int process_update_command ( char *key, size_t nkey, uint32_t flags, char *value, size_t nbytes, int32_t exptime_int, int comm ) { item *it; enum store_item_type ret; int32_t vlen = ( int32_t ) nbytes; if ( exptime_int < 0 ) exptime_int = REALTIME_MAXDELTA + 1; vlen += 2; if ( vlen < 0 || vlen - 2 < 0 ) { return false; } it = item_alloc (key, nkey, flags, realtime (exptime_int), value, vlen); if ( it == 0 ) { if ( comm == NREAD_SET ) { it = item_get (key, nkey); if ( it ) { item_unlink (it); item_remove (it); } } return false; } ret = store_item (it, comm); item_remove (it); if ( ret != STORED ) { return false; } return true; }
int ptslist_chekin(ptslist_mgr_t *mgr, int64_t off, int64_t pts) { struct item *newitem; int ret; if (off < 0 || pts < 0) { return -1; //not valied off and pts; } newitem = item_alloc(mgr->ptsitem.item_ext_buf_size); if (!newitem) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "ptslist_chekin-fialed,no memory!\n"); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } newitem->item_data = mgr->index++; ITEM_OFF(newitem) = off; ITEM_PTS(newitem) = pts; mgr->lastoffset = off; ret = itemlist_add_tail(&mgr->ptsitem, newitem); if (ret) { /*item list fulled,del oldest one.*/ struct item *t; t = itemlist_get_head(&mgr->ptsitem); if (t) { item_free(t); } ret = itemlist_add_tail(&mgr->ptsitem, newitem); } return ret; }
/* margin: in: <0,any, 0,real matched, >0: pts-off>=off && (pts->off-off)<=margin out: (pts->off-off) pts: out; */ int ptslist_lookup(ptslist_mgr_t *mgr, int64_t off, int64_t *pts, int *margin) { struct item *temp; struct item *find; int reverse = 0; int omargin = *margin; int err = -1; temp = item_alloc(mgr->ptsitem.item_ext_buf_size); if (!temp) { return -1; } ITEM_OFF(temp) = off; if (mgr->lastoffset - off < off) { reverse = 1; } find = itemlist_find_match_item_ex(&mgr->ptsitem, temp, ptslist_is_wanted, reverse); if (!find) { err = -2; goto errout; } *pts = ITEM_PTS(find); *margin = (int)(ITEM_OFF(find) - off); if (omargin < 0 || *margin <= omargin) { err = -0; } else { err = -3; } errout: item_free(temp); return err; }
void Add_Item_Dup ( LNK_LST *lst, tlst_val val ) { LST_ITM *p; LST_ITM *last; if (LST_Empty(lst)) { LST_first(lst) = p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); return; } /* * Find the end of the list. */ last = NULL; /* unnecessary except to eliminate warning msg */ for (p=LST_first(lst); p!=NULL; p=LST_next(p)) last = p; /* * Append a new item to the end of the list. */ LST_next(last) = p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); /* * If the pointer to the next item in the list is NULL, i.e. when * stepping through the list the end was reached, then make the next * item be this new item. */ if (LST_nxt(lst) == NULL) LST_nxt(lst) = p; #ifdef BB_VALIDATE_LIST Validate_List ( lst ); #endif return; }
void Add_First_Item ( LNK_LST *lst, tlst_val val ) { register LST_ITM *p; p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; LST_next(p) = LST_first(lst); LST_first(lst) = p; incr_LST_len(lst); }
BOOL Add_Item ( LNK_LST *lst, tlst_val val) { register LST_ITM *p, *last; if (LST_Empty(lst)) { LST_first(lst) = p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); return TRUE; } last = NULL; /* unnecessary except to eliminate warning msg */ for (p=LST_first(lst); p!=NULL; p=LST_next(p)) { if (LST_val(p) == val) return FALSE; /* already in the list => return FALSE */ last = p; } /* * If we get to here, we went through the list without finding a * matching item. Append a new item to the end of the list. */ LST_next(last) = p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); /* * If the pointer to the next item in the list is NULL, i.e. when * stepping through the list the end was reached, then make the next * item be this new item. */ if (LST_nxt(lst) == NULL) LST_nxt(lst) = p; return TRUE; }
