Ejemplo n.º 1
struct Thing *create_crate_in_workshop(struct Room *room, ThingModel cratngmodel, MapSubtlCoord stl_x, MapSubtlCoord stl_y)
    struct Coord3d pos;
    struct Thing *cratetng;
    if (!room_role_matches(room->kind, RoRoF_CratesStorage)) {
        SYNCDBG(4,"Crate %s cannot be created in a %s owned by player %d, wrong room",object_code_name(cratngmodel),room_code_name(room->kind),(int)room->owner);
        return INVALID_THING;
    pos.x.val = subtile_coord_center(stl_x);
    pos.y.val = subtile_coord_center(stl_y);
    pos.z.val = 0;
    cratetng = create_object(&pos, cratngmodel, room->owner, -1);
    if (thing_is_invalid(cratetng))
        return INVALID_THING;
    // Neutral thing do not need any more processing
    if (is_neutral_thing(cratetng) || !player_exists(get_player(room->owner))) {
        return cratetng;
    if (!add_workshop_object_to_workshop(room, cratetng)) {
        ERRORLOG("Could not fit %s in %s index %d",
        //remove_item_from_room_capacity(room); -- no need, it was not added
        return INVALID_THING;
    ThingClass tngclass;
    ThingModel tngmodel;
    tngclass = crate_thing_to_workshop_item_class(cratetng);
    tngmodel = crate_thing_to_workshop_item_model(cratetng);
    add_workshop_item_to_amounts(cratetng->owner, tngclass, tngmodel);
    return cratetng;
Ejemplo n.º 2
TbBool creature_move_to_using_teleport(struct Thing *thing, struct Coord3d *pos, long walk_speed)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    short destination_valid;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    if (creature_instance_is_available(thing, CrInst_TELEPORT)
     && creature_instance_has_reset(thing, CrInst_TELEPORT)
     && (cctrl->instance_id == CrInst_NULL))
        // Creature can only be teleported to a revealed location
        destination_valid = true;
        if (!is_hero_thing(thing) && !is_neutral_thing(thing)) {
            destination_valid = subtile_revealed(pos->x.stl.num, pos->y.stl.num, thing->owner);
        if (destination_valid)
             // Use teleport only over large enough distances
             if (get_2d_box_distance(&thing->mappos, pos) > COORD_PER_STL*game.min_distance_for_teleport)
                 set_creature_instance(thing, CrInst_TELEPORT, 1, 0, pos);
                 return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
TbBool destroy_trap(struct Thing *traptng)
    if ((traptng->trap.num_shots == 0) && !is_neutral_thing(traptng) && !is_hero_thing(traptng)) {
        readd_workshop_item_to_amount_placeable(traptng->owner, traptng->class_id, traptng->model);
    delete_thing_structure(traptng, 0);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
TbBool creature_can_do_scavenging(const struct Thing *creatng)
    if (is_neutral_thing(creatng)) {
        return false;
    struct CreatureStats *crstat;
    crstat = creature_stats_get_from_thing(creatng);
    return (crstat->scavenge_value > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Returns if given creature is able to heal by sleeping.
 * Does not take into consideration if the creature has a lair, checks only if
 * the creature model is able to heal in its lair in general.
