Ejemplo n.º 1
static void iFlatButtonDrawIcon(Ihandle* ih, IdrawCanvas* dc, int icon_x, int icon_y, int icon_width, int icon_height,
                                const char *baseattrib, const char* imagename, const char* title, const char* fgcolor, const char* bgcolor, int active)
  int x, y, width, height;

  if (imagename)
    if (title)
      int img_x, img_y, txt_x, txt_y;
      int txt_width, txt_height;
      int img_width, img_height;

      iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title, &txt_width, &txt_height);
      iupImageGetInfo(imagename, &img_width, &img_height, NULL);

      if (ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_RIGHT || ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_LEFT)
        width = img_width + txt_width + ih->data->spacing;
        height = iupMAX(img_height, txt_height);
        width = iupMAX(img_width, txt_width);
        height = img_height + txt_height + ih->data->spacing;

      iFlatButtonGetIconPosition(ih, icon_width, icon_height, &x, &y, width, height);

      iFlatButtonGetImageTextPosition(x, y, ih->data->img_position, ih->data->spacing,
                                      img_width, img_height, txt_width, txt_height,
                                      &img_x, &img_y, &txt_x, &txt_y);

      iFlatButtonDrawImage(ih, dc, img_x + icon_x, img_y + icon_y, baseattrib, imagename, active);
      iFlatButtonDrawText(ih, dc, txt_x + icon_x, txt_y + icon_y, title, fgcolor, bgcolor, active);
      iupImageGetInfo(imagename, &width, &height, NULL);

      iFlatButtonGetIconPosition(ih, icon_width, icon_height, &x, &y, width, height);

      iFlatButtonDrawImage(ih, dc, x + icon_x, y + icon_y, baseattrib, imagename, active);
  else if (title)
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title, &width, &height);

    iFlatButtonGetIconPosition(ih, icon_width, icon_height, &x, &y, width, height);

    iFlatButtonDrawText(ih, dc, x + icon_x, y + icon_y, title, fgcolor, bgcolor, active);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void iFlatButtonComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *children_expand)
  int fit2backimage = iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "FITTOBACKIMAGE");
  char* bgimage = iupAttribGet(ih, "BACKIMAGE");
  if (fit2backimage && bgimage)
    iupImageGetInfo(bgimage, w, h, NULL);
    char* image = iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE");
    char* title = iupAttribGet(ih, "TITLE");

    *w = 0,
    *h = 0;

    if (image)
      iupImageGetInfo(image, w, h, NULL);

      if (title)
        int text_w, text_h;
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title, &text_w, &text_h);

        if (ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_RIGHT ||
            ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_LEFT)
          *w += text_w + ih->data->spacing;
          *h = iupMAX(*h, text_h);
          *w = iupMAX(*w, text_w);
          *h += text_h + ih->data->spacing;
    else if (title)
      iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title, w, h);

    *w += 2 * ih->data->horiz_padding;
    *h += 2 * ih->data->vert_padding;

    *w += 2 * ih->data->border_width;
    *h += 2 * ih->data->border_width;

  (void)children_expand; /* unset if not a container */
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void iMatrixFitLineText(Ihandle* ih, int line)
  /* find the highest cel in the line */
  int col, max_height = 0, max;
  char str[100];

  for(col = 0; col < ih->data->columns.num; col++)
    char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, line, col);
    if (title_value && title_value[0])
      int h;
      iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, NULL, &h);
      if (h > max_height)
        max_height = h;

  sprintf(str, "FITMAXHEIGHT%d", line);
  max = iupAttribGetInt(ih, str);
  if (max && max > max_height)
    max_height = max;

  sprintf(str, "RASTERHEIGHT%d", line);
  iupAttribSetInt(ih, str, max_height);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void iMatrixFitColText(Ihandle* ih, int col)
  /* find the largest cel in the col */
  int lin, max_width = 0, max;
  char str[100];

  for(lin = 0; lin < ih->data->lines.num; lin++)
    char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, lin, col);
    if (title_value && title_value[0])
      int w;
      iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, &w, NULL);
      if (w > max_width)
        max_width = w;

  sprintf(str, "FITMAXWIDTH%d", col);
  max = iupAttribGetInt(ih, str);
  if (max && max > max_width)
    max_width = max;

  sprintf(str, "RASTERWIDTH%d", col);
  iupAttribSetInt(ih, str, max_width);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void iLabelComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *children_expand)
  int natural_w = 0, 
      natural_h = 0, 
      type = iupLabelGetTypeBeforeMap(ih);
  (void)children_expand; /* unset if not a container */

  if (type == IUP_LABEL_SEP_HORIZ)
    natural_h = 2;
  else if (type == IUP_LABEL_SEP_VERT)
    natural_w = 2;
  else if (type == IUP_LABEL_IMAGE)
    iupImageGetInfo(iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE"), &natural_w, &natural_h, NULL);

    natural_w += 2*ih->data->horiz_padding;
    natural_h += 2*ih->data->vert_padding;
  else /* IUP_LABEL_TEXT */
    /* must use IupGetAttribute to check from the native implementation */
    char* title = IupGetAttribute(ih, "TITLE");
    char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &natural_w, &natural_h);
    if (str && str!=title) free(str);

    natural_w += 2*ih->data->horiz_padding;
    natural_h += 2*ih->data->vert_padding;

