Ejemplo n.º 1
visit(SgNode* node)
     switch( node->variantT() )
       case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
         SgFunctionRefExp *fref = isSgFunctionRefExp(node);

         ROSE_ASSERT(fref != NULL);

         SgFunctionDeclaration *fdecl = fref->get_symbol()->get_declaration();

           fdecl, fref );
       } break; //case V_SgFunctionRefExp
       case V_SgMemberFunctionRefExp:
         SgMemberFunctionRefExp *fref = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(node);

         ROSE_ASSERT(fref != NULL);

         SgFunctionDeclaration *fdecl = fref->get_symbol()->get_declaration();

           fdecl, fref );
       } break; //case V_SgMemberFunctionRefExp
       default: break;
     } //switch( node->variantT() )

   } //End of the visit function.
Ejemplo n.º 2
visit(SgNode* node)
     if (isSgAssignOp(node))
       // simple case: the parent of a "real" assignment op must be an
       // expression statement
       if (!isSgExprStatement(node->get_parent()))
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         // not so simple case: the parent is an expression statement, but if
         // that statement is an if/loop condition, we still want to complain
         SgNode *assignment = node->get_parent();
         SgNode *p = assignment->get_parent();
         SgDoWhileStmt *dws;
         SgForStatement *fs;
         SgIfStmt *is;
         SgSwitchStatement *ss;
         SgWhileStmt *ws;

         if ((dws = isSgDoWhileStmt(p)) && dws->get_condition() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((fs = isSgForStatement(p)) && fs->get_test() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((is = isSgIfStmt(p)) && is->get_conditional() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((ss = isSgSwitchStatement(p)) && ss->get_item_selector() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((ws = isSgWhileStmt(p)) && ws->get_condition() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
     else if (SgMemberFunctionRefExp *mf = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(node))
       // not so simple case: call to operator= member function that is not an
       // expression statement by itself
       SgFunctionCallExp *call = isSgFunctionCallExp(mf->get_parent()->get_parent());
       if (call && !isSgExprStatement(call->get_parent())
        && mf->get_parent() == call->get_function()
        && std::strcmp(mf->get_symbol()->get_name().str(), "operator=") == 0)
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(call));
   } //End of the visit function.
Ejemplo n.º 3
visit(SgNode* node)
     if( isSgAssignInitializer(node) != NULL )
          assignExp = node;
     if( isSgAssignOp(node) != NULL )
          assignExp = node; 

     SgFunctionCallExp* funcCall = isSgFunctionCallExp(node);

  // See if we have a dot expression or arrow expression which
  // accesses the desired member function in the class we are looking for.
     if ( funcCall != NULL  )
          SgExpression* funcExp = funcCall->get_function();

          if ( ( isSgDotExp(funcExp) != NULL ) | ( isSgArrowExp(funcExp) != NULL ) )
               SgBinaryOp*     binOp = isSgBinaryOp(funcExp);
               SgExpression*   rhsOp = binOp->get_rhs_operand();
            // SgExpression*   lhsOp = binOp->get_lhs_operand();
               if ( SgMemberFunctionRefExp* funcRef = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(rhsOp)  )
                 // std::cout << "c1\n" ;

                    SgMemberFunctionSymbol*      funcSymbol = funcRef->get_symbol();
                    ROSE_ASSERT(funcSymbol->get_declaration() != NULL);

                 // DQ (1/16/2008): Note that the defining declaration need not exist (see test2001_11.C)
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(funcSymbol->get_declaration()->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL);
                    if (funcSymbol->get_declaration()->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL)
                         SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl   = isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration(funcSymbol->get_declaration()->get_definingDeclaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT( funcDecl != NULL );

                         SgClassDefinition* clDef = isSgClassDefinition(funcDecl->get_scope());
                         SgClassDeclaration*          clDecl     = isSgClassDeclaration(clDef->get_declaration());  

                      // SgClassDeclaration*          clDecl     = funcDecl->get_associatedClassDeclaration();

                         ROSE_ASSERT( clDecl != NULL );
                         std::string className    = clDecl->get_name().getString();

                         ROSE_ASSERT(funcDecl != NULL);
                         std::string functionName = funcDecl->get_name().getString();
                      // If the class is the class we are looking for see if the member function
                      // access is to the member function we are interested in.
                      // std::cout << "className = " << className << std::endl;
                      // std::cout << "functionName = " << functionName << std::endl;

                         if ( (className == classToLookFor) && ( functionName == memberFunctionToLookFor ) )
                              SgExprListExp*         actualArgs    = funcCall->get_args();
                              SgExpressionPtrList&   actualExpArgs = actualArgs->get_expressions ();