int ffmpeg_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread_out, pthread_attr_t const * attr, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void * arg) { int ret; pthread_t pid; ret=pthread_create(&pid,attr,start_routine,arg); if(ret==0){ *thread_out=pid; struct item *piditem= item_alloc(4); if(piditem){ piditem->item_data=pid; piditem->extdata[0]=pthread_self(); av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "ffmpeg_pthread_create add map tid=%u,ptid=%u\n",pid,piditem->extdata[0]); if(itemlist_add_tail(&pidlist,piditem)!=0) item_free(piditem); /*ignore all errors...*/ } } return ret; }
void cproxy_process_upstream_binary(conn *c) { cb_assert(c != NULL); cb_assert(c->cmd >= 0); cb_assert(c->next == NULL); cb_assert(c->item == NULL); cb_assert(IS_BINARY(c->protocol)); cb_assert(IS_PROXY(c->protocol)); proxy_td *ptd = c->extra; cb_assert(ptd != NULL); if (!cproxy_prep_conn_for_write(c)) { ptd->stats.stats.err_upstream_write_prep++; conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } c->cmd_curr = -1; c->cmd_start = NULL; c->cmd_start_time = msec_current_time; c->cmd_retries = 0; int extlen = c->binary_header.request.extlen; int keylen = c->binary_header.request.keylen; uint32_t bodylen = c->binary_header.request.bodylen; cb_assert(bodylen >= (uint32_t) keylen + extlen); if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("<%d cproxy_process_upstream_binary %x %d %d %u\n", c->sfd, c->cmd, extlen, keylen, bodylen); } process_bin_noreply(c); /* Map quiet c->cmd values into non-quiet. */ if (c->cmd == PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_VERSION || c->cmd == PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_QUIT) { dispatch_bin_command(c); return; } /* Alloc an item and continue with an rest-of-body nread if */ /* necessary. The item will hold the entire request message */ /* (the header + body). */ char *ikey = "u"; int ikeylen = 1; c->item = item_alloc(ikey, ikeylen, 0, 0, sizeof(c->binary_header) + bodylen); if (c->item != NULL) { item *it = c->item; void *rb = c->rcurr; cb_assert(it->refcount == 1); memcpy(ITEM_data(it), rb, sizeof(c->binary_header)); if (bodylen > 0) { c->ritem = ITEM_data(it) + sizeof(c->binary_header); c->rlbytes = bodylen; c->substate = bin_read_set_value; conn_set_state(c, conn_nread); } else { /* Since we have no body bytes, we can go immediately to */ /* the nread completed processing step. */ if (c->binary_header.request.opcode == PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_LIST_MECHS) { /* TODO: One day handle more than just PLAIN sasl auth. */ write_bin_response(c, "PLAIN", 0, 0, strlen("PLAIN")); return; } cproxy_pause_upstream_for_downstream(ptd, c); } } else { if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("<%d cproxy_process_upstream_binary OOM\n", c->sfd); } ptd->stats.stats.err_oom++; cproxy_close_conn(c); } }
/* Called when we receive a binary response header from * a downstream server, via try_read_command()/drive_machine(). */ void cproxy_process_b2b_downstream(conn *c) { char *ikey; int ikeylen; downstream *d; int extlen; int keylen; uint32_t bodylen; cb_assert(c != NULL); cb_assert(c->cmd >= 0); cb_assert(c->next == NULL); cb_assert(c->item == NULL); cb_assert(IS_BINARY(c->protocol)); cb_assert(IS_PROXY(c->protocol)); cb_assert(c->substate == bin_no_state); d = c->extra; cb_assert(d); c->cmd_curr = -1; c->cmd_start = NULL; c->cmd_start_time = msec_current_time; c->cmd_retries = 0; extlen = c->binary_header.request.extlen; keylen = c->binary_header.request.keylen; bodylen = c->binary_header.request.bodylen; if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("<%d cproxy_process_b2b_downstream %x %d %d %u\n", c->sfd, c->cmd, extlen, keylen, bodylen); } cb_assert(bodylen >= (uint32_t) keylen + extlen); process_bin_noreply(c); /* Map quiet c->cmd values into non-quiet. */ /* Our approach is to read