Ejemplo n.º 1
void KJSeeker::mouseRelease(const QPoint &pos, bool in)
	int x = rect().topLeft().x()+pos.x();
	int y = rect().topLeft().y()+pos.y();


	if(!mScale.valid(x, y))

	QRgb color=mScale.pixel(x, y);

	// user released mousebutton outside of the seeker-area (which is gray)
	if ( (!isGray(color)) || (!in) )

	g = grayRgb(color);

//	kdDebug(66666) << "length : " << napp->player()->getLength() << endl;
//	kdDebug(66666) << "skip to: " << ((long long)g*(long long)napp->player()->getLength())/255 << endl;

	// g * titlelength can get REALLY HUGE, that's why I used (long long)
	napp->player()->skipTo( ((long long)g*(long long)napp->player()->getLength())/255 );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void shadow::setup(ofxSVG *svgShadowTopIn, ofxSVG *svgShadowBackIn){
	svgShadowBack = svgShadowBackIn;
	svgShadowTop = svgShadowTopIn; //NOT WORKING

//	svgShadowBack.load("illu2.svg");

	blurHShader.load("shaders/basic.vert", "shaders/gaussblur_h5.frag");
	blurVShader.load("shaders/basic.vert", "shaders/gaussblur_v5.frag");

	fbo.allocate(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight(), GL_RGBA);
	fbo2.allocate(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight(), GL_RGBA32F);//32F_ARB

	ofClear(255, 255, 255, 0);



	for (int i = 0; i < svgShadowTop->getNumPath(); i++) {
		ofPath p = svgShadowTop->getPathAt(i);
		ofColor colToDepth = p.getFillColor();

		if (isGray(colToDepth)==false) {	
		else {
			bool colExist = false;

			for (int j = 0;j < groupByCol.size();j++) {
				if (colToDepth == groupByCol[j]) {
					colExist = true;
			if (colExist == false) {
				float zPos = ofMap(colToDepth.getBrightness(), 0, 255, 200, 0.0);
			//cout << "zPos Top" << zPos << endl;

				//cout << "color" << colToDepth << endl;
				//ofPath pp

	ofSetWindowShape(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
	masker.setup(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
	maskLayer = masker.newLayer();

	for (int i = 0; i < zPosition.size(); i++) {

	//	maskLayersI[i] = masker.newLayer();

	//cout << "first loop" << endl;
	pathsShader.assign(groupByCol.size(), tempP);
	//cout << groupByCol.size() << "group" << endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < svgShadowTop->getNumPath(); i++) {

		ofPath p = svgShadowTop->getPathAt(i);
		ofColor colToDepth = p.getFillColor();

		if (isGray(colToDepth)) {

			for (int j = 0;j < groupByCol.size();j++) {
				if (groupByCol[j] == colToDepth) {
		else {
			///bool colExist = false;



	pathsShaderTopS = pathsShader;
	for (int i = 0; i < pathsShaderTopS.size();i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < pathsShaderTopS[i].size();j++) {
			//ofTranslate(0, 0, zPosition[1]);//

	//Sorting the order brighter to darker
	struct less_than_key
		inline bool operator() (const vector<ofPath>& struct1, const vector<ofPath>& struct2)
			return (struct1[0].getFillColor().r < struct2[0].getFillColor().r);
	//sort(pathsShader.begin(), pathsShader.end(), less_than_key());
	sort(pathsShaderTopS.begin(), pathsShaderTopS.end(), less_than_key());
	sort(zPosition.begin(), zPosition.end()); 
	//Sorting the order brighter to darker

	for (int i = 0; i < svgShadowBack->getNumPath(); i++) {
		ofPath p = svgShadowBack->getPathAt(i);
		//cout << " back" << p.getFillColor() << endl;
		p.setColor(ofColor(0, 0, 0));

	gui.setup("saved", "settingsShadow.xml");
	//gui.add(posLight.setup("posLight", ofVec3f(0, 0, 0), ofVec3f(0, 0, -1000), ofVec3f(1920 * 4, 1080, 1000.0)));
	//gui.add(lookAtLight.setup("lookAtLight", ofVec3f(0, 0, 0), ofVec3f(0, 0, -1000), ofVec3f(1920 * 4, 1080, 1000.0)));
	//gui.add(rotLight.setup("rotLight", ofVec3f(0, 0, 0), ofVec3f(-180, -180, -180), ofVec3f(180, 180, 180)));
	//gui.add(zWall.setup("zWall", 0, -500, 500));
	//gui.add(scale.setup("scale", 0.4, 0.01, 2.0));

	gui.add(blurFactor.setup("m_blurFactor", 4.0f, 0.0, 8.0));
	gui.add(texelSize.setup("m_texelSize", 1.0, 0.0, 10.0));

