Ejemplo n.º 1
void merge_invlet_test( player &dummy, inventory_location from )
    // invlet to assign
    constexpr char invlet_1 = '{';
    constexpr char invlet_2 = '}';

    // should merge from a place other than the inventory
    REQUIRE( from != INVENTORY );
    // cannot assign invlet to items on the ground
    REQUIRE( from != GROUND );

    for( int id = 0; id < INVLET_STATE_NUM * INVLET_STATE_NUM; ++id ) {
        // how to assign invlet to the first item
        invlet_state first_invlet_state = invlet_state( id % INVLET_STATE_NUM );
        // how to assign invlet to the second item
        invlet_state second_invlet_state = invlet_state( id / INVLET_STATE_NUM );
        // what the invlet should be for the merged stack
        invlet_state expected_merged_invlet_state = first_invlet_state != NONE ? first_invlet_state : second_invlet_state;
        char expected_merged_invlet = first_invlet_state != NONE ? invlet_1 : second_invlet_state != NONE ? invlet_2 : 0;

        // remove all items
        g->m.i_clear( dummy.pos() );

        // some stackable item
        item tshirt( "tshirt" );

        // add the item
        add_item( dummy, tshirt, INVENTORY );
        add_item( dummy, tshirt, from );

        // assign the items with invlets
        assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, INVENTORY ), invlet_1, first_invlet_state );
        assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, from ), invlet_2, second_invlet_state );

        // merge the second item into inventory
        move_item( dummy, 0, from, INVENTORY );

        item &merged_item = item_at( dummy, 0, INVENTORY );
        invlet_state merged_invlet_state = check_invlet( dummy, merged_item, expected_merged_invlet );
        char merged_invlet = merged_item.invlet;

        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "1. add two stackable items to the inventory and " << location_desc( from ) << std::endl;
        ss << "2. assign " << invlet_state_desc( first_invlet_state ) << " invlet " << invlet_1 << " to the item in the inventory " << std::endl;
        ss << "3. assign " << invlet_state_desc( second_invlet_state ) << " invlet " << invlet_2 << " to the " << location_desc( from ) << std::endl;
        ss << "4. " << move_action_desc( 0, from, INVENTORY ) << std::endl;
        ss << "expect the stack in the inventory to have " << invlet_state_desc( expected_merged_invlet_state ) << " invlet " << expected_merged_invlet << std::endl;
        ss << "the stack actually has " << invlet_state_desc( merged_invlet_state ) << " invlet " << merged_invlet << std::endl;
        INFO( ss.str() );
        REQUIRE( merged_item.typeId() == tshirt.typeId() );
        CHECK( merged_invlet_state == expected_merged_invlet_state );
        CHECK( merged_invlet == expected_merged_invlet );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void map_t::way_node_add(lpos_t pos) {
  /* check if we are still hovering above the selected way */
  map_item_t *item = item_at(pos);
  if(item_is_selected_way(item)) {
    /* convert mouse position to canvas (world) position */
    const int insert_after = canvas->get_item_segment(item->item, pos);
    if(insert_after >= 0) {
      /* insert it into ways chain of nodes */
      way_t *way = item->object.way;

      /* create new node */
      node_t* node = way->insert_node(appdata.project->osm, insert_after + 1, pos);

      /* clear selection */

      /* draw the updated way */

      /* and now draw the node */

      /* put gui into idle state */

      /* and redo it */
Ejemplo n.º 3
void stack_invlet_test( player &dummy, inventory_location from, inventory_location to )
    // invlet to assign
    constexpr char invlet = '|';

    // duplication will most likely only happen if the stack is in the inventory
    // and is subsequently wielded or worn
    if( from != INVENTORY || ( to != WORN && to != WIELDED_OR_WORN ) ) {
        FAIL( "unimplemented" );

    // remove all items
    g->m.i_clear( dummy.pos() );

    // some stackable item that can be wielded and worn
    item tshirt( "tshirt" );

    // add two such items to the starting position
    add_item( dummy, tshirt, from );
    add_item( dummy, tshirt, from );