everything we can before */ /* getting into big switch/case statements for the */ /* actual processing. */ /* Alloc an item and continue with an rest-of-body nread if */ /* necessary. The item will hold the entire response message */ /* (the header + body). */ ikey = "q"; ikeylen = 1; c->item = item_alloc(ikey, ikeylen, 0, 0, sizeof(c->binary_header) + bodylen); if (c->item != NULL) { item *it = c->item; void *rb = c->rcurr; cb_assert(it->refcount == 1); memcpy(ITEM_data(it), rb, sizeof(c->binary_header)); if (bodylen > 0) { c->ritem = ITEM_data(it) + sizeof(c->binary_header); c->rlbytes = bodylen; c->substate = bin_read_set_value; conn_set_state(c, conn_nread); } else { /* Since we have no body bytes, we can go immediately to */ /* the nread completed processing step. */ cproxy_process_b2b_downstream_nread(c); } } else { d->ptd->stats.stats.err_oom++; cproxy_close_conn(c); } }
/* Used for broadcast commands, like no-op, flush_all or stats. */ bool cproxy_broadcast_b2b_downstream(downstream *d, conn *uc) { int nwrite = 0; int nconns; int i; cb_assert(d != NULL); cb_assert(d->ptd != NULL); cb_assert(d->ptd->proxy != NULL); cb_assert(d->downstream_conns != NULL); cb_assert(uc != NULL); cb_assert(uc->next == NULL); cb_assert(uc->noreply == false); nconns = mcs_server_count(&d->mst); for (i = 0; i < nconns; i++) { conn *c = d->downstream_conns[i]; if (c != NULL && c != NULL_CONN && b2b_forward_item_vbucket(uc, d, uc->item, c, -1) == true) { nwrite++; } } if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("%d: b2b broadcast nwrite %d out of %d\n", uc->sfd, nwrite, nconns); } if (nwrite > 0) { /* TODO: Handle binary 'stats reset' sub-command. */ item *it; if (uc->cmd == PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_STAT && d->merger == NULL) { d->merger = genhash_init(128, skeyhash_ops); } it = item_alloc("h", 1, 0, 0, sizeof(protocol_binary_response_header)); if (it != NULL) { protocol_binary_response_header *header = (protocol_binary_response_header *) ITEM_data(it); memset(ITEM_data(it), 0, it->nbytes); header->response.magic = (uint8_t) PROTOCOL_BINARY_RES; header->response.opcode = uc->binary_header.request.opcode; header->response.opaque = uc->opaque; if (add_conn_item(uc, it)) { d->upstream_suffix = ITEM_data(it); d->upstream_suffix_len = it->nbytes; d->upstream_status = PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS; d->target_host_ident = NULL; if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("%d: b2b broadcast upstream_suffix", uc->sfd); cproxy_dump_header(uc->sfd, ITEM_data(it)); } /* TODO: Handle FLUSHQ (quiet binary flush_all). */ d->downstream_used_start = nwrite; d->downstream_used = nwrite; cproxy_start_downstream_timeout(d, NULL); return true; } item_remove(it); } } return false; }
void Add_Ordered_Item_Dupl ( LNK_LST *lst, tlst_val val ) { register LST_ITM *p, *last; register tlst_val this_val; if (LST_Empty(lst)) { LST_first(lst) = p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); return; } p = LST_first(lst); this_val = LST_val(p); if ( val <= this_val ) { /* insert at beginning of the list */ register LST_ITM *new = item_alloc(); LST_next(new) = p; LST_first(lst) = new; LST_val(new) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); return; } last = p; for ( p=LST_next(p); p!=NULL; p=LST_next(p)) { #ifdef LNK_LST_CHECK Is_True ( this_val <= LST_val(p), ("ordered list not sorted: elems %d and %d",this_val,LST_val(p))); #endif /* LNK_LST_CHECK */ this_val = LST_val(p); if ( val <= this_val ) { /* insert here */ register LST_ITM *new = item_alloc(); LST_next(new) = p; LST_next(last) = new; LST_val(new) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); return; } last = p; } /* * If we get to here, we went through the list without finding a * matching item, and all items in the list have values less than * the new value. Append a new item to the end of the list. */ LST_next(last) = p = item_alloc(); LST_val(p) = val; incr_LST_len(lst); /* * If the pointer to the next item in the list is NULL, i.e. when * stepping through the list the end was reached, then make the next * item be this new item. */ if (LST_nxt(lst) == NULL) LST_nxt(lst) = p; }
