Ejemplo n.º 1
void skipWhite(const char **s)
	const char *t = *s;
	while (isspaceByte(*t))
	*s = t;
}				/* skipWhite */
Ejemplo n.º 2
void trimWhite(char *s)
	int l;
	if (!s)
	l = strlen(s);
	while (l && isspaceByte(s[l - 1]))
	s[l] = 0;
}				/* trimWhite */
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* compress white space */
void spaceCrunch(char *s, bool onespace, bool unprint)
	int i, j;
	char c;
	bool space = true;
	for (i = j = 0; c = s[i]; ++i) {
		if (isspaceByte(c)) {
			if (!onespace)
			if (!space)
				s[j++] = ' ', space = true;
		if (unprint && !isprintByte(c))
		s[j++] = c, space = false;
	if (space && j)
		--j;		/* drop trailing space */
	s[j] = 0;
}				/* spaceCrunch */
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Return 0 if there was no need to encode */
static char *isoEncode(char *start, char *end)
	int nacount = 0, count = 0, len;
	char *s, *t;
	char c, code;

	for (s = start; s < end; ++s) {
		c = *s;
		if (c == 0)
			*s = ' ';
		if (isspaceByte(c))
			*s = ' ';

	for (s = start; s < end; ++s) {
		c = *s;
		if (!isprintByte(c) && c != ' ')

	if (!nacount)
		return 0;

	if (nacount * 4 >= count && count > 8) {
		code = 'B';
		s = base64Encode(start, end - start, false);
		goto package;

	code = 'Q';
	s = qpEncode(start);

	len = strlen(s);
	t = allocMem(len + 20);
	sprintf(t, "=?ISO-8859-1?%c?%s?=", code, s);
	return t;
}				/* isoEncode */
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* read and/or refresh the address book */
bool loadAddressBook(void)
	char *buf, *bufend, *v, *last, *s, *t;
	bool cmt = false;
	char state = 0, c;
	int j, buflen, ln = 1;
	time_t mtime;

	if (!addressFile ||
	    (mtime = fileTimeByName(addressFile)) == -1 || mtime <= adbooktime)
		return true;

	debugPrint(3, "loading address book");
	addressList = 0;
	nads = 0;
	if (!fileIntoMemory(addressFile, &buf, &buflen))
		return false;
	bufend = buf + buflen;

	for (s = t = last = buf; s < bufend; ++s) {
		c = *s;
		if (cmt) {
			if (c != '\n')
			cmt = false;
		if (c == ':') {	/* delimiter */
			if (state == 0) {
				setError(MSG_ABNoAlias, ln);
				nads = 0;
				return false;
			while (t[-1] == ' ' || t[-1] == '\t')
			if (state == 1) {
				*t++ = c;
				state = 2;
			c = '#';	/* extra fields are ignored */
		}		/* : */
		if (c == '#') {
			cmt = true;
		if (c == '\n') {
			if (state == 0)
			if (state == 1) {
				setError(MSG_ABNoColon, ln - 1);
				goto freefail;
			if (state == 3) {
				while (isspaceByte(t[-1]))
				*t = 0;
				v = strchr(last, ':');
				if (v - last >= 16) {
					setError(MSG_ABAliasLong, ln - 1);
					goto freefail;
				if (t - v >= 64) {
					setError(MSG_ABMailLong, ln - 1);
					goto freefail;
				if (!strchr(v, '@')) {
					setError(MSG_ABNoAt, ln - 1);
					goto freefail;
				if (strpbrk(v, " \t")) {
					setError(MSG_ABMailSpaces, ln - 1);
					goto freefail;

				while (last < t) {
					if (!isprintByte(*last)) {
							 ln - 1);
						goto freefail;
				*t++ = c;
			} else
				t = last;	/* back it up */
			last = t;
			state = 0;
		/* nl */
		if ((c == ' ' || c == '\t') && (state == 0 || state == 2))
		if (state == 0)
			state = 1;
		if (state == 2)
			state = 3;
		*t++ = c;

	*t = 0;
	if (state) {
		goto freefail;

	if (nads) {
		addressList = allocMem(nads * sizeof(struct ALIAS));
		j = 0;
		for (s = buf; *s; s = t + 1, ++j) {
			t = strchr(s, ':');
			memcpy(addressList[j].name, s, t - s);
			addressList[j].name[t - s] = 0;
			s = t + 1;
			t = strchr(s, '\n');
			memcpy(addressList[j].email, s, t - s);
			addressList[j].email[t - s] = 0;
	/* aliases are present */
	adbooktime = mtime;
	return true;
}				/* loadAddressBook */
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Read a file into memory, mime encode it,
 * and return the type of encoding and the encoded data.
 * Last three parameters are result parameters.
 * If ismail is nonzero, the file is the mail, not an attachment.
 * In fact ismail indicates the line that holds the subject.
 * If ismail is negative, then -ismail indicates the subject line,
 * and the string file is not the filename, but rather, the mail to send. */
encodeAttachment(const char *file, int ismail, bool webform,
		 const char **type_p, const char **enc_p, char **data_p)
	char *buf;
	char c;
	bool longline;
	char *s, *t, *v;
	char *ct, *ce;		/* content type, content encoding */
	int buflen, i, cx;
	int nacount, nullcount, nlcount;