  *w = natural_w;
  *h = natural_h;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void iExpanderComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *expand)
  int child_expand = 0,
      natural_w, natural_h;
  Ihandle *child = ih->firstchild->brother;
  int bar_size = iExpanderGetBarSize(ih);

  /* bar */
  if (ih->data->position == IEXPANDER_LEFT || ih->data->position == IEXPANDER_RIGHT)
    natural_w = bar_size;
    natural_h = IEXPAND_HANDLE_SIZE;
    natural_w = IEXPAND_HANDLE_SIZE;
    natural_h = bar_size;

    if (ih->data->position == IEXPANDER_TOP)
      char* title = iupAttribGetStr(ih, "TITLE");
      if (title)
        int title_size = 0;
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title, &title_size, NULL);
        natural_w += title_size;
        natural_h += 2*IEXPAND_HANDLE_SPC;

  if (child)
    /* update child natural bar_size first */

    if (ih->data->position == IEXPANDER_LEFT || ih->data->position == IEXPANDER_RIGHT)
      if (ih->data->state == IEXPANDER_OPEN)  /* only open, not float */
        natural_w += child->naturalwidth;
      natural_h = iupMAX(natural_h, child->naturalheight);
      natural_w = iupMAX(natural_w, child->naturalwidth);
      if (ih->data->state == IEXPANDER_OPEN)  /* only open, not float */
        natural_h += child->naturalheight;

    child_expand = child->expand;

  *expand = child_expand;
  *w = natural_w;
  *h = natural_h;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void iLabelComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *expand)
  int natural_w = 0, 
      natural_h = 0, 
      type = ih->data->type;
  (void)expand; /* unset if not a container */

  if (!ih->handle)
    /* if not mapped must initialize the internal values */
    char* value = iupAttribGet(ih, "SEPARATOR");
    if (value)
      if (iupStrEqualNoCase(value, "HORIZONTAL"))
        type = IUP_LABEL_SEP_HORIZ;
      else /* "VERTICAL" */
        type = IUP_LABEL_SEP_VERT;
      value = iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE");
      if (value)
        type = IUP_LABEL_IMAGE;
        type = IUP_LABEL_TEXT;

  if (type == IUP_LABEL_SEP_HORIZ)
    natural_h = 2;
  else if (type == IUP_LABEL_SEP_VERT)
    natural_w = 2;
  else if (type == IUP_LABEL_IMAGE)
    iupImageGetInfo(iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE"), &natural_w, &natural_h, NULL);

    natural_w += 2*ih->data->horiz_padding;
    natural_h += 2*ih->data->vert_padding;
  else /* IUP_LABEL_TEXT */
    /* must use IupGetAttribute to check from the native implementation */
    char* title = IupGetAttribute(ih, "TITLE");
    char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &natural_w, &natural_h);
    if (str && str!=title) free(str);

    natural_w += 2*ih->data->horiz_padding;
    natural_h += 2*ih->data->vert_padding;

  *w = natural_w;
  *h = natural_h;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void winButtonDrawText(Ihandle* ih, HDC hDC, int rect_width, int rect_height, int border, UINT itemState)
  int xpad = ih->data->horiz_padding + border, 
      ypad = ih->data->vert_padding + border;
  int x, y, width, height, shift = 0;
  COLORREF fgcolor;

  char* title = iupAttribGet(ih, "TITLE");
  if (title)
    int style = 0;
    HFONT hFont = (HFONT)iupwinGetHFontAttrib(ih);
    char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &width, &height);
    if (str && str!=title) free(str);

    if (itemState & ODS_DISABLED)
      fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
      fgcolor = ih->data->fgcolor;

    if (itemState & ODS_SELECTED && !iupwin_comctl32ver6)
      shift = 1;

    if (itemState & ODS_NOACCEL && !iupwinGetKeyBoardCues())
      style |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;

    x = winButtonCalcAlignPosX(ih->data->horiz_alignment, rect_width, width, xpad, shift);
    y = winButtonCalcAlignPosY(ih->data->vert_alignment, rect_height, height, ypad, shift);

    if (ih->data->horiz_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ACENTER)
      style |= DT_CENTER;  /* let DrawText do the internal horizontal alignment, usefull for multiple lines */
    else if (ih->data->horiz_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ARIGHT)
      style |= DT_RIGHT;

    iupwinDrawText(hDC, title, x, y, width, height, hFont, fgcolor, style);
    /* fill with the background color if defined at the element */
    char* bgcolor = iupAttribGet(ih, "BGCOLOR");
    if (bgcolor)
      RECT rect;
      unsigned char r=0, g=0, b=0;
      iupStrToRGB(bgcolor, &r, &g, &b);
      SetDCBrushColor(hDC, RGB(r,g,b));
      SetRect(&rect, xpad, ypad, rect_width - xpad, rect_height - ypad);
      FillRect(hDC, &rect, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH));
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void winButtonDrawText(Ihandle* ih, HDC hDC, int rect_width, int rect_height, int border, UINT itemState)
  int xpad = ih->data->horiz_padding + border, 
      ypad = ih->data->vert_padding + border;
  int x, y, width, height, shift = 0;
  COLORREF fgcolor;