void process_command(conn *c, char *command) { int comm = 0; int incr = 0; /* * for commands set/add/replace, we build an item and read the data * directly into it, then continue in nread_complete(). */ if (settings.verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "<%d %s\n", c->sfd, command); /* All incoming commands will require a response, so we cork at the beginning, and uncork at the very end (usually by means of out_string) */ set_cork(c, 1); if ((strncmp(command, "add ", 4) == 0 && (comm = NREAD_ADD)) || (strncmp(command, "set ", 4) == 0 && (comm = NREAD_SET)) || (strncmp(command, "replace ", 8) == 0 && (comm = NREAD_REPLACE))) { char key[251]; int flags; time_t expire; int len, res; item *it; res = sscanf(command, "%*s %250s %u %ld %d\n", key, &flags, &expire, &len); if (res!=4 || strlen(key)==0 ) { out_string(c, "CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format"); return; } expire = realtime(expire); it = item_alloc(key, flags, expire, len+2); if (it == 0) { out_string(c, "SERVER_ERROR out of memory"); /* swallow the data line */ c->write_and_go = conn_swallow; c->sbytes = len+2; return; } c->item_comm = comm; c->item = it; c->rcurr = ITEM_data(it); c->rlbytes = it->nbytes; c->state = conn_nread; return; } if ((strncmp(command, "incr ", 5) == 0 && (incr = 1)) || (strncmp(command, "decr ", 5) == 0)) { char temp[32]; unsigned int value; item *it; unsigned int delta; char key[251]; int res; char *ptr; time_t now = time(0); res = sscanf(command, "%*s %250s %u\n", key, &delta); if (res!=2 || strlen(key)==0 ) { out_string(c, "CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format"); return; } it = assoc_find(key); if (it && (it->it_flags & ITEM_DELETED)) { it = 0; } if (it && it->exptime && it->exptime < now) { item_unlink(it); it = 0; } if (!it) { out_string(c, "NOT_FOUND"); return; } ptr = ITEM_data(it); while (*ptr && (*ptr<'0' && *ptr>'9')) ptr++; value = atoi(ptr); if (incr) value+=delta; else { if (delta >= value) value = 0; else value-=delta; } sprintf(temp, "%u", value); res = strlen(temp); if (res + 2 > it->nbytes) { /* need to realloc */ item *new_it; new_it = item_alloc(ITEM_key(it), it->flags, it->exptime, res + 2 ); if (new_it == 0) { out_string(c, "SERVER_ERROR out of memory"); return; } memcpy(ITEM_data(new_it), temp, res); memcpy(ITEM_data(new_it) + res, "\r\n", 2); item_replace(it, new_it); } else { /* replace in-place */ memcpy(ITEM_data(it), temp, res); memset(ITEM_data(it) + res, ' ', it->nbytes-res-2); } out_string(c, temp); return; } if (strncmp(command, "get ", 4) == 0) { char *start = command + 4; char key[251]; int next; int i = 0; item *it; time_t now = time(0); while(sscanf(start, " %250s%n", key, &next) >= 1) { start+=next; stats.get_cmds++; it = assoc_find(key); if (it && (it->it_flags & ITEM_DELETED)) { it = 0; } if (settings.oldest_live && it && it->time <= settings.oldest_live) { item_unlink(it); it = 0; } if (it && it->exptime && it->exptime < now) { item_unlink(it); it = 0; } if (it) { if (i >= c->isize) { item **new_list = realloc(c->ilist, sizeof(item *)*c->isize*2); if (new_list) { c->isize *= 2; c->ilist = new_list; } else break; } stats.get_hits++; it->refcount++; item_update(it); *(c->ilist + i) = it; i++; } else stats.get_misses++; } c->icurr = c->ilist; c->ileft = i; if (c->ileft) { c->ipart = 0; c->state = conn_mwrite; c->ibytes = 0; return; } else { out_string(c, "END"); return; } } if (strncmp(command, "delete ", 7) == 0) { char key[251]; item *it; int res; time_t exptime = 0; res = sscanf(command, "%*s %250s %ld", key, &exptime); it = assoc_find(key); if (!it) { out_string(c, "NOT_FOUND"); return; } if (exptime == 0) { item_unlink(it); out_string(c, "DELETED"); return; } if (delcurr >= deltotal) { item **new_delete = realloc(todelete, sizeof(item *) * deltotal * 2); if (new_delete) { todelete = new_delete; deltotal *= 2; } else { /* * can't delete it immediately, user wants a delay, * but we ran out of memory for the delete queue */ out_string(c, "SERVER_ERROR out of memory"); return; } } exptime = realtime(exptime); it->refcount++; /* use its expiration time as its deletion time now */ it->exptime = exptime; it->it_flags |= ITEM_DELETED; todelete[delcurr++] = it; out_string(c, "DELETED"); return; } if (strncmp(command, "stats", 5) == 0) { process_stat(c, command); return; } if (strcmp(command, "flush_all") == 0) { settings.oldest_live = time(0); out_string(c, "OK"); return; } if (strcmp(command, "version") == 0) { out_string(c, "VERSION " VERSION); return; } if (strcmp(command, "quit") == 0) { c->state = conn_closing; return; } if (strncmp(command, "slabs reassign ", 15) == 0) { int src, dst; char *start = command+15; if (sscanf(start, "%u %u\r\n", &src, &dst) == 2) { int rv = slabs_reassign(src, dst); if (rv == 1) { out_string(c, "DONE"); return; } if (rv == 0) { out_string(c, "CANT"); return; } if (rv == -1) { out_string(c, "BUSY"); return; } } out_string(c, "CLIENT_ERROR bogus command"); return; } out_string(c, "ERROR"); return; }
void process_command(conn *c, char *command) { int comm = 0; /* * for commands set/add/replace, we build an item and read the data * directly into it, then continue in nread_complete(). */ if ((strncmp(command, "add ", 4) == 0 && (comm = NREAD_ADD)) || (strncmp(command, "set ", 4) == 0 && (comm = NREAD_SET)) || (strncmp(command, "replace ", 8) == 0 && (comm = NREAD_REPLACE))) { char s_comm[10]; char key[256]; int flags; time_t expire; int len, res; item *it; res = sscanf(command, "%s %s %u %u %d\n", s_comm, key, &flags, &expire, &len); if (res!=5 || strlen(key)==0 ) { out_string(c, "CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format"); return; } it = item_alloc(key, flags, expire, len+2); if (it == 0) { out_string(c, "SERVER_ERROR out of memory"); c->write_and_close = 1; return; } c->item_comm = comm; c->item = it; c->rcurr = it->data; c->rlbytes = it->nbytes; c->state = conn_nread; return; } if (strncmp(command, "get ", 4) == 0) { char *start = command + 4; char key[256]; int next; int i = 0; item *it; time_t now = time(0); while(sscanf(start, " %s%n", key, &next) >= 1) { start+=next; stats.get_cmds++; it = (item *)assoc_find(key); if (it && (it->it_flags & ITEM_DELETED)) { it = 0; } if (it && it->exptime && it->exptime < now) { item_unlink(it); it = 0; } if (it) { stats.get_hits++; it->usecount++; item_update(it); *(c->ilist + i) = it; i++; if (i > c->isize) { c->isize *= 2; c->ilist = realloc(c->ilist, sizeof(item *)*c->isize); } } else stats.get_misses++; } c->icurr = c->ilist; c->ileft = i; if (c->ileft) { c->ipart = 0; c->state = conn_mwrite; c->ibytes = 0; return; } else { out_string(c, "END"); return; } } if (strncmp(command, "delete ", 7) == 0) { char key [256]; char *start = command+7; item *it; sscanf(start, " %s", key); it = assoc_find(key); if (!it) { out_string(c, "NOT_FOUND"); return; } else { it->usecount++; /* use its expiration time as its deletion time now */ it->exptime = time(0) + 4; it->it_flags |= ITEM_DELETED; todelete[delcurr++] = it; if (delcurr >= deltotal) { deltotal *= 2; todelete = realloc(todelete, sizeof(item *)*deltotal); } } out_string(c, "DELETED"); return; } if (strncmp(command, "stats", 5) == 0) { process_stat(c, command); return; } if (strcmp(command, "version") == 0) { out_string(c, "VERSION 2.0"); return; } out_string(c, "ERROR"); return; }