Ejemplo n.º 3
static int swscale(SwsContext *c, const uint8_t *src[],
                   int srcStride[], int srcSliceY,
                   int srcSliceH, uint8_t *dst[], int dstStride[])
    /* load a few things into local vars to make the code more readable?
     * and faster */
#ifndef NEW_FILTER
    const int srcW                   = c->srcW;
    const int dstW                   = c->dstW;
    const int dstH                   = c->dstH;
#ifndef NEW_FILTER
    const int chrDstW                = c->chrDstW;
    const int chrSrcW                = c->chrSrcW;
    const int lumXInc                = c->lumXInc;
    const int chrXInc                = c->chrXInc;
    const enum AVPixelFormat dstFormat = c->dstFormat;
    const int flags                  = c->flags;
    int32_t *vLumFilterPos           = c->vLumFilterPos;
    int32_t *vChrFilterPos           = c->vChrFilterPos;
#ifndef NEW_FILTER
    int32_t *hLumFilterPos           = c->hLumFilterPos;
    int32_t *hChrFilterPos           = c->hChrFilterPos;
    int16_t *hLumFilter              = c->hLumFilter;
    int16_t *hChrFilter              = c->hChrFilter;
    int32_t *lumMmxFilter            = c->lumMmxFilter;
    int32_t *chrMmxFilter            = c->chrMmxFilter;
    const int vLumFilterSize         = c->vLumFilterSize;
    const int vChrFilterSize         = c->vChrFilterSize;
#ifndef NEW_FILTER
    const int hLumFilterSize         = c->hLumFilterSize;
    const int hChrFilterSize         = c->hChrFilterSize;
    int16_t **lumPixBuf              = c->lumPixBuf;
    int16_t **chrUPixBuf             = c->chrUPixBuf;
    int16_t **chrVPixBuf             = c->chrVPixBuf;
    int16_t **alpPixBuf              = c->alpPixBuf;
    const int vLumBufSize            = c->vLumBufSize;
    const int vChrBufSize            = c->vChrBufSize;
#ifndef NEW_FILTER
    uint8_t *formatConvBuffer        = c->formatConvBuffer;
    uint32_t *pal                    = c->pal_yuv;
    yuv2planar1_fn yuv2plane1        = c->yuv2plane1;
    yuv2planarX_fn yuv2planeX        = c->yuv2planeX;
    yuv2interleavedX_fn yuv2nv12cX   = c->yuv2nv12cX;
    yuv2packed1_fn yuv2packed1       = c->yuv2packed1;
    yuv2packed2_fn yuv2packed2       = c->yuv2packed2;
    yuv2packedX_fn yuv2packedX       = c->yuv2packedX;
    yuv2anyX_fn yuv2anyX             = c->yuv2anyX;
    const int chrSrcSliceY           =                srcSliceY >> c->chrSrcVSubSample;
    const int chrSrcSliceH           = FF_CEIL_RSHIFT(srcSliceH,   c->chrSrcVSubSample);
    int should_dither                = is9_OR_10BPS(c->srcFormat) ||
    int lastDstY;

    /* vars which will change and which we need to store back in the context */
    int dstY         = c->dstY;
    int lumBufIndex  = c->lumBufIndex;
    int chrBufIndex  = c->chrBufIndex;
    int lastInLumBuf = c->lastInLumBuf;
    int lastInChrBuf = c->lastInChrBuf;
    int perform_gamma = c->is_internal_gamma;

    int lumStart = 0;
    int lumEnd = c->descIndex[0];
    int chrStart = lumEnd;
    int chrEnd = c->descIndex[1];
    int vStart = chrEnd;
    int vEnd = c->numDesc;
    SwsSlice *src_slice = &c->slice[lumStart];
    SwsSlice *hout_slice = &c->slice[c->numSlice-2];
    SwsSlice *vout_slice = &c->slice[c->numSlice-1];
    SwsFilterDescriptor *desc = c->desc;

    int hasLumHoles = 1;
    int hasChrHoles = 1;

