Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Add an isl constraint to an ScopLib matrix.
/// @param user The matrix
/// @param c The constraint
int ScopLib::accessToMatrix_constraint(isl_constraint *c, void *user) {
  scoplib_matrix_p m = (scoplib_matrix_p) user;

  int nb_params = isl_constraint_dim(c, isl_dim_param);
  int nb_in = isl_constraint_dim(c, isl_dim_in);
  int nb_div = isl_constraint_dim(c, isl_dim_div);

  assert(!nb_div && "Existentially quantified variables not yet supported");

  scoplib_vector_p vec =
    scoplib_vector_malloc(nb_params + nb_in + 2);

  isl_int v;

  // The access dimension has to be one.
  isl_constraint_get_coefficient(c, isl_dim_out, 0, &v);
  assert((isl_int_is_one(v) || isl_int_is_negone(v))
         && "Access relations not supported in scoplib");
  bool inverse = isl_int_is_one(v);

  // Assign variables
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_in; ++i) {
    isl_constraint_get_coefficient(c, isl_dim_in, i, &v);

    if (inverse) isl_int_neg(v,v);

    isl_int_set(vec->p[i + 1], v);

  // Assign parameters
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_params; ++i) {
    isl_constraint_get_coefficient(c, isl_dim_param, i, &v);

    if (inverse) isl_int_neg(v,v);

    isl_int_set(vec->p[nb_in + i + 1], v);

  // Assign constant
  isl_constraint_get_constant(c, &v);

  if (inverse) isl_int_neg(v,v);

  isl_int_set(vec->p[nb_in + nb_params + 1], v);

  scoplib_matrix_insert_vector(m, vec, m->NbRows);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static struct isl_vec *interval_sample(struct isl_basic_set *bset)
	int i;
	isl_int t;
	struct isl_vec *sample;

	bset = isl_basic_set_simplify(bset);
	if (!bset)
		return NULL;
	if (isl_basic_set_plain_is_empty(bset))
		return empty_sample(bset);
	if (bset->n_eq == 0 && bset->n_ineq == 0)
		return zero_sample(bset);

	sample = isl_vec_alloc(bset->ctx, 2);
	if (!sample)
		goto error;
	if (!bset)
		return NULL;
	isl_int_set_si(sample->block.data[0], 1);

	if (bset->n_eq > 0) {
		isl_assert(bset->ctx, bset->n_eq == 1, goto error);
		isl_assert(bset->ctx, bset->n_ineq == 0, goto error);
		if (isl_int_is_one(bset->eq[0][1]))
			isl_int_neg(sample->el[1], bset->eq[0][0]);
		else {
			isl_assert(bset->ctx, isl_int_is_negone(bset->eq[0][1]),
				   goto error);
			isl_int_set(sample->el[1], bset->eq[0][0]);
		return sample;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Given a set of modulo constraints
 *		c + A y = 0 mod d
 * this function computes a particular solution y_0
 * The input is given as a matrix B = [ c A ] and a vector d.
 * The output is matrix containing the solution y_0 or
 * a zero-column matrix if the constraints admit no integer solution.
 * The given set of constrains is equivalent to
 *		c + A y = -D x
 * with D = diag d and x a fresh set of variables.
 * Reducing both c and A modulo d does not change the
 * value of y in the solution and may lead to smaller coefficients.
 * Let M = [ D A ] and [ H 0 ] = M U, the Hermite normal form of M.
 * Then
 *		  [ x ]
 *		M [ y ] = - c
 * and so
 *		               [ x ]
 *		[ H 0 ] U^{-1} [ y ] = - c
 * Let
 *		[ A ]          [ x ]
 *		[ B ] = U^{-1} [ y ]
 * then
 *		H A + 0 B = -c
 * so B may be chosen arbitrarily, e.g., B = 0, and then
 *		       [ x ] = [ -c ]
 *		U^{-1} [ y ] = [  0 ]
 * or
 *		[ x ]     [ -c ]
 *		[ y ] = U [  0 ]
 * specifically,
 *		y = U_{2,1} (-c)
 * If any of the coordinates of this y are non-integer
 * then the constraints admit no integer solution and
 * a zero-column matrix is returned.
static struct isl_mat *particular_solution(struct isl_mat *B, struct isl_vec *d)
	int i, j;
	struct isl_mat *M = NULL;
	struct isl_mat *C = NULL;
	struct isl_mat *U = NULL;
	struct isl_mat *H = NULL;
	struct isl_mat *cst = NULL;
	struct isl_mat *T = NULL;