                              ROSE_ASSERT(actualExpArgs.size() == 1);
                              Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeLst = NodeQuery::querySubTree(*actualExpArgs.begin(), V_SgStringVal);

                              ROSE_ASSERT( nodeLst.size() > 0);
                              SgStringVal* actualArg = isSgStringVal(*nodeLst.begin());
                              ROSE_ASSERT(actualArg != NULL);

                              std::string  stringArg = actualArg->get_value();

                              std::cout << "arg:" << stringArg << std::endl;

                              std::string varName;

                           // SgInitializedName* initName = NULL; 
                              if ( SgAssignInitializer* assignInit =  isSgAssignInitializer(assignExp) )
                                   SgInitializedName* initName = isSgInitializedName(assignInit->get_parent());
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(initName != NULL);
                                   varName = initName->get_name().getString();
                                   if ( SgAssignOp* assignOp = isSgAssignOp(assignExp) )
                                        SgExpression*     lhsOp  = assignOp->get_lhs_operand();
                                        SgVarRefExp*      varRef = isSgVarRefExp(lhsOp);
                                        SgVariableSymbol* varSymbol = varRef->get_symbol();
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(varSymbol != NULL);
                                        SgInitializedName* initName = varSymbol->get_declaration();
                                        varName = initName->get_name().getString();
                              if (varName != "")
                                // we are only interested in the part of the argument after the last ":"
                                // Database scopes in ALE3D are separated by ":"

                                   size_t posCol = stringArg.find_last_of(':');
                                   if (posCol != std::string::npos)
                                        stringArg = stringArg.substr(posCol+1);

                                 //Find violations to the rule
                                   if ( stringArg != varName)
                                        output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(assignExp));
                                        std::cout << "violation" << varName << std::endl;
                                        std::cout << "non=violation" << varName << std::endl;
   } // End of the visit function.
Ejemplo n.º 4
POETCode* POETAstInterface::Ast2POET(const Ast& n)
  static SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl* tmp=0;
  SgNode* input = (SgNode*) n;
  if (input == 0) return EMPTY;
  POETCode* res = POETAstInterface::find_Ast2POET(input);
  if (res != 0) return res;

  SgProject* sageProject=isSgProject(input); 
  if (sageProject != 0) {
    int filenum = sageProject->numberOfFiles(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < filenum; ++i) { 
      SgSourceFile* sageFile = isSgSourceFile(sageProject->get_fileList()[i]); 
      SgGlobal *root = sageFile->get_globalScope(); 
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList declList = root->get_declarations ();
      POETCode* curfile = ROSE_2_POET_list(declList, 0, tmp);
      curfile = new POETCode_ext(sageFile, curfile);
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(sageFile, curfile);
      res=LIST(curfile, res);
    return res;
  } }
  SgBasicBlock* block = isSgBasicBlock(input);
  if (block != 0) {
    res=ROSE_2_POET_list(block->get_statements(), res, tmp);
    POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(block, res); 
    return res;
  } }
  SgExprListExp* block = isSgExprListExp(input);
  if (block != 0) {
    res=ROSE_2_POET_list(block->get_expressions(), 0, tmp);
    POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(block, res); 
    return res;
  } }
  SgForStatement *f = isSgForStatement(input);
  if (f != 0) {
      POETCode* init = ROSE_2_POET_list(f->get_for_init_stmt()->get_init_stmt(),0, tmp);
      POETCode* ctrl = new POETCode_ext(f, TUPLE3(init,Ast2POET(f->get_test_expr()), Ast2POET(f->get_increment())));
      res = CODE_ACC("Nest", PAIR(ctrl,Ast2POET(f->get_loop_body())));  
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); 
      return res;
    SgVarRefExp * v = isSgVarRefExp(input);
    if (v != 0) {
       res = STRING(v->get_symbol()->get_name().str());
       POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); 
       return res;
    SgMemberFunctionRefExp * v = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(input);
    if (v != 0) {
       res = STRING(v->get_symbol()->get_name().str());
       POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); 
       return res;
    SgIntVal * v = isSgIntVal(input);
    if (v != 0) {
       res = ICONST(v->get_value());
       POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); 
       return res;
   SgInitializedName* var = isSgInitializedName(input);
   if (var != 0) {
     POETCode* name = STRING(var->get_name().str()); 
     POETCode* init = Ast2POET(var->get_initializer());
     res = new POETCode_ext(var, PAIR(name,init));
     POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); 
     return res;

  std::string fname;
  AstInterface::AstList params;
  AstNodeType returnType;
  AstNodePtr body;
  if (AstInterface :: IsFunctionDefinition( input, &fname, &params, (AstInterface::AstList*)0, &body, (AstInterface::AstTypeList*)0, &returnType)) {
if (body != AST_NULL)
 std::cerr << "body not empty:" << fname << "\n";
      POETCode* c = TUPLE4(STRING(fname), ROSE_2_POET_list(0,params,0), 
      res = new POETCode_ext(input, c);
      return res;
  } }   