#ifndef NEW_FILTER
    if (!usePal(c->srcFormat)) {
        pal = c->input_rgb2yuv_table;

    if (isPacked(c->srcFormat)) {
        src[0] =
        src[1] =
        src[2] =
        src[3] = src[0];
        srcStride[0] =
        srcStride[1] =
        srcStride[2] =
        srcStride[3] = srcStride[0];
    srcStride[1] <<= c->vChrDrop;
    srcStride[2] <<= c->vChrDrop;

    DEBUG_BUFFERS("swscale() %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d] -> %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d] %p[%d]\n",
                  src[0], srcStride[0], src[1], srcStride[1],
                  src[2], srcStride[2], src[3], srcStride[3],
                  dst[0], dstStride[0], dst[1], dstStride[1],
                  dst[2], dstStride[2], dst[3], dstStride[3]);
    DEBUG_BUFFERS("srcSliceY: %d srcSliceH: %d dstY: %d dstH: %d\n",
                  srcSliceY, srcSliceH, dstY, dstH);
    DEBUG_BUFFERS("vLumFilterSize: %d vLumBufSize: %d vChrFilterSize: %d vChrBufSize: %d\n",
                  vLumFilterSize, vLumBufSize, vChrFilterSize, vChrBufSize);

    if (dstStride[0]&15 || dstStride[1]&15 ||
        dstStride[2]&15 || dstStride[3]&15) {
        static int warnedAlready = 0; // FIXME maybe move this into the context
        if (flags & SWS_PRINT_INFO && !warnedAlready) {
            av_log(c, AV_LOG_WARNING,
                   "Warning: dstStride is not aligned!\n"
                   "         ->cannot do aligned memory accesses anymore\n");
            warnedAlready = 1;

    if (   (uintptr_t)dst[0]&15 || (uintptr_t)dst[1]&15 || (uintptr_t)dst[2]&15
        || (uintptr_t)src[0]&15 || (uintptr_t)src[1]&15 || (uintptr_t)src[2]&15
        || dstStride[0]&15 || dstStride[1]&15 || dstStride[2]&15 || dstStride[3]&15
        || srcStride[0]&15 || srcStride[1]&15 || srcStride[2]&15 || srcStride[3]&15
    ) {
        static int warnedAlready=0;
        int cpu_flags = av_get_cpu_flags();
        if (HAVE_MMXEXT && (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE2) && !warnedAlready){
            av_log(c, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speedloss\n");

    /* Note the user might start scaling the picture in the middle so this
     * will not get executed. This is not really intended but works
     * currently, so people might do it. */
    if (srcSliceY == 0) {
        lumBufIndex  = -1;
        chrBufIndex  = -1;
        dstY         = 0;
        lastInLumBuf = -1;
        lastInChrBuf = -1;

    if (!should_dither) {
        c->chrDither8 = c->lumDither8 = sws_pb_64;
    lastDstY = dstY;

    ff_init_vscale_pfn(c, yuv2plane1, yuv2planeX, yuv2nv12cX,
                   yuv2packed1, yuv2packed2, yuv2packedX, yuv2anyX, c->use_mmx_vfilter);

    ff_init_slice_from_src(src_slice, (uint8_t**)src, srcStride, c->srcW,
            srcSliceY, srcSliceH, chrSrcSliceY, chrSrcSliceH);

    ff_init_slice_from_src(vout_slice, (uint8_t**)dst, dstStride, c->dstW,
            dstY, dstH, dstY >> c->chrDstVSubSample,
            FF_CEIL_RSHIFT(dstH, c->chrDstVSubSample));

    hout_slice->plane[0].sliceY = lastInLumBuf + 1;
    hout_slice->plane[1].sliceY = lastInChrBuf + 1;
    hout_slice->plane[2].sliceY = lastInChrBuf + 1;
    hout_slice->plane[3].sliceY = lastInLumBuf + 1;

    hout_slice->plane[0].sliceH =
    hout_slice->plane[1].sliceH =
    hout_slice->plane[2].sliceH =
    hout_slice->plane[3].sliceH = 0;
    hout_slice->width = dstW;

    for (; dstY < dstH; dstY++) {
        const int chrDstY = dstY >> c->chrDstVSubSample;
#ifndef NEW_FILTER
        uint8_t *dest[4]  = {
            dst[0] + dstStride[0] * dstY,
            dst[1] + dstStride[1] * chrDstY,
            dst[2] + dstStride[2] * chrDstY,
            (CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && alpPixBuf) ? dst[3] + dstStride[3] * dstY : NULL,
        int use_mmx_vfilter= c->use_mmx_vfilter;

