;

    size_t this_iter;
    void *in = ioc_get_in(C_ptr, &this_iter);
    int32_t nbytes_from_header = bshuf_read_uint32_BE(in);
    ioc_set_next_in(C_ptr, &this_iter,
            (void*) ((char*) in + nbytes_from_header + 4));

    void *out = ioc_get_out(C_ptr, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_out(C_ptr, &this_iter,
            (void *) ((char *) out + size * elem_size));

    void* tmp_buf = malloc(size * elem_size);
    if (tmp_buf == NULL) return -1;

    nbytes = LZ4_decompress_fast((const char*) in + 4, (char*) tmp_buf, size * elem_size);
    CHECK_ERR_FREE_LZ(nbytes, tmp_buf);
    if (nbytes != nbytes_from_header) {
        return -91;
    nbytes = LZ4_decompress_safe((const char*) in + 4, (char *) tmp_buf, nbytes_from_header,
                                 size * elem_size);
    CHECK_ERR_FREE_LZ(nbytes, tmp_buf);
    if (nbytes != size * elem_size) {
        return -91;
    nbytes = nbytes_from_header;
    count = bshuf_untrans_bit_elem(tmp_buf, out, size, elem_size);
    CHECK_ERR_FREE(count, tmp_buf);
    nbytes += 4;

    return nbytes;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Bitshuffle and compress a single block. */
int64_t bshuf_compress_lz4_block(ioc_chain *C_ptr,
        const size_t size, const size_t elem_size) {

    int64_t nbytes, count;

    void* tmp_buf_bshuf = malloc(size * elem_size);
    if (tmp_buf_bshuf == NULL) return -1;

    void* tmp_buf_lz4 = malloc(LZ4_compressBound(size * elem_size));
    if (tmp_buf_lz4 == NULL){
        return -1;

    size_t this_iter;

    void *in = ioc_get_in(C_ptr, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_in(C_ptr, &this_iter, (void*) ((char*) in + size * elem_size));

    count = bshuf_trans_bit_elem(in, tmp_buf_bshuf, size, elem_size);
    if (count < 0) {
        return count;
    nbytes = LZ4_compress((const char*) tmp_buf_bshuf, (char*) tmp_buf_lz4, size * elem_size);
    CHECK_ERR_FREE_LZ(nbytes, tmp_buf_lz4);

    void *out = ioc_get_out(C_ptr, &this_iter);
    ioc_set_next_out(C_ptr, &this_iter, (void *) ((char *) out + nbytes + 4));

    bshuf_write_uint32_BE(out, nbytes);
    memcpy((char *) out + 4, tmp_buf_lz4, nbytes);


    return nbytes + 4;