Ejemplo n.º 1
uint8_t writeRegisterI2C(uint32_t* port, uint8_t address, uint8_t registerAddress)
  int initialTime = SYSTIME;

  I2C_TypeDef *i2cPort = (I2C_TypeDef *) port;
  // starting i2c communication on I2c bus 3 
  i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_START; // generating start condition
  i2cPort->SR1 &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;    // clearing acknowledge

  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT)); 
  // Send address with write bit
  i2cPort->DR = ((uint8_t) address << 1); // puts the address to be sent on the buffer using global variable

  while(!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_ADDR)) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT));

  i2cPort->SR2; // un-stretch clock by reading here (?)

  i2cPort->DR = registerAddress; // Send the address of the desired register
  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_AF)) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT));

  i2cPort->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

  while (isBusyI2CPort(port) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT)); // wait until bus is not busy anymore  

  if (SYSTIME - initialTime >= I2C_TIMEOUT)
    return 0;
  // static int maxTime = 0;
  // maxTime = (SYSTIME - initialTime) > maxTime ? (SYSTIME - initialTime) : maxTime;
  return 1;
int readBytesI2C(uint32_t* port, uint8_t address, int numBytes, uint8_t* values)
  int initialTime = SYSTIME;
  int finalTime = SYSTIME;
  I2C_TypeDef *i2cPort = (I2C_TypeDef *) port;
  // Send the address with the read bit
  // starting I2C communication
  i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_START;
  i2cPort->SR1 &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;  

  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;

  // Send address with read bit
  i2cPort->DR = ((uint8_t) address << 1) + 1; // puts the address to be sent on the buffer using global variable

  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_ADDR)) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;
  i2cPort->SR2; // un-stretch clock by reading here (?)

  i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_ACK; // multi-byte read. Acknowledge enable

  for (int i = 0; i < numBytes-1; i++)
    while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
      finalTime = SYSTIME;
    values[i] = i2cPort->DR;
    i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_ACK; // multi-byte read. Acknowledge enable
  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;

  values[numBytes-1] = i2cPort->DR;
  i2cPort->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK; // last read

  i2cPort->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

  while (isBusyI2CPort(port) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;

  if (finalTime - initialTime >= MAX_TIME)
    printf("initialTime: %d", initialTime);
    printf("finalTime: %d", finalTime);
    printf(" TIMEOUT\n");
    return 0;
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
uint8_t writeBytesI2C(uint32_t* port, uint8_t address, uint8_t* data, int len, int toggleAddress)
  volatile int initialTime = SYSTIME;

  I2C_TypeDef *i2cPort = (I2C_TypeDef *) port;

  uint8_t addr;
  if (toggleAddress == 0)
    addr = address << 1;
    addr = address;                          

  // Send the address with the read bit
  // starting I2C communication
  i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_START;
  i2cPort->SR1 &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;

  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT));

  // Send address with write bit
  i2cPort->DR = ((uint8_t) addr); // puts the address to be sent on the buffer using global variable

  while(!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_ADDR)) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT));

  i2cPort->SR2; // un-stretch clock by reading here (?)

  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      i2cPort->DR = data[i]; // Send the address of the desired register
      while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_AF)) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT));
  i2cPort->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

  while (isBusyI2CPort(port) && (SYSTIME - initialTime < I2C_TIMEOUT));

  if (SYSTIME - initialTime >= I2C_TIMEOUT)
    return 0;
  // static int maxTime = 0;
  // maxTime = (SYSTIME - initialTime) > maxTime ? (SYSTIME - initialTime) : maxTime;
  return 1;
int writeRegisterI2C(uint32_t* port, uint8_t address, uint8_t registerAddress)
  int initialTime = SYSTIME;
  int finalTime = SYSTIME;
  I2C_TypeDef *i2cPort = (I2C_TypeDef *) port;
  // starting i2c communication on I2c bus 3 
  i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_START; // generating start condition
  i2cPort->SR1 &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;    // clearing acknowledge

  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;
  // Send address with write bit
  i2cPort->DR = ((uint8_t) address << 1); // puts the address to be sent on the buffer using global variable

  while(!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_ADDR)) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;

  i2cPort->SR2; // un-stretch clock by reading here (?)

  i2cPort->DR = registerAddress; // Send the address of the desired register
  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_AF)) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;

  i2cPort->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

  while (isBusyI2CPort(port) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME)) // wait until bus is not busy anymore
    finalTime = SYSTIME;    

  if (finalTime - initialTime >= MAX_TIME)
    printf("initialTime: %d", initialTime);
    printf("finalTime: %d", finalTime);
    printf(" TIMEOUT\n");
    return 0;
  return 1;
int writeBytesI2C(uint32_t* port, uint8_t address, uint8_t* data, int len, int toggleAddress)
  // printf("initial time: %ld\n", SYSTIME);
  volatile int initialTime = SYSTIME;
  // printf("initial time: %d\n", initialTime);
  volatile int finalTime = SYSTIME;