        // First line needed as input
        const int firstLumSrcY  = FFMAX(1 - vLumFilterSize, vLumFilterPos[dstY]);
        const int firstLumSrcY2 = FFMAX(1 - vLumFilterSize, vLumFilterPos[FFMIN(dstY | ((1 << c->chrDstVSubSample) - 1), dstH - 1)]);
        // First line needed as input
        const int firstChrSrcY  = FFMAX(1 - vChrFilterSize, vChrFilterPos[chrDstY]);

        // Last line needed as input
        int lastLumSrcY  = FFMIN(c->srcH,    firstLumSrcY  + vLumFilterSize) - 1;
        int lastLumSrcY2 = FFMIN(c->srcH,    firstLumSrcY2 + vLumFilterSize) - 1;
        int lastChrSrcY  = FFMIN(c->chrSrcH, firstChrSrcY  + vChrFilterSize) - 1;
        int enough_lines;
        int i;
        int posY, cPosY, firstPosY, lastPosY, firstCPosY, lastCPosY;

        // handle holes (FAST_BILINEAR & weird filters)
        if (firstLumSrcY > lastInLumBuf) {
            hasLumHoles = lastInLumBuf != firstLumSrcY - 1;
            if (hasLumHoles) {
                hout_slice->plane[0].sliceY = lastInLumBuf + 1;
                hout_slice->plane[3].sliceY = lastInLumBuf + 1;
                hout_slice->plane[0].sliceH =
                hout_slice->plane[3].sliceH = 0;
            lastInLumBuf = firstLumSrcY - 1;
        if (firstChrSrcY > lastInChrBuf) {
            hasChrHoles = lastInChrBuf != firstChrSrcY - 1;
            if (hasChrHoles) {
                hout_slice->plane[1].sliceY = lastInChrBuf + 1;
                hout_slice->plane[2].sliceY = lastInChrBuf + 1;
                hout_slice->plane[1].sliceH =
                hout_slice->plane[2].sliceH = 0;
            lastInChrBuf = firstChrSrcY - 1;
        av_assert0(firstLumSrcY >= lastInLumBuf - vLumBufSize + 1);
        av_assert0(firstChrSrcY >= lastInChrBuf - vChrBufSize + 1);

        DEBUG_BUFFERS("dstY: %d\n", dstY);
        DEBUG_BUFFERS("\tfirstLumSrcY: %d lastLumSrcY: %d lastInLumBuf: %d\n",
                      firstLumSrcY, lastLumSrcY, lastInLumBuf);
        DEBUG_BUFFERS("\tfirstChrSrcY: %d lastChrSrcY: %d lastInChrBuf: %d\n",
                      firstChrSrcY, lastChrSrcY, lastInChrBuf);

        // Do we have enough lines in this slice to output the dstY line
        enough_lines = lastLumSrcY2 < srcSliceY + srcSliceH &&
                       lastChrSrcY < FF_CEIL_RSHIFT(srcSliceY + srcSliceH, c->chrSrcVSubSample);

        if (!enough_lines) {
            lastLumSrcY = srcSliceY + srcSliceH - 1;
            lastChrSrcY = chrSrcSliceY + chrSrcSliceH - 1;
            DEBUG_BUFFERS("buffering slice: lastLumSrcY %d lastChrSrcY %d\n",
                          lastLumSrcY, lastChrSrcY);

        posY = hout_slice->plane[0].sliceY + hout_slice->plane[0].sliceH;
        if (posY <= lastLumSrcY && !hasLumHoles) {
            firstPosY = FFMAX(firstLumSrcY, posY);
            lastPosY = FFMIN(lastLumSrcY + MAX_LINES_AHEAD, srcSliceY + srcSliceH - 1);
        } else {
            firstPosY = lastInLumBuf + 1;
            lastPosY = lastLumSrcY;

        cPosY = hout_slice->plane[1].sliceY + hout_slice->plane[1].sliceH;
        if (cPosY <= lastChrSrcY && !hasChrHoles) {
            firstCPosY = FFMAX(firstChrSrcY, cPosY);
            lastCPosY = FFMIN(lastChrSrcY + MAX_LINES_AHEAD, FF_CEIL_RSHIFT(srcSliceY + srcSliceH, c->chrSrcVSubSample) - 1);
        } else {
            firstCPosY = lastInChrBuf + 1;
            lastCPosY = lastChrSrcY;

        ff_rotate_slice(hout_slice, lastPosY, lastCPosY);

