Ejemplo n.º 1
FontCustomPlatformData* createFontCustomPlatformData(SharedBuffer* buffer, bool woffEnabled)
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sfntBuffer;
    if (woffEnabled && isWOFF(buffer)) {
        Vector<char> sfnt;
        if (!convertWOFFToSfnt(buffer, sfnt))
            return 0;

        sfntBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(sfnt);
        buffer = sfntBuffer.get();

    // pass true until we know how we can share the data, and not have to
    // make a copy of it.
    SkStream* stream = new SkMemoryStream(buffer->data(), buffer->size(), true);
    SkTypeface* face = SkTypeface::CreateFromStream(stream);
    // Release the stream.
    if (0 == face) {
        SkDebugf("--------- SkTypeface::CreateFromBuffer failed %d\n",
        return NULL;

    SkAutoUnref aur(face);

    return new FontCustomPlatformData(face);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CachedFont::ensureCustomFontData()
    if (!m_fontData && !errorOccurred() && !isLoading() && m_data) {
        SharedBuffer* buffer = m_data.get()->sharedBuffer();

        RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sfntBuffer;

        bool fontIsWOFF = isWOFF(buffer);
        if (fontIsWOFF) {
            Vector<char> sfnt;
            if (convertWOFFToSfnt(buffer, sfnt)) {
                sfntBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(sfnt);
                buffer = sfntBuffer.get();
            } else
                buffer = nullptr;

        m_fontData = buffer ? createFontCustomPlatformData(*buffer) : nullptr;
        if (m_fontData)
            m_hasCreatedFontDataWrappingResource = !fontIsWOFF;
    return m_fontData.get();
FontCustomPlatformData* createFontCustomPlatformData(SharedBuffer* buffer)
    ASSERT_ARG(buffer, buffer);
    FontCustomPlatformData* pFontCustomPlatformData = NULL;

    // Check if we are dealing with a compressed WOFF font format.
    if (isWOFF(buffer))
        Vector<char> sfnt;
        convertWOFFToSfnt(buffer, sfnt);
        if (!sfnt.size())
            return NULL;
        PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> bufferWOFF = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(sfnt);
        EA::WebKit::IFont* pFont = EA::WebKit::GetTextSystem()->CreateNewFont(EA::WebKit::kFontTypeOutline, bufferWOFF->data(),(uint32_t)bufferWOFF->size());
        if (!pFont)
            return NULL;

        pFontCustomPlatformData = new FontCustomPlatformData(bufferWOFF.get());
        // We need to test here if the text system will accept the font format now so that we can return NULL on fail so that an alternate font can be used.
        EA::WebKit::IFont* pFont = EA::WebKit::GetTextSystem()->CreateNewFont(EA::WebKit::kFontTypeOutline, buffer->data(),(uint32_t)buffer->size());
        if (!pFont)
            return NULL;

        pFontCustomPlatformData = new FontCustomPlatformData(buffer);

    return pFontCustomPlatformData;
FontCustomPlatformData* createFontCustomPlatformData(SharedBuffer* buffer)
    ASSERT_ARG(buffer, buffer);

    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sfntBuffer;
    if (isWOFF(buffer)) {
        Vector<char> sfnt;
        if (!convertWOFFToSfnt(buffer, sfnt))
            return 0;

        sfntBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(sfnt);
        buffer = sfntBuffer.get();

    // Introduce the font to GDI. AddFontMemResourceEx cannot be used, because it will pollute the process's
    // font namespace (Windows has no API for creating an HFONT from data without exposing the font to the
    // entire process first). TTLoadEmbeddedFont lets us override the font family name, so using a unique name
    // we avoid namespace collisions.

