Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Returns a trace array [0..num_logical_nets-1] with the final routing of the circuit from the logical_block netlist, index of the trace array corresponds to the index of a vpack_net */
t_trace* vpr_resync_post_route_netlist_to_TI_CLAY_v1_architecture(
		INP const t_arch *arch) {
	t_trace *trace;

	/* Map post-routed traces to clb_nets and block */

	/* Resolve logically equivalent inputs */

	/* Finalize traceback */
	trace = alloc_and_load_final_routing_trace();
	if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_COMPLETE_NET_TRACE)) {
	return trace;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Pre-pack atoms in netlist to molecules
 * 1.  Single atoms are by definition a molecule.
 * 2.  Forced pack molecules are groupings of atoms that matches a t_pack_pattern definition.
 * 3.  Chained molecules are molecules that follow a carry-chain style pattern: ie. a single linear chain that can be split across multiple complex blocks
t_pack_molecule *alloc_and_load_pack_molecules(
		INP t_pack_patterns *list_of_pack_patterns,
		INP int num_packing_patterns, OUTP int *num_pack_molecule) {
	int i, j;
	t_pack_molecule *list_of_molecules_head;
	t_pack_molecule *cur_molecule;
	int L_num_blocks;
	struct s_linked_vptr* logical_block_molecule;

	cur_molecule = list_of_molecules_head = NULL;

	/* Find forced pack patterns */
	/* TODO: Need to properly empirically investigate the right base cost function values (gain variable) and do some normalization */
	for (i = 0; i < num_packing_patterns; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < num_logical_blocks; j++) {
			cur_molecule = try_create_molecule(list_of_pack_patterns, i, j);
			if (cur_molecule != NULL) {
				cur_molecule->next = list_of_molecules_head;
				/* In the event of multiple molecules with the same logical block pattern, bias to use the molecule with less costly physical resources first */
				/* TODO: Need to normalize magical number 100 */
				cur_molecule->base_gain = cur_molecule->num_blocks
						- (cur_molecule->pack_pattern->base_cost / 100);
				list_of_molecules_head = cur_molecule;

	/* jedit TODO: Find chain patterns */

	/* List all logical blocks as a molecule for blocks that do not belong to any molecules.
	 This allows the packer to be consistent as it now packs molecules only instead of atoms and molecules

	 If a block belongs to a molecule, then carrying the single atoms around can make the packing problem
	 more difficult because now it needs to consider splitting molecules.

	 TODO: Need to handle following corner case, if I have a LUT -> FF -> multiplier, LUT + FF is one molecule and FF + multiplier is another,
	 need to ensure that this is packable.  Solution is probably to allow for single atom molecules until something a particular packing forces
	 another molecule to get broken
	for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) {
		logical_block[i].expected_lowest_cost_primitive = get_expected_lowest_cost_primitive_for_logical_block(i);
		if (logical_block[i].packed_molecules == NULL) {
			cur_molecule = (t_pack_molecule*) my_calloc(1,
			cur_molecule->valid = TRUE;
			cur_molecule->type = MOLECULE_SINGLE_ATOM;
			cur_molecule->num_blocks = 1;
			cur_molecule->root = 0;
			cur_molecule->num_ext_inputs = logical_block[i].used_input_pins;
			cur_molecule->chain_pattern = NULL;
			cur_molecule->pack_pattern = NULL;
			cur_molecule->logical_block_ptrs = (t_logical_block**) my_malloc(
					1 * sizeof(t_logical_block*));
			cur_molecule->logical_block_ptrs[0] = &logical_block[i];
			cur_molecule->next = list_of_molecules_head;
			cur_molecule->base_gain = 1;
			list_of_molecules_head = cur_molecule;

			logical_block[i].packed_molecules = (struct s_linked_vptr*) my_calloc(1,
					sizeof(struct s_linked_vptr));
			logical_block[i].packed_molecules->data_vptr = (void*) cur_molecule;

	/* Reduce incentive to use logical blocks as standalone blocks when molecules already exist */
	for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) {
		logical_block_molecule = logical_block[i].packed_molecules;
		L_num_blocks = 1;
		while (logical_block_molecule != NULL) {
			cur_molecule = (t_pack_molecule*)logical_block_molecule->data_vptr;
			if (cur_molecule->num_blocks > L_num_blocks) {
				L_num_blocks = cur_molecule->num_blocks;
			logical_block_molecule = logical_block_molecule->next;
		if (L_num_blocks > 1) {
			logical_block_molecule = logical_block[i].packed_molecules;
			while (logical_block_molecule != NULL) {
				cur_molecule = (t_pack_molecule*)logical_block_molecule->data_vptr;
				if (cur_molecule->num_blocks == 1) {
					cur_molecule->base_gain /= L_num_blocks;
				logical_block_molecule = logical_block_molecule->next;
	if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_PRE_PACKING_MOLECULES_AND_PATTERNS)) {
				list_of_pack_patterns, num_packing_patterns,

	return list_of_molecules_head;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void place_and_route(enum e_operation operation,
		struct s_placer_opts placer_opts, char *place_file, char *net_file,
		char *arch_file, char *route_file,
		struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched,
		struct s_router_opts router_opts,
		struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf,
		t_timing_inf timing_inf, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist,
		struct s_model *models,
		t_direct_inf *directs, int num_directs) {