 * @param creatng
 * @return
TbBool creature_can_do_healing_sleep(const struct Thing *creatng)
    if (is_neutral_thing(creatng)) {
        return false;
    struct CreatureStats *crstat;
    crstat = creature_stats_get_from_thing(creatng);
    return ((crstat->heal_requirement > 0) && (crstat->lair_size > 0));
Ejemplo n.º 6
TbBool creature_can_do_research(const struct Thing *creatng)
    if (is_neutral_thing(creatng)) {
        return false;
    struct CreatureStats *crstat;
    struct Dungeon *dungeon;
    crstat = creature_stats_get_from_thing(creatng);
    dungeon = get_dungeon(creatng->owner);
    return (crstat->research_value > 0) && (dungeon->current_research_idx >= 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
TbBool thing_is_valid_scavenge_target(const struct Thing *calltng, const struct Thing *scavtng)
    if (!thing_is_creature(scavtng) || (scavtng->model != calltng->model)) {
        return false;
    if (!is_neutral_thing(scavtng))
        if (!players_are_enemies(calltng->owner, scavtng->owner)) {
            return false;
    if (thing_is_picked_up(scavtng)) {
        return false;
    if (is_thing_passenger_controlled(scavtng) || creature_is_kept_in_custody(scavtng)) {
        return false;
    if (is_hero_thing(scavtng) && (!gameadd.scavenge_good_allowed)) {
        return false;
    if (is_neutral_thing(scavtng) && (!gameadd.scavenge_neutral_allowed)) {
        return false;
    struct PlayerInfo *scavplyr;
    scavplyr = INVALID_PLAYER;
    if (!is_neutral_thing(scavtng)) {
        scavplyr = get_player(scavtng->owner);
    if (scavplyr->controlled_thing_idx != scavtng->index)
        struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
        cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(scavtng);
        if (game.play_gameturn - cctrl->temple_cure_gameturn > game.temple_scavenge_protection_turns)
            return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
TngUpdateRet update_trap_trigger(struct Thing *traptng)
    if (traptng->trap.num_shots <= 0) {
        return TUFRet_Unchanged;
    TbBool do_trig;
    switch (trap_stats[traptng->model].trigger_type)
    case 1:
        do_trig = update_trap_trigger_line_of_sight_90(traptng);
    case 2:
        do_trig = update_trap_trigger_pressure(traptng);
        ERRORLOG("Illegal trap trigger type %d",(int)trap_stats[traptng->model].trigger_type);
        do_trig = false;
    if (do_trig)
        const struct ManfctrConfig *mconf;
        mconf = &game.traps_config[traptng->model];
        traptng->trap.long_14t = game.play_gameturn + mconf->shots_delay;
        int n;
        n = traptng->trap.num_shots;
        if ((n > 0) && (n != 255))
            traptng->trap.num_shots = n - 1;
            if (traptng->trap.num_shots == 0)
                // If the trap is in strange location, destroy it after it's depleted
                struct SlabMap *slb;
                slb = get_slabmap_thing_is_on(traptng);
                if ((slb->kind != SlbT_CLAIMED) && (slb->kind != SlbT_PATH)) {
                    traptng->health = -1;
                traptng->field_4F &= 0x10;
                traptng->field_4F |= 0x20;
                if (!is_neutral_thing(traptng) && !is_hero_thing(traptng)) {
                    remove_workshop_item_from_amount_placeable(traptng->owner, traptng->class_id, traptng->model);
        return TUFRet_Modified;
    return TUFRet_Unchanged;
Ejemplo n.º 9
TbBool creature_can_do_research_near_pos(const struct Thing *creatng, MapSubtlCoord stl_x, MapSubtlCoord stl_y, CreatureJob new_job, unsigned long flags)
    if (!creature_can_do_research(creatng))
        struct Room *room;
        room = subtile_room_get(stl_x, stl_y);
        struct Dungeon *dungeon;
        dungeon = get_dungeon(room->owner);
        if (!is_neutral_thing(creatng) && (dungeon->current_research_idx < 0))
            if (is_my_player_number(dungeon->owner) && ((flags & JobChk_PlayMsgOnFail) != 0)) {
                output_message(SMsg_NoMoreReseach, 500, true);
