Ejemplo n.º 1
int CrowdToolState::hitTestAgents(const float* s, const float* p)
	if (!m_sample) return -1;
	dtCrowd* crowd = m_sample->getCrowd();
	int isel = -1;
	float tsel = FLT_MAX;

	for (int i = 0; i < crowd->getAgentCount(); ++i)
		const dtCrowdAgent* ag = crowd->getAgent(i);
		if (!ag->active) continue;
		float bmin[3], bmax[3];
		getAgentBounds(ag, bmin, bmax);
		float tmin, tmax;
		if (isectSegAABB(s, p, bmin,bmax, tmin, tmax))
			if (tmin > 0 && tmin < tsel)
				isel = i;
				tsel = tmin;

	return isel;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	int NavMesh::HitTestAgent(const float* s, const float* p)
		int isel = -1;
		float tsel = FLT_MAX;

		for (int i = 0; i < m_crowd->getAgentCount(); ++i)
			const dtCrowdAgent* ag = m_crowd->getAgent(i);
			if (!ag->active) continue;
			float bmin[3], bmax[3];
			// get agent bounds
			const float* p = ag->npos;
			const float r = ag->params.radius;
			const float h = ag->params.height;
			bmin[0] = p[0] - r;
			bmin[1] = p[1];
			bmin[2] = p[2] - r;
			bmax[0] = p[0] + r;
			bmax[1] = p[1] + h;
			bmax[2] = p[2] + r;

			float tmin, tmax;
			if (isectSegAABB(s, p, bmin,bmax, tmin, tmax))
				if (tmin > 0 && tmin < tsel)
					isel = i;
					tsel = tmin;

		return isel;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	int NavMesh::HitTestObstacle(const float* sp, const float* sq)
		if (!m_tileCache)
			return 0;
		float tmin = FLT_MAX;
		const dtTileCacheObstacle* obmin = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < m_tileCache->getObstacleCount(); ++i)
			const dtTileCacheObstacle* ob = m_tileCache->getObstacle(i);
			if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_EMPTY)

			float bmin[3], bmax[3], t0,t1;
			m_tileCache->getObstacleBounds(ob, bmin,bmax);

			if (isectSegAABB(sp,sq, bmin,bmax, t0,t1))
				if (t0 < tmin)
					tmin = t0;
					obmin = ob;
		return m_tileCache->getObstacleRef(obmin);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool InputGeom::raycastMesh(float* src, float* dst, float& tmin)
	float dir[3];
	rcVsub(dir, dst, src);

	// Prune hit ray.
	float btmin, btmax;
	if (!isectSegAABB(src, dst, &m_meshBMin[0], &m_meshBMax[0], btmin, btmax))
		return false;
	float p[2], q[2];
	p[0] = src[0] + (dst[0]-src[0])*btmin;
	p[1] = src[2] + (dst[2]-src[2])*btmin;
	q[0] = src[0] + (dst[0]-src[0])*btmax;
	q[1] = src[2] + (dst[2]-src[2])*btmax;
	int cid[512];
	const int ncid = rcGetChunksOverlappingSegment(m_chunkyMesh.get(), p, q, cid, 512);
	if (!ncid)
		return false;
	tmin = 1.0f;
	bool hit = false;
	const float* verts = m_loader->getVerts();
	for (int i = 0; i < ncid; ++i)
		const rcChunkyTriMeshNode& node = m_chunkyMesh->nodes[cid[i]];
		const int* tris = &m_chunkyMesh->tris[node.i*3];
		const int ntris = node.n;

		for (int j = 0; j < ntris*3; j += 3)
			float t = 1;
			if (intersectSegmentTriangle(
				src, dst,
				&verts[tris[j+2]*3], t))
				if (t < tmin)
					tmin = t;
				hit = true;
	return hit;
Ejemplo n.º 5
dtObstacleRef OgreDetourTileCache::hitTestObstacle(const dtTileCache* tc, const float* sp, const float* sq)
    float tmin = FLT_MAX;
    const dtTileCacheObstacle* obmin = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < tc->getObstacleCount(); ++i)
        const dtTileCacheObstacle* ob = tc->getObstacle(i);
        if (ob->state == DT_OBSTACLE_EMPTY)

        float bmin[3], bmax[3], t0,t1;
        tc->getObstacleBounds(ob, bmin,bmax);