	M = isl_mat_alloc(B->ctx, B->n_row, B->n_row + B->n_col - 1);
	C = isl_mat_alloc(B->ctx, 1 + B->n_row, 1);
	if (!M || !C)
		goto error;
	isl_int_set_si(C->row[0][0], 1);
	for (i = 0; i < B->n_row; ++i) {
		isl_seq_clr(M->row[i], B->n_row);
		isl_int_set(M->row[i][i], d->block.data[i]);
		isl_int_neg(C->row[1 + i][0], B->row[i][0]);
		isl_int_fdiv_r(C->row[1+i][0], C->row[1+i][0], M->row[i][i]);
		for (j = 0; j < B->n_col - 1; ++j)
			isl_int_fdiv_r(M->row[i][B->n_row + j],
					B->row[i][1 + j], M->row[i][i]);
	M = isl_mat_left_hermite(M, 0, &U, NULL);
	if (!M || !U)
		goto error;
	H = isl_mat_sub_alloc(M, 0, B->n_row, 0, B->n_row);
	H = isl_mat_lin_to_aff(H);
	C = isl_mat_inverse_product(H, C);
	if (!C)
		goto error;
	for (i = 0; i < B->n_row; ++i) {
		if (!isl_int_is_divisible_by(C->row[1+i][0], C->row[0][0]))
		isl_int_divexact(C->row[1+i][0], C->row[1+i][0], C->row[0][0]);
	if (i < B->n_row)
		cst = isl_mat_alloc(B->ctx, B->n_row, 0);
		cst = isl_mat_sub_alloc(C, 1, B->n_row, 0, 1);
	T = isl_mat_sub_alloc(U, B->n_row, B->n_col - 1, 0, B->n_row);
	cst = isl_mat_product(T, cst);
	return cst;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Given an unbounded tableau and an integer point satisfying the tableau,
 * construct an initial affine hull containing the recession cone
 * shifted to the given point.
 * The unbounded directions are taken from the last rows of the basis,
 * which is assumed to have been initialized appropriately.
static __isl_give isl_basic_set *initial_hull(struct isl_tab *tab,
	__isl_take isl_vec *vec)
	int i;
	int k;
	struct isl_basic_set *bset = NULL;
	struct isl_ctx *ctx;
	unsigned dim;

	if (!vec || !tab)
		return NULL;
	ctx = vec->ctx;
	isl_assert(ctx, vec->size != 0, goto error);

	bset = isl_basic_set_alloc(ctx, 0, vec->size - 1, 0, vec->size - 1, 0);
	if (!bset)
		goto error;
	dim = isl_basic_set_n_dim(bset) - tab->n_unbounded;
	for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
		k = isl_basic_set_alloc_equality(bset);
		if (k < 0)
			goto error;
		isl_seq_cpy(bset->eq[k] + 1, tab->basis->row[1 + i] + 1,
			    vec->size - 1);
		isl_seq_inner_product(bset->eq[k] + 1, vec->el +1,
				      vec->size - 1, &bset->eq[k][0]);
		isl_int_neg(bset->eq[k][0], bset->eq[k][0]);
	bset->sample = vec;
	bset = isl_basic_set_gauss(bset, NULL);

	return bset;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Look for all integer points in "bset", which is assumed to be bounded,
 * and call callback->add on each of them.
 * We first compute a reduced basis for the set and then scan
 * the set in the directions of this basis.
 * We basically perform a depth first search, where in each level i
 * we compute the range in the i-th basis vector direction, given
 * fixed values in the directions of the previous basis vector.
 * We then add an equality to the tableau fixing the value in the
 * direction of the current basis vector to each value in the range
 * in turn and then continue to the next level.
 * The search is implemented iteratively.  "level" identifies the current
 * basis vector.  "init" is true if we want the first value at the current
 * level and false if we want the next value.
 * Solutions are added in the leaves of the search tree, i.e., after
 * we have fixed a value in each direction of the basis.
int isl_basic_set_scan(struct isl_basic_set *bset,
	struct isl_scan_callback *callback)
	unsigned dim;
	struct isl_mat *B = NULL;
	struct isl_tab *tab = NULL;
	struct isl_vec *min;
	struct isl_vec *max;
	struct isl_tab_undo **snap;
	int level;
	int init;
	enum isl_lp_result res;

	if (!bset)
		return -1;

	dim = isl_basic_set_total_dim(bset);
	if (dim == 0)
		return scan_0D(bset, callback);

	min = isl_vec_alloc(bset->ctx, dim);
	max = isl_vec_alloc(bset->ctx, dim);
	snap = isl_alloc_array(bset->ctx, struct isl_tab_undo *, dim);

	if (!min || !max || !snap)
		goto error;

	tab = isl_tab_from_basic_set(bset, 0);
	if (!tab)
		goto error;
	if (isl_tab_extend_cons(tab, dim + 1) < 0)
		goto error;

