Ejemplo n.º 1
Processes such actions: cut/rename/delete/paste actions

 1. We can't perform any action in Library
 2. For Landmarks we can:
	- cut/rename/delete in any other accordions
	- paste - only in Favorites, Landmarks accordions
 3. For Folders we can: perform any action in Landmarks accordion, except Received folder
 4. We can paste folders from Clipboard (processed by LLFolderView::canPaste())
 5. Check LLFolderView/Inventory Bridges rules
bool LLLandmarksPanel::canItemBeModified(const std::string& command_name, LLFolderViewItem* item) const
	// validate own rules first

	if (!item) return false;

	// nothing can be modified in Library
	if (mLibraryInventoryPanel == mCurrentSelectedList) return false;

	bool can_be_modified = false;

	// landmarks can be modified in any other accordion...
	if (static_cast<LLFolderViewModelItemInventory*>(item->getViewModelItem())->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK)
		can_be_modified = true;

		// we can modify landmarks anywhere except paste to My Inventory
		if ("paste" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = (mCurrentSelectedList != mMyInventoryPanel);
		// ...folders only in the Landmarks accordion...
		can_be_modified = mLandmarksInventoryPanel == mCurrentSelectedList;

		// ...except "Received" folder
		can_be_modified &= !isReceivedFolderSelected();

	// then ask LLFolderView permissions

	LLFolderView* root_folder = mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder();

	if ("copy" == command_name)
		// we shouldn't be able to copy folders from My Inventory Panel
		return can_be_modified && root_folder->canCopy();
	else if ("collapse" == command_name)
		return item->isOpen();
	else if ("expand" == command_name)
		return !item->isOpen();

	if (can_be_modified)
		LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* listenerp = static_cast<LLFolderViewModelItemInventory*>(item->getViewModelItem());

		if ("cut" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = root_folder->canCut();
		else if ("rename" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = listenerp ? listenerp->isItemRenameable() : false;
		else if ("delete" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = listenerp ? listenerp->isItemRemovable() && !listenerp->isItemInTrash() : false;
		else if("paste" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = root_folder->canPaste();
			LL_WARNS() << "Unprocessed command has come: " << command_name << LL_ENDL;

	return can_be_modified;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool LLLandmarksPanel::isActionEnabled(const LLSD& userdata) const
	std::string command_name = userdata.asString();

	LLFolderView* root_folder_view = mCurrentSelectedList 
		? mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder() 
		: NULL;

	if ("collapse_all" == command_name)
		bool disable_collapse_all =	!has_expanded_folders(mFavoritesInventoryPanel->getRootFolder())
									&& !has_expanded_folders(mLandmarksInventoryPanel->getRootFolder())
									&& !has_expanded_folders(mMyInventoryPanel->getRootFolder())
									&& !has_expanded_folders(mLibraryInventoryPanel->getRootFolder());
		if (disable_collapse_all)
			for (accordion_tabs_t::const_iterator iter = mAccordionTabs.begin(); iter != mAccordionTabs.end(); ++iter)
				if ((*iter)->isExpanded())
					disable_collapse_all = false;

		return !disable_collapse_all;
	else if ("expand_all" == command_name)
		bool disable_expand_all = !has_collapsed_folders(mFavoritesInventoryPanel->getRootFolder())
								  && !has_collapsed_folders(mLandmarksInventoryPanel->getRootFolder())
								  && !has_collapsed_folders(mMyInventoryPanel->getRootFolder())
								  && !has_collapsed_folders(mLibraryInventoryPanel->getRootFolder());
		if (disable_expand_all)
			for (accordion_tabs_t::const_iterator iter = mAccordionTabs.begin(); iter != mAccordionTabs.end(); ++iter)
				if (!(*iter)->isExpanded())
					disable_expand_all = false;

		return !disable_expand_all;
	else if ("sort_by_date"	== command_name)
		// disable "sort_by_date" for Favorites accordion because
		// it has its own items order. EXT-1758
		if (mCurrentSelectedList == mFavoritesInventoryPanel)
			return false;
	else if (  "paste"		== command_name
			|| "cut"		== command_name
			|| "copy"		== command_name
			|| "delete"		== command_name
			|| "collapse"	== command_name
			|| "expand"		== command_name
		if (!root_folder_view) return false;

		std::set<LLFolderViewItem*> selected_uuids =    root_folder_view->getSelectionList();