  char* title = iupdrvBaseGetTitleAttrib(ih);
  if (title)
    HFONT hFont = (HFONT)iupwinGetHFontAttrib(ih);
    char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &width, &height);
    if (str && str!=title) free(str);

    if (itemState & ODS_DISABLED)
      fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
      fgcolor = ih->data->fgcolor;

    if (itemState & ODS_SELECTED && !iupwin_comctl32ver6)
      shift = 1;

    x = winButtonCalcAlignPosX(ih->data->horiz_alignment, rect_width, width, xpad, shift);
    y = winButtonCalcAlignPosY(ih->data->vert_alignment, rect_height, height, ypad, shift);

    iupwinDrawText(hDC, title, x, y, width, height, hFont, fgcolor, 0);
    /* fill with the background color if defined at the element */
    char* bgcolor = iupAttribGet(ih, "BGCOLOR");
    if (bgcolor)
      RECT rect;
      unsigned char r=0, g=0, b=0;
      iupStrToRGB(bgcolor, &r, &g, &b);
      SetDCBrushColor(hDC, RGB(r,g,b));
      rect.left = xpad;
      rect.top = ypad;
      rect.right = rect_width - xpad;
      rect.bottom = rect_height - ypad;
      FillRect(hDC, &rect, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH));
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void winDatePickComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *children_expand)
  (void)children_expand; /* unset if not a container */

  if (ih->handle && iupwinIsVistaOrNew() && iupwin_comctl32ver6)
    SIZE size;
    SendMessage(ih->handle, DTM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, (LPARAM)&size);
    *w = size.cx;
    *h = size.cy;
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, "WW/WW/WWWW", w, h);
    iupdrvTextAddBorders(w, h);
    *w += iupdrvGetScrollbarSize();
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void winLabelDrawText(Ihandle* ih, HDC hDC, int rect_width, int rect_height)
  int xpad = ih->data->horiz_padding, 
      ypad = ih->data->vert_padding;
  int x, y, width, height, style;
  HFONT hFont = (HFONT)iupwinGetHFontAttrib(ih);
  COLORREF fgcolor;

  char* title = iupdrvBaseGetTitleAttrib(ih);
  char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
  iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &width, &height);
  if (str && str!=title) free(str);

  if (ih->data->horiz_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ARIGHT)
    style = DT_RIGHT;
  else if (ih->data->horiz_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ACENTER)
    style = DT_CENTER;
  else  /* ALEFT */
    style = DT_LEFT;

  if (ih->data->vert_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ABOTTOM)
    y = rect_height - (height + 2*ypad);
  else if (ih->data->vert_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ATOP)
    y = 0;
  else  /* ACENTER */
    y = (rect_height - (height + 2*ypad))/2;

  /* let DrawText do the horizontal alignment */
  x = xpad;
  width = rect_width - 2*xpad;
  y += ypad;

  if (iupdrvIsActive(ih))
    fgcolor = ih->data->fgcolor;
    fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);

  style |= ih->data->text_style;

  iupwinDrawText(hDC, title, x, y, width, height, hFont, fgcolor, style);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void iToggleComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *children_expand)
    int natural_w = 0,
        natural_h = 0,
        type = ih->data->type;
    (void)children_expand; /* unset if not a container */

    if (!ih->handle)
        /* if not mapped must initialize the internal values */
        char* value = iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE");
        if (value)
            type = IUP_TOGGLE_IMAGE;
            type = IUP_TOGGLE_TEXT;

    if (type == IUP_TOGGLE_IMAGE)
        iupImageGetInfo(iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE"), &natural_w, &natural_h, NULL);

        /* even when IMPRESS is set, must compute the borders space */
        iupdrvButtonAddBorders(&natural_w, &natural_h);

        natural_w += 2*ih->data->horiz_padding;
        natural_h += 2*ih->data->vert_padding;
    else /* IUP_TOGGLE_TEXT */
        /* must use IupGetAttribute to check from the native implementation */
        char* title = IupGetAttribute(ih, "TITLE");
        char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &natural_w, &natural_h);

        iupdrvToggleAddCheckBox(&natural_w, &natural_h, str);

        if (str && str != title) free(str);

    *w = natural_w;
    *h = natural_h;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void winCalendarComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *children_expand)
  (void)children_expand; /* unset if not a container */

  if (ih->handle)
    RECT rect;
    SendMessage(ih->handle, MCM_GETMINREQRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rect);
    *w =  rect.right - rect.left;
    *h = rect.bottom - rect.top;
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, "W8W", w, h);