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
TbBool find_pressure_trigger_trap_target_passing_by_subtile(const struct Thing *traptng, MapSubtlCoord stl_x, MapSubtlCoord stl_y, struct Thing **found_thing)
    struct Thing *thing;
    struct Map *mapblk;
    long i;
    unsigned long k;
    mapblk = get_map_block_at(stl_x,stl_y);
    k = 0;
    i = get_mapwho_thing_index(mapblk);
    while (i != 0)
        thing = thing_get(i);
        if (thing_is_invalid(thing))
            ERRORLOG("Jump to invalid thing detected");
        i = thing->next_on_mapblk;
        // Per thing code start
        if (thing_is_creature(thing) && (thing->owner != traptng->owner))
            if (!creature_is_being_unconscious(thing) && !thing_is_dragged_or_pulled(thing)
             && !creature_is_kept_in_custody_by_enemy(thing) && !creature_is_dying(thing)
             && ((get_creature_model_flags(thing) & CMF_IsSpectator) == 0))
                if (!is_neutral_thing(thing) && !players_are_mutual_allies(traptng->owner,thing->owner))
                    *found_thing = thing;
                    return true;
        // Per thing code end
        if (k > THINGS_COUNT)
            ERRORLOG("Infinite loop detected when sweeping things list");
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
TbBool update_trap_trigger_line_of_sight_90_on_subtile(struct Thing *traptng, MapSubtlCoord stl_x, MapSubtlCoord stl_y)
    struct Thing *thing;
    struct Map *mapblk;
    long i;
    unsigned long k;
    mapblk = get_map_block_at(stl_x,stl_y);
    k = 0;
    i = get_mapwho_thing_index(mapblk);
    while (i != 0)
        thing = thing_get(i);
        if (thing_is_invalid(thing))
            ERRORLOG("Jump to invalid thing detected");
        i = thing->next_on_mapblk;
        // Per thing code start
        if (thing_is_creature(thing) && (thing->owner != traptng->owner))
            // Trigger for enemy player, or any player for neutral traps (otherwise neutral traps would be useless)
            if (players_are_enemies(traptng->owner,thing->owner) || is_neutral_thing(traptng))
                if (!creature_is_being_unconscious(thing) && !thing_is_dragged_or_pulled(thing)
                 && !creature_is_kept_in_custody_by_enemy(thing) && !creature_is_dying(thing)
                 && ((get_creature_model_flags(thing) & CMF_IsSpectator) == 0)) {
                    activate_trap(traptng, thing);
                    return true;
        // Per thing code end
        if (k > THINGS_COUNT)
            ERRORLOG("Infinite loop detected when sweeping things list");
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
short at_research_room(struct Thing *thing)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    struct Dungeon *dungeon;
    struct Room *room;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    cctrl->target_room_id = 0;
    dungeon = get_dungeon(thing->owner);
    if (!creature_can_do_research(thing))
        if (!is_neutral_thing(thing) && (dungeon->current_research_idx < 0))
            if (is_my_player_number(dungeon->owner))
                output_message(SMsg_NoMoreReseach, 500, true);
        return 0;
    room = get_room_thing_is_on(thing);
    if (!room_initially_valid_as_type_for_thing(room, RoK_LIBRARY, thing))
        WARNLOG("Room %s owned by player %d is invalid for %s index %d",room_code_name(room->kind),(int)room->owner,thing_model_name(thing),(int)thing->index);
        return 0;
    if (!add_creature_to_work_room(thing, room))
        return 0;
    if (!setup_random_head_for_room(thing, room, NavRtF_Default))
        ERRORLOG("The %s index %d can not move in research room", thing_model_name(thing),(int)thing->index);
        return 0;
    thing->continue_state = CrSt_Researching;
    cctrl->field_82 = 0;
    cctrl->byte_9A = 3;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
long get_explore_sight_distance_in_slabs(const struct Thing *thing)
    struct PlayerInfo *player;