        if (posY < lastLumSrcY + 1) {
            for (i = lumStart; i < lumEnd; ++i)
                desc[i].process(c, &desc[i], firstPosY, lastPosY - firstPosY + 1);

        lumBufIndex += lastLumSrcY - lastInLumBuf;
        lastInLumBuf = lastLumSrcY;

        if (cPosY < lastChrSrcY + 1) {
            for (i = chrStart; i < chrEnd; ++i)
                desc[i].process(c, &desc[i], firstCPosY, lastCPosY - firstCPosY + 1);

        chrBufIndex += lastChrSrcY - lastInChrBuf;
        lastInChrBuf = lastChrSrcY;

        // Do horizontal scaling
        while (lastInLumBuf < lastLumSrcY) {
            const uint8_t *src1[4] = {
                src[0] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[0],
                src[1] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[1],
                src[2] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[2],
                src[3] + (lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY) * srcStride[3],
            av_assert0(lumBufIndex < 2 * vLumBufSize);
            av_assert0(lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY < srcSliceH);
            av_assert0(lastInLumBuf + 1 - srcSliceY >= 0);

            if (perform_gamma)
                gamma_convert((uint8_t **)src1, srcW, c->inv_gamma);

            hyscale(c, lumPixBuf[lumBufIndex], dstW, src1, srcW, lumXInc,
                    hLumFilter, hLumFilterPos, hLumFilterSize,
                    formatConvBuffer, pal, 0);
            if (CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && alpPixBuf)
                hyscale(c, alpPixBuf[lumBufIndex], dstW, src1, srcW,
                        lumXInc, hLumFilter, hLumFilterPos, hLumFilterSize,
                        formatConvBuffer, pal, 1);
            DEBUG_BUFFERS("\t\tlumBufIndex %d: lastInLumBuf: %d\n",
                          lumBufIndex, lastInLumBuf);
        while (lastInChrBuf < lastChrSrcY) {
            const uint8_t *src1[4] = {
                src[0] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[0],
                src[1] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[1],
                src[2] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[2],
                src[3] + (lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY) * srcStride[3],
            av_assert0(chrBufIndex < 2 * vChrBufSize);
            av_assert0(lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY < (chrSrcSliceH));
            av_assert0(lastInChrBuf + 1 - chrSrcSliceY >= 0);
            // FIXME replace parameters through context struct (some at least)

            if (c->needs_hcscale)
                hcscale(c, chrUPixBuf[chrBufIndex], chrVPixBuf[chrBufIndex],
                        chrDstW, src1, chrSrcW, chrXInc,
                        hChrFilter, hChrFilterPos, hChrFilterSize,
                        formatConvBuffer, pal);
            DEBUG_BUFFERS("\t\tchrBufIndex %d: lastInChrBuf: %d\n",
                          chrBufIndex, lastInChrBuf);
        // wrap buf index around to stay inside the ring buffer
        if (lumBufIndex >= vLumBufSize)
            lumBufIndex -= vLumBufSize;
        if (chrBufIndex >= vChrBufSize)
            chrBufIndex -= vChrBufSize;
        if (!enough_lines)
            break;  // we can't output a dstY line so let's try with the next slice

        ff_updateMMXDitherTables(c, dstY, lumBufIndex, chrBufIndex,
                              lastInLumBuf, lastInChrBuf);
        if (should_dither) {
            c->chrDither8 = ff_dither_8x8_128[chrDstY & 7];
            c->lumDither8 = ff_dither_8x8_128[dstY    & 7];
        if (dstY >= dstH - 2) {
            /* hmm looks like we can't use MMX here without overwriting
             * this array's tail */
            ff_sws_init_output_funcs(c, &yuv2plane1, &yuv2planeX, &yuv2nv12cX,
                                     &yuv2packed1, &yuv2packed2, &yuv2packedX, &yuv2anyX);
            use_mmx_vfilter= 0;
            ff_init_vscale_pfn(c, yuv2plane1, yuv2planeX, yuv2nv12cX,
                           yuv2packed1, yuv2packed2, yuv2packedX, yuv2anyX, use_mmx_vfilter);

