Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \brief Separates the action node from the root DOM node.
 * \return 0 if successful, or -1 if fails.
static UPNP_INLINE int get_action_node(
	/*! [in] The root DOM node. */
	IXML_Document *TempDoc,
	/*! [in] IXML_Node name to be searched. */
	char *NodeName,
	/*! [out] Response/Output node. */
	IXML_Document **RespNode)
	IXML_Node *EnvpNode = NULL;
	IXML_Node *BodyNode = NULL;
	IXML_Node *ActNode = NULL;
	DOMString ActNodeName = NULL;
	const DOMString nodeName;
	int ret_code = -1;	/* error, by default */
	IXML_NodeList *nl = NULL;

	UpnpPrintf(UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		   "get_action_node(): node name =%s\n ", NodeName);
	*RespNode = NULL;
	/* Got the Envelope node here */
	EnvpNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild((IXML_Node *) TempDoc);
	if (!EnvpNode)
		goto error_handler;
	nl = ixmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS((IXML_Element *)EnvpNode,
						"*", "Body");
	if (!nl)
		goto error_handler;
	BodyNode = ixmlNodeList_item(nl, 0);
	if (!BodyNode)
		goto error_handler;
	/* Got action node here */
	ActNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild(BodyNode);
	if (!ActNode)
		goto error_handler;
	/* Test whether this is the action node */
	nodeName = ixmlNode_getNodeName(ActNode);
	if (!nodeName)
		goto error_handler;
	if (!strstr(nodeName, NodeName))
		goto error_handler;
	else {
		ActNodeName = ixmlPrintNode(ActNode);
		if (!ActNodeName)
			goto error_handler;
		ret_code = ixmlParseBufferEx(ActNodeName, RespNode);
		if (ret_code != IXML_SUCCESS) {
			ret_code = -1;
			goto error_handler;
	/* success */
	ret_code = 0;

	if (nl)
	return ret_code;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * upnp_igd_state_update
 * Description:
 *       Handle a uPnP event that was received.  Process the event and update
 *       the appropriate service state table.
 * Parameters:
 *   igd_ctxt          -- The upnp igd context
 *   device_node       -- The device updated
 *   service           -- The service updated
 *   changed_variables -- The updated variables
 *   values            -- The values of variables to update
void upnp_igd_state_update(upnp_igd_context* igd_ctxt, upnp_igd_device_node *device_node, int service, IXML_Document *changed_variables, char **values) {
	IXML_NodeList *properties;
	IXML_NodeList *variables;
	IXML_Element *property;
	IXML_Element *variable;
	long unsigned int length;
	long unsigned int length1;
	long unsigned int i;
	int j;
	char *tmpstate = NULL;

	upnp_igd_print(igd_ctxt, UPNP_IGD_DEBUG, "IGD State Update (service %d):", service);
	/* Find all of the e:property tags in the document */
	properties = ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagNameNS(changed_variables, UPNPDeviceType, "property");
	if (properties) {
		length = ixmlNodeList_length(properties);
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			/* Loop through each property change found */
			property = (IXML_Element *)ixmlNodeList_item(properties, i);
			/* For each variable name in the state table,
			 * check if this is a corresponding property change */
			for (j = 0; j < IGDVarCount[service]; j++) {
				variables = ixmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS(property, IGDServiceType[service], IGDVarName[service][j]);
				/* If a match is found, extract
				 * the value, and update the state table */
				if (variables) {
					length1 = ixmlNodeList_length(variables);
					if (length1) {
						variable = (IXML_Element *) ixmlNodeList_item(variables, 0);
						tmpstate = upnp_igd_get_element_value(igd_ctxt, variable);
						if (tmpstate) {
							if(strcmp(values[j], tmpstate)) {
								upnp_igd_strncpy(values[j], tmpstate, IGD_MAX_VAR_LEN);
								upnp_igd_var_updated(igd_ctxt, device_node, service, j, values[j]);
						if (tmpstate) {
						tmpstate = NULL;
					variables = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
RTPXML_NodeList *rtpxmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS(RTPXML_Element* element,DOMString namespaceURI,DOMString localName)
	return (RTPXML_NodeList *)ixmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS((IXML_Element *)element, namespaceURI, localName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int L_getElementsByTagNameNS_Element(lua_State *L)
	pushLuaNodeList(L, ixmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS(checkelement(L, 1), luaL_checkstring(L,2), luaL_checkstring(L,3)));
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
*	Function :	get_action_node
*	Parameters :
*		IN IXML_Document *TempDoc :	The root DOM node.
*		IN char *NodeName :	IXML_Node name to be searched.
*		OUT IXML_Document ** RespNode :	Response/Output node.
*	Description :	This function separates the action node from
*	the root DOM node.
*	Return :	static UPNP_INLINE int
*		0 if successful, or -1 if fails.
*	Note :
static UPNP_INLINE int
get_action_node( IN IXML_Document * TempDoc,
                 IN char *NodeName,
                 OUT IXML_Document ** RespNode )
    IXML_Node *EnvpNode = NULL;
    IXML_Node *BodyNode = NULL;
    IXML_Node *ActNode = NULL;
    DOMString ActNodeName = NULL;
    const DOMString nodeName;
    int ret_code = -1;          // error, by default
    IXML_NodeList *nl = NULL;

    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                "get_action_node(): node name =%s\n ", NodeName );

    *RespNode = NULL;

    // Got the Envelope node here
    EnvpNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild( ( IXML_Node * ) TempDoc );
    if( EnvpNode == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;

    nl = ixmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS( ( IXML_Element * ) EnvpNode,
            "*", "Body" );

    if( nl == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;

    BodyNode = ixmlNodeList_item( nl, 0 );

    if( BodyNode == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;
    // Got action node here
    ActNode = ixmlNode_getFirstChild( BodyNode );
    if( ActNode == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;
    //Test whether this is the action node
    nodeName = ixmlNode_getNodeName( ActNode );
    if( nodeName == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;

    if( strstr( nodeName, NodeName ) == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;
    } else {
        ActNodeName = ixmlPrintNode( ActNode );
        if( ActNodeName == NULL ) {
            goto error_handler;

        ret_code = ixmlParseBufferEx( ActNodeName, RespNode );
        if( ret_code != IXML_SUCCESS ) {
            ixmlFreeDOMString( ActNodeName );
            ret_code = -1;
            goto error_handler;

    ret_code = 0;               // success


    ixmlFreeDOMString( ActNodeName );

    if( nl )
        ixmlNodeList_free( nl );
    return ret_code;