    (*w) *= 7; /* 7 columns */
    (*h) *= 8; /* 9 lines */

    iupdrvTextAddBorders(w, h);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void winListDrawItem(Ihandle* ih, DRAWITEMSTRUCT *drawitem)
  char* text;
  int txt_w, txt_h;
  winListItemData* itemdata;
  HFONT hFont = (HFONT)iupwinGetHFontAttrib(ih);
  iupwinBitmapDC bmpDC;
  HDC hDC;
  RECT rect;
  COLORREF fgcolor, bgcolor;

  int x = drawitem->rcItem.left;
  int y = drawitem->rcItem.top;
  int width = drawitem->rcItem.right - drawitem->rcItem.left;
  int height = drawitem->rcItem.bottom - drawitem->rcItem.top;

  /* If there are no list box items, skip this message */
  if (drawitem->itemID == -1)

  hDC = iupwinDrawCreateBitmapDC(&bmpDC, drawitem->hDC, x, y, width, height);

  if (drawitem->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
    bgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
  else if (!iupwinGetColorRef(ih, "BGCOLOR", &bgcolor))
    bgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
  SetDCBrushColor(hDC, bgcolor);
  SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, width, height);
  FillRect(hDC, &rect, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH));

  if (iupdrvIsActive(ih))
    if (drawitem->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
      fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    else if (!iupwinGetColorRef(ih, "FGCOLOR", &fgcolor))
      fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);

  /* Get the bitmap associated with the item */
  itemdata = winListGetItemData(ih, drawitem->itemID);

  /* Get and draw the string associated with the item */
  text = winListGetText(ih, drawitem->itemID);
  iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, text, &txt_w, &txt_h);

  x = ih->data->maximg_w + 3; /* spacing between text and image */
  y = (height - txt_h)/2;  /* vertically centered */
  iupwinDrawText(hDC, text, x, y, txt_w, txt_h, hFont, fgcolor, 0);

  /* Draw the bitmap associated with the item */
  if (itemdata->hBitmap)
    int bpp, img_w, img_h;
    HBITMAP hMask = NULL;

    iupdrvImageGetInfo(itemdata->hBitmap, &img_w, &img_h, &bpp);

    if (bpp == 8)
      char name[50];
      sprintf(name, "IMAGE%d", (int)drawitem->itemID+1);
      hMask = iupdrvImageCreateMask(IupGetAttributeHandle(ih, name));

    x = 0;
    y = (height - img_h)/2;  /* vertically centered */
    iupwinDrawBitmap(hDC, itemdata->hBitmap, hMask, x, y, img_w, img_h, bpp);

    if (hMask)

  /* If the item has the focus, draw the focus rectangle */
  if (drawitem->itemState & ODS_FOCUS)
    iupdrvDrawFocusRect(ih, hDC, 0, 0, width, height);

Ejemplo n.º 15
/* Put the cell contents in the screen, using the specified color and alignment.
   -> y1, y2 : vertical limits of the cell
   -> x1, x2 : horizontal limits of the complete cell
   -> alignment : alignment type (horizontal) assigned to the text. The options are:
   -> marked : mark state
   -> lin, col - cell coordinates */
static void iMatrixDrawCellValue(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int alignment, int marked, int active, int lin, int col, IFniiiiiiC draw_cb)
    char *text;

    /* avoid drawing over the frame of the next cell */
    x2 -= IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
    y2 -= IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

    /* avoid drawing over the frame of the cell */
    x2 -= IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
    y2 -= IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

    if (lin==0 || col==0)
        /* avoid drawing over the frame of the cell */
        x1 += IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
        y1 += IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

        if (col==0) x1 += IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
        if (lin==0) y1 += IMAT_FRAME_H/2;
    else if ((col==1 && ih->data->columns.sizes[0] == 0) || (lin==1 && ih->data->lines.sizes[0] == 0))
        /* avoid drawing over the frame of the cell */
        x1 += IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
        y1 += IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

    if (draw_cb && !iMatrixDrawCallDrawCB(ih, lin, col, x1, x2, y1, y2, draw_cb))

    text = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, lin, col);

    /* Put the text */
    if (text && *text)
        int num_line, line_height, total_height;
        int charheight, ypos, hidden_text_marks = 0;

        num_line = iupStrLineCount(text);
        iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, NULL, &charheight);

        line_height  = charheight;
        total_height = (line_height + IMAT_PADDING_H/2) * num_line - IMAT_PADDING_H/2 - IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

        if (lin==0 || ih->data->hidden_text_marks)
            int text_w;
            iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, text, &text_w, NULL);
            if (text_w > x2 - x1 + 1 - IMAT_PADDING_W - IMAT_FRAME_W)
                if (lin == 0)
                    alignment = IMAT_T_LEFT;

                if (ih->data->hidden_text_marks)
                    hidden_text_marks = 1;

        /* Set the color used to draw the text */
        if (!active)
            cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, IMAT_CD_INACTIVE_FGCOLOR);
            iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, marked);

        /* Set the clip area to the cell region informed, the text maybe greatter than the cell */
        if (hidden_text_marks)
            int crop = iupdrvFontGetStringWidth(ih, "...") + 2;
            iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2-crop, y1, y2);
            iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

        cdCanvasNativeFont(ih->data->cddbuffer, iupMatrixGetFont(ih, lin, col));