            for (i = vStart; i < vEnd; ++i)
                desc[i].process(c, &desc[i], dstY, 1);
            const int16_t **lumSrcPtr  = (const int16_t **)(void*) lumPixBuf  + lumBufIndex + firstLumSrcY - lastInLumBuf + vLumBufSize;
            const int16_t **chrUSrcPtr = (const int16_t **)(void*) chrUPixBuf + chrBufIndex + firstChrSrcY - lastInChrBuf + vChrBufSize;
            const int16_t **chrVSrcPtr = (const int16_t **)(void*) chrVPixBuf + chrBufIndex + firstChrSrcY - lastInChrBuf + vChrBufSize;
            const int16_t **alpSrcPtr  = (CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && alpPixBuf) ?
                                         (const int16_t **)(void*) alpPixBuf + lumBufIndex + firstLumSrcY - lastInLumBuf + vLumBufSize : NULL;
            int16_t *vLumFilter = c->vLumFilter;
            int16_t *vChrFilter = c->vChrFilter;

            if (isPlanarYUV(dstFormat) ||
                (isGray(dstFormat) && !isALPHA(dstFormat))) { // YV12 like
                const int chrSkipMask = (1 << c->chrDstVSubSample) - 1;

                vLumFilter +=    dstY * vLumFilterSize;
                vChrFilter += chrDstY * vChrFilterSize;

//                 av_assert0(use_mmx_vfilter != (
//                                yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_10BE_c
//                             || yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_10LE_c
//                             || yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_9BE_c
//                             || yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_9LE_c
//                             || yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_16BE_c
//                             || yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_16LE_c
//                             || yuv2planeX == yuv2planeX_8_c) || !ARCH_X86);

                    vLumFilter= (int16_t *)c->lumMmxFilter;
                    vChrFilter= (int16_t *)c->chrMmxFilter;

                if (vLumFilterSize == 1) {
                    yuv2plane1(lumSrcPtr[0], dest[0], dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);
                } else {
                    yuv2planeX(vLumFilter, vLumFilterSize,
                               lumSrcPtr, dest[0],
                               dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);

                if (!((dstY & chrSkipMask) || isGray(dstFormat))) {
                    if (yuv2nv12cX) {
                        yuv2nv12cX(c, vChrFilter,
                                   vChrFilterSize, chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr,
                                   dest[1], chrDstW);
                    } else if (vChrFilterSize == 1) {
                        yuv2plane1(chrUSrcPtr[0], dest[1], chrDstW, c->chrDither8, 0);
                        yuv2plane1(chrVSrcPtr[0], dest[2], chrDstW, c->chrDither8, 3);
                    } else {
                                   vChrFilterSize, chrUSrcPtr, dest[1],
                                   chrDstW, c->chrDither8, 0);
                                   vChrFilterSize, chrVSrcPtr, dest[2],
                                   chrDstW, c->chrDither8, use_mmx_vfilter ? (c->uv_offx2 >> 1) : 3);

                if (CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && alpPixBuf) {
                        vLumFilter= (int16_t *)c->alpMmxFilter;
                    if (vLumFilterSize == 1) {
                        yuv2plane1(alpSrcPtr[0], dest[3], dstW,
                                   c->lumDither8, 0);
                    } else {
                                   vLumFilterSize, alpSrcPtr, dest[3],
                                   dstW, c->lumDither8, 0);
            } else if (yuv2packedX) {
                av_assert1(lumSrcPtr  + vLumFilterSize - 1 < (const int16_t **)lumPixBuf  + vLumBufSize * 2);
                av_assert1(chrUSrcPtr + vChrFilterSize - 1 < (const int16_t **)chrUPixBuf + vChrBufSize * 2);
                if (c->yuv2packed1 && vLumFilterSize == 1 &&
                    vChrFilterSize <= 2) { // unscaled RGB
                    int chrAlpha = vChrFilterSize == 1 ? 0 : vChrFilter[2 * dstY + 1];
                    yuv2packed1(c, *lumSrcPtr, chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr,
                                alpPixBuf ? *alpSrcPtr : NULL,
                                dest[0], dstW, chrAlpha, dstY);
                } else if (c->yuv2packed2 && vLumFilterSize == 2 &&
                           vChrFilterSize == 2) { // bilinear upscale RGB
                    int lumAlpha = vLumFilter[2 * dstY + 1];
                    int chrAlpha = vChrFilter[2 * dstY + 1];
                    lumMmxFilter[2] =
                    lumMmxFilter[3] = vLumFilter[2 * dstY]    * 0x10001;
                    chrMmxFilter[2] =
                    chrMmxFilter[3] = vChrFilter[2 * chrDstY] * 0x10001;
                    yuv2packed2(c, lumSrcPtr, chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr,
                                alpPixBuf ? alpSrcPtr : NULL,
                                dest[0], dstW, lumAlpha, chrAlpha, dstY);
                } else { // general RGB
                    yuv2packedX(c, vLumFilter + dstY * vLumFilterSize,
                                lumSrcPtr, vLumFilterSize,
                                vChrFilter + dstY * vChrFilterSize,
                                chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr, vChrFilterSize,
                                alpSrcPtr, dest[0], dstW, dstY);
            } else {
                av_assert1(!yuv2packed1 && !yuv2packed2);
                yuv2anyX(c, vLumFilter + dstY * vLumFilterSize,
                         lumSrcPtr, vLumFilterSize,
                         vChrFilter + dstY * vChrFilterSize,
                         chrUSrcPtr, chrVSrcPtr, vChrFilterSize,
                         alpSrcPtr, dest, dstW, dstY);
            if (perform_gamma)
                gamma_convert(dest, dstW, c->gamma);
Ejemplo n.º 4
KJSeeker::KJSeeker(const QStringList &i, KJLoader *l) : KJWidget(l), g(0)
	QString activeBg = backgroundPressed("bmp1");
		kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "No pressed background found for seeker," <<
			" using default background!" << endl;
		mActive = parent()->image(activeBg);

