Ejemplo n.º 1
//have random attacks. if it doesnt get hit, sucess. if it gets hit, fail.
void getTrainingDataforAttack(void)
    FILE* fpatk = fopen("E:/Code Workspace/Dark Souls AI C/Neural Nets/attack_training_data.train", "a");

    unsigned int trainingLinesCountAtk = 0;


    //float distanceStorage[50];//every 100 ms, LENGTH*100 is memory length
    float poiseEnemy;
    float weaponPoiseDamage;
    float enemyStaminaEstimate;//use the last_animation_ids_enemy to estimate enemy stamina

    while (listening){

        ReadPlayer(&Player, processHandle, LocationMemoryPlayer);
        ReadPlayer(&Enemy, processHandle, LocationMemoryEnemy);

        AppendDistance(distance(&Player, &Enemy));

        if (isAttackAnimation(Player.animationType_id)){
            int startingHp = Player.hp;

            while (isAttackAnimation(Player.animationType_id)){
                ReadPlayer(&Player, processHandle, LocationMemoryPlayer);

            float result = 0;
            //bad outcome
            if (startingHp != Player.hp){
                result = -1;
            //good outcome
                result = 1;

            /*fprintf(fpatk, "%f %f %f\n",

            //printf("result:%f, SelfAnimation %f, EnmyAnimation %f\n", result, (float)stateBuffer[2]->animation_id, (float)stateBuffer[3]->animation_id);

    fprintf(fpatk, "## = %d\n", trainingLinesCountAtk);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void ReadPlayer(Character * c, HANDLE * processHandle, int characterId){
    HANDLE processHandle_nonPoint = *processHandle;
    //TODO read large block that contains all data, then parse in process
    //read x location
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->location_x_address), &(c->loc_x), 4, 0);
    guiPrint("%d,0:X:%f", characterId, c->loc_x);
    //read y location
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->location_y_address), &(c->loc_y), 4, 0);
    guiPrint("%d,1:Y:%f", characterId, c->loc_y);
    //read rotation of player
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->rotation_address), &(c->rotation), 4, 0);
    //Player rotation is pi. 0 to pi,-pi to 0. Same as atan2
    //convert to radians, then to degrees
    c->rotation = (c->rotation + PI) * (180.0 / PI);
    guiPrint("%d,2:Rotation:%f", characterId, c->rotation);
    //read current animation type
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->animationType_address), &(c->animationType_id), 2, 0);
    guiPrint("%d,3:Animation Type:%d", characterId, c->animationType_id);
    //read hp
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->hp_address), &(c->hp), 4, 0);
    //read stamina
    if (c->stamina_address){
        ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->stamina_address), &(c->stamina), 4, 0);
        guiPrint("%d,4:Stamina:%d", characterId, c->stamina);
    //read what weapon they currently have in right hand
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->r_weapon_address), &(c->r_weapon_id), 4, 0);
    guiPrint("%d,5:R Weapon:%d", characterId, c->r_weapon_id);
    //read what weapon they currently have in left hand
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->l_weapon_address), &(c->l_weapon_id), 4, 0);
    guiPrint("%d,6:L Weapon:%d", characterId, c->l_weapon_id);

    //read if hurtbox is active on enemy weapon
    if (c->hurtboxActive_address){
        unsigned char hurtboxActiveState;
        ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->hurtboxActive_address), &hurtboxActiveState, 1, 0);
        if (hurtboxActiveState){
            c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationActiveDuringHurtbox;
    int animationid;
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->animationId_address), &animationid, 4, 0);
    //need a second one b/c the game has a second one. the game has a second one b/c two animations can overlap.
    int animationid2;
    ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->animationId2_address), &animationid2, 4, 0);

    //keep track of enemy animations in memory
    bool newAid = false;
    if (characterId == LocationMemoryEnemy){
        if (animationid){
            newAid = AppendLastAnimationIdEnemy(animationid);
        } else {
            newAid = AppendLastAnimationIdEnemy(animationid2);

    guiPrint("%d,7:Animation Id 1/2:%d/%d", characterId, animationid, animationid2);

    unsigned char attackAnimationInfo = isAttackAnimation(c->animationType_id);

    //---any subanimation that is based purely off animation id should be prioritized in subanimation state setting---
    if (isVulnerableAnimation(animationid))
        c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationActiveHurtboxOver;
    else if (animationid >= 2000 && animationid <= 2056){//animation states for poise breaks, knockdowns, launches, staggers
        c->subanimation = PoiseBrokenSubanimation;
    //---subanimations based on animation type---
    else if (isDodgeAnimation(c->animationType_id)){
        c->subanimation = LockInSubanimation;