    if (!thing_exists(thing)) {
        return 0;
    if (is_neutral_thing(thing)) {
        return 7;
    player = get_player(thing->owner);
    long dist;
    if (player->controlled_thing_idx != thing->index) {
        dist = 7;
    } else {
        dist = get_creature_can_see_subtiles() / STL_PER_SLB;
        if (dist <= 7)
            dist = 7;
    return dist;
Ejemplo n.º 14
TbBool process_scavenge_creature_from_level(struct Thing *scavtng, struct Thing *calltng, long work_value)
    struct Dungeon *calldngn;
    long num_prayers;
    calldngn = get_dungeon(calltng->owner);
    if (dungeon_invalid(calldngn)) {
        ERRORLOG("The %s owner %d can't do scavenging - has no dungeon",thing_model_name(calltng),(int)calltng->owner);
        return false;
    // Compute amount of creatures praying against the scavenge
    if (!is_neutral_thing(scavtng)) {
        struct Dungeon *scavdngn;
        scavdngn = get_dungeon(scavtng->owner);
        num_prayers = scavdngn->creatures_praying[scavtng->model];
    } else {
        num_prayers = 0;
    // Increase scavenging counter, used to break the prayers counter
    // If scavenge is blocked by prayers, return
    if (calldngn->creatures_scavenging[calltng->model] < 2 * num_prayers) {
        SYNCDBG(8, "Player %d prayers (%d) are blocking player %d scavenging (%d) of %s", (int)scavtng->owner,
            (int)num_prayers, (int)calltng->owner, (int)calldngn->creatures_scavenging[calltng->model], thing_model_name(calltng));
        return false;
    SYNCDBG(18,"The %s index %d scavenges %s index %d",thing_model_name(calltng),(int)calltng->index,thing_model_name(scavtng),(int)scavtng->index);
    // If we're starting to scavenge a new creature, do the switch
    if (calldngn->scavenge_targets[calltng->model] != scavtng->index)
        calldngn->scavenge_turn_points[calltng->model] = work_value;
        if (calldngn->scavenge_targets[calltng->model] > 0)
            // Stop scavenging old creature
            struct Thing *thing;
            thing = thing_get(calldngn->scavenge_targets[calltng->model]);
            if (thing_is_creature(thing) && (thing->model == calltng->model))
                if (creature_is_being_scavenged(thing)) {
        // Start the new scavenging
        calldngn->scavenge_targets[calltng->model] = scavtng->index;
        if (is_my_player_number(scavtng->owner)) {
            output_message(SMsg_CreatureScanvenged, 500, 1);
        event_create_event(scavtng->mappos.x.val, scavtng->mappos.y.val, EvKind_CreatrScavenged, scavtng->owner, scavtng->index);
    } else
        calldngn->scavenge_turn_points[calltng->model] += work_value;
    // Make sure the scavenged creature is in correct state
    if (!creature_is_being_scavenged(scavtng))
        if (!is_neutral_thing(scavtng)) {
            external_set_thing_state(scavtng, CrSt_CreatureBeingScavenged);
    long scavpts;
    scavpts = calculate_correct_creature_scavenge_required(scavtng, calltng->owner);
    if ((scavpts << 8) < calldngn->scavenge_turn_points[calltng->model])
        SYNCDBG(8,"The %s index %d owner %d accumulated enough points to turn to scavenger",thing_model_name(scavtng),(int)scavtng->index,(int)scavtng->owner);
        turn_creature_to_scavenger(scavtng, calltng);
        calldngn->scavenge_turn_points[calltng->model] -= (scavpts << 8);
        return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
struct Thing *find_prisoner_for_thing(struct Thing *creatng)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    struct Thing *thing;
    unsigned long k;
    long i;
    struct Room *room;
    room = INVALID_ROOM;
    if (!is_neutral_thing(creatng)) {
        room = find_nearest_room_for_thing_with_used_capacity(creatng, creatng->owner, RoK_PRISON, NavRtF_Default, 1);
    if (room_exists(room)) {
        i = room->creatures_list;
    } else {
        i = 0;
    struct Thing *out_creatng;
    long out_delay;
    out_creatng = INVALID_THING;
    out_delay = LONG_MAX;
    k = 0;
