Ejemplo n.º 1
static struct xmllog_entry *
parse_logentry(struct xml_tree *node)
  struct xmllog_entry *pe = (struct xmllog_entry*) node;
  struct xml_attn *pa;
  struct xml_tree *p;
  int v, n;

  if (!is_empty_text(node)) return 0;
  pe->revision = -1;
  for (pa = pe->b.first; pa; pa = pa->next) {
    if (pa->tag == A_REVISION) {
      if (sscanf(pa->text, "%d%n", &v, &n) != 1 || pa->text[n])
        return attr_err(pa, "cannot parse attribute value");
      if (v < 0)
        return attr_err(pa, "invalid attribute value");
      pe->revision = v;
    } else {
      return attr_err(pa, "unexpected attribute");
  if (pe->revision < 0)
    return elem_err(node, "attribute revision is undefined");

  for (p = pe->b.first_down; p; p = p->right) {
    switch (p->tag) {
    case T_AUTHOR:
      if (p->first) return elem_err(p, "attributes are not allowed");
      if (p->first_down)
        return elem_err(p, "nested elements are not allowed");
      if (pe->author) return elem_err(p, "author already defined");
      pe->author = p->text;
      p->text = 0;
    case T_DATE:
      if (p->first) return elem_err(p, "attributes are not allowed");
      if (p->first_down)
        return elem_err(p, "nested elements are not allowed");
      if (pe->date.year) return elem_err(p, "date already defined");
      if (parse_date(p, p->text, &pe->date) < 0) return 0;
    case T_PATHS:
      if (!parse_paths(p, pe)) return 0;
    case T_MSG:
      if (p->first) return elem_err(p, "attributes are not allowed");
      if (p->first_down)
        return elem_err(p, "nested elements are not allowed");
      if (pe->msg) return elem_err(p, "msg already defined");
      pe->msg = p->text;
      p->text = 0;
      return elem_err(p, "unexpected element");
  if (!pe->author) return elem_err(node, "author is not defined");

  return pe;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void insert_line( text_t *txt, int index, char *new_line )

   if ( is_empty_text( txt ) )
      insert_into_empty_text( txt, index, new_line );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void *
parse_paths(struct xml_tree *node, struct xmllog_entry *pe)
  struct xml_tree *p;
  struct xmllog_path *pp;
  struct xml_attn *a;
  int x, n;

  if (!node) return NULL;
  if (node->tag != T_PATHS) abort();

  if (node->first) return elem_err(node, "attributes are not allowed");
  if (!is_empty_text(node)) return 0;

  for (p = node->first_down; p; p = p->right) {
    if (p->tag != T_PATH) return elem_err(p, "unexpected element");
    pp = (struct xmllog_path*) p;
    for (a = p->first; a; a = a->next) {
      switch (a->tag) {
      case A_ACTION:
        if (!a->text || strlen(a->text) != 1)
          return attr_err(a, "invalid attribute value");
        switch (a->text[0]) {
        case 'D': case 'A': case 'M':
          return attr_err(a, "invalid attribute value");
        pp->action = a->text[0];
      case A_COPYFROM_PATH:
        pp->copyfrom_path = a->text; a->text = 0;
      case A_COPYFROM_REV:
        if (sscanf(a->text, "%d%n", &x, &n) != 1 || a->text[n])
          return attr_err(a, "invalid attribute value");
        if (x < 1) return attr_err(a, "invalid attribute value");
        pp->copyfrom_rev = x;
      case A_KIND:
        return attr_err(a, "unexpected attribute");
    if (!pp->action) elem_err(p, "action attribute expected");
    pp->path = p->text; p->text = 0;
    pe->paths.v[pe->paths.u] = pp;
  return node;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * User press Enter key on search entry
void on_search_entry_activate(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer data)
	const gchar *text;

	if (gtk_entry_get_text_length(entry) == 0)
		return ;

	text = gtk_entry_get_text(entry);
	if (is_empty_text(text))
		return ;

