Ejemplo n.º 1
  void dump_grid_range_highlight(const Grid & grid,
				 ssize_t ix0, ssize_t iy0,
				 ssize_t ix1, ssize_t iy1,
				 ssize_t ixhigh, ssize_t iyhigh,
				 FILE * stream)
    PVDEBUG("%zu   %zu   %zu   %zu   %zu   %zu\n",
	    ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, ixhigh, iyhigh);
    fprintf(stream, " ");
    for(ssize_t ix(ix0); ix <= ix1; ++ix)
      if(ix == ixhigh) fprintf(stream, " ***********");
      else             fprintf(stream, "            ");
    fprintf(stream, " \n");
    ssize_t iy(iy1);
    for(/**/; iy != iy0; --iy){
      const char * high(iy == iyhigh ? "*" : " ");
      linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, 0, " ");
      line1(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
      line2(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
      line3(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
      line4(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
    const char * high(iy == iyhigh ? "*" : " ");
    linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, 0, " ");
    line1(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
    line2(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
    line3(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
    line4(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, 0, high);
    linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, 0, " ");
    fprintf(stream, " ");
    for(ssize_t ix(ix0); ix <= ix1; ++ix)
      if(ix == ixhigh) fprintf(stream, " ***********");
      else             fprintf(stream, "            ");
    fprintf(stream, " \n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void Mapper2d::
		m_addmask_x0 = 0;
		m_addmask_y0 = 0;
		m_addmask_x1 = 0;
		m_addmask_y1 = 0;
		const ssize_t offset(static_cast<ssize_t>(ceil(grown_safe_distance / gridframe.Delta())));
    for (ssize_t ix(-offset); ix <= offset; ++ix) {
      const double x2(sqr(ix * gridframe.Delta()));
      for (ssize_t iy(-offset); iy <= offset; ++iy) {
				int const cost(ComputeCost(sqrt(sqr(iy * gridframe.Delta()) + x2)));
				if (cost > m_travmap->freespace) {
					m_addmask.insert(make_pair(index_t(ix, iy), cost));
					// update the addmask's bounding box
					if (ix < m_addmask_x0)
						m_addmask_x0 = ix;
					if (ix > m_addmask_x1)
						m_addmask_x1 = ix;
					if (iy < m_addmask_y0)
						m_addmask_y0 = iy;
					if (iy > m_addmask_y1)
						m_addmask_y1 = iy;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	void Mapper2d::
	ClearAllObstacles(draw_callback * cb)
		for (ssize_t ix(m_travmap->GetXBegin()); ix < m_travmap->GetXEnd(); ++ix)
			for (ssize_t iy(m_travmap->GetYBegin()); iy < m_travmap->GetYEnd(); ++iy)
				if ( ! m_travmap->IsFree(ix, iy))
					m_travmap->SetFree(ix, iy, cb);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    array(index_t xsize, index_t ysize, const value_t & init)
      : data(new inner_t[xsize])
      for (index_t ix(0); ix < xsize; ++ix) {
	data[ix].reset(new value_t[ysize]);
        for(index_t iy(0); iy < ysize; ++iy)
	  data[ix][iy] = init;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  void dump_grid_range(const Grid & grid,
		       ssize_t ix0, ssize_t iy0, ssize_t ix1, ssize_t iy1,
		       FILE * stream)
    PVDEBUG("%zu   %zu   %zu   %zu\n", ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1);
    const char * even("");
    const char * oddsep;
    const char * oddpre;
    if (grid.GetNeighborhood() == Grid::SIX) {
      oddsep = "+-----";
      oddpre = "      ";
    else {
      oddsep = even;
      oddpre = even;
    ssize_t iy(iy1);
    const char * prefix;
    for(/**/; iy != iy0; --iy){
      if(iy % 2){
	linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, oddsep, 0);
	prefix = oddpre;
	linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, even, 0);
	prefix = even;
      line1(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
      line2(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
      line3(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
      line4(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
    if(iy % 2){
      linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, oddsep, 0);
      prefix = oddpre;
      linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, even, 0);
      prefix = even;
    line1(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
    line2(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
    line3(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
    line4(grid, stream, iy, ix0, ix1, prefix, 0);
    if(iy % 2)
      linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, even, 0);
      linesep(grid, stream, ix0, ix1, oddsep, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Vector4f ColorGradient::GetColorWOErrorChecking(float f) const
    f = Mathf::Clamp(f, OrderedNodes[0].Position, OrderedNodes[OrderedNodes.size() - 1].Position);

