Ejemplo n.º 1
STTx::checkSingleSign () const
    // We don't allow both a non-empty sfSigningPubKey and an sfSigners.
    // That would allow the transaction to be signed two ways.  So if both
    // fields are present the signature is invalid.
    if (isFieldPresent (sfSigners))
        return false;

    bool ret = false;
        ECDSA const fullyCanonical = (getFlags() & tfFullyCanonicalSig)
            ? ECDSA::strict
            : ECDSA::not_strict;

        RippleAddress n;
        n.setAccountPublic (getFieldVL (sfSigningPubKey));

        ret = n.accountPublicVerify (getSigningData (*this),
            getFieldVL (sfTxnSignature), fullyCanonical);
    catch (...)
        // Assume it was a signature failure.
        ret = false;
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
rippleQuality (
    ReadView const& view,
    AccountID const& destination,
    AccountID const& source,
    Currency const& currency,
    SField const& sfLow,
    SField const& sfHigh)
    if (destination == source)
        return parityRate;

    auto const& sfField = destination < source ? sfLow : sfHigh;

    auto const sle = view.read(
        keylet::line(destination, source, currency));

    if (!sle || !sle->isFieldPresent (sfField))
        return parityRate;

    auto quality = sle->getFieldU32 (sfField);

    // Avoid divide by zero. NIKB CHECKME: if we
    // allow zero qualities now, then we shouldn't.
    if (quality == 0)
        quality = 1;

    return Rate{ quality };
Ejemplo n.º 3
nflags::operator()(Env& env) const
    auto const sle = env.le(account_);
    if (sle->isFieldPresent(sfFlags))
        env.test.expect((sle->getFieldU32(sfFlags) &
            mask_) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Transactor::setSeq ()
    auto const sle = view().peek(

    std::uint32_t const t_seq = ctx_.tx.getSequence ();

    sle->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, t_seq + 1);

    if (sle->isFieldPresent (sfAccountTxnID))
        sle->setFieldH256 (sfAccountTxnID, ctx_.tx.getTransactionID ());
Ejemplo n.º 5
Transactor::checkSingleSign (PreclaimContext const& ctx)
    auto const id = ctx.tx.getAccountID(sfAccount);

    auto const sle = ctx.view.read(
    auto const hasAuthKey     = sle->isFieldPresent (sfRegularKey);

    // Consistency: Check signature & verify the transaction's signing
    // public key is authorized for signing.
    auto const spk = ctx.tx.getSigningPubKey();
    if (!publicKeyType (makeSlice (spk)))
        JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
            "checkSingleSign: signing public key type is unknown";
        return tefBAD_AUTH; // FIXME: should be better error!

    auto const pkAccount = calcAccountID (
        PublicKey (makeSlice (spk)));

    if (pkAccount == id)
        // Authorized to continue.
        if (sle->isFlag(lsfDisableMaster))
            return tefMASTER_DISABLED;
    else if (hasAuthKey &&
        (pkAccount == sle->getAccountID (sfRegularKey)))
        // Authorized to continue.
    else if (hasAuthKey)
        JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
            "checkSingleSign: Not authorized to use account.";
        return tefBAD_AUTH;
        JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
            "checkSingleSign: Not authorized to use account.";
        return tefBAD_AUTH_MASTER;

    return tesSUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
std::pair<bool, std::string> STTx::checkSingleSign () const
    // We don't allow both a non-empty sfSigningPubKey and an sfSigners.
    // That would allow the transaction to be signed two ways.  So if both
    // fields are present the signature is invalid.
    if (isFieldPresent (sfSigners))
        return {false, "Cannot both single- and multi-sign."};

    bool validSig = false;
        bool const fullyCanonical = (getFlags() & tfFullyCanonicalSig);
        auto const spk = getFieldVL (sfSigningPubKey);

        if (publicKeyType (makeSlice(spk)))
            Blob const signature = getFieldVL (sfTxnSignature);
            Blob const data = getSigningData (*this);

            validSig = verify (
                PublicKey (makeSlice(spk)),
    catch (std::exception const&)
        // Assume it was a signature failure.
        validSig = false;
    if (validSig == false)
        return {false, "Invalid signature."};

    return {true, ""};
Ejemplo n.º 7
std::pair<bool, std::string> STTx::checkMultiSign () const
    // Make sure the MultiSigners are present.  Otherwise they are not
    // attempting multi-signing and we just have a bad SigningPubKey.
    if (!isFieldPresent (sfSigners))
        return {false, "Empty SigningPubKey."};