    // assign the stack with invlet
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, from ), invlet, CACHED );

    // wield or wear one of the items
    move_item( dummy, 0, from, to );

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "1. add a stack of two same items to " << location_desc( from ) << std::endl;
    ss << "2. assign the stack with an invlet" << std::endl;
    ss << "3. " << move_action_desc( 0, from, to ) << std::endl;
    ss << "expect the two items to have different invlets" << std::endl;
    ss << "actually the two items have " <<
       ( item_at( dummy, 0, to ).invlet != item_at( dummy, 0, from ).invlet ? "different" : "the same" ) <<
       " invlets" << std::endl;
    INFO( ss.str() );
    REQUIRE( item_at( dummy, 0, from ).typeId() == tshirt.typeId() );
    REQUIRE( item_at( dummy, 0, to ).typeId() == tshirt.typeId() );
    // the wielded/worn item should have different invlet from the remaining item
    CHECK( item_at( dummy, 0, to ).invlet != item_at( dummy, 0, from ).invlet );

    // clear invlets
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, from ), invlet, NONE );
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, to ), invlet, NONE );
Ejemplo n.º 4
std::string help_text_area::ref_at(const int x, const int y)
	const int local_x = x - location().x;
	const int local_y = y - location().y;
	if (local_y < static_cast<int>(height()) && local_y > 0) {
		const int cmp_y = local_y + get_position();
		const std::list<item>::const_iterator it =
			std::find_if(items_.begin(), items_.end(), item_at(local_x, cmp_y));
		if (it != items_.end()) {
			if ((*it).ref_to != "") {
				return ((*it).ref_to);
	return "";
Ejemplo n.º 5
void move_player( Actor& player )
    // The direction the user wants to move, if any.
    Vec inputDir = { 0, 0 }; 

    // We need to know if we're standing on an item, but can't construct
    // the object inside the switch, so do it now.
    auto itemHere = item_at( player.pos );

    int key = getch();
    switch( key )
      case 'l': case '6': case KEY_RIGHT: inputDir = Vec(  1,  0 ); break;
      case 'h': case '4': case KEY_LEFT:  inputDir = Vec( -1,  0 ); break;
      case 'k': case '8': case KEY_UP:    inputDir = Vec(  0, -1 ); break;
      case 'j': case '2': case KEY_DOWN:  inputDir = Vec(  0,  1 ); break;
      case 'y': case '7': inputDir = Vec( -1, -1 ); break;
      case 'u': case '9': inputDir = Vec(  1, -1 ); break;
      case 'b': case '1': inputDir = Vec( -1,  1 ); break;
      case 'n': case '3': inputDir = Vec(  1,  1 ); break;

      case 'p': case 'g':
          if( itemHere != items.end() )
              player.inventory.push_back( itemHere->item );
              items.erase( itemHere );
              log( "Got %s!", player.inventory.back().c_str() );
              log( "There's nothing here." );


      case 'C': if( ! combine(&player.inventory) )
                    log( "I can't combine them." ); 

      case 'c': log( "..." ); break;
      case 'q': quit = true; break;
      default: log( "Is that key supposed to do something?" ); break;

    if( inputDir.x or inputDir.y )
        if( not walk(player, inputDir) )
            log( "Cannot move there." );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: owl.c Proyecto: eliasson/owl
// Respond client with Owl's queue.
// Format:
//   { queue : [
//     { "id" : <link>, "artist" : "<artist>", "title" : "<title>", "duration" : int, "album" : "<album>" },
//     { "id" : <link>, "artist" : "<artist>", "title" : "<title>", "duration" : int, "album" : "<album>" },
//     { "id" : <link>, "artist" : "<artist>", "title" : "<title>", "duration" : int, "album" : "<album>" }]
static void respond_with_queue(struct evhttp_request *http_request, struct owl_queue *queue) {
    TRACE("Responding with queue\n");
    const int size = queue_size(queue);

    struct evbuffer *content_buffer = evbuffer_new();
    evbuffer_add_printf(content_buffer, "{ \"queue\" : [");