	/* This routine controls the overall placement and routing of a circuit. */
	char msg[BUFSIZE];
	int width_fac, i;
	boolean success, Fc_clipped;
	float **net_delay = NULL;
	t_slack * slacks = NULL;
	t_chunk net_delay_ch = {NULL, 0, NULL};

	/*struct s_linked_vptr *net_delay_chunk_list_head;*/
	t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally = NULL; /* [0..num_blocks-1][0..num_class-1] */
	int max_pins_per_clb;
	clock_t begin, end;

	Fc_clipped = FALSE;

	max_pins_per_clb = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
		if (type_descriptors[i].num_pins > max_pins_per_clb) {
			max_pins_per_clb = type_descriptors[i].num_pins;

	if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_NEVER) {
		/* Read the placement from a file */
		read_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file, nx, ny, num_blocks, block);
		sync_grid_to_blocks(num_blocks, block, nx, ny, grid);
	} else {
				(PLACE_ONCE == placer_opts.place_freq) || (PLACE_ALWAYS == placer_opts.place_freq));
		begin = clock();
		try_place(placer_opts, annealing_sched, chan_width_dist, router_opts,
				det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, directs, num_directs);
		print_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file);
		end = clock();
		vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Placement took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
		vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Placement took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC);
	begin = clock();
	post_place_sync(num_blocks, block);


	if (!router_opts.doRouting)

	width_fac = router_opts.fixed_channel_width;

	/* If channel width not fixed, use binary search to find min W */
	if (NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH == width_fac) {
		g_solution_inf.channel_width = binary_search_place_and_route(placer_opts, place_file, net_file,
				arch_file, route_file, router_opts.full_stats,
				router_opts.verify_binary_search, annealing_sched, router_opts,
				det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, chan_width_dist,
				models, directs, num_directs);
	} else {
		g_solution_inf.channel_width = width_fac;
		if (det_routing_arch.directionality == UNI_DIRECTIONAL) {
			if (width_fac % 2 != 0) {
				vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "in pack_place_and_route.c: Given odd chan width (%d) for udsd architecture.\n",
		/* Other constraints can be left to rr_graph to check since this is one pass routing */

		/* Allocate the major routing structures. */

		clb_opins_used_locally = alloc_route_structs();

		slacks = alloc_and_load_timing_graph(timing_inf);
		net_delay = alloc_net_delay(&net_delay_ch, clb_net,

		success = try_route(width_fac, router_opts, det_routing_arch,
				segment_inf, timing_inf, net_delay, slacks, chan_width_dist,
				clb_opins_used_locally, &Fc_clipped, directs, num_directs);

		if (Fc_clipped) {
			vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Fc_output was too high and was clipped to full (maximum) connectivity.\n");

		if (success == FALSE) {
			vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Circuit is unrouteable with a channel width factor of %d.\n", width_fac);
			vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n");
			sprintf(msg, "Routing failed with a channel width factor of %d. ILLEGAL routing shown.", width_fac);

		else {
			check_route(router_opts.route_type, det_routing_arch.num_switch, clb_opins_used_locally);

			vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Circuit successfully routed with a channel width factor of %d.\n", width_fac);
			vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n");

			routing_stats(router_opts.full_stats, router_opts.route_type,
					det_routing_arch.num_switch, segment_inf,
					det_routing_arch.num_segment, det_routing_arch.R_minW_nmos,
					timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled, net_delay, slacks);


			if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_ROUTING_SINK_DELAYS)) {

			sprintf(msg, "Routing succeeded with a channel width factor of %d.\n\n",

		update_screen(MAJOR, msg, ROUTING, timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled);

		if (timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled) {

			if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_POST_FLOW_TIMING_GRAPH)) {
				print_timing_graph_as_blif (getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_POST_FLOW_TIMING_GRAPH),


			free_net_delay(net_delay, &net_delay_ch);

	if (clb_opins_used_locally != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
			free_ivec_vector(clb_opins_used_locally[i], 0,
					block[i].type->num_class - 1);
		clb_opins_used_locally = NULL;
	end = clock();
	vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Routing took %g seconds.\n", (float) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Routing took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC);

	/*WMF: cleaning up memory usage */

	/*	if (g_heap_free_head)
	if (g_trace_free_head)
	if (g_linked_f_pointer_free_head)