Ejemplo n.º 1
void KMFolder::setUserWhoField( const QString& whoField, bool writeConfig )
  if ( mUserWhoField == whoField && !whoField.isEmpty() )

  if ( whoField.isEmpty() )
    // default setting
    const KPIMIdentities::Identity & identity =
      kmkernel->identityManager()->identityForUoidOrDefault( mIdentity );

    QString identityfcc, identitydrafts, identitytemplates;
      /* KPIMIdentities::Identity::fcc(), KPIMIdentities::Identity::drafts() and KPIMIdentities::Identity::templates()
         using akonadi, so read values from config file directly */
      const KConfig config( "emailidentities" );
      const QStringList identities = config.groupList().filter( QRegExp( "^Identity #\\d+$" ) );
      for ( QStringList::const_iterator group = identities.constBegin(); group != identities.constEnd(); ++group ) {
        const KConfigGroup configGroup( &config, *group );
        if ( configGroup.readEntry( "uoid", 0U ) == identity.uoid() ) {
          identityfcc = configGroup.readEntry( "Fcc2", QString() );
          identitydrafts = configGroup.readEntry( "Drafts2", QString() );
          identitytemplates = configGroup.readEntry( "Templates2", QString() );

    if ( isSystemFolder() && folderType() != KMFolderTypeImap ) {
      // local system folders
      if ( this == kmkernel->inboxFolder() ||
           this == kmkernel->trashFolder() )
        mWhoField = "From";
      if ( this == kmkernel->outboxFolder() ||
           this == kmkernel->sentFolder() ||
           this == kmkernel->templatesFolder() ||
           this == kmkernel->draftsFolder() )
        mWhoField = "To";
    } else if ( identitydrafts == idString() ||
                identitytemplates == idString() ||
                identityfcc == idString() )
      // drafts, templates or sent of the identity
      mWhoField = "To";
      mWhoField = "From";
  } else if ( whoField == "From" || whoField == "To" )
    // set the whoField according to the user-setting
    mWhoField = whoField;
  else {
    // this should not happen...
    kDebug() << "Illegal setting" << whoField << "for userWhoField!";
    return; // don't use the value
  mUserWhoField = whoField;

  if ( writeConfig ) {
    emit viewConfigChanged();
Ejemplo n.º 2
TSHPath::IsSystemFolder(LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwAttrb)
  static TModuleProc2<BOOL,LPCTSTR,DWORD>
         isSystemFolder(GetModule(), IsSystemFolderStr);
  return isSystemFolder(pszPath,dwAttrb);
Ejemplo n.º 3
QString KMFolder::label() const
  if ( !mSystemLabel.isEmpty() )
     return mSystemLabel;
  if ( !mLabel.isEmpty() )
     return mLabel;
  if ( isSystemFolder() )
     return i18n( name().toUtf8() );
  return name();
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool KMFolder::isMoveable() const
  return !isSystemFolder() && mStorage->isMoveable();