    // We don't allow both an sfSigners and an sfTxnSignature.  Both fields
    // being present would indicate that the transaction is signed both ways.
    if (isFieldPresent (sfTxnSignature))
        return {false, "Cannot both single- and multi-sign."};

    STArray const& signers {getFieldArray (sfSigners)};

    // There are well known bounds that the number of signers must be within.
    if (signers.size() < minMultiSigners || signers.size() > maxMultiSigners)
        return {false, "Invalid Signers array size."};

    // We can ease the computational load inside the loop a bit by
    // pre-constructing part of the data that we hash.  Fill a Serializer
    // with the stuff that stays constant from signature to signature.
    Serializer const dataStart {startMultiSigningData (*this)};

    // We also use the sfAccount field inside the loop.  Get it once.
    auto const txnAccountID = getAccountID (sfAccount);

    // Determine whether signatures must be full canonical.
    bool const fullyCanonical = (getFlags() & tfFullyCanonicalSig);

    // Signers must be in sorted order by AccountID.
    AccountID lastAccountID (beast::zero);

    for (auto const& signer : signers)
        auto const accountID = signer.getAccountID (sfAccount);

        // The account owner may not multisign for themselves.
        if (accountID == txnAccountID)
            return {false, "Invalid multisigner."};

        // No duplicate signers allowed.
        if (lastAccountID == accountID)
            return {false, "Duplicate Signers not allowed."};

        // Accounts must be in order by account ID.  No duplicates allowed.
        if (lastAccountID > accountID)
            return {false, "Unsorted Signers array."};

        // The next signature must be greater than this one.
        lastAccountID = accountID;

        // Verify the signature.
        bool validSig = false;
            Serializer s = dataStart;
            finishMultiSigningData (accountID, s);

            auto spk = signer.getFieldVL (sfSigningPubKey);

            if (publicKeyType (makeSlice(spk)))
                Blob const signature =
                    signer.getFieldVL (sfTxnSignature);

                validSig = verify (
                    PublicKey (makeSlice(spk)),
        catch (std::exception const&)
            // We assume any problem lies with the signature.
            validSig = false;
        if (!validSig)
            return {false, std::string("Invalid signature on account ") +
                toBase58(accountID)  + "."};

    // All signatures verified.
    return {true, ""};
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool STLedgerEntry::isThreaded () const
    return isFieldPresent (sfPreviousTxnID);
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool SerializedLedgerEntry::isThreaded ()
    return isFieldPresent (sfPreviousTxnID);
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Based on the meta, send the meta to the streams that are listening.
// We need to determine which streams a given meta effects.
void OrderBookDB::processTxn (
    std::shared_ptr<ReadView const> const& ledger,
        const AcceptedLedgerTx& alTx)
    std::lock_guard <std::recursive_mutex> sl (mLock);
    Json::Value jvObj;
    bool bJvObjInitialized = false;

    if (alTx.getResult () == tesSUCCESS)
        std::set<BookListeners::pointer> listenersSet;
        // Check if this is an offer or an offer cancel or a payment that
        // consumes an offer.
        // Check to see what the meta looks like.
        for (auto& node : alTx.getMeta ()->getNodes ())
                if (node.getFieldU16 (sfLedgerEntryType) == ltOFFER)
                    SField const* field = nullptr;