        /* Create an space between text and cell frame */
        x1 += IMAT_PADDING_W/2;
        x2 -= IMAT_PADDING_W/2;
        y1 += IMAT_PADDING_H/2;
        y2 -= IMAT_PADDING_H/2;

        if (alignment == IMAT_T_CENTER)
            cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_CENTER);
        else if(alignment == IMAT_T_LEFT)
            cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_WEST);
            cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_EAST);

        if (num_line == 1)
            ypos = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5);

            /* Put the text */
            if (alignment == IMAT_T_CENTER)
                iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, (x1 + x2) / 2, ypos, text);
            else if(alignment == IMAT_T_LEFT)
                iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x1, ypos, text);
                iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x2, ypos, text);
            int i;
            char *p, *q, *newtext;

            newtext = iupStrDup(text);
            p = newtext;

            /* Get the position of the first text to be put in the screen */
            ypos = (int)( (y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5) - total_height/2 + line_height/2;

            for(i = 0; i < num_line; i++)
                q = strchr(p, '\n');
                if (q) *q = 0;  /* Cut the string to contain only one line */

                /* Draw the text */
                if(alignment == IMAT_T_CENTER)
                    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, (x1 + x2) / 2, ypos, p);
                else if(alignment == IMAT_T_LEFT)
                    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x1, ypos, p);
                    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x2, ypos, p);

                /* Advance the string */
                if (q) p = q + 1;

                /* Advance a line */
                ypos += line_height + IMAT_PADDING_H/2;



        if (hidden_text_marks)
            cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_EAST);
            ypos = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5);
            iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x2+IMAT_PADDING_W/2, ypos, "...");
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int motTipsSet(Ihandle *ih)
  char* tipText = iupAttribGet(ih, "TIP");
  if (!tipText)
    return FALSE;

  if (!mot_tips.Dialog)
    mot_tips.Dialog = XtVaAppCreateShell(" ", "tip",
      overrideShellWidgetClass, iupmot_display,
      XmNmappedWhenManaged, False,

    mot_tips.Label = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("label tip",
      xmLabelWidgetClass, mot_tips.Dialog,     /* must use IupGetAttribute to use inheritance */
      XmNforeground, iupmotColorGetPixelStr(IupGetAttribute(ih, "TIPFGCOLOR")),
      XmNbackground, iupmotColorGetPixelStr(IupGetAttribute(ih, "TIPBGCOLOR")),


  /* set label font */
    XmFontList fontlist = (XmFontList)iupmotGetFontListAttrib(ih);
    char* value = iupAttribGetStr(ih, "TIPFONT");
    if (value)
      if (iupStrEqualNoCase(value, "SYSTEM"))
        fontlist = NULL;
        fontlist = iupmotGetFontList(iupAttribGet(ih, "TIPFOUNDRY"), value);

    if (fontlist)
      XtVaSetValues(mot_tips.Label, XmNfontList, fontlist, NULL);
  /* set label contents */
  iupmotSetString(mot_tips.Label, XmNlabelString, tipText);

  /* set label size */
    int lw = 0, lh = 0;
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, tipText, &lw, &lh);

    /* add room for margin */
    lw += 2*(2);
    lh += 2*(2);  

      XmNwidth, (XtArgVal)lw,
      XmNheight, (XtArgVal)lh,
      XmNwidth, (XtArgVal)lw,
      XmNheight, (XtArgVal)lh,

  mot_tips.ShowTimerId  = (XtIntervalId) NULL;
  mot_tips.HideTimerId  = (XtIntervalId) NULL;
  mot_tips.Visible      = FALSE;
  mot_tips.ShowInterval = 500;  /* 1/2 second to show */

    int delay = IupGetInt(ih, "TIPDELAY");  /* must use IupGetInt to use inheritance */
    mot_tips.HideInterval = delay + mot_tips.ShowInterval;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int iupMatrixGetLineHeight(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int use_value)
  int height = 0, pixels = 0;
  char str[100];
  char* value;

  /* can be called for invalid lines (lin>numlin) */

  sprintf(str, "HEIGHT%d", lin);
  value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
    sprintf(str, "RASTERHEIGHT%d", lin);
    value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
      pixels = 1;

  if (use_value && !value)
    /* Use the titles to define the size */
    if (lin == 0)
      if (!ih->data->callback_mode || ih->data->use_title_size)
        /* find the highest title */
        int col, max_height = 0;
        for(col = 0; col < ih->data->columns.num; col++)
          char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, 0, col);
          if (title_value && title_value[0])
            iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, NULL, &height);
            if (height > max_height)
              max_height = height;
        height = max_height;
    else if (ih->data->use_title_size && (lin>0 && lin<ih->data->lines.num))
      char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, lin, 0);
      if (title_value && title_value[0])
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, NULL, &height);
    if (height)
      return height + IMAT_PADDING_H + IMAT_FRAME_H;