    //read how long the animation has been active, check with current animation, see if hurtbox is about to activate
    //what i want is a countdown till hurtbox is active
    //cant be much higher b/c need spell attack timings
    //also check that this is an attack that involves subanimation
    else if (attackAnimationInfo == 2 || attackAnimationInfo == 4){
        int curAnimationTimer_address = 0;
        int curAnimationid = 0;

        //need a second one b/c the game has a second one. the game has a second one b/c two animations can overlap.
        if (animationid2 > 1000){
            curAnimationTimer_address = c->animationTimer2_address;
            curAnimationid = animationid2;
        else if (animationid > 1000){
            //if kick or parry (aid ends in 100), use catch all aid
            if (animationid % 1000 == 100){
                curAnimationid = 100;
            } else{
                curAnimationid = animationid;
            curAnimationTimer_address = c->animationTimer_address;
            guiPrint(LocationDetection",3:ALERT: Animation type found but not animation ids");

        if (curAnimationid){
            float animationTimer;
            ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(curAnimationTimer_address), &animationTimer, 4, 0);

            //handle the timer not being reset to 0 as soon as a new animation starts
            if (newAid){
                animationTimer = 0.0;

            //sometimes, due to lag, dark souls cuts one animation short and makes the next's hurtbox timing later. handle this for the animations that do it.
            if (CombineLastAnimation(curAnimationid)){
                float animationTimer2;
                ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->animationTimer2_address), &animationTimer2, 4, 0);
                animationTimer += animationTimer2;

            float dodgeTimer = dodgeTimings(curAnimationid);
            float timeDelta = dodgeTimer - animationTimer;
            c->dodgeTimeRemaining = timeDelta;//TODO this is only ever used with the enemy

            guiPrint("%d,8:Animation Timer:%f\nDodge Time:%f", characterId, animationTimer, dodgeTimer);

            if (timeDelta >= 1.0){
                c->subanimation = SubanimationNeutral;
            } else if (timeDelta < 1.0 && timeDelta > 0.45){
                c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationWindup;
            //between 0.45 and 0.15 sec b4 hurtbox. If we have less that 0.15 we can't dodge.
            else if (timeDelta <= 0.45 && timeDelta >= 0.15){
                c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationWindupClosing;
            //just treat this as the hurtbox is activated
            else if (timeDelta < 0.15 && timeDelta >= 0){
                c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationActiveDuringHurtbox;
            else if (timeDelta < 0){
                c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationActiveHurtboxOver;

            // time before the windup ends where we can still alter rotation (only for player)
            if (timeDelta < WeaponGhostHitTime && timeDelta >= -0.3 && characterId == LocationMemoryPlayer){
                c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationWindupGhostHit;
    else if (attackAnimationInfo == 1){
        c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationWindup;
    else if (attackAnimationInfo == 3){
        c->subanimation = AttackSubanimationActiveDuringHurtbox;
    //else if (c->animationType_id == 0){//0 when running, walking, standing. all animation can immediatly transition to new animation
        c->subanimation = SubanimationNeutral;

    //read if in ready state(can transition to another animation)
    if (c->readyState_address){
        unsigned char readyState;
        ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->readyState_address), &readyState, 1, 0);
            c->subanimation = SubanimationRecover;
        } /*else{ Not adding this now because it would lock out subanimations every time i move
            c->subanimation = LockInSubanimation;
    guiPrint("%d,9:Subanimation:%d", characterId, c->subanimation);

    //read the current velocity
    //player doesnt use this, and wont have the address set. enemy will
    if (c->velocity_address){
        ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->velocity_address), &(c->velocity), 4, 0);
        guiPrint("%d,10:Velocity:%f", characterId, c->velocity);
    //read if the player is locked on
    if (c->locked_on_address){
        ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->locked_on_address), &(c->locked_on), 1, 0);
        guiPrint("%d,11:Locked On:%d", characterId, c->locked_on);
    //read two handed state of player
    if (c->twoHanding_address){
        ReadProcessMemory(processHandle_nonPoint, (LPCVOID)(c->twoHanding_address), &(c->twoHanding), 1, 0);
        guiPrint("%d,12:Two Handing:%d", characterId, c->twoHanding);