        if (isectSegAABB(sp,sq, bmin,bmax, t0,t1))
            if (t0 < tmin)
                tmin = t0;
                obmin = ob;
    return tc->getObstacleRef(obmin);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CrowdTool::handleClick(const float* s, const float* p, bool shift)
	if (!m_sample) return;
	InputGeom* geom = m_sample->getInputGeom();
	if (!geom) return;

	if (m_mode == TOOLMODE_CREATE)
		if (shift)
			// Delete
			int isel = -1;
			float tsel = FLT_MAX;
			for (int i = 0; i < m_crowd.getAgentCount(); ++i)
				const Agent* ag = m_crowd.getAgent(i);
				if (!ag->active) continue;
				float bmin[3], bmax[3];
				getAgentBounds(ag, bmin, bmax);
				float tmin, tmax;
				if (isectSegAABB(s, p, bmin,bmax, tmin, tmax))
					if (tmin > 0 && tmin < tsel)
						isel = i;
						tsel = tmin;
			if (isel != -1)
			// Add
			dtNavMeshQuery* navquery = m_sample->getNavMeshQuery();
			int idx = m_crowd.addAgent(p, m_sample->getAgentRadius(), m_sample->getAgentHeight(), navquery);
			if (idx != -1 && m_targetRef)
				m_crowd.requestMoveTarget(idx, m_targetRef, m_targetPos);
	else if (m_mode == TOOLMODE_MOVE_TARGET)
		// Find nearest point on navmesh and set move request to that location.
		dtNavMeshQuery* navquery = m_sample->getNavMeshQuery();
		const dtQueryFilter* filter = m_crowd.getFilter();
		const float* ext = m_crowd.getQueryExtents();
		navquery->findNearestPoly(p, ext, filter, &m_targetRef, m_targetPos);
		if (shift)
			// Adjust target using tiny local search.
			for (int i = 0; i < m_crowd.getAgentCount(); ++i)
				const Agent* ag = m_crowd.getAgent(i);
				if (!ag->active) continue;
				m_crowd.adjustMoveTarget(i, m_targetRef, m_targetPos);
			// Move target using paht finder
			for (int i = 0; i < m_crowd.getAgentCount(); ++i)
				const Agent* ag = m_crowd.getAgent(i);
				if (!ag->active) continue;
				m_crowd.requestMoveTarget(i, m_targetRef, m_targetPos);
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool Visualization::pick(float* position, int* agentIdx)
    bool picked = false;
    if (m_scene)
        float rays[3];
        float raye[3];
        float hitt;
        // Compute the ray
        GLdouble x, y, z;
        gluUnProject(m_mousePosition[0], m_mousePosition[1], 0.f, m_modelView, m_projection, m_viewport, &x, &y, &z);
        rays[0] = (float)x; rays[1] = (float)y; rays[2] = (float)z;
        gluUnProject(m_mousePosition[0], m_mousePosition[1], 1.f, m_modelView, m_projection, m_viewport, &x, &y, &z);
        raye[0] = (float)x; raye[1] = (float)y; raye[2] = (float)z;
        // ray cast
        if (m_scene->raycastMesh(rays, raye, hitt))
            position[0] = rays[0] + (raye[0] - rays[0])*hitt;
            position[1] = rays[1] + (raye[1] - rays[1])*hitt;
            position[2] = rays[2] + (raye[2] - rays[2])*hitt;
            picked = true;
            if (m_crowd)
                *agentIdx = -1;
                float tsel = FLT_MAX;
                float bmin[3], bmax[3];
                for (int i = 0, size(m_crowd->getAgentCount()); i < size; ++i)
                    const dtCrowdAgent* ag = m_crowd->getAgent(i);
                    if (ag->active)
                        bmin[0] = ag->position[0] - ag->radius;
                        bmin[1] = ag->position[1];
                        bmin[2] = ag->position[2] - ag->radius;
                        bmax[0] = ag->position[0] + ag->radius;
                        bmax[1] = ag->position[1] + ag->height;
                        bmax[2] = ag->position[2] + ag->radius;
                        float tmin, tmax;
                        if (isectSegAABB(rays, raye, bmin, bmax, tmin, tmax))
                            if (tmin > 0 && tmin < tsel)
								*agentIdx = i;
								tsel = tmin;
                                dtVcopy(position, ag->position);

    return picked;