  I2C_TypeDef *i2cPort = (I2C_TypeDef *) port;

  uint8_t addr;
  if (toggleAddress == 0)
    addr = address << 1;
    addr = address;                          

  // Send the address with the read bit
  // starting I2C communication
  i2cPort->CR1 |=  I2C_CR1_START;
  i2cPort->SR1 &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;

  // printf("a\n");
  // while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
  while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;
  // if (SYSTIME - initialTime > MAX_TIME)
  // {
  //   printf("start condition failed\n");
  //   i2cPort->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;
  //   udelay(10000);
  //   return 0;
  // }

  // Send address with write bit
  i2cPort->DR = ((uint8_t) addr); // puts the address to be sent on the buffer using global variable

  // printf("b\n");
  while(!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_ADDR)) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;
  // if (SYSTIME - initialTime > MAX_TIME)
  // {
  //   printf("address not sent\n");
  //   return 0;
  // }
  i2cPort->SR2; // un-stretch clock by reading here (?)

  // printf("c\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      i2cPort->DR = data[i]; // Send the address of the desired register
      while (!(i2cPort->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_AF)) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
        finalTime = SYSTIME;

  i2cPort->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

  // printf("d\n");
  while (isBusyI2CPort(port) && (finalTime - initialTime < MAX_TIME))
    finalTime = SYSTIME;
  // if (SYSTIME - initialTime > MAX_TIME)
  // {
  //   printf("bus busy\n");
  //   return 0;
  // }

  // printf("final time: %ld\n", SYSTIME);
  // printf("final time: %d\n", finalTime);
  // printf("e\n");
  // printf("result e: %d \n", finalTime - initialTime >= MAX_TIME);
  if (finalTime - initialTime >= MAX_TIME)
    // printf("TIMEOUT: initialTime: %d ", initialTime);
    // printf("finalTime: %d\n", finalTime);
    return 0;
  return 1;
void enc_poll_nonblocking_tick(const uint8_t bogus __attribute__((unused)))
  Description: Reads encoders values.

  Returns: void

  Encoders connections:
    0 -> Port I2C1
    1 -> Port SPI
    2 -> Port I2C3
void enc_poll_nonblocking_tick(const uint8_t encoderNumber)
  static uint8_t i2cPort1Updated = 0;
  static uint8_t i2cPort3Updated = 0;
  int result;

    case EPS_DONE:
        // printf("encoder\n");
        result = setEncoderRegister(1, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, SPI_TIMEOUT);
        result = readEncoder(1, SPI_TIMEOUT); // (spiPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
        if (isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[0]) && isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[2]))
          // printf("neither 0 nor 2\n");
          enc_poll_state = EPS_I2C;
          i2cPort1Updated = 0;
          i2cPort3Updated = 0;
        else if (!isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[0]) && !isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[2]))
          // printf("0 and 2, EPS_DONE\n");
          result = setEncoderRegister(0, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(0, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          result = setEncoderRegister(2, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(2, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE;
        else if (!isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[2]))
          // printf("0\n");
          result = setEncoderRegister(0, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(0, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE;
        else if (!isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[0]))
          // printf("2\n");
          result = setEncoderRegister(2, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(2, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE;
    case EPS_I2C:
        if (!isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[0]) && !isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[2]))
          // printf("0 and 2, EPS_I2C\n");
          result = setEncoderRegister(0, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(0, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          result = setEncoderRegister(2, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(2, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE;
        else if (!isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[2]) && i2cPort1Updated == 0)
          // printf("0\n");
          result = setEncoderRegister(0, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(0, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          i2cPort1Updated = 1;
          if (i2cPort3Updated == 1)
            enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE;
        else if (!isBusyI2CPort(handPorts.encoder[0]) && i2cPort3Updated == 0)
          // printf("2\n");
          result = setEncoderRegister(2, AS5048B_ANGLLSB_REG, I2C_TIMEOUT);
          result = readEncoder(2, I2C_TIMEOUT);  // (i2cPort, encoderNumber, timeout)
          i2cPort3Updated = 1;
          if (i2cPort1Updated == 1)
            enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE;
      enc_poll_state = EPS_DONE; // shouldn't get here

      result = result + 1 - 1;
      // printf("%d\n", result); // rmelo19, to correct, change to error checking.