    if (lin != 0)
      value = iupAttribGetStr(ih, "HEIGHTDEF");
  if (iupStrToInt(value, &height))
    if (height <= 0)
      return 0;
      if (pixels)
        return height + IMAT_PADDING_H + IMAT_FRAME_H;
        int charheight;
        iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, NULL, &charheight);
        return iupHEIGHT2RASTER(height, charheight) + IMAT_PADDING_H + IMAT_FRAME_H;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static void iMatrixDrawText(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int col_alignment, int lin_alignment, int marked, int active, int lin, int col, const char* text)
  int text_alignment;
  int charheight, x, y, hidden_text_marks = 0;

  iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, NULL, &charheight);

  if (lin==0 || ih->data->hidden_text_marks)
    int text_w;
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, text, &text_w, NULL);
    if (text_w > x2 - x1 + 1 - IMAT_PADDING_W - IMAT_FRAME_W)
      if (lin == 0)
        col_alignment = IMAT_ALIGN_START;

      if (ih->data->hidden_text_marks)
        hidden_text_marks = 1;

  /* Set the color used to draw the text */
  iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);

  /* Set the clip area to the cell region informed, the text maybe greater than the cell */
  if (hidden_text_marks)
    int crop = iupdrvFontGetStringWidth(ih, "...") + 2;
    iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2-crop, y1, y2);
    iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  IupCdSetFont(ih, ih->data->cd_canvas, iupMatrixGetFont(ih, lin, col));

  /* Create an space between text and cell frame */
  x1 += IMAT_PADDING_W/2;       x2 -= IMAT_PADDING_W/2;
  y1 += IMAT_PADDING_H/2;       y2 -= IMAT_PADDING_H/2;

  iMatrixGetCellAlign(ih, lin, col, &col_alignment, &lin_alignment);

  if (lin_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
    y = iupROUND((y1 + y2) / 2.0);

    if (col_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
      x = iupROUND((x1 + x2) / 2.0);
      text_alignment = CD_CENTER;
    else if (col_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_START)
      x = x1;
      text_alignment = CD_WEST;
    else  /* RIGHT */
      x = x2;
      text_alignment = CD_EAST;
  else if (lin_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_START)
    y = y1;

    if (col_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
      x = iupROUND((x1 + x2) / 2.0);
      text_alignment = CD_NORTH;
    else if (col_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_START)
      x = x1;
      text_alignment = CD_NORTH_WEST;
    else  /* RIGHT */
      x = x2;
      text_alignment = CD_NORTH_EAST;
  else /* lin_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_END */
    y = y2;

    if (col_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
      x = iupROUND((x1 + x2) / 2.0);
      text_alignment = CD_SOUTH;
    else if (col_alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_START)
      x = x1;
      text_alignment = CD_SOUTH_WEST;
    else  /* RIGHT */
      x = x2;
      text_alignment = CD_SOUTH_EAST;

  cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, text_alignment);
  iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x, y, text);


  if (hidden_text_marks)
    cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_EAST);
    y = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5);
    x = x2 + IMAT_PADDING_W / 2;
    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x, y, "...");
Ejemplo n.º 19
static void iButtonComputeNaturalSizeMethod(Ihandle* ih, int *w, int *h, int *children_expand)
  int natural_w = 0, 
      natural_h = 0, 
      type = ih->data->type;
  (void)children_expand; /* unset if not a container */

  if (!ih->handle)
    /* if not mapped must initialize the internal values */
    char* value = iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE");
    if (value)
      char* title = iupAttribGet(ih, "TITLE");
      type = IUP_BUTTON_IMAGE;
      if (title && *title!=0)
        type |= IUP_BUTTON_TEXT;
      type = IUP_BUTTON_TEXT;

  if (type & IUP_BUTTON_IMAGE)
    iupImageGetInfo(iupAttribGet(ih, "IMAGE"), &natural_w, &natural_h, NULL);

    if (type & IUP_BUTTON_TEXT)
      int text_w, text_h;
      /* must use IupGetAttribute to check from the native implementation */
      char* title = IupGetAttribute(ih, "TITLE");
      iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title, &text_w, &text_h);

      if (ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_RIGHT ||
          ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_LEFT)
        natural_w += text_w + ih->data->spacing;
        natural_h = iupMAX(natural_h, text_h);
        natural_w = iupMAX(natural_w, text_w);
        natural_h += text_h + ih->data->spacing;
  else /* IUP_BUTTON_TEXT only */
    /* must use IupGetAttribute to check from the native implementation */
    char* title = IupGetAttribute(ih, "TITLE");
    char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &natural_w, &natural_h);
    if (str && str!=title) free(str);

  /* if IMPRESS is set, do NOT compute the borders space */
  if (!((type == IUP_BUTTON_IMAGE) &&
        iupAttribGet(ih, "IMPRESS") && 
        !iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "IMPRESSBORDER")))
    iupdrvButtonAddBorders(&natural_w, &natural_h);

  natural_w += 2*ih->data->horiz_padding;
  natural_h += 2*ih->data->vert_padding;