void protocol_stats_foreach_write(const void *key, const void *value, void *user_data) { char *line = (char *) value; conn *uc = (conn *) user_data; int nline; cb_assert(line != NULL); cb_assert(uc != NULL); (void)key; nline = strlen(line); if (nline > 0) { item *it; if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("%d: cproxy_stats writing: %s\n", uc->sfd, line); } if (IS_BINARY(uc->protocol)) { token_t line_tokens[MAX_TOKENS]; size_t line_ntokens = scan_tokens(line, line_tokens, MAX_TOKENS, NULL); if (line_ntokens == 4) { uint16_t key_len = line_tokens[NAME_TOKEN].length; uint32_t data_len = line_tokens[VALUE_TOKEN].length; it = item_alloc("s", 1, 0, 0, sizeof(protocol_binary_response_stats) + key_len + data_len); if (it != NULL) { protocol_binary_response_stats *header = (protocol_binary_response_stats *) ITEM_data(it); memset(ITEM_data(it), 0, it->nbytes); header->message.header.response.magic = (uint8_t) PROTOCOL_BINARY_RES; header->message.header.response.opcode = uc->binary_header.request.opcode; header->message.header.response.keylen = (uint16_t) htons(key_len); header->message.header.response.bodylen = htonl(key_len + data_len); header->message.header.response.opaque = uc->opaque; memcpy((ITEM_data(it)) + sizeof(protocol_binary_response_stats), line_tokens[NAME_TOKEN].value, key_len); memcpy((ITEM_data(it)) + sizeof(protocol_binary_response_stats) + key_len, line_tokens[VALUE_TOKEN].value, data_len); if (add_conn_item(uc, it)) { add_iov(uc, ITEM_data(it), it->nbytes); if (settings.verbose > 2) { moxi_log_write("%d: cproxy_stats writing binary", uc->sfd); cproxy_dump_header(uc->sfd, ITEM_data(it)); } return; } item_remove(it); } } return; } it = item_alloc("s", 1, 0, 0, nline + 2); if (it != NULL) { strncpy(ITEM_data(it), line, nline); strncpy(ITEM_data(it) + nline, "\r\n", 2); if (add_conn_item(uc, it)) { add_iov(uc, ITEM_data(it), nline + 2); return; } item_remove(it); } } }
static void asc_process_update(struct conn *c, struct token *token, int ntoken) { char *key; size_t nkey; uint32_t flags, vlen; int32_t exptime_int; time_t exptime; uint64_t req_cas_id = 0; struct item *it; bool handle_cas; req_type_t type; uint8_t id; asc_set_noreply_maybe(c, token, ntoken); if (!asc_ntoken_valid(c, ntoken)) { log_hexdump(LOG_NOTICE, c->req, c->req_len, "client error on c %d for " "req of type %d with %d invalid tokens", c->sd, c->req_type, ntoken); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } type = c->req_type; handle_cas = (type == REQ_CAS) ? true : false; key = token[TOKEN_KEY].val; nkey = token[TOKEN_KEY].len; if (nkey > KEY_MAX_LEN) { log_debug(LOG_NOTICE, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and %d " "length key", c->sd, c->req_type, nkey); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } if (!mc_strtoul(token[TOKEN_FLAGS].val, &flags)) { log_debug(LOG_NOTICE, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid flags '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_FLAGS].len, token[TOKEN_FLAGS].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } if (!mc_strtol(token[TOKEN_EXPIRY].val, &exptime_int)) { log_debug(LOG_NOTICE, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid expiry '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_EXPIRY].len, token[TOKEN_EXPIRY].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } if (!mc_strtoul(token[TOKEN_VLEN].val, &vlen)) { log_debug(LOG_NOTICE, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid vlen '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_VLEN].len, token[TOKEN_VLEN].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } id = item_slabid(nkey, vlen); if (id == SLABCLASS_INVALID_ID) { log_debug(LOG_NOTICE, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "slab id out of range for key size %"PRIu8" and value size " "%"PRIu32, c->sd, c->req_type, nkey, vlen); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } exptime = (time_t)exptime_int; /* does cas value exist? */ if (handle_cas) { if (!mc_strtoull(token[TOKEN_CAS].val, &req_cas_id)) { log_debug(LOG_NOTICE, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid cas '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_CAS].len, token[TOKEN_CAS].