Ejemplo n.º 1
void MainLogic::update()






	//플래그 업데이트

	if(m_pPlayer->getPos().x > 600)
		setPos(ccp(-m_pPlayer->getPos().x + 600, getPos().y));
inline double ParallelSGD<ExponentialBackoff>::Optimize(
    mlpack::svd::RegularizedSVDFunction<arma::mat>& function,
    arma::mat& iterate)
  double overallObjective = DBL_MAX;
  double lastObjective;

  // The order in which the functions will be visited.
  arma::Col<size_t> visitationOrder = arma::linspace<arma::Col<size_t>>(0,
      (function.NumFunctions() - 1), function.NumFunctions());

  const arma::mat data = function.Dataset();

  // Iterate till the objective is within tolerance or the maximum number of
  // allowed iterations is reached. If maxIterations is 0, this will iterate
  // till convergence.
  for (size_t i = 1; i != maxIterations; ++i)
    // Calculate the overall objective.
    lastObjective = overallObjective;
    overallObjective = 0;

    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:overallObjective)
    for (omp_size_t j = 0; j < (omp_size_t) function.NumFunctions(); ++j)
      overallObjective += function.Evaluate(iterate, j);

    // Output current objective function.
    mlpack::Log::Info << "Parallel SGD: iteration " << i << ", objective "
        << overallObjective << "." << std::endl;

    if (std::isnan(overallObjective) || std::isinf(overallObjective))
      mlpack::Log::Warn << "Parallel SGD: converged to " << overallObjective
          << "; terminating with failure. Try a smaller step size?"
          << std::endl;
      return overallObjective;

    if (std::abs(lastObjective - overallObjective) < tolerance)
      mlpack::Log::Info << "SGD: minimized within tolerance " << tolerance
          << "; terminating optimization." << std::endl;
      return overallObjective;

    // Get the stepsize for this iteration
    double stepSize = decayPolicy.StepSize(i);

    if (shuffle) // Determine order of visitation.
      std::shuffle(visitationOrder.begin(), visitationOrder.end(),

    #pragma omp parallel
      // Each processor gets a subset of the instances.
      // Each subset is of size threadShareSize.
      size_t threadId = 0;
      #ifdef HAS_OPENMP
        threadId = omp_get_thread_num();

      for (size_t j = threadId * threadShareSize;
          j < (threadId + 1) * threadShareSize && j < visitationOrder.n_elem;
        const size_t numUsers = function.NumUsers();

        // Indices for accessing the the correct parameter columns.
        const size_t user = data(0, visitationOrder[j]);
        const size_t item = data(1, visitationOrder[j]) + numUsers;

        // Prediction error for the example.
        const double rating = data(2, visitationOrder[j]);
        double ratingError = rating - arma::dot(iterate.col(user),

        double lambda = function.Lambda();

        arma::mat userUpdate = stepSize * (lambda * iterate.col(user) -
            ratingError * iterate.col(item));
        arma::mat itemUpdate = stepSize * (lambda * iterate.col(item) -
            ratingError * iterate.col(user));

        // Gradient is non-zero only for the parameter columns corresponding to
        // the example.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < iterate.n_rows; ++i)
          #pragma omp atomic
          iterate(i, user) -= userUpdate(i);
          #pragma omp atomic
          iterate(i, item) -= itemUpdate(i);
  mlpack::Log::Info << "\n Parallel SGD terminated with objective : "
      << overallObjective << std::endl;

  return overallObjective;