  *w = natural_w;
  *h = natural_h;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int iupMatrixAuxGetColumnWidth(Ihandle* ih, int col)
  int width = 0, pixels = 0;
  char* str = iupStrGetMemory(100);
  char* value;

  sprintf(str, "WIDTH%d", col);
  value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
  if (!value)
    sprintf(str, "RASTERWIDTH%d", col);
    value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
    if (value)
      pixels = 1;

  if (!value)
    if (col == 0)
      /* find the largest title */
      int lin, max_width = 0;
      for(lin = 0; lin < ih->data->lines.num; lin++)
        char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, lin, 0);
        if (title_value)
          iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, &width, NULL);
          if (width > max_width)
            max_width = width;
      width = max_width;
      char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, 0, col);
      if (title_value)
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, &width, NULL);
    if (width)
      return width + IMAT_PADDING_W + IMAT_FRAME_W;

    if (col!=0)
      value = iupAttribGetStr(ih, "WIDTHDEF");

  if (iupStrToInt(value, &width))
    if (width <= 0)
      return 0;
      if (pixels)
        return width + IMAT_PADDING_W + IMAT_FRAME_W;
        int charwidth;
        iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, &charwidth, NULL);
        return iupWIDTH2RASTER(width, charwidth) + IMAT_PADDING_W + IMAT_FRAME_W;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void winButtonDrawImageText(Ihandle* ih, HDC hDC, int rect_width, int rect_height, int border, UINT itemState)
  int xpad = ih->data->horiz_padding + border, 
      ypad = ih->data->vert_padding + border;
  int x, y, width, height, 
      txt_x, txt_y, txt_width, txt_height, 
      img_x, img_y, img_width, img_height, 
      bpp, shift = 0, style = 0;
  HFONT hFont = (HFONT)iupwinGetHFontAttrib(ih);
  HBITMAP hBitmap, hMask;
  COLORREF fgcolor;

  char* title = iupAttribGet(ih, "TITLE");
  char* str = iupStrProcessMnemonic(title, NULL, 0);   /* remove & */
  iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, str, &txt_width, &txt_height);
  if (str && str!=title) free(str);

  if (itemState & ODS_DISABLED)
    fgcolor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
    fgcolor = ih->data->fgcolor;

  hBitmap = winButtonGetBitmap(ih, itemState, NULL, &img_width, &img_height, &bpp, &hMask);
  if (!hBitmap)

  if (ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_RIGHT ||
      ih->data->img_position == IUP_IMGPOS_LEFT)
    width  = img_width + txt_width + ih->data->spacing;
    height = iupMAX(img_height, txt_height);
    width = iupMAX(img_width, txt_width);
    height = img_height + txt_height + ih->data->spacing;

  if (itemState & ODS_SELECTED && !iupwin_comctl32ver6)
    shift = 1;

  if (itemState & ODS_NOACCEL && !iupwinGetKeyBoardCues())
    style |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;

  x = winButtonCalcAlignPosX(ih->data->horiz_alignment, rect_width, width, xpad, shift);
  y = winButtonCalcAlignPosY(ih->data->vert_alignment, rect_height, height, ypad, shift);

    img_y = y;
    txt_y = y + img_height + ih->data->spacing;
    if (img_width > txt_width)
      img_x = x;
      txt_x = x + (img_width-txt_width)/2;
      img_x = x + (txt_width-img_width)/2;
      txt_x = x;
    img_y = y + txt_height + ih->data->spacing;
    txt_y = y;
    if (img_width > txt_width)
      img_x = x;
      txt_x = x + (img_width-txt_width)/2;
      img_x = x + (txt_width-img_width)/2;
      txt_x = x;
    img_x = x + txt_width + ih->data->spacing;
    txt_x = x;
    if (img_height > txt_height)
      img_y = y;
      txt_y = y + (img_height-txt_height)/2;
      img_y = y + (txt_height-img_height)/2;
      txt_y = y;
  default: /* IUP_IMGPOS_LEFT */
    img_x = x;
    txt_x = x + img_width + ih->data->spacing;
    if (img_height > txt_height)
      img_y = y;
      txt_y = y + (img_height-txt_height)/2;
      img_y = y + (txt_height-img_height)/2;
      txt_y = y;

  if (ih->data->horiz_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ACENTER)
    style |= DT_CENTER;  /* let DrawText do the internal horizontal alignment, usefull for multiple lines */
  else if (ih->data->horiz_alignment == IUP_ALIGN_ARIGHT)
    style |= DT_RIGHT;

  iupwinDrawBitmap(hDC, hBitmap, hMask, img_x, img_y, img_width, img_height, bpp);
  iupwinDrawText(hDC, title, txt_x, txt_y, txt_width, txt_height, hFont, fgcolor, style);

  if (hMask)
Ejemplo n.º 22
int iupMatrixAuxGetLineHeight(Ihandle* ih, int lin)
  int height = 0, pixels = 0;
  char* str = iupStrGetMemory(100);
  char* value;

  sprintf(str, "HEIGHT%d", lin);
  value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
    sprintf(str, "RASTERHEIGHT%d", lin);
    value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
      pixels = 1;

  if (!value)
    if (lin == 0)
      /* find the highest title */
      int col, max_height = 0;
      for(col = 0; col < ih->data->columns.num; col++)
        char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, 0, col);
        if (title_value)
          iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, NULL, &height);
          if (height > max_height)
            max_height = height;
      height = max_height;
      char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, lin, 0);
      if (title_value)
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, NULL, &height);
    if (height)
      return height + IMAT_PADDING_H + IMAT_FRAME_H;

