Ejemplo n.º 1
std::vector<tripoint> map::route( const tripoint &f, const tripoint &t,
                                  const pathfinding_settings &settings,
                                  const std::set<tripoint> &pre_closed ) const
    /* TODO: If the origin or destination is out of bound, figure out the closest
     * in-bounds point and go to that, then to the real origin/destination.
    std::vector<tripoint> ret;

    if( f == t || !inbounds( f ) ) {
        return ret;

    if( !inbounds( t ) ) {
        tripoint clipped = t;
        clip_to_bounds( clipped );
        return route( f, clipped, settings, pre_closed );
    // First, check for a simple straight line on flat ground
    // Except when the line contains a pre-closed tile - we need to do regular pathing then
    static const auto non_normal = PF_SLOW | PF_WALL | PF_VEHICLE | PF_TRAP;
    if( f.z == t.z ) {
        const auto line_path = line_to( f, t );
        const auto &pf_cache = get_pathfinding_cache_ref( f.z );
        // Check all points for any special case (including just hard terrain)
        if( std::all_of( line_path.begin(), line_path.end(), [&pf_cache]( const tripoint & p ) {
        return !( pf_cache.special[p.x][p.y] & non_normal );
        } ) ) {
            const std::set<tripoint> sorted_line( line_path.begin(), line_path.end() );

            if( is_disjoint( sorted_line, pre_closed ) ) {
                return line_path;

    // If expected path length is greater than max distance, allow only line path, like above
    if( rl_dist( f, t ) > settings.max_dist ) {
        return ret;

    int max_length = settings.max_length;
    int bash = settings.bash_strength;
    int climb_cost = settings.climb_cost;
    bool doors = settings.allow_open_doors;
    bool trapavoid = settings.avoid_traps;

    const int pad = 16;  // Should be much bigger - low value makes pathfinders dumb!
    int minx = std::min( f.x, t.x ) - pad;
    int miny = std::min( f.y, t.y ) - pad;
    int minz = std::min( f.z, t.z ); // TODO: Make this way bigger
    int maxx = std::max( f.x, t.x ) + pad;
    int maxy = std::max( f.y, t.y ) + pad;
    int maxz = std::max( f.z, t.z ); // Same TODO as above
    clip_to_bounds( minx, miny, minz );
    clip_to_bounds( maxx, maxy, maxz );

    pathfinder pf( minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
    // Make NPCs not want to path through player
    // But don't make player pathing stop working
    for( const auto &p : pre_closed ) {
        if( p.x >= minx && p.x < maxx && p.y >= miny && p.y < maxy ) {
            pf.close_point( p );

    // Start and end must not be closed
    pf.unclose_point( f );
    pf.unclose_point( t );
    pf.add_point( 0, 0, f, f );

    bool done = false;

    do {
        auto cur = pf.get_next();

        const int parent_index = flat_index( cur.x, cur.y );
        auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z );
        auto &cur_state = layer.state[parent_index];
        if( cur_state == ASL_CLOSED ) {

        if( layer.gscore[parent_index] > max_length ) {
            // Shortest path would be too long, return empty vector
            return std::vector<tripoint>();

        if( cur == t ) {
            done = true;

        cur_state = ASL_CLOSED;

        const auto &pf_cache = get_pathfinding_cache_ref( cur.z );
        const auto cur_special = pf_cache.special[cur.x][cur.y];

        // 7 3 5
        // 1 . 2
        // 6 4 8
        constexpr std::array<int, 8> x_offset{{ -1,  1,  0,  0,  1, -1, -1, 1 }};
        constexpr std::array<int, 8> y_offset{{  0,  0, -1,  1, -1,  1, -1, 1 }};
        for( size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
            const tripoint p( cur.x + x_offset[i], cur.y + y_offset[i], cur.z );
            const int index = flat_index( p.x, p.y );

            // @todo: Remove this and instead have sentinels at the edges
            if( p.x < minx || p.x >= maxx || p.y < miny || p.y >= maxy ) {

            if( layer.state[index] == ASL_CLOSED ) {

            // Penalize for diagonals or the path will look "unnatural"
            int newg = layer.gscore[parent_index] + ( ( cur.x != p.x && cur.y != p.y ) ? 1 : 0 );

            const auto p_special = pf_cache.special[p.x][p.y];
            // @todo: De-uglify, de-huge-n
            if( !( p_special & non_normal ) ) {
                // Boring flat dirt - the most common case above the ground
                newg += 2;
            } else {
                int part = -1;
                const maptile &tile = maptile_at_internal( p );
                const auto &terrain = tile.get_ter_t();
                const auto &furniture = tile.get_furn_t();
                const vehicle *veh = veh_at_internal( p, part );