	mScale = parent()->image(parser()["seekimage"][1]);
	QImage pixmapNoPress = parent()->image(parser()["backgroundimage"][1]);

	// generate transparent mask
	int x, y, xs, ys;
	QImage transmask(xs, ys, 1, 2, QImage::LittleEndian);
#if QT_VERSION < 0x030300
	transmask.setColor(0, qRgb(0,0,0));
	transmask.setColor(1, qRgb(255,255,255));
	transmask.setColor(1, qRgb(0,0,0));
	transmask.setColor(0, qRgb(255,255,255));

	// clear the pointers
	memset(barmodeImages, 0, 256*sizeof(QImage*));
	memset(barmode, 0, 256*sizeof(QPixmap*));

	// Now do the pixel føking
//	kdDebug(66666) << "creating Pixmaps for Seeker" << endl;
	for (int iy=y;iy<y+ys; iy++)
		for (int ix=x;ix<x+xs; ix++)
			QRgb checkmScale = mScale.pixel(ix, iy);
			// am I transparent?
			if (!isGray(checkmScale))
				setPixel1BPP(transmask, ix-x, iy-y, 0);
			setPixel1BPP(transmask, ix-x, iy-y, 1);

			// what is the level
			int level=grayRgb(checkmScale)+1;
			if (level>255) level=255;
			// allocate the pixmap of the level proper
			// copy the color to the surface proper
			QRgb activeColor=mActive.pixel(ix,iy);
			QRgb inactiveColor=pixmapNoPress.pixel(ix,iy);
			// set this pixel and everything before it
			for(int i=0; i<level; i++)
				if (!barmodeImages[i])
					barmodeImages[i]=new QImage(xs,ys, 32);
				QRgb *l=(QRgb*)barmodeImages[i]->scanLine(iy-y);

				if (!barmodeImages[level])
					barmodeImages[level]=new QImage(xs,ys, 32);
				QRgb *l=(QRgb*)barmodeImages[level]->scanLine(iy-y);
			} while (level++<255);
//	kdDebug(66666) << "finished creating Pixmaps" << endl;

	// create the blank one
	barmode[0]=new QPixmap(xs, ys);
	QPixmap px=parent()->pixmap(parser()["backgroundimage"][1]);
	bitBlt(barmode[0], 0, 0, &px, x, y, xs, ys, Qt::CopyROP);

//	kdDebug(66666) << "END KJSeeker constructor" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool KJSeeker::mousePress(const QPoint &pos)
	return (isGray(mScale.pixel(rect().topLeft().x()+pos.x(), rect().topLeft().y()+pos.y())));
Ejemplo n.º 6
int ff_init_filters(SwsContext * c)
    int i;
    int index;
    int num_ydesc;
    int num_cdesc;
    int num_vdesc = isPlanarYUV(c->dstFormat) && !isGray(c->dstFormat) ? 2 : 1;
    int need_lum_conv = c->lumToYV12 || c->readLumPlanar || c->alpToYV12 || c->readAlpPlanar;
    int need_chr_conv = c->chrToYV12 || c->readChrPlanar;
    int need_gamma = c->is_internal_gamma;
    int srcIdx, dstIdx;
    int dst_stride = FFALIGN(c->dstW * sizeof(int16_t) + 66, 16);