	weather_window_search(WEATHER_WINDOW(main_window), text);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static struct xmllog_root *
parse_xmllog(struct xml_tree *root)
  struct xmllog_root *xmlroot;
  struct xml_tree *p;
  struct xmllog_entry *xmle;

  if (root->tag != T_LOG)
    return elem_err(root, "<log> element expected");
  if (!is_empty_text(root)) return 0;
  if (root->first) elem_err(root, "attributes not allowed for <log>");
  xmlroot = (struct xmllog_root*) root;

  for (p = root->first_down; p; p = p->right) {
    if (p->tag != T_LOGENTRY)
      return elem_err(p, "<logentry> element expected");
    if (!(xmle = parse_logentry(p))) return 0;
    xmlroot->e.v[xmlroot->e.u++] = xmle;
  return xmlroot;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Main program.
void main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    FILE*       sdfile = NULL;
    FILE*       outfile = NULL;
    char*       buffer = NULL;
    long        index=0, nerr=0, nboom_rtrip=0, nmismatch_rtrip=0;
    IXA_BOOL    key;
    IXA_BOOL    generate_auxinfo = IXA_TRUE;
    IXA_BOOL    verbose = IXA_FALSE;
    const char* inchi;
    const char* auxinfo;
    const char* inchikey;
    IXA_BOOL    round_trip;
    char        options[256];
    char*       saved_inchi = NULL;

    IXA_STATUS_HANDLE          status = NULL;
    IXA_MOL_HANDLE             molecule = NULL;
    IXA_INCHIBUILDER_HANDLE    inchi_builder = NULL;

#if defined(_WIN32)
const char *platform="Windows";
const char *platform="Linux";
    char banner[255];
    sprintf( banner, "%s\n%-s Build of %-s %-s%s",
              platform, __DATE__, __TIME__,
              RELEASE_IS_FINAL?"":" *** pre-release, for evaluation only ***");
    fprintf( stderr, "%-s\n", banner);

    fprintf( stderr, "Note: IXA API in current build uses non-extended core API calls\n");
    fprintf( stderr, "Note: IXA API in current build uses extended core API calls\n");

    if (argc < 3)
        /* Not enough command line arguments have been provided. Output some help
        information, then exit. */

    /* Open input and output files. */
    sdfile = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
    /* fopen_s(&sdfile, argv[1], "r"); */
    if (!sdfile)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open \"%s\" for reading\n", argv[1]);
        goto cleanup;
    outfile = fopen( argv[2], "w");
    /* fopen_s(&outfile, argv[2], "w"); */
    if (!outfile)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open \"%s\" for writing\n", argv[2]);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Create status, molecule and InChI builder objects. */
    status = IXA_STATUS_Create();
    molecule = IXA_MOL_Create(status);
    if (!CheckStatus(status, index)) goto cleanup;
    inchi_builder = IXA_INCHIBUILDER_Create(status);
    if (!CheckStatus(status, index)) goto cleanup;

    /* Read any command line options that may have been given and set up the InChI
       builder accordingly. */
    if (!ReadOptions(argc, argv, &key, &round_trip, &generate_auxinfo, &verbose, options, status, inchi_builder)) goto cleanup;

    /* If InChI keys have been requested, create an InChI key builder object. */
    if (key)
        key_builder = IXA_INCHIKEYBUILDER_Create(status);
        if (!CheckStatus(status, index)) goto cleanup;

    /* Warning: in this demo, we just assume that molfile's size does not    */
    /* exceed some (large) MOLBUFSIZE; no further checks are performed.        */
    buffer = (char *) calloc( MOLBUFSIZE, sizeof(char) );
    if ( !buffer )
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Iterate the molecules in the input SD file and create an InChI for each one. */
    index = 0;
    while ( get_next_molfile_as_text( sdfile, buffer, MOLBUFSIZE ) > 0 &&
            !is_empty_text( buffer ) )

        /* Set up the molecule object with atoms and bonds to represent the data that
            has just been read from the input file. */
        IXA_MOL_ReadMolfile(status, molecule, buffer);

        if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))    { nerr++; goto endloop; }

        fprintf(outfile, "%-ld\t", index+1);