		// Allow to execute the command only if it can be applied to all selected items.
		for (std::set<LLFolderViewItem*>::const_iterator iter =    selected_uuids.begin(); iter != selected_uuids.end(); ++iter)
			LLFolderViewItem* item = *iter;

			if (!item) return false;

			if (!canItemBeModified(command_name, item)) return false;

		return true;
	else if (  "teleport"		== command_name
			|| "more_info"		== command_name
			|| "show_on_map"	== command_name
			|| "copy_slurl"		== command_name
			|| "rename"			== command_name
		// disable some commands for multi-selection. EXT-1757
		bool is_single_selection = root_folder_view && root_folder_view->getSelectedCount() == 1;
		if (!is_single_selection)
			return false;

		if ("show_on_map" == command_name)
			LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* cur_item = getCurSelectedViewModelItem();
			if (!cur_item) return false;

			LLViewerInventoryItem* inv_item = dynamic_cast<LLViewerInventoryItem*>(cur_item->getInventoryObject());
			if (!inv_item) return false;

			LLUUID asset_uuid = inv_item->getAssetUUID();
			if (asset_uuid.isNull()) return false;

			// Disable "Show on Map" if landmark loading is in progress.
			return !gLandmarkList.isAssetInLoadedCallbackMap(asset_uuid);
	else if ("rename" == command_name)
			LLFolderViewItem* selected_item = getCurSelectedItem();
			if (!selected_item) return false;

			return canItemBeModified(command_name, selected_item);

		return true;
	else if("category" == command_name)
		// we can add folder only in Landmarks Accordion
		if (mCurrentSelectedList == mLandmarksInventoryPanel)
			// ... but except Received folder
			return !isReceivedFolderSelected();
		//"Add a folder" is enabled by default (case when My Landmarks is empty)
		else return true;
	else if("create_pick" == command_name)
		if (mCurrentSelectedList)
			std::set<LLFolderViewItem*> selection =    mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder()->getSelectionList();
			if (!selection.empty())
				return ( 1 == selection.size() && !LLAgentPicksInfo::getInstance()->isPickLimitReached() );
		return false;
		LL_WARNS() << "Unprocessed command has come: " << command_name << LL_ENDL;

	return true;
Processes such actions: cut/rename/delete/paste actions

 1. We can't perform any action in Library
 2. For Landmarks we can:
	- cut/rename/delete in any other accordions
	- paste - only in Favorites, Landmarks accordions
 3. For Folders we can: perform any action in Landmarks accordion, except Received folder
 4. We can not paste folders from Clipboard (processed by LLFolderView::canPaste())
 5. Check LLFolderView/Inventory Bridges rules
bool LLLandmarksPanel::canItemBeModified(const std::string& command_name, LLFolderViewItem* item) const
	// validate own rules first

	if (!item) return false;

	// nothing can be modified in Library
	if (mLibraryInventoryPanel == mCurrentSelectedList) return false;

	bool can_be_modified = false;

	// landmarks can be modified in any other accordion...
	if (item->getListener()->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK)
		can_be_modified = true;

		// we can modify landmarks anywhere except paste to My Inventory
		if ("paste" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = (mCurrentSelectedList != mMyInventoryPanel);
		// ...folders only in the Landmarks accordion...
		can_be_modified = mLandmarksInventoryPanel == mCurrentSelectedList;

		// ...except "Received" folder
		can_be_modified &= !isReceivedFolderSelected();

	// then ask LLFolderView permissions

	LLFolderView* root_folder = mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder();

	if ("copy" == command_name)
		return root_folder->canCopy();
	else if ("collapse" == command_name)
		return item->isOpen();
	else if ("expand" == command_name)
		return !item->isOpen();

	if (can_be_modified)
		LLFolderViewEventListener* listenerp = item->getListener();

		if ("cut" == command_name)
			// "Cut" disabled for folders. See EXT-8697.
			can_be_modified = root_folder->canCut() && listenerp->getInventoryType() != LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY;
		else if ("rename" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = listenerp ? listenerp->isItemRenameable() : false;
		else if ("delete" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = listenerp ? listenerp->isItemRemovable() && !listenerp->isItemInTrash() : false;
		else if("paste" == command_name)
			can_be_modified = root_folder->canPaste();
			llwarns << "Unprocessed command has come: " << command_name << llendl;

	return can_be_modified;