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        const owl_track *track = item_at(queue, i);
        evbuffer_add_printf(content_buffer, "%s", track->json);

        if(i < (size -1))
            evbuffer_add_printf(content_buffer, ",");
    evbuffer_add_printf(content_buffer, "]}");

    evhttp_add_header(evhttp_request_get_output_headers(http_request), "Content-type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
    evhttp_send_reply(http_request, HTTP_OK, USER_AGENT, content_buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void swap_invlet_test( player &dummy, inventory_location loc )
    // invlet to assign
    constexpr char invlet_1 = '{';
    constexpr char invlet_2 = '}';

    // cannot swap invlets of items on the ground
    REQUIRE( loc != GROUND );

    // remove all items
    g->m.i_clear( dummy.pos() );

    // two items of the same type that do not stack
    item tshirt1( "tshirt" );
    item tshirt2( "tshirt" );
    tshirt2.mod_damage( -1 );

    // add the items
    add_item( dummy, tshirt1, loc );
    add_item( dummy, tshirt2, loc );

    // assign the items with invlets
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, loc ), invlet_1, CACHED );
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 1, loc ), invlet_2, CACHED );

    // swap the invlets (invoking twice to make the invlet non-player-assigned)
    dummy.reassign_item( item_at( dummy, 0, loc ), invlet_2 );
    dummy.reassign_item( item_at( dummy, 0, loc ), invlet_2 );

    // drop the items
    move_item( dummy, 0, loc, GROUND );
    move_item( dummy, 0, loc, GROUND );

    // get them again
    move_item( dummy, 0, GROUND, loc );
    move_item( dummy, 0, GROUND, loc );

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "1. add two items of the same type to " << location_desc( loc ) <<
       ", and ensure them do not stack" << std::endl;
    ss << "2. assign different invlets to the two items" << std::endl;
    ss << "3. swap the invlets by assign one of the items with the invlet of the other item" <<
    ss << "4. move the items to " << location_desc( GROUND ) << std::endl;
    ss << "5. move the items to " << location_desc( loc ) << " again" << std::endl;
    ss << "expect the items to keep their swapped invlets" << std::endl;
    if( item_at( dummy, 0, loc ).invlet == invlet_2 && item_at( dummy, 1, loc ).invlet == invlet_1 ) {
        ss << "the items actually keep their swapped invlets" << std::endl;
    } else {
        ss << "the items actually does not keep their swapped invlets" << std::endl;
    INFO( ss.str() );
    REQUIRE( item_at( dummy, 0, loc ).typeId() == tshirt1.typeId() );
    REQUIRE( item_at( dummy, 1, loc ).typeId() == tshirt2.typeId() );
    // invlets should not disappear and should still be swapped
    CHECK( item_at( dummy, 0, loc ).invlet == invlet_2 );
    CHECK( item_at( dummy, 1, loc ).invlet == invlet_1 );
    CHECK( check_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, loc ), invlet_2 ) == CACHED );
    CHECK( check_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 1, loc ), invlet_1 ) == CACHED );

    // clear invlets
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, loc ), invlet_2, NONE );
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 1, loc ), invlet_1, NONE );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void invlet_test( player &dummy, inventory_location from, inventory_location to )
    // invlet to assign
    constexpr char invlet = '|';

    // iterate through all permutations of test actions
    for( int id = 0; id < INVLET_STATE_NUM * INVLET_STATE_NUM * TEST_ACTION_NUM; ++id ) {
        // how to assign invlet to the first item
        invlet_state first_invlet_state = invlet_state( id % INVLET_STATE_NUM );
        // how to assign invlet to the second item
        invlet_state second_invlet_state = invlet_state( id / INVLET_STATE_NUM % INVLET_STATE_NUM );
        // the test steps
        test_action action = test_action( id / INVLET_STATE_NUM / INVLET_STATE_NUM % TEST_ACTION_NUM );

        // the final expected invlet state of the two items
        invlet_state expected_first_invlet_state = second_invlet_state == NONE ? first_invlet_state : NONE;
        invlet_state expected_second_invlet_state = second_invlet_state;