	if (ismail < 0) {
		buf = cloneString(file);
		buflen = strlen(buf);
		ismail = -ismail;
	} else {

		if (!ismc && (cx = stringIsNum(file)) >= 0) {
			static char newfilename[16];
			if (!unfoldBuffer(cx, false, &buf, &buflen))
				return false;
			if (!buflen) {
				if (webform) {
					buf = EMPTYSTRING;
					ct = "text/plain";
					ce = "7bit";
					goto success;
				setError(MSG_BufferXEmpty, cx);
				goto freefail;
			sprintf(newfilename, "<buffer %d>", cx);
			file = newfilename;
			if (sessionList[cx].lw->fileName)
				file = sessionList[cx].lw->fileName;
		} else {
			if (!fileIntoMemory(file, &buf, &buflen))
				return false;
			if (!buflen) {
				if (webform)
					goto empty;
				setError(MSG_FileXEmpty, file);
				goto freefail;
	}			/* ismail negative or normal */

	if (ismail) {
/* Put newline at the end.  Yes, the buffer is allocated
 * with space for newline and null. */
		if (buf[buflen - 1] != '\n')
			buf[buflen++] = '\n';
/* check for subject: line */
		s = buf;
		i = ismail;
		while (--i) {
			while (*s != '\n')
		while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
		if (!memEqualCI(s, "subject:", 8)) {
			goto freefail;
		s += 8;
		while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
		t = s;
		while (*s != '\n')
		v = s;
		while (s > t && isspaceByte(s[-1]))
		if (s - t >= sizeof(subjectLine)) {
			setError(MSG_SubjectLong, sizeof(subjectLine) - 1);
			goto freefail;
		if (s > t)
			memcpy(subjectLine, t, s - t);
		subjectLine[s - t] = 0;
		if (subjectLine[0]) {
			char *subjiso = isoEncode(subjectLine,
						  subjectLine +
			if (subjiso) {
				if (strlen(subjiso) >= sizeof(subjectLine)) {
						 sizeof(subjectLine) - 1);
					goto freefail;
				strcpy(subjectLine, subjiso);
		debugPrint(6, "subject = %s", subjectLine);
/* Blank lines after subject are optional, and ignored. */
		for (t = buf + buflen; v < t; ++v)
			if (*v != '\r' && *v != '\n')
		buflen -= (v - buf);
		if (buflen)
			memmove(buf, v, buflen);
		buf[buflen] = 0;

		if (doSignature) {	/* Append .signature file. */
/* Try account specific .signature file, then fall back to .signature */
			sprintf(sigFileEnd, "%d", mailAccount);
			c = fileTypeByName(sigFile, false);
			if (!c) {
				*sigFileEnd = 0;
				c = fileTypeByName(sigFile, false);
			if (c != 0) {
				int fd, n;
				if (c != 'f') {
					goto freefail;
				n = fileSizeByName(sigFile);
				if (n > 0) {
					buf = reallocMem(buf, buflen + n + 1);
					fd = open(sigFile, O_RDONLY);
					if (fd < 0) {
						goto freefail;
					read(fd, buf + buflen, n);
					buflen += n;
					buf[buflen] = 0;
		}		/* .signature */

	/* Infer content type from the filename */
	ct = 0;
	s = strrchr(file, '.');
	if (s && s[1]) {
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "ps"))
			ct = "application/PostScript";
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "jpeg"))
			ct = "image/jpeg";
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "gif"))
			ct = "image/gif";
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "wav"))
			ct = "audio/basic";
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "mpeg"))
			ct = "video/mpeg";
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "rtf"))
			ct = "text/richtext";
		if (stringEqualCI(s, "htm") ||
		    stringEqualCI(s, "html") ||
		    stringEqualCI(s, "shtm") ||
		    stringEqualCI(s, "shtml") || stringEqualCI(s, "asp"))
			ct = "text/html";

/* Count the nonascii characters */
	nacount = nullcount = nlcount = 0;
	longline = false;
	s = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < buflen; ++i) {
		c = buf[i];
		if (c == '\0')
		if (c < 0)
		if (c != '\n')
		t = buf + i;
		if (s && t - s > 120)
			longline = true;
		if (!s && i > 120)
			longline = true;
		s = t;
	t = buf + i;
	if (s && t - s > 120)
		longline = true;
	if (!s && i > 120)
		longline = true;
	debugPrint(6, "attaching %s length %d nonascii %d nulls %d longline %d",
		   file, buflen, nacount, nullcount, longline);
	nacount += nullcount;

