Ejemplo n.º 1
Local void output(Char *note_, struct LOC_processLine *LINK)
  Char note[256];
  Char STR2[256];

  strcpy(note, note_);
  if (*note != '\0')
  {  /* pretex is saved up until a spacing note or rest comes */
    if (endsWith(note, "\\") && note[1] != '\\') {
      curtail(note, '\\');
      strcat(LINK->pretex, note);
      *note = '\0';
    if (*LINK->pretex != '\0' && isNoteOrRest(note)) {
      sprintf(note, "%s\\ %s", LINK->pretex, strcpy(STR2, note));
      *LINK->pretex = '\0';
    if (outlen > 0 && note[0] != ' ')
      sprintf(note, " %s", strcpy(STR2, note));
    put(note, nospace);
  if (thisNote(LINK->voice) == nextvoice)
Ejemplo n.º 2
void scanMusic(voice_index voice_, short *left_over)
  struct LOC_scanMusic V;
  Char buf[256], enote[256], xnote[256];
  boolean has_next = false, done = false;
  Char dur1, lastdur;
  music_word nscan;
  Char STR1[256];

  V.voice = voice_;
  strcpy(terminators, "d.x");
  resetInfo(V.voice, buf);
  *left_over = 0;
  V.store_macro = false;
  V.bar = full_bar;
  V.bar_length = 0;
  V.ngrace = 0;
  V.nmulti = 0;
  if (meternum == 0)
    V.bar = 32000;
  dur1 = duration(V.voice);
  lastdur = dur1;
  do {
    getNextMusWord(buf, V.note, &nscan);
    if (*V.note == '\0')
    V.count = 0;
    /*    if isNoteOrRest(note) and not (isPause(note) or isMultibarRest(note))
          then note:=toStandard(note); */
    V.doublex = (pos1('D', V.note) > 0);
    if (nscan == mword) {
      if (*V.note == '\0')
	error3(V.voice, "You may not end a line with a meter change");
      if (V.bar_length > 0)
	error3(V.voice, "Meter change only allowed at start of bar");
	V.bar = barLength(V.note);
    } else if (nscan == rword) {
      if (!(isPause(V.note) || isMultiBarRest(V.note))) {
	processNote(V.note, xnote, dur1, &lastdur, &V.count);
	checkSticky(V.note, rest_attrib[V.voice-1]);
    if (*V.note != '\0')
      appendNote(V.voice, nscan);
    strcpy(enote, V.note);
    if (nscan == macro || nscan == endmacro)
    if (nscan == abcdefg) {
      if (!multi_bar_rest && V.ngrace + V.nmulti == 0) {
	processNote(enote, xnote, dur1, &lastdur, &V.count);
	if (*xnote != '\0') {
	  checkSticky(enote, note_attrib[V.voice-1]);
	  appendToLine(V.voice, enote);
	  appendNote(V.voice, nscan);
	  strcpy(enote, xnote);
	checkSticky(enote, note_attrib[V.voice-1]);
    appendToLine(V.voice, enote);
    if (*V.note == '\0')   /* !!! else word_bound[here]:=length(line); */
      done = true;
    sprintf(STR1, "%c", barsym);
    if (!strcmp(V.note, STR1)) {
      if (meternum == 0)
	error3(V.voice, "You may not use bar lines in barless music");
      else if (V.bar_length == 0)
      else if (numberOfBars(V.voice) == 0 && V.bar_length < V.bar) {
	if (has_next)
	  has_next = false;   /*Should check whether pickups are equal*/
	else if (*left_over > 0)
	  error3(V.voice, "Bar is too short");
	*left_over = V.bar_length;
	V.bar_length = 0;
    if (nscan == nextvoice) {
      if (V.bar_length > 0)
	error3(V.voice, "Next voice before bar is full");
	barForward(V.voice, -1);
      has_next = true;
    } else if (isPause(V.note))
      V.bar_length += V.bar;
    else if (!multi_bar_rest) {   /*do nothing*/
      if (!done && isNoteOrRest(V.note))
    dur1 = lastdur;
    if (V.bar_length >= V.bar && V.ngrace + V.nmulti == 0 && !V.store_macro) {
      if (debugMode())
	printf("%d %d\n", V.voice, V.bar_length);
      barForward(V.voice, V.bar_length / V.bar);
      V.bar_length %= V.bar;
/* p2c: mtx.pas, line 268:
 * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
  } while (!done);
  setExtraLength(V.voice, V.bar_length);
  resetDuration(V.voice, dur1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Local void analyzeParagraph(struct LOC_paragraphSetup *LINK)
  paragraph_index i, FORLIM;

  *LINK->voice = 0;
  bottom = 0;
  top = nvoices + 1;
  FORLIM = para_len;
  for (i = 1; i <= FORLIM; i++)
  {   /* ----- Paragraph analysis main loop ----- */
    if (*P[i-1] != '\0' && P[i-1][0] != comment) {
      NextWord(LINK->w, P[i-1], blank, colon);
      line_no = orig_line_no[i-1];
      LINK->l = strlen(LINK->w);
      LINK->is_labelled = (LINK->w[LINK->l-1] == colon &&
			   LINK->w[LINK->l-2] != barsym);
      if (LINK->is_labelled) {
	strcpy(LINK->P_keep, P[i-1]);
	predelete(P[i-1], LINK->l);
	shorten(LINK->w, LINK->l - 1);
	LINK->k = findVoice(LINK->w);   /* First look for a voice label */
	if (LINK->k > 0) {
	  *LINK->voice = LINK->k;
	  setMusicLineNo(*LINK->voice, i);
	} else if (LINK->w[0] == 'L')
	  maybeLyrics(*LINK->voice, i, LINK->w);
	else if (LINK->w[0] == 'C')
	  maybeChords(i, LINK);
	else if (LINK->w[0] == 'U')
	  maybeUptext(i, LINK);
	else {
	  if (startsWithIgnoreCase(LINK->w, "SPACE")) {
	    must_respace = true;
	  } else {
	    if (startsWithIgnoreCase(LINK->w, "VOICES")) {
	      must_restyle = true;
	    } else {
	      strcpy(P[i-1], LINK->P_keep);
	      LINK->is_labelled = false;
	      if (!isNoteOrRest(LINK->w)) {
		error("Unknown line label", print);
		/** ------------ Maybe Space command ------------ */
		/** ------------ Maybe Voices command ------------ */
		/** Could be sticky attribute **/
      if (!LINK->is_labelled) {
	setMusicLineNo(*LINK->voice, i);
      if (*LINK->voice > bottom)
	bottom = *LINK->voice;
      if (*LINK->voice > 0 && *LINK->voice < top)
	top = *LINK->voice;