  AstInterface::AstList c = AstInterface::GetChildrenList(input);
  switch (input->variantT()) {
    case V_SgCastExp:
    case V_SgAssignInitializer:
      res = Ast2POET(c[0]); 
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res; 
    case V_SgDotExp:
      POETCode* v1 = Ast2POET(c[1]);
      if (dynamic_cast<POETString*>(v1)->get_content() == "operator()") 
           return Ast2POET(c[0]);
      res = CODE_ACC("Bop",TUPLE3(STRING("."), Ast2POET(c[0]), v1)); return res;
    case V_SgLessThanOp:
      res = CODE_ACC("Bop",TUPLE3(STRING("<"),Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
    case V_SgSubtractOp:
      res = CODE_ACC("Bop",TUPLE3(STRING("-"),Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
    case V_SgAddOp:
      res = CODE_ACC("Bop",TUPLE3(STRING("+"),Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
    case V_SgMultiplyOp:
      res = CODE_ACC("Bop",TUPLE3(STRING("*"),Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
    case V_SgDivideOp:
      res = CODE_ACC("Bop",TUPLE3(STRING("/"),Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
    case V_SgAssignOp:
      res = CODE_ACC("Assign",PAIR(Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
    case V_SgFunctionCallExp:
      res = CODE_ACC("FunctionCall",PAIR(Ast2POET(c[0]), Ast2POET(c[1])));
      POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(input, res); return res;
  POETCode * c2 = 0; 
  if (tmp == 0) tmp=isSgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl(input);
   switch (c.size()) {
   case 0: break;
   case 1: c2 = Ast2POET(c[0]); break;
   case 2: c2 = PAIR(Ast2POET(c[0]),Ast2POET(c[1])); break;
   case 3: c2 = TUPLE3(Ast2POET(c[0]),Ast2POET(c[1]),Ast2POET(c[2])); break;
   case 4: c2 = TUPLE4(Ast2POET(c[0]),Ast2POET(c[1]),Ast2POET(c[2]),Ast2POET(c[3])); break;
     //std::cerr << "too many children: " << c.size() << ":" << input->unparseToString() << "\n";
     c2 = EMPTY;
  if (tmp == input) tmp = 0;
  res = new POETCode_ext(input, c2); 
  return res;
SgFunctionDeclaration * 
getFunctionDeclaration(SgFunctionCallExp *functionCall) 
  SgFunctionDeclaration *funcDec = NULL; 

  SgExpression *expression = functionCall->get_function();
  ROSE_ASSERT(expression != NULL);

  switch(expression->variantT()) {
  case V_SgMemberFunctionRefExp:
      SgMemberFunctionRefExp *memberFunctionRefExp =
      ROSE_ASSERT(memberFunctionRefExp != NULL);

      funcDec = memberFunctionRefExp->get_symbol_i()->get_declaration(); 

      ROSE_ASSERT(funcDec != NULL);

  case V_SgDotExp:
      SgDotExp *dotExp = isSgDotExp(expression);
      ROSE_ASSERT(dotExp != NULL);

      if(dotExp->get_traversalSuccessorContainer().size()>=2) { 

	SgMemberFunctionRefExp *memberFunctionRefExp = 
	funcDec = memberFunctionRefExp->get_symbol_i()->get_declaration(); 

      ROSE_ASSERT(funcDec != NULL);

  case V_SgArrowExp:
      SgArrowExp *arrowExp = isSgArrowExp(expression);
      ROSE_ASSERT(arrowExp != NULL);

      if(arrowExp->get_traversalSuccessorContainer().size()>=2) { 

	SgMemberFunctionRefExp *memberFunctionRefExp = 
	funcDec = memberFunctionRefExp->get_symbol_i()->get_declaration(); 

      ROSE_ASSERT(funcDec != NULL);

  case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
      SgFunctionRefExp *functionRefExp = 
      ROSE_ASSERT(functionRefExp != NULL);

      // found a standard function reference  
      funcDec = functionRefExp->get_symbol_i()->get_declaration(); 

      ROSE_ASSERT(funcDec != NULL);

  case V_SgPointerDerefExp:

  return funcDec; 