                    // We need a field that contains the TakerGets and TakerPays
                    // parameters.
                    if (node.getFName () == sfModifiedNode)
                        field = &sfPreviousFields;
                    else if (node.getFName () == sfCreatedNode)
                        field = &sfNewFields;
                    else if (node.getFName () == sfDeletedNode)
                        field = &sfFinalFields;

                    if (field)
                        auto data = dynamic_cast<const STObject*> (
                            node.peekAtPField (*field));

                        if (data &&
                            data->isFieldPresent (sfTakerPays) &&
                            data->isFieldPresent (sfTakerGets))
                            // determine the OrderBook
                            auto listeners = getBookListeners (
                                {data->getFieldAmount (sfTakerGets).issue(),
                                 data->getFieldAmount (sfTakerPays).issue()});

                            if (listeners)
            catch (std::exception const&)
                JLOG (j_.info)
                    << "Fields not found in OrderBookDB::processTxn";
        for (auto& listeners: listenersSet)
            if (!bJvObjInitialized)
                jvObj = NetworkOPs_transJson (*alTx.getTxn (), alTx.getResult (), true, ledger, app_);
                jvObj[jss::meta] = alTx.getMeta ()->getJson (0);
                bJvObjInitialized = true;
            listeners->publish (jvObj);
Ejemplo n.º 11
STTx::checkMultiSign () const
    // Make sure the MultiSigners are present.  Otherwise they are not
    // attempting multi-signing and we just have a bad SigningPubKey.
    if (!isFieldPresent (sfSigners))
        return false;

    STArray const& signers {getFieldArray (sfSigners)};

    // There are well known bounds that the number of signers must be within.
    if (signers.size() < minMultiSigners || signers.size() > maxMultiSigners)
        return false;

    // We can ease the computational load inside the loop a bit by
    // pre-constructing part of the data that we hash.  Fill a Serializer
    // with the stuff that stays constant from signature to signature.
    Serializer const dataStart {startMultiSigningData (*this)};

    // We also use the sfAccount field inside the loop.  Get it once.
    auto const txnAccountID = getAccountID (sfAccount);

    // Determine whether signatures must be full canonical.
    ECDSA const fullyCanonical = (getFlags() & tfFullyCanonicalSig)
        ? ECDSA::strict
        : ECDSA::not_strict;

    // Signers must be in sorted order by AccountID.
    AccountID lastAccountID (beast::zero);

    for (auto const& signer : signers)
        auto const accountID = signer.getAccountID (sfAccount);

        // The account owner may not multisign for themselves.
        if (accountID == txnAccountID)
            return false;

        // Accounts must be in order by account ID.  No duplicates allowed.
        if (lastAccountID >= accountID)
            return false;

        // The next signature must be greater than this one.
        lastAccountID = accountID;

        // Verify the signature.
        bool validSig = false;
            Serializer s = dataStart;
            finishMultiSigningData (accountID, s);

            RippleAddress const pubKey =
                RippleAddress::createAccountPublic (
                    signer.getFieldVL (sfSigningPubKey));

            Blob const signature = signer.getFieldVL (sfTxnSignature);

            validSig = pubKey.accountPublicVerify (
                s.getData(), signature, fullyCanonical);
        catch (...)
            // We assume any problem lies with the signature.
            validSig = false;
        if (!validSig)
            return false;

    // All signatures verified.
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Transactor::checkMultiSign (PreclaimContext const& ctx)
    auto const id = ctx.tx.getAccountID(sfAccount);
    // Get mTxnAccountID's SignerList and Quorum.
    std::shared_ptr<STLedgerEntry const> sleAccountSigners =
        ctx.view.read (keylet::signers(id));
    // If the signer list doesn't exist the account is not multi-signing.
    if (!sleAccountSigners)
        JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
            "applyTransaction: Invalid: Not a multi-signing account.";
        return tefNOT_MULTI_SIGNING;

    // We have plans to support multiple SignerLists in the future.  The
    // presence and defaulted value of the SignerListID field will enable that.
    assert (sleAccountSigners->isFieldPresent (sfSignerListID));
    assert (sleAccountSigners->getFieldU32 (sfSignerListID) == 0);

    auto accountSigners =
        SignerEntries::deserialize (*sleAccountSigners, ctx.j, "ledger");
    if (accountSigners.second != tesSUCCESS)
        return accountSigners.second;

    // Get the array of transaction signers.
    STArray const& txSigners (ctx.tx.getFieldArray (sfSigners));

    // Walk the accountSigners performing a variety of checks and see if
    // the quorum is met.

