Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Heroes::ActionSpellCast(const Spell & spell)
    std::string error;

    if(! CanMove())
        Dialog::Message("", _("Your hero is too tired to cast this spell today. Try again tomorrow."), Font::BIG, Dialog::OK);
	return false;
    if(spell == Spell::NONE || spell.isCombat() || ! CanCastSpell(spell, &error))
	if(error.size()) Dialog::Message("Error", error, Font::BIG, Dialog::OK);
	return false;

    bool apply = false;

	case Spell::VIEWMINES:		apply = ActionSpellViewMines(*this); break;
	case Spell::VIEWRESOURCES:	apply = ActionSpellViewResources(*this); break;
	case Spell::VIEWARTIFACTS:	apply = ActionSpellViewArtifacts(*this); break;
	case Spell::VIEWTOWNS:		apply = ActionSpellViewTowns(*this); break;
	case Spell::VIEWHEROES:		apply = ActionSpellViewHeroes(*this); break;
	case Spell::VIEWALL:		apply = ActionSpellViewAll(*this); break;
	case Spell::IDENTIFYHERO:	apply = ActionSpellIdentifyHero(*this); break;
	case Spell::SUMMONBOAT:		apply = ActionSpellSummonBoat(*this); break;
	case Spell::DIMENSIONDOOR:	apply = ActionSpellDimensionDoor(*this); break;
	case Spell::TOWNGATE:		apply = isShipMaster() ? false : ActionSpellTownGate(*this); break;
	case Spell::TOWNPORTAL:		apply = isShipMaster() ? false : ActionSpellTownPortal(*this); break;
	case Spell::VISIONS:		apply = ActionSpellVisions(*this); break;
	case Spell::HAUNT:		apply = ActionSpellSetGuardian(*this, spell, Monster::GHOST); break;
	case Spell::SETEGUARDIAN:	apply = ActionSpellSetGuardian(*this, spell, Monster::EARTH_ELEMENT); break;
	case Spell::SETAGUARDIAN:	apply = ActionSpellSetGuardian(*this, spell, Monster::AIR_ELEMENT); break;
	case Spell::SETFGUARDIAN:	apply = ActionSpellSetGuardian(*this, spell, Monster::FIRE_ELEMENT); break;
	case Spell::SETWGUARDIAN:	apply = ActionSpellSetGuardian(*this, spell, Monster::WATER_ELEMENT); break;
	default: break;

	DEBUG(DBG_GAME, DBG_INFO, GetName() << " cast spell: " << spell.GetName());
	return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Heroes::Redraw(Surface & dst, s32 dx, s32 dy, bool with_shadow) const
    const Point & mp = GetCenter();
    const Interface::GameArea & gamearea = Interface::Basic::Get().GetGameArea();
    if(!(gamearea.GetRectMaps() & mp)) return;

    bool reflect = ReflectSprite(direction);

    const Sprite & sprite1 = SpriteHero(*this, sprite_index, reflect, false);
    const Sprite & sprite2 = SpriteFlag(*this, sprite_index, reflect, false);
    const Sprite & sprite3 = SpriteShad(*this, sprite_index);
    const Sprite & sprite4 = SpriteFroth(*this, sprite_index, reflect);

    Point dst_pt1(dx + (reflect ? TILEWIDTH - sprite1.x() - sprite1.w() : sprite1.x()), dy + sprite1.y() + TILEWIDTH);
    Point dst_pt2(dx + (reflect ? TILEWIDTH - sprite2.x() - sprite2.w() : sprite2.x()), dy + sprite2.y() + TILEWIDTH);
    Point dst_pt3(dx + sprite3.x(), dy + sprite3.y() + TILEWIDTH);
    Point dst_pt4(dx + (reflect ? TILEWIDTH - sprite4.x() - sprite4.w() : sprite4.x()), dy + sprite4.y() + TILEWIDTH);

    // apply offset
    if(sprite_index < 45)
	s32 ox = 0;
	s32 oy = 0;
	int frame = (sprite_index % 9);

    	    case Direction::TOP:            oy = -4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::TOP_RIGHT:      ox = 4 * frame; oy = -4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::TOP_LEFT:       ox = -4 * frame; oy = -4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::BOTTOM_RIGHT:   ox = 4 * frame; oy = 4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::BOTTOM:         oy = 4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::BOTTOM_LEFT:    ox = -4 * frame; oy = 4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::RIGHT:          ox = 4 * frame; break;
    	    case Direction::LEFT:           ox = -4 * frame; break;
    	    default: break;

	dst_pt1.x += ox;
	dst_pt1.y += oy;
	dst_pt2.x += ox;
	dst_pt2.y += oy;
	dst_pt3.x += ox;
	dst_pt3.y += oy;
	dst_pt4.x += ox;
	dst_pt4.y += oy;

	dst_pt1.y -= 15;
	dst_pt2.y -= 15;
	dst_pt3.y -= 15;
	dst_pt4.y -= 15;

	sprite4.Blit(gamearea.RectFixed(dst_pt4, sprite4.w(), sprite4.h()), dst_pt4, dst);

    // redraw sprites for shadow
	sprite3.Blit(gamearea.RectFixed(dst_pt3, sprite3.w(), sprite3.h()), dst_pt3, dst);

    // redraw sprites hero and flag
    sprite1.Blit(gamearea.RectFixed(dst_pt1, sprite1.w(), sprite1.h()), dst_pt1, dst);
    sprite2.Blit(gamearea.RectFixed(dst_pt2, sprite2.w(), sprite2.h()), dst_pt2, dst);

    // redraw dependences tiles
    Maps::Tiles & tile = world.GetTiles(center.x, center.y);
    const s32 centerIndex = GetIndex();
    bool skip_ground = MP2::isActionObject(tile.GetObject(false), isShipMaster());


    if(Maps::isValidDirection(centerIndex, Direction::TOP))
	world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, Direction::TOP)).RedrawTop4Hero(dst, skip_ground);

    if(Maps::isValidDirection(centerIndex, Direction::BOTTOM))
	Maps::Tiles & tile_bottom = world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, Direction::BOTTOM));

    if(45 > GetSpriteIndex())
	if(Direction::BOTTOM != direction &&
	    Direction::TOP != direction &&
	    Maps::isValidDirection(centerIndex, direction))
	    if(Maps::isValidDirection(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, direction), Direction::BOTTOM))
		Maps::Tiles & tile_dir_bottom = world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, direction), Direction::BOTTOM));
	    if(Maps::isValidDirection(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, direction), Direction::TOP))
		Maps::Tiles & tile_dir_top = world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, direction), Direction::TOP));
		tile_dir_top.RedrawTop4Hero(dst, skip_ground);

	if(Maps::isValidDirection(centerIndex, Direction::BOTTOM))
	    Maps::Tiles & tile_bottom = world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, Direction::BOTTOM));

	    if(tile_bottom.GetObject() == MP2::OBJ_BOAT)

    if(Maps::isValidDirection(centerIndex, direction))
	if(Direction::TOP == direction)
	    world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, direction)).RedrawTop4Hero(dst, skip_ground);
	    world.GetTiles(Maps::GetDirectionIndex(centerIndex, direction)).RedrawTop(dst);