    if (lin != 0)
      value = iupAttribGetStr(ih, "HEIGHTDEF");
  if (iupStrToInt(value, &height))
    if (height <= 0)
      return 0;
      if (pixels)
        return height + IMAT_PADDING_H + IMAT_FRAME_H;
        int charheight;
        iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, NULL, &charheight);
        return iupHEIGHT2RASTER(height, charheight) + IMAT_PADDING_H + IMAT_FRAME_H;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static void iMatrixDrawText(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int alignment, int marked, int active, int lin, int col, const char* text)
  int num_line, line_height, total_height;
  int charheight, y, hidden_text_marks = 0;

  num_line = iupStrLineCount(text);
  iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, NULL, &charheight);

  line_height  = charheight;
  total_height = (line_height + IMAT_PADDING_H/2) * num_line - IMAT_PADDING_H/2 - IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

  if (lin==0 || ih->data->hidden_text_marks)
    int text_w;
    iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, text, &text_w, NULL);
    if (text_w > x2 - x1 + 1 - IMAT_PADDING_W - IMAT_FRAME_W)
      if (lin == 0)
        alignment = IMAT_ALIGN_LEFT;

      if (ih->data->hidden_text_marks)
        hidden_text_marks = 1;

  /* Set the color used to draw the text */
  iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);

  /* Set the clip area to the cell region informed, the text maybe greatter than the cell */
  if (hidden_text_marks)
    int crop = iupdrvFontGetStringWidth(ih, "...") + 2;
    iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2-crop, y1, y2);
    iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  IupCdSetFont(ih, ih->data->cd_canvas, iupMatrixGetFont(ih, lin, col));

  /* Create an space between text and cell frame */
  x1 += IMAT_PADDING_W/2;       x2 -= IMAT_PADDING_W/2;
  y1 += IMAT_PADDING_H/2;       y2 -= IMAT_PADDING_H/2;

  if (alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
    cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_CENTER);
  else if(alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_LEFT)
    cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_WEST);
  else  /* RIGHT */
    cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_EAST);

  if (num_line == 1)
    y = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5);

    /* Put the text */
    if (alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
      iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, (x1 + x2) / 2, y, text);
    else if(alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_LEFT)
      iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x1, y, text);
    else  /* RIGHT */
      iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x2, y, text);
    int i;
    char *p, *q, *newtext;

    newtext = iupStrDup(text);
    p = newtext;

    /* Get the position of the first text to be put in the screen */
    y = (int)( (y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5) - total_height/2 + line_height/2;

    for(i = 0; i < num_line; i++)
      q = strchr(p, '\n');
      if (q) *q = 0;  /* Cut the string to contain only one line */

      /* Draw the text */
      if(alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_CENTER)
        iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, (x1 + x2) / 2, y, p);
      else if(alignment == IMAT_ALIGN_LEFT)
        iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x1, y, p);
      else  /* RIGHT */
        iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x2, y, p);

      /* Advance the string */
      if (q) p = q + 1;

      /* Advance a line */
      y += line_height + IMAT_PADDING_H/2;



  if (hidden_text_marks)
    cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_EAST);
    y = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5);
    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, x2+IMAT_PADDING_W/2, y, "...");
Ejemplo n.º 24
int iupMatrixGetColumnWidth(Ihandle* ih, int col, int use_value)
  int width = 0, pixels = 0;
  char str[100];
  char* value;

  /* can be called for invalid columns (col>numcol) */

  sprintf(str, "WIDTH%d", col);
  value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
  if (!value)
    sprintf(str, "RASTERWIDTH%d", col);
    value = iupAttribGet(ih, str);
    if (value)
      pixels = 1;

  if (use_value && !value)
    /* Use the titles to define the size */
    if (col == 0)
      if (!ih->data->callback_mode || ih->data->use_title_size)
        /* find the largest title */
        int lin, max_width = 0;
        for(lin = 0; lin < ih->data->lines.num; lin++)
          char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, lin, 0);
          if (title_value)
            iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, &width, NULL);
            if (width > max_width)
              max_width = width;
        width = max_width;
    else if (ih->data->use_title_size && (col>0 && col<ih->data->columns.num))
      char* title_value = iupMatrixCellGetValue(ih, 0, col);
      if (title_value)
        iupdrvFontGetMultiLineStringSize(ih, title_value, &width, NULL);
    if (width)
      return width + IMAT_PADDING_W + IMAT_FRAME_W;

    if (col != 0)
      value = iupAttribGetStr(ih, "WIDTHDEF");

  if (iupStrToInt(value, &width))
    if (width <= 0)
      return 0;
      if (pixels)
        return width + IMAT_PADDING_W + IMAT_FRAME_W;
        int charwidth;
        iupdrvFontGetCharSize(ih, &charwidth, NULL);
        return iupWIDTH2RASTER(width, charwidth) + IMAT_PADDING_W + IMAT_FRAME_W;
  return 0;