    // Both the multiSigners and accountSigners are sorted by account.  So
    // matching multi-signers to account signers should be a simple
    // linear walk.  *All* signers must be valid or the transaction fails.
    std::uint32_t weightSum = 0;
    auto iter = accountSigners.first.begin ();
    for (auto const& txSigner : txSigners)
        AccountID const txSignerAcctID = txSigner.getAccountID (sfAccount);

        // Attempt to match the SignerEntry with a Signer;
        while (iter->account < txSignerAcctID)
            if (++iter == accountSigners.first.end ())
                JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                    "applyTransaction: Invalid SigningAccount.Account.";
                return tefBAD_SIGNATURE;
        if (iter->account != txSignerAcctID)
            // The SigningAccount is not in the SignerEntries.
            JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                "applyTransaction: Invalid SigningAccount.Account.";
            return tefBAD_SIGNATURE;

        // We found the SigningAccount in the list of valid signers.  Now we
        // need to compute the accountID that is associated with the signer's
        // public key.
        auto const spk = txSigner.getFieldVL (sfSigningPubKey);

        if (!publicKeyType (makeSlice(spk)))
            JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                "checkMultiSign: signing public key type is unknown";
            return tefBAD_SIGNATURE;

        AccountID const signingAcctIDFromPubKey =
            calcAccountID(PublicKey (makeSlice(spk)));

        // Verify that the signingAcctID and the signingAcctIDFromPubKey
        // belong together.  Here is are the rules:
        //   1. "Phantom account": an account that is not in the ledger
        //      A. If signingAcctID == signingAcctIDFromPubKey and the
        //         signingAcctID is not in the ledger then we have a phantom
        //         account.
        //      B. Phantom accounts are always allowed as multi-signers.
        //   2. "Master Key"
        //      A. signingAcctID == signingAcctIDFromPubKey, and signingAcctID
        //         is in the ledger.
        //      B. If the signingAcctID in the ledger does not have the
        //         asfDisableMaster flag set, then the signature is allowed.
        //   3. "Regular Key"
        //      A. signingAcctID != signingAcctIDFromPubKey, and signingAcctID
        //         is in the ledger.
        //      B. If signingAcctIDFromPubKey == signingAcctID.RegularKey (from
        //         ledger) then the signature is allowed.
        // No other signatures are allowed.  (January 2015)

        // In any of these cases we need to know whether the account is in
        // the ledger.  Determine that now.
        auto sleTxSignerRoot =
            ctx.view.read (keylet::account(txSignerAcctID));

        if (signingAcctIDFromPubKey == txSignerAcctID)
            // Either Phantom or Master.  Phantoms automatically pass.
            if (sleTxSignerRoot)
                // Master Key.  Account may not have asfDisableMaster set.
                std::uint32_t const signerAccountFlags =
                    sleTxSignerRoot->getFieldU32 (sfFlags);

                if (signerAccountFlags & lsfDisableMaster)
                    JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                        "applyTransaction: Signer:Account lsfDisableMaster.";
                    return tefMASTER_DISABLED;
            // May be a Regular Key.  Let's find out.
            // Public key must hash to the account's regular key.
            if (!sleTxSignerRoot)
                JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                    "applyTransaction: Non-phantom signer lacks account root.";
                return tefBAD_SIGNATURE;

            if (!sleTxSignerRoot->isFieldPresent (sfRegularKey))
                JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                    "applyTransaction: Account lacks RegularKey.";
                return tefBAD_SIGNATURE;
            if (signingAcctIDFromPubKey !=
                sleTxSignerRoot->getAccountID (sfRegularKey))
                JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
                    "applyTransaction: Account doesn't match RegularKey.";
                return tefBAD_SIGNATURE;
        // The signer is legitimate.  Add their weight toward the quorum.
        weightSum += iter->weight;