    while (i != 0)
        thing = thing_get(i);
        cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
        if (!creature_control_exists(cctrl))
            ERRORLOG("Jump to invalid creature %ld detected",i);
        i = cctrl->next_in_room;
        // Per creature code
        long dist, durt;
        dist = get_2d_box_distance(&creatng->mappos, &thing->mappos);
        if (out_delay < 0)
            // If we have a victim which isn't frozen, accept only other unfrozen creatures
            if ((dist <= LONG_MAX) && !creature_affected_by_spell(thing, SplK_Freeze)) {
                out_creatng = thing;
                out_delay = -1;
        } else
        if (creature_affected_by_spell(thing, SplK_Freeze))
            // If the victim is frozen, select one which will unfreeze sooner
            durt = get_spell_duration_left_on_thing(thing, SplK_Freeze);
            if ((durt > 0) && (out_delay > durt)) {
                out_creatng = thing;
                out_delay = durt;
        } else
            // Found first unfrozen victim - change out_delay to mark thet we no longer want frozen ones
            out_creatng = thing;
            out_delay = -1;
        // Per creature code ends
        if (k > THINGS_COUNT)
          ERRORLOG("Infinite loop detected when sweeping creatures list");
    return out_creatng;
Ejemplo n.º 16
short researching(struct Thing *thing)
    struct Dungeon *dungeon;
    long i;
    dungeon = get_dungeon(thing->owner);
    if (is_neutral_thing(thing))
        ERRORLOG("Neutral %s index %d cannot do research",thing_model_name(thing),(int)thing->index);
        return CrStRet_Unchanged;
    if (!creature_can_do_research(thing))
        if (!is_neutral_thing(thing) && (dungeon->current_research_idx < 0))
            if (is_my_player_number(dungeon->owner))
                output_message(SMsg_NoMoreReseach, 500, true);
        return CrStRet_Unchanged;
    // Get and verify working room
    struct Room *room;
    room = get_room_thing_is_on(thing);
    if (creature_work_in_room_no_longer_possible(room, RoK_LIBRARY, thing))
        return CrStRet_ResetFail;

    if (room->used_capacity > room->total_capacity)
        output_message_room_related_from_computer_or_player_action(room->owner, room->kind, OMsg_RoomTooSmall);
        return CrStRet_ResetOk;
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    if ( (game.play_gameturn - dungeon->field_AE5 < 50)
      && ((game.play_gameturn + thing->index) & 0x03) == 0)
        external_set_thing_state(thing, CrSt_CreatureBeHappy);
        cctrl->countdown_282 = 50;
        cctrl->long_9A = 0;
        return CrStRet_Modified;
    if (cctrl->instance_id != CrInst_NULL)
      return 1;
    // Shall we do some "Standing and thinking"
    if (cctrl->field_82 <= 128)
      if (cctrl->byte_9A == 3)
          // Do some random thinking
          if ((cctrl->field_82 % 16) == 0)
              i = ACTION_RANDOM(LbFPMath_PI) - LbFPMath_PI/2;
              cctrl->long_9B = ((long)thing->move_angle_xy + i) & LbFPMath_AngleMask;
              cctrl->byte_9A = 4;
      } else
          // Look at different direction while thinking
          if (creature_turn_to_face_angle(thing, cctrl->long_9B) < LbFPMath_PI/18)
              cctrl->byte_9A = 3;
      return 1;
    // Finished "Standing and thinking" - make "new idea" effect and go to next position
    if (!setup_random_head_for_room(thing, room, NavRtF_Default))
        ERRORLOG("Cannot move %s index %d in %s room", thing_model_name(thing),(int)thing->index,room_code_name(room->kind));
        return 1;
    thing->continue_state = CrSt_Researching;
    cctrl->field_82 = 0;
    cctrl->byte_9A = 3;
    if (cctrl->explevel < 3)
        create_effect(&thing->mappos, TngEff_Unknown54, thing->owner);
    } else
    if (cctrl->explevel < 6)
        create_effect(&thing->mappos, TngEff_Unknown55, thing->owner);
    } else
        create_effect(&thing->mappos, TngEff_Unknown56, thing->owner);
    return 1;