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } } it = item_alloc(id, key, nkey, flags, time_reltime(exptime), vlen); if (it == NULL) { log_warn("server error on c %d for req of type %d because of oom in " "storing item", c->sd, c->req_type); asc_write_server_error(c); /* swallow the data line */ c->write_and_go = CONN_SWALLOW; c->sbytes = vlen + CRLF_LEN; /* * Avoid stale data persisting in cache because we failed alloc. * Unacceptable for SET. Anywhere else too? * * FIXME: either don't delete anything or should be unacceptable for * all but add. */ if (type == REQ_SET) { it = item_get(key, nkey); if (it != NULL) { item_delete(it); } } return; } item_set_cas(it, req_cas_id); c->item = it; c->ritem = item_data(it); c->rlbytes = it->nbyte + CRLF_LEN; conn_set_state(c, CONN_NREAD); }
void cproxy_process_a2a_downstream(conn *c, char *line) { assert(c != NULL); assert(c->next == NULL); assert(c->extra != NULL); assert(c->cmd == -1); assert(c->item == NULL); assert(line != NULL); assert(line == c->rcurr); assert(IS_ASCII(c->protocol)); assert(IS_PROXY(c->protocol)); if (settings.verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "<%d cproxy_process_a2a_downstream %s\n", c->sfd, line); downstream *d = c->extra; assert(d != NULL); assert(d->ptd != NULL); assert(d->ptd->proxy != NULL); if (strncmp(line, "VALUE ", 6) == 0) { token_t tokens[MAX_TOKENS]; size_t ntokens; unsigned int flags; int clen = 0; int vlen; uint64_t cas = CPROXY_NOT_CAS; ntokens = scan_tokens(line, tokens, MAX_TOKENS, &clen); if (ntokens >= 5 && // Accounts for extra termimation token. ntokens <= 6 && tokens[KEY_TOKEN].length <= KEY_MAX_LENGTH && safe_strtoul(tokens[2].value, (uint32_t *) &flags) && safe_strtoul(tokens[3].value, (uint32_t *) &vlen)) { char *key = tokens[KEY_TOKEN].value; size_t nkey = tokens[KEY_TOKEN].length; item *it = item_alloc(key, nkey, flags, 0, vlen + 2); if (it != NULL) { if (ntokens == 5 || safe_strtoull(tokens[4].value, &cas)) { ITEM_set_cas(it, cas); c->item = it; c->ritem = ITEM_data(it); c->rlbytes = it->nbytes; c->cmd = -1; conn_set_state(c, conn_nread); return; // Success. } else { if (settings.verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "cproxy could not parse cas\n"); } } else { if (settings.verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "cproxy could not item_alloc size %u\n", vlen + 2); } if (it != NULL) item_remove(it); it = NULL; c->sbytes = vlen + 2; // Number of bytes to swallow. conn_set_state(c, conn_swallow); // Note, eventually, we'll see an END later. } else { // We don't know how much to swallow, so close the downstream. // The conn_closing should release the downstream, // which should write a suffix/error to the upstream. // conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); } } else if (strncmp(line, "END", 3) == 0) { conn_set_state(c, conn_pause); } else if (strncmp(line, "OK", 2) == 0) { conn_set_state(c, conn_pause); // TODO: Handle flush_all's expiration parameter against // the front_cache. // // TODO: We flush the front_cache too often, inefficiently // on every downstream flush_all OK response, rather than // on just the last flush_all OK response. // conn *uc = d->upstream_conn; if (uc != NULL && uc->cmd_curr == PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_FLUSH) { mcache_flush_all(&d->ptd->proxy->front_cache, 0); } } else if (strncmp(line, "STAT ", 5) == 0 || strncmp(line, "ITEM ", 5) == 0 || strncmp(line, "PREFIX ", 7) == 0) { assert(d->merger != NULL); conn *uc = d->upstream_conn; if (uc != NULL) { assert(uc->next == NULL); if (protocol_stats_merge_line(d->merger, line) == false) { // Forward the line as-is if we couldn't merge it. // int nline = strlen(line); item *it = item_alloc("s", 1, 0, 0, nline + 2); if (it != NULL) { strncpy(ITEM_data(it), line, nline); strncpy(ITEM_data(it) + nline, "\r\n", 2); if (add_conn_item(uc, it)) { add_iov(uc, ITEM_data(it), nline + 2); it = NULL; } if (it != NULL) item_remove(it); } } } conn_set_state(c, conn_new_cmd); } else { conn_set_state(c, conn_pause); // The upstream conn might be NULL when closed already // or while handling a noreply. // conn *uc = d->upstream_conn; if (uc != NULL) { assert(uc->next == NULL); out_string(uc, line); if (!update_event(uc, EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST)) { if (settings.verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Can't update upstream write event\n"); d->ptd->stats.stats.err_oom++; cproxy_close_conn(uc); } cproxy_del_front_cache_key_ascii_response(d, line, uc->cmd_start); } } }
static void asc_process_update(struct conn *c, struct token *token, int ntoken) { char *key; size_t nkey; unsigned int flags; int32_t exptime_int; time_t exptime; int vlen; uint64_t req_cas_id = 0; struct item *it; bool handle_cas; req_type_t type; asc_set_noreply_maybe(c, token, ntoken); if (!asc_ntoken_valid(c, ntoken)) { log_hexdump(LOG_INFO, c->req, c->req_len, "client error on c %d for " "req of type %d with %d invalid tokens", c->sd, c->req_type, ntoken); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } type = c->req_type; handle_cas = (type == REQ_CAS) ? true : false; key = token[TOKEN_KEY].val; nkey = token[TOKEN_KEY].len; if (nkey > KEY_MAX_LEN) { log_debug(LOG_INFO, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and %d " "length key", c->sd, c->req_type, nkey); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } if (!mc_strtoul(token[TOKEN_FLAGS].val, (uint32_t *)&flags)) { log_debug(LOG_INFO, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid flags '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_FLAGS].len, token[TOKEN_FLAGS].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } if (!mc_strtol(token[TOKEN_EXPIRY].val, &exptime_int)) { log_debug(LOG_INFO, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid expiry '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_EXPIRY].len, token[TOKEN_EXPIRY].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } if (!mc_strtol(token[TOKEN_VLEN].val, (int32_t *)&vlen)) { log_debug(LOG_INFO, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid vlen '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_VLEN].len, token[TOKEN_VLEN].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } exptime = (time_t)exptime_int; /* does cas value exist? */ if (handle_cas) { if (!mc_strtoull(token[TOKEN_CAS].val, &req_cas_id)) { log_debug(LOG_INFO, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid cas '%.*s'", c->sd, c->req_type, token[TOKEN_CAS].len, token[TOKEN_CAS].val); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } } if (vlen < 0) { log_debug(LOG_INFO, "client error on c %d for req of type %d and " "invalid vlen %d", c->sd, c->req_type, vlen); asc_write_client_error(c); return; } vlen += CRLF_LEN; it = item_alloc(key, nkey, flags, time_reltime(exptime), vlen); if (it == NULL) { log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "server error on c %d for req of type %d because " "of oom in storing item", c->sd, c->req_type); asc_write_server_error(c); /* swallow the data line */ c->write_and_go = CONN_SWALLOW; c->sbytes = vlen; /* * Avoid stale data persisting in cache because we failed alloc. * Unacceptable for SET. Anywhere else too? */ if (type == REQ_SET) { it = item_get(key, nkey); if (it != NULL) { item_unlink(it); item_remove(it); } } return; } item_set_cas(it, req_cas_id); c->item = it; c->ritem = item_data(it); c->rlbytes = it->nbyte; conn_set_state(c, CONN_NREAD); }