    String fontName = createUniqueFontName();

    // TTLoadEmbeddedFont works only with Embedded OpenType (.eot) data, so we need to create an EOT header
    // and prepend it to the font data.
    EOTHeader eotHeader;
    size_t overlayDst;
    size_t overlaySrc;
    size_t overlayLength;
    if (!getEOTHeader(buffer, eotHeader, overlayDst, overlaySrc, overlayLength))
        return 0;

    HANDLE fontReference;
    ULONG privStatus;
    ULONG status;
    EOTStream eotStream(eotHeader, buffer, overlayDst, overlaySrc, overlayLength);

    LONG loadEmbeddedFontResult = TTLoadEmbeddedFont(&fontReference, TTLOAD_PRIVATE, &privStatus, LICENSE_PREVIEWPRINT, &status, readEmbedProc, &eotStream, const_cast<LPWSTR>(fontName.charactersWithNullTermination()), 0, 0);
    if (loadEmbeddedFontResult == E_NONE)
        fontName = String();
    else {
        fontReference = renameAndActivateFont(buffer, fontName);
        if (!fontReference)
            return 0;

    return new FontCustomPlatformData(fontReference, fontName);
Ejemplo n.º 5
FontCustomPlatformData* createFontCustomPlatformData(SharedBuffer* buffer)
    ASSERT_ARG(buffer, buffer);

    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sfntBuffer;
    if (isWOFF(buffer)) {
        Vector<char> sfnt;
        if (!convertWOFFToSfnt(buffer, sfnt))
            return 0;
        sfntBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(sfnt);
        buffer = sfntBuffer.get();

    int id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData(QByteArray(buffer->data(), buffer->size()));
    if (id == -1)
        return 0;

    Q_ASSERT(QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(id).size() > 0);

    FontCustomPlatformData *data = new FontCustomPlatformData;
    data->m_handle = id;
    return data;
Ejemplo n.º 6
FontCustomPlatformData* createFontCustomPlatformData(SharedBuffer* buffer)
    ASSERT_ARG(buffer, buffer);

    OpenTypeSanitizer sanitizer(buffer);
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> transcodeBuffer = sanitizer.sanitize();
    if (!transcodeBuffer)
        return 0; // validation failed.
    buffer = transcodeBuffer.get();
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sfntBuffer;
    if (isWOFF(buffer)) {
        Vector<char> sfnt;
        if (!convertWOFFToSfnt(buffer, sfnt))
            return 0;

        sfntBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(sfnt);
        buffer = sfntBuffer.get();

    ATSFontContainerRef containerRef = 0;

    RetainPtr<CGFontRef> cgFontRef;

    RetainPtr<CFDataRef> bufferData(AdoptCF, buffer->createCFData());
    RetainPtr<CGDataProviderRef> dataProvider(AdoptCF, CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(bufferData.get()));

    if (!cgFontRef)
        return 0;
    // Use ATS to activate the font.

    // The value "3" means that the font is private and can't be seen by anyone else.
    ATSFontActivateFromMemory((void*)buffer->data(), buffer->size(), 3, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &containerRef);
    if (!containerRef)
        return 0;
    ItemCount fontCount;
    ATSFontFindFromContainer(containerRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, 0, NULL, &fontCount);
    // We just support the first font in the list.
    if (fontCount == 0) {
        ATSFontDeactivate(containerRef, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
        return 0;
    ATSFontRef fontRef = 0;
    ATSFontFindFromContainer(containerRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, 1, &fontRef, NULL);
    if (!fontRef) {
        ATSFontDeactivate(containerRef, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
        return 0;
    // Workaround for <rdar://problem/5675504>.
    if (cgFontRef && !CGFontGetNumberOfGlyphs(cgFontRef.get()))
        cgFontRef = 0;
    if (!cgFontRef) {
        ATSFontDeactivate(containerRef, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
        return 0;
#endif // !defined(BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD)

    FontCustomPlatformData* fontCustomPlatformData = new FontCustomPlatformData(containerRef, cgFontRef.releaseRef());
    RemoteFontStream* stream = new RemoteFontStream(buffer);
    fontCustomPlatformData->m_typeface = SkTypeface::CreateFromStream(stream);
    return fontCustomPlatformData;