	tab->basis = isl_mat_identity(bset->ctx, 1 + dim);
	if (1)
		tab = isl_tab_compute_reduced_basis(tab);
	if (!tab)
		goto error;
	B = isl_mat_copy(tab->basis);
	if (!B)
		goto error;

	level = 0;
	init = 1;

	while (level >= 0) {
		int empty = 0;
		if (init) {
			res = isl_tab_min(tab, B->row[1 + level],
				    bset->ctx->one, &min->el[level], NULL, 0);
			if (res == isl_lp_empty)
				empty = 1;
			if (res == isl_lp_error || res == isl_lp_unbounded)
				goto error;
			isl_seq_neg(B->row[1 + level] + 1,
				    B->row[1 + level] + 1, dim);
			res = isl_tab_min(tab, B->row[1 + level],
				    bset->ctx->one, &max->el[level], NULL, 0);
			isl_seq_neg(B->row[1 + level] + 1,
				    B->row[1 + level] + 1, dim);
			isl_int_neg(max->el[level], max->el[level]);
			if (res == isl_lp_empty)
				empty = 1;
			if (res == isl_lp_error || res == isl_lp_unbounded)
				goto error;
			snap[level] = isl_tab_snap(tab);
		} else
			isl_int_add_ui(min->el[level], min->el[level], 1);

		if (empty || isl_int_gt(min->el[level], max->el[level])) {
			init = 0;
			if (level >= 0)
				if (isl_tab_rollback(tab, snap[level]) < 0)
					goto error;
		if (level == dim - 1 && callback->add == increment_counter) {
			if (increment_range(callback,
					    min->el[level], max->el[level]))
				goto error;
			init = 0;
			if (level >= 0)
				if (isl_tab_rollback(tab, snap[level]) < 0)
					goto error;
		isl_int_neg(B->row[1 + level][0], min->el[level]);
		if (isl_tab_add_valid_eq(tab, B->row[1 + level]) < 0)
			goto error;
		isl_int_set_si(B->row[1 + level][0], 0);
		if (level < dim - 1) {
			init = 1;
		if (add_solution(tab, callback) < 0)
			goto error;
		init = 0;
		if (isl_tab_rollback(tab, snap[level]) < 0)
			goto error;

	return 0;
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
__isl_give isl_basic_set *isl_basic_set_box_from_points(
	__isl_take isl_point *pnt1, __isl_take isl_point *pnt2)
	isl_basic_set *bset;
	unsigned total;
	int i;
	int k;
	isl_int t;


	if (!pnt1 || !pnt2)
		goto error;

			isl_dim_equal(pnt1->dim, pnt2->dim), goto error);

	if (isl_point_is_void(pnt1) && isl_point_is_void(pnt2)) {
		isl_dim *dim = isl_dim_copy(pnt1->dim);
		return isl_basic_set_empty(dim);
	if (isl_point_is_void(pnt1)) {
		return isl_basic_set_from_point(pnt2);
	if (isl_point_is_void(pnt2)) {
		return isl_basic_set_from_point(pnt1);

	total = isl_dim_total(pnt1->dim);
	bset = isl_basic_set_alloc_dim(isl_dim_copy(pnt1->dim), 0, 0, 2 * total);

	for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
		isl_int_mul(t, pnt1->vec->el[1 + i], pnt2->vec->el[0]);
		isl_int_submul(t, pnt2->vec->el[1 + i], pnt1->vec->el[0]);

		k = isl_basic_set_alloc_inequality(bset);
		if (k < 0)
			goto error;
		isl_seq_clr(bset->ineq[k] + 1, total);
		if (isl_int_is_pos(t)) {
			isl_int_set_si(bset->ineq[k][1 + i], -1);
			isl_int_set(bset->ineq[k][0], pnt1->vec->el[1 + i]);
		} else {
			isl_int_set_si(bset->ineq[k][1 + i], 1);
			isl_int_neg(bset->ineq[k][0], pnt1->vec->el[1 + i]);
		isl_int_fdiv_q(bset->ineq[k][0], bset->ineq[k][0], pnt1->vec->el[0]);

		k = isl_basic_set_alloc_inequality(bset);
		if (k < 0)
			goto error;
		isl_seq_clr(bset->ineq[k] + 1, total);
		if (isl_int_is_pos(t)) {
			isl_int_set_si(bset->ineq[k][1 + i], 1);
			isl_int_neg(bset->ineq[k][0], pnt2->vec->el[1 + i]);
		} else {
			isl_int_set_si(bset->ineq[k][1 + i], -1);
			isl_int_set(bset->ineq[k][0], pnt2->vec->el[1 + i]);
		isl_int_fdiv_q(bset->ineq[k][0], bset->ineq[k][0], pnt2->vec->el[0]);

	bset = isl_basic_set_finalize(bset);



	return bset;
	return NULL;