    uint32_t * pal = usePal(c->srcFormat) ? c->pal_yuv : (uint32_t*)c->input_rgb2yuv_table;
    int res = 0;

    if (c->dstBpc == 16)
        dst_stride <<= 1;

    num_ydesc = need_lum_conv ? 2 : 1;
    num_cdesc = need_chr_conv ? 2 : 1;

    c->numSlice = FFMAX(num_ydesc, num_cdesc) + 2;
    c->numDesc = num_ydesc + num_cdesc + num_vdesc + (need_gamma ? 2 : 0);
    c->descIndex[0] = num_ydesc + (need_gamma ? 1 : 0);
    c->descIndex[1] = num_ydesc + num_cdesc + (need_gamma ? 1 : 0);

    c->desc = av_mallocz_array(sizeof(SwsFilterDescriptor), c->numDesc);
    if (!c->desc)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    c->slice = av_mallocz_array(sizeof(SwsSlice), c->numSlice);

    res = alloc_slice(&c->slice[0], c->srcFormat, c->srcH, c->chrSrcH, c->chrSrcHSubSample, c->chrSrcVSubSample, 0);
    if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
    for (i = 1; i < c->numSlice-2; ++i) {
        res = alloc_slice(&c->slice[i], c->srcFormat, c->vLumFilterSize + MAX_LINES_AHEAD, c->vChrFilterSize + MAX_LINES_AHEAD, c->chrSrcHSubSample, c->chrSrcVSubSample, 0);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
        res = alloc_lines(&c->slice[i], FFALIGN(c->srcW*2+78, 16), c->srcW);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
    // horizontal scaler output
    res = alloc_slice(&c->slice[i], c->srcFormat, c->vLumFilterSize + MAX_LINES_AHEAD, c->vChrFilterSize + MAX_LINES_AHEAD, c->chrDstHSubSample, c->chrDstVSubSample, 1);
    if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
    res = alloc_lines(&c->slice[i], dst_stride, c->dstW);
    if (res < 0) goto cleanup;

    fill_ones(&c->slice[i], dst_stride>>1, c->dstBpc == 16);

    // vertical scaler output
    res = alloc_slice(&c->slice[i], c->dstFormat, c->dstH, c->chrDstH, c->chrDstHSubSample, c->chrDstVSubSample, 0);
    if (res < 0) goto cleanup;

    index = 0;
    srcIdx = 0;
    dstIdx = 1;

    if (need_gamma) {
        res = ff_init_gamma_convert(c->desc + index, c->slice + srcIdx, c->inv_gamma);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;

    if (need_lum_conv) {
        res = ff_init_desc_fmt_convert(&c->desc[index], &c->slice[srcIdx], &c->slice[dstIdx], pal);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
        c->desc[index].alpha = c->alpPixBuf != 0;
        srcIdx = dstIdx;

    dstIdx = FFMAX(num_ydesc, num_cdesc);
    res = ff_init_desc_hscale(&c->desc[index], &c->slice[srcIdx], &c->slice[dstIdx], c->hLumFilter, c->hLumFilterPos, c->hLumFilterSize, c->lumXInc);
    if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
    c->desc[index].alpha = c->alpPixBuf != 0;

        srcIdx = 0;
        dstIdx = 1;
        if (need_chr_conv) {
            res = ff_init_desc_cfmt_convert(&c->desc[index], &c->slice[srcIdx], &c->slice[dstIdx], pal);
            if (res < 0) goto cleanup;
            srcIdx = dstIdx;

        dstIdx = FFMAX(num_ydesc, num_cdesc);
        if (c->needs_hcscale)
            res = ff_init_desc_chscale(&c->desc[index], &c->slice[srcIdx], &c->slice[dstIdx], c->hChrFilter, c->hChrFilterPos, c->hChrFilterSize, c->chrXInc);
            res = ff_init_desc_no_chr(&c->desc[index], &c->slice[srcIdx], &c->slice[dstIdx]);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;

        srcIdx = c->numSlice - 2;
        dstIdx = c->numSlice - 1;
        res = ff_init_vscale(c, c->desc + index, c->slice + srcIdx, c->slice + dstIdx);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;

    if (need_gamma) {
        res = ff_init_gamma_convert(c->desc + index, c->slice + dstIdx, c->gamma);
        if (res < 0) goto cleanup;

    return 0;

    return res;