                const int cost = move_cost_internal( furniture, terrain, veh, part );
                // Don't calculate bash rating unless we intend to actually use it
                const int rating = ( bash == 0 || cost != 0 ) ? -1 :
                                   bash_rating_internal( bash, furniture, terrain, false, veh, part );

                if( cost == 0 && rating <= 0 && ( !doors || !terrain.open ) && veh == nullptr && climb_cost <= 0 ) {
                    layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED; // Close it so that next time we won't try to calculate costs

                newg += cost;
                if( cost == 0 ) {
                    if( climb_cost > 0 && p_special & PF_CLIMBABLE ) {
                        // Climbing fences
                        newg += climb_cost;
                    } else if( doors && terrain.open &&
                               ( !terrain.has_flag( "OPENCLOSE_INSIDE" ) || !is_outside( cur ) ) ) {
                        // Only try to open INSIDE doors from the inside
                        // To open and then move onto the tile
                        newg += 4;
                    } else if( veh != nullptr ) {
                        part = veh->obstacle_at_part( part );
                        int dummy = -1;
                        if( doors && veh->part_flag( part, VPFLAG_OPENABLE ) &&
                            ( !veh->part_flag( part, "OPENCLOSE_INSIDE" ) ||
                              veh_at_internal( cur, dummy ) == veh ) ) {
                            // Handle car doors, but don't try to path through curtains
                            newg += 10; // One turn to open, 4 to move there
                        } else if( part >= 0 && bash > 0 ) {
                            // Car obstacle that isn't a door
                            // @todo: Account for armor
                            int hp = veh->parts[part].hp();
                            if( hp / 20 > bash ) {
                                // Threshold damage thing means we just can't bash this down
                                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;
                            } else if( hp / 10 > bash ) {
                                // Threshold damage thing means we will fail to deal damage pretty often
                                hp *= 2;

                            newg += 2 * hp / bash + 8 + 4;
                        } else if( part >= 0 ) {
                            if( !doors || !veh->part_flag( part, VPFLAG_OPENABLE ) ) {
                                // Won't be openable, don't try from other sides
                                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;

                    } else if( rating > 1 ) {
                        // Expected number of turns to bash it down, 1 turn to move there
                        // and 5 turns of penalty not to trash everything just because we can
                        newg += ( 20 / rating ) + 2 + 10;
                    } else if( rating == 1 ) {
                        // Desperate measures, avoid whenever possible
                        newg += 500;
                    } else {
                        // Unbashable and unopenable from here
                        if( !doors || !terrain.open ) {
                            // Or anywhere else for that matter
                            layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;


                if( trapavoid && p_special & PF_TRAP ) {
                    const auto &ter_trp = terrain.trap.obj();
                    const auto &trp = ter_trp.is_benign() ? tile.get_trap_t() : ter_trp;
                    if( !trp.is_benign() ) {
                        // For now make them detect all traps
                        if( has_zlevels() && terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR ) ) {
                            // Special case - ledge in z-levels
                            // Warning: really expensive, needs a cache
                            if( valid_move( p, tripoint( p.x, p.y, p.z - 1 ), false, true ) ) {
                                tripoint below( p.x, p.y, p.z - 1 );
                                if( !has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, below ) ) {
                                    // Otherwise this would have been a huge fall
                                    auto &layer = pf.get_layer( p.z - 1 );
                                    // From cur, not p, because we won't be walking on air
                                    pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 10,
                                                  layer.score[parent_index] + 10 + 2 * rl_dist( below, t ),
                                                  cur, below );

                                // Close p, because we won't be walking on it
                                layer.state[index] = ASL_CLOSED;
                        } else if( trapavoid ) {
                            // Otherwise it's walkable
                            newg += 500;

            // If not visited, add as open
            // If visited, add it only if we can do so with better score
            if( layer.state[index] == ASL_NONE || newg < layer.gscore[index] ) {
                pf.add_point( newg, newg + 2 * rl_dist( p, t ), cur, p );

        if( !has_zlevels() || !( cur_special & PF_UPDOWN ) || !settings.allow_climb_stairs ) {
            // The part below is only for z-level pathing