    // Cannot perform transaction if quorum is not met.
    if (weightSum < sleAccountSigners->getFieldU32 (sfSignerQuorum))
        JLOG(ctx.j.trace()) <<
            "applyTransaction: Signers failed to meet quorum.";
        return tefBAD_QUORUM;

    // Met the quorum.  Continue.
    return tesSUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 13
SetAccount::doApply ()
    std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = ctx_.tx.getFlags ();

    auto const sle = view().peek(

    std::uint32_t const uFlagsIn = sle->getFieldU32 (sfFlags);
    std::uint32_t uFlagsOut = uFlagsIn;

    std::uint32_t const uSetFlag = ctx_.tx.getFieldU32 (sfSetFlag);
    std::uint32_t const uClearFlag = ctx_.tx.getFieldU32 (sfClearFlag);

    // legacy AccountSet flags
    bool bSetRequireDest   = (uTxFlags & TxFlag::requireDestTag) || (uSetFlag == asfRequireDest);
    bool bClearRequireDest = (uTxFlags & tfOptionalDestTag) || (uClearFlag == asfRequireDest);
    bool bSetRequireAuth   = (uTxFlags & tfRequireAuth) || (uSetFlag == asfRequireAuth);
    bool bClearRequireAuth = (uTxFlags & tfOptionalAuth) || (uClearFlag == asfRequireAuth);
    bool bSetDisallowXRP   = (uTxFlags & tfDisallowXRP) || (uSetFlag == asfDisallowXRP);
    bool bClearDisallowXRP = (uTxFlags & tfAllowXRP) || (uClearFlag == asfDisallowXRP);

    bool sigWithMaster = false;

        auto const blob = ctx_.tx.getSigningPubKey();

        if (!blob.empty ())
            auto const signingPubKey =

            if (calcAccountID(signingPubKey) == account_)
                sigWithMaster = true;

    // RequireAuth
    if (bSetRequireAuth && !(uFlagsIn & lsfRequireAuth))
        j_.trace << "Set RequireAuth.";
        uFlagsOut |= lsfRequireAuth;

    if (bClearRequireAuth && (uFlagsIn & lsfRequireAuth))
        j_.trace << "Clear RequireAuth.";
        uFlagsOut &= ~lsfRequireAuth;

    // RequireDestTag
    if (bSetRequireDest && !(uFlagsIn & lsfRequireDestTag))
        j_.trace << "Set lsfRequireDestTag.";
        uFlagsOut |= lsfRequireDestTag;

    if (bClearRequireDest && (uFlagsIn & lsfRequireDestTag))
        j_.trace << "Clear lsfRequireDestTag.";
        uFlagsOut &= ~lsfRequireDestTag;

    // DisallowXRP
    if (bSetDisallowXRP && !(uFlagsIn & lsfDisallowXRP))
        j_.trace << "Set lsfDisallowXRP.";
        uFlagsOut |= lsfDisallowXRP;

    if (bClearDisallowXRP && (uFlagsIn & lsfDisallowXRP))
        j_.trace << "Clear lsfDisallowXRP.";
        uFlagsOut &= ~lsfDisallowXRP;

    // DisableMaster
    if ((uSetFlag == asfDisableMaster) && !(uFlagsIn & lsfDisableMaster))
        if (!sigWithMaster)
            j_.trace << "Must use master key to disable master key.";
            return tecNEED_MASTER_KEY;

        if ((!sle->isFieldPresent (sfRegularKey)) &&
                (!view().peek (keylet::signers (account_))))
            // Account has no regular key or multi-signer signer list.