        /* Bind the molecule object to the InChI builder object. */
        IXA_INCHIBUILDER_SetMolecule(status, inchi_builder, molecule);
        if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))    { nerr++; goto endloop; }

        /* Retrieve the molecule's InChI and write it to the output file. */
        inchi = IXA_INCHIBUILDER_GetInChI(status, inchi_builder);
        if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))    { nerr++; goto endloop; }

        fprintf(outfile, "%s\t", inchi);

        if (generate_auxinfo)
            /* AuxInfo has been requested. Retrieve the molecule's AuxInfo and write
                it to the output file. */
            auxinfo = IXA_INCHIBUILDER_GetAuxInfo(status, inchi_builder);
            if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))    { nerr++; goto endloop; }

            fprintf(outfile, "%s\t", auxinfo);

        if (key_builder)
            /* InChI keys have been requested. Retrieve the molecule's InChI key and
                write it to the output file. */
            IXA_INCHIKEYBUILDER_SetInChI(status, key_builder, inchi);
            if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))    { nerr++; goto endloop; }

            inchikey = IXA_INCHIKEYBUILDER_GetInChIKey(status, key_builder);
            if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))    { nerr++; goto endloop; }

            fprintf(outfile, "InChIKey=%s\t", inchikey);

        if (round_trip)
            /* Round trip tests have been requested. Turn the InChI that has just been
                generated into a molecule and use that molecule as the basis for a new
                InChI. The two InChIs should be identical. */
            saved_inchi = (char *) realloc(saved_inchi, strlen(inchi) + 1);
            strcpy(saved_inchi, inchi);
            IXA_MOL_ReadInChI(status, molecule, saved_inchi);
            if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))
                fprintf(stderr, "\n!!! Round trip failed: could not read InChI : structure %-ld\n", index+1);
                { nboom_rtrip++; goto endloop; }
            IXA_INCHIBUILDER_SetMolecule(status, inchi_builder, molecule);
            if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))
                fprintf(stderr, "\n!!! Round trip failed: could not set IXA mol from read InChI string : structure %-ld\n", index+1);
                { nboom_rtrip++; goto endloop; }
            /* strcpy(inchi,"NOTHING"); */
            inchi = IXA_INCHIBUILDER_GetInChI(status, inchi_builder);
            if (!CheckStatus(status,index+1))
                fprintf(stderr, "\n!!! Round trip failed: could not generate InChI from IXA mol obtained from read InChI : structure %-ld\n", index+1);
                { nboom_rtrip++; goto endloop; }
            if (strcmp(inchi, saved_inchi) != 0)
                fprintf(stderr, "\n!!! Round trip failed : structure %-ld\n", index+1);
                fprintf(stderr, "   OLD: %s\n", saved_inchi);
                fprintf(stderr, "   NEW: %s", inchi);
            else if ( verbose )
                fprintf(stderr, "\nRound trip OK : structure %-ld\n", index+1);
                fprintf(stderr, "   OLD: %s\n", saved_inchi);
                fprintf(stderr, "   NEW: %s", inchi);

        /* Every so often write a dot to stdout so the user knows that this program has
            not frozen. */
        fprintf( outfile, "\n" );
        if (index % 100 == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, ".");
    } /* Main loop */

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");


    fprintf(stderr, "\nFinished processing %-ld molecules.\nGeneration (struct->InChI) errors: %-ld",
                    index, nerr);
    if (round_trip)
        fprintf( stderr,
            "\nRound trip (struct->InChI->struct->InChI) problems: %-ld (%-ld failures, %-ld mismatches)",
                 nboom_rtrip + nmismatch_rtrip, nboom_rtrip, nmismatch_rtrip);
    fprintf(stderr, ".\n");

    /* Release resources prior to program exit. */
    if ( saved_inchi )
    if ( buffer )
    if (sdfile)
    if (outfile)
    IXA_INCHIKEYBUILDER_Destroy(NULL, key_builder);
    IXA_INCHIBUILDER_Destroy(NULL, inchi_builder);
    IXA_MOL_Destroy(NULL, molecule);