        const maptile &parent_tile = maptile_at_internal( cur );
        const auto &parent_terrain = parent_tile.get_ter_t();
        if( settings.allow_climb_stairs && cur.z > minz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_DOWN ) ) {
            tripoint dest( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z - 1 );
            dest = vertical_move_destination<TFLAG_GOES_UP>( *this, dest );
            if( inbounds( dest ) ) {
                auto &layer = pf.get_layer( dest.z );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 2,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 2 * rl_dist( dest, t ),
                              cur, dest );
        if( settings.allow_climb_stairs && cur.z < maxz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_UP ) ) {
            tripoint dest( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z + 1 );
            dest = vertical_move_destination<TFLAG_GOES_DOWN>( *this, dest );
            if( inbounds( dest ) ) {
                auto &layer = pf.get_layer( dest.z );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 2,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 2 * rl_dist( dest, t ),
                              cur, dest );
        if( cur.z < maxz && parent_terrain.has_flag( TFLAG_RAMP ) &&
            valid_move( cur, tripoint( cur.x, cur.y, cur.z + 1 ), false, true ) ) {
            auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z + 1 );
            for( size_t it = 0; it < 8; it++ ) {
                const tripoint above( cur.x + x_offset[it], cur.y + y_offset[it], cur.z + 1 );
                pf.add_point( layer.gscore[parent_index] + 4,
                              layer.score[parent_index] + 4 + 2 * rl_dist( above, t ),
                              cur, above );
    } while( !done && !pf.empty() );

    if( done ) {
        ret.reserve( rl_dist( f, t ) * 2 );
        tripoint cur = t;
        // Just to limit max distance, in case something weird happens
        for( int fdist = max_length; fdist != 0; fdist-- ) {
            const int cur_index = flat_index( cur.x, cur.y );
            const auto &layer = pf.get_layer( cur.z );
            const tripoint &par = layer.parent[cur_index];
            if( cur == f ) {

            ret.push_back( cur );
            // Jumps are acceptable on 1 z-level changes
            // This is because stairs teleport the player too
            if( rl_dist( cur, par ) > 1 && abs( cur.z - par.z ) != 1 ) {
                debugmsg( "Jump in our route! %d:%d:%d->%d:%d:%d",
                          cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, par.x, par.y, par.z );
                return ret;

            cur = par;

        std::reverse( ret.begin(), ret.end() );

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
array_comp_list_t * union_array_comp_list(array_comp_list_t *acl1, array_comp_list_t *acl2, unsigned short int n){
	int s1 = acl1->size;
		return copy_array_comp_list(acl2);
	int s2 = acl2->size;
		return copy_array_comp_list(acl1);
	unsigned short int * dis_map1 = (unsigned short int *)calloc(s1,sizeof(unsigned short int));
	unsigned short int * dis_map2 = (unsigned short int *)calloc(s2,sizeof(unsigned short int));
	int tnc = s1+s2;
	char *overlap_map = (char *)calloc(tnc*tnc,sizeof(char));
	comp_list_t * cl1 = acl1->head;
	for(int i = 0; i < s1; i++){
		comp_list_t *cl2 = acl2->head;
		for(int j = 0; j < s2; j++){
			else if(is_included(cl2,cl1,n)){
			else if(is_disjoint(cl1,cl2,n)){
				overlap_map[tnc*i + (s1+j)] = 1;
				overlap_map[tnc*(s1+j) + i] = 1;
			cl2 = cl2->next;
		cl1 = cl1->next;

	array_comp_list_t *res = create_array_comp_list();
	cl1 = acl1->head;
	for(int i = 0; i < s1; i++){
			//comp_list_t *dst = create_comp_list();
			comp_list_t *dst = copy_comp_list(cl1);
		cl1 = cl1->next;
	comp_list_t *cl2 = acl2->head;
	for(int i = 0; i < s2; i++){
			//comp_list_t *dst = create_comp_list();
			comp_list_t *dst = copy_comp_list(cl2);
		cl2 = cl2->next;
	array_comp_list_t * acl = extract_comps(overlap_map,tnc);
	comp_list_t *cl = acl->head;
	for(int i = 0; i < acl->size; i++){
		comp_t *c = cl->head; 
		int s = cl->size;
		unsigned short int * om1 = (unsigned short int *)calloc(s1,sizeof(unsigned short int));
		unsigned short int * om2 = (unsigned short int *)calloc(s2,sizeof(unsigned short int));
		for(int j = 0; j < s; j++){
			unsigned short int num = c->num;
				om2[num-s1] = 1;
				om1[num] = 1;
			c = c->next;
		comp_list_t * res1 = comp_array_union_direct(acl1,acl2,om1,om2,n);
		//comp_list_t *dst = create_comp_list();
		//comp_list_t * dst = copy_comp_list(res1);
		cl = cl->next;	
	return res;