            // Prevent transaction changes until we're ready.
            if (view().rules().enabled(featureMultiSign,
                return tecNO_ALTERNATIVE_KEY;

            return tecNO_REGULAR_KEY;

        j_.trace << "Set lsfDisableMaster.";
        uFlagsOut |= lsfDisableMaster;

    if ((uClearFlag == asfDisableMaster) && (uFlagsIn & lsfDisableMaster))
        j_.trace << "Clear lsfDisableMaster.";
        uFlagsOut &= ~lsfDisableMaster;

    // DefaultRipple
    if (uSetFlag == asfDefaultRipple)
        uFlagsOut   |= lsfDefaultRipple;
    else if (uClearFlag == asfDefaultRipple)
        uFlagsOut   &= ~lsfDefaultRipple;

    // NoFreeze
    if (uSetFlag == asfNoFreeze)
        if (!sigWithMaster && !(uFlagsIn & lsfDisableMaster))
            j_.trace << "Can't use regular key to set NoFreeze.";
            return tecNEED_MASTER_KEY;

        j_.trace << "Set NoFreeze flag";
        uFlagsOut |= lsfNoFreeze;

    // Anyone may set global freeze
    if (uSetFlag == asfGlobalFreeze)
        j_.trace << "Set GlobalFreeze flag";
        uFlagsOut |= lsfGlobalFreeze;

    // If you have set NoFreeze, you may not clear GlobalFreeze
    // This prevents those who have set NoFreeze from using
    // GlobalFreeze strategically.
    if ((uSetFlag != asfGlobalFreeze) && (uClearFlag == asfGlobalFreeze) &&
            ((uFlagsOut & lsfNoFreeze) == 0))
        j_.trace << "Clear GlobalFreeze flag";
        uFlagsOut &= ~lsfGlobalFreeze;

    // Track transaction IDs signed by this account in its root
    if ((uSetFlag == asfAccountTxnID) && !sle->isFieldPresent (sfAccountTxnID))
        j_.trace << "Set AccountTxnID";
        sle->makeFieldPresent (sfAccountTxnID);

    if ((uClearFlag == asfAccountTxnID) && sle->isFieldPresent (sfAccountTxnID))
        j_.trace << "Clear AccountTxnID";
        sle->makeFieldAbsent (sfAccountTxnID);

    // EmailHash
    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfEmailHash))
        uint128 const uHash = ctx_.tx.getFieldH128 (sfEmailHash);

        if (!uHash)
            j_.trace << "unset email hash";
            sle->makeFieldAbsent (sfEmailHash);
            j_.trace << "set email hash";
            sle->setFieldH128 (sfEmailHash, uHash);

    // WalletLocator
    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfWalletLocator))
        uint256 const uHash = ctx_.tx.getFieldH256 (sfWalletLocator);

        if (!uHash)
            j_.trace << "unset wallet locator";
            sle->makeFieldAbsent (sfWalletLocator);
            j_.trace << "set wallet locator";
            sle->setFieldH256 (sfWalletLocator, uHash);

    // MessageKey
    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfMessageKey))
        Blob const messageKey = ctx_.tx.getFieldVL (sfMessageKey);

        if (messageKey.empty ())
            j_.debug << "set message key";
            sle->makeFieldAbsent (sfMessageKey);
            j_.debug << "set message key";
            sle->setFieldVL (sfMessageKey, messageKey);

    // Domain
    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfDomain))
        Blob const domain = ctx_.tx.getFieldVL (sfDomain);

        if (domain.empty ())
            j_.trace << "unset domain";
            sle->makeFieldAbsent (sfDomain);
            j_.trace << "set domain";
            sle->setFieldVL (sfDomain, domain);

    // TransferRate
    if (ctx_.tx.isFieldPresent (sfTransferRate))
        std::uint32_t uRate = ctx_.tx.getFieldU32 (sfTransferRate);

        if (uRate == 0 || uRate == QUALITY_ONE)
            j_.trace << "unset transfer rate";
            sle->makeFieldAbsent (sfTransferRate);
        else if (uRate > QUALITY_ONE)
            j_.trace << "set transfer rate";
            sle->setFieldU32 (sfTransferRate, uRate);

    if (uFlagsIn != uFlagsOut)
        sle->setFieldU32 (sfFlags, uFlagsOut);

    return tesSUCCESS;