        // remove all items
        g->m.i_clear( dummy.pos() );

        // some two items that can be wielded, worn, and picked up
        item tshirt( "tshirt" );
        item jeans( "jeans" );

        // add the items to the starting position
        add_item( dummy, tshirt, to );
        add_item( dummy, jeans, to );

        // assign invlet to the first item
        assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, to ), invlet, first_invlet_state );

        // remove the first item
        move_item( dummy, 0, to, from );

        // assign invlet to the second item
        assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, to ), invlet, second_invlet_state );

        item *final_first = nullptr, *final_second = nullptr;
        switch( action ) {
            case REMOVE_1ST_REMOVE_2ND_ADD_1ST_ADD_2ND:
                move_item( dummy, 0, to, from );
                move_item( dummy, 0, from, to );
                move_item( dummy, 0, from, to );
                final_first = &item_at( dummy, 0, to );
                final_second = &item_at( dummy, 1, to );
            case REMOVE_1ST_REMOVE_2ND_ADD_2ND_ADD_1ST:
                move_item( dummy, 0, to, from );
                move_item( dummy, 1, from, to );
                move_item( dummy, 0, from, to );
                final_first = &item_at( dummy, 1, to );
                final_second = &item_at( dummy, 0, to );
            case REMOVE_1ST_ADD_1ST:
                move_item( dummy, 0, from, to );
                final_first = &item_at( dummy, 1, to );
                final_second = &item_at( dummy, 0, to );
                FAIL( "unimplemented" );

        invlet_state final_first_invlet_state = check_invlet( dummy, *final_first, invlet ),
                     final_second_invlet_state = check_invlet( dummy, *final_second, invlet );

        INFO( test_action_desc( action, from, to, first_invlet_state, second_invlet_state,
                                expected_first_invlet_state, expected_second_invlet_state, final_first_invlet_state,
                                final_second_invlet_state ) );
        REQUIRE( final_first->typeId() == tshirt.typeId() );
        REQUIRE( final_second->typeId() == jeans.typeId() );
        CHECK( final_first_invlet_state == expected_first_invlet_state );
        CHECK( final_second_invlet_state == expected_second_invlet_state );

        // clear invlets
        assign_invlet( dummy, *final_first, invlet, NONE );
        assign_invlet( dummy, *final_second, invlet, NONE );
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* cut the currently selected way at the current cursor position */
void map_t::way_cut(lpos_t pos) {
  /* check if we are still hovering above the selected way */
  map_item_t *item = item_at(pos);
  bool cut_at_node = item_is_selected_node(item);

  if(!item_is_selected_way(item) && !cut_at_node)

  /* convert mouse position to canvas (world) position */

  node_chain_t::iterator cut_at;
  way_t *way = nullptr;
  if(cut_at_node) {
    printf("  cut at node\n");

    /* node must not be first or last node of way */
    assert(selected.object.type == object_t::WAY);

    if(!selected.object.way->ends_with_node(item->object.node)) {
      way = selected.object.way;

      cut_at = std::find(way->node_chain.begin(), way->node_chain.end(),
    } else {
      printf("  won't cut as it's last or first node\n");

  } else {
    printf("  cut at segment\n");
    int c = canvas->get_item_segment(item->item, pos);
    if(c < 0)
    way = item->object.way;
    // add one since to denote the end of the segment
    cut_at = std::next(way->node_chain.begin(), c + 1);

  assert(way != nullptr);
  assert_cmpnum_op(way->node_chain.size(), >, 2);

  /* move parts of node_chain to the new way */
  printf("  moving everthing after segment %zi to new way\n",
         cut_at - way->node_chain.begin());

  /* clear selection */

  /* create a duplicate of the currently selected way */
  way_t * const neww = way->split(appdata.project->osm, cut_at, cut_at_node);

  printf("original way still has %zu nodes\n", way->node_chain.size());

  /* draw the updated old way */

  if(neww != nullptr) {
    /* colorize the new way before drawing */

  /* put gui into idle state */

  /* and redo selection if way still exists */
  if(item != nullptr)
  else if(neww != nullptr)