/* Set the type of attachment */
	if (buflen > 20 && nacount * 5 > buflen) {
		if (!ct)
			ct = "application/octet-stream";	/* default type for binary */
	if (!ct)
		ct = "text/plain";

/* Criteria for base64 encode.
 * files uploaded from a web form need not be encoded, unless they contain
 * nulls, which is a quirk of my slapped together software. */

	if (!webform && (buflen > 20 && nacount * 5 > buflen) ||
	    webform && nullcount) {
		if (ismail) {
			setError(MSG_MailBinary, file);
			goto freefail;
		s = base64Encode(buf, buflen, true);
		buf = s;
		ce = "base64";
		goto success;

	if (!webform) {
/* Switch to unix newlines - we'll switch back to dos later. */
		v = buf + buflen;
		for (s = t = buf; s < v; ++s) {
			c = *s;
			if (c == '\r' && s < v - 1 && s[1] == '\n')
			*t++ = c;
		buflen = t - buf;

/* Do we need to use quoted-printable? */
/* Perhaps this hshould read (nacount > 0) */
		if (nacount * 20 > buflen || nullcount || longline) {
			char *newbuf;
			int l, colno = 0, space = 0;

			newbuf = initString(&l);
			v = buf + buflen;
			for (s = buf; s < v; ++s) {
				c = *s;
/* do we have to =expand this character? */
				if (c < '\n' && c != '\t' ||
				    c == '=' ||
				    c == '\xff' ||
				    (c == ' ' || c == '\t') && s < v - 1
				    && s[1] == '\n') {
					char expand[4];
					sprintf(expand, "=%02X", (uchar) c);
					stringAndString(&newbuf, &l, expand);
					colno += 3;
				} else {
					stringAndChar(&newbuf, &l, c);
				if (c == '\n') {
					colno = space = 0;
				if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
					space = l;
				if (colno < 72)
				if (s == v - 1)
/* If newline's coming up anyways, don't force another one. */
				if (s[1] == '\n')
				i = l;
				if (!space || space == i) {
					stringAndString(&newbuf, &l, "=\n");
					colno = space = 0;
				colno = i - space;
				stringAndString(&newbuf, &l, "**");	/* make room */
				while (i > space) {
					newbuf[i + 1] = newbuf[i - 1];
				newbuf[space] = '=';
				newbuf[space + 1] = '\n';
				space = 0;
			}	/* loop over characters */

			buf = newbuf;
			ce = "quoted-printable";
			goto success;

	buf[buflen] = 0;
	ce = (nacount ? "8bit" : "7bit");

	debugPrint(6, "encoded %s %s length %d", ct, ce, strlen(buf));
	*enc_p = ce;
	*type_p = ct;
	*data_p = buf;
	return true;

	return false;
}				/* encodeAttachment */
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void isoDecode(char *vl, char **vrp)
	char *vr = *vrp;
	char *start, *end;	/* section being decoded */
	char *s, *t, c, d, code;
	int len;
	uchar val, leftover, mod;

	start = vl;
	start = strstr(start, "=?");
	if (!start || start >= vr)
		goto finish;
	start += 2;
	if (!memEqualCI(start, "iso-", 4) &&
	    !memEqualCI(start, "us-ascii", 8) &&
	    !memEqualCI(start, "utf-", 4) &&
	    !memEqualCI(start, "cp1252", 6) &&
	    !memEqualCI(start, "gb", 2) && !memEqualCI(start, "windows-", 8))
		goto restart;
	s = strchr(start, '?');
	if (!s || s > vr - 5 || s[2] != '?')
		goto restart;
	code = s[1];
	code = toupper(code);
	if (code != 'Q' && code != 'B')
		goto restart;
	s += 3;
	end = strstr(s, "?=");
	if (!end || end > vr - 2)
		goto restart;

	t = start - 2;

	if (code == 'Q') {
		while (s < end) {
			c = *s++;
			if (c == '=') {
				c = *s;
				d = s[1];
				if (isxdigit(c) && isxdigit(d)) {
					d = fromHex(c, d);
					*t++ = d;
					s += 2;
				c = '=';
			*t++ = c;
		goto copy;

/* base64 */
	mod = 0;
	for (; s < end; ++s) {
		c = *s;
		if (isspaceByte(c))
		if (c == '=')
		val = base64Bits(c);
		if (val & 64)
			val = 0;	/* ignore errors here */
		if (mod == 0) {
			leftover = val << 2;
		} else if (mod == 1) {
			*t++ = (leftover | (val >> 4));
			leftover = val << 4;
		} else if (mod == 2) {