	//Edge cases. Choose a random node side if the given value sits right on a Node.
	if (f == OrderedNodes[0].Position)
		return ((rand() % 9) < 5) ? OrderedNodes[0].LeftColor : OrderedNodes[0].RightColor;
	if (f == OrderedNodes[OrderedNodes.size() - 1].Position)
		return ((rand() % 9) < 5) ? OrderedNodes[OrderedNodes.size() - 1].LeftColor : OrderedNodes[OrderedNodes.size() - 1].RightColor;

	//Count to the first node above the given position.
	int index;
	for (index = OrderedNodes.size() - 1; OrderedNodes[index].Position > f && index > 0; --index) { }

	//Lerp between the two color values.

	Vector4f leftCol = OrderedNodes[index].RightColor;
	Vector4f rightCol = OrderedNodes[index + 1].LeftColor;
	Interval posInt(OrderedNodes[index].Position, OrderedNodes[index + 1].Position, 0.001f, true, true);
	Vector4b needReversed((unsigned char)(leftCol.x > rightCol.x), leftCol.y > rightCol.y, leftCol.z > rightCol.z, leftCol.w > rightCol.w);
	float ref = posInt.Reflect(f);
	float rx = (needReversed.x) ? ref : f,
		  ry = (needReversed.y) ? ref : f,
		  rz = (needReversed.z) ? ref : f,
		  rw = (needReversed.w) ? ref : f;
	Interval ix(leftCol.x, rightCol.x, 0.001f, true, true),
			 iy(leftCol.y, rightCol.y, 0.001f, true, true),
			 iz(leftCol.z, rightCol.z, 0.001f, true, true),
			 iw(leftCol.w, rightCol.w, 0.001f, true, true);
	rx = posInt.MapValue(ix, rx);
	ry = posInt.MapValue(iy, ry);
	rz = posInt.MapValue(iz, rz);
	rw = posInt.MapValue(iw, rw);
	Vector4f ret(rx, ry, rz, rw);

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  /** \todo this implementation is a bit brute force... */
  void NF1::
  SetLocalDisk(GridFrame const & gframe,
	       grid_t & grid, position_t center,
	       double radius, double value)
    index_t index(gframe.LocalIndex(center));
      grid[index] = value;
    const index_t
      minidx(gframe.LocalIndex(center.v0 - radius, center.v1 - radius));
    const index_t
      maxidx(gframe.LocalIndex(center.v0 + radius, center.v1 + radius));
    const double radius2(sqr(radius));
    for(ssize_t ix(minidx.v0); ix < maxidx.v0; ++ix)
      for(ssize_t iy(minidx.v1); iy < maxidx.v1; ++iy)
	if(grid.ValidIndex(ix, iy)){
	  const position_t point(gframe.LocalPoint(ix, iy) - center);
	  const double r2(sqr(point.v0) + sqr(point.v1));
	  if(r2 <= radius2)
	    grid[ix][iy] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  void dump_probabilities(const array<double> &prob,
			  size_t x0, size_t y0, size_t x1, size_t y1,
			  FILE * stream)
    for(size_t iy(y1); iy >= y0; --iy){
      for(size_t ix(x0); ix <= x1; ++ix)
	fprintf(stream, "+-----");
      fprintf(stream, "+\n");
      for(size_t ix(x0); ix <= x1; ++ix){
	const double value(prob[ix][iy]);
	if(value < 0)           fprintf(stream, "| < 0 ");
	else if(value > 1)      fprintf(stream, "| > 1 ");
	else if(value < 1e-9)   fprintf(stream, "|tiny ");
	else if(value > 1-1e-9) fprintf(stream, "| one ");
	else                    fprintf(stream, "|%5.2f", value);
      fprintf(stream, "|\n");
    for(size_t ix(x0); ix <= x1; ++ix)
      fprintf(stream, "+-----");
    fprintf(stream, "+\n");
void SBPLLatticePlanner::initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros){
    ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/"+name);
    ros::NodeHandle nh(name);

    ROS_INFO("Name is %s", name.c_str());

    private_nh.param("planner_type", planner_type_, string("ARAPlanner"));
    private_nh.param("allocated_time", allocated_time_, 10.0);
    private_nh.param("environment_type", environment_type_, string("XYThetaLattice"));
    private_nh.param("forward_search", forward_search_, bool(false));

    double nominalvel_mpersecs, timetoturn45degsinplace_secs;
    private_nh.param("nominalvel_mpersecs", nominalvel_mpersecs, 0.4);
    private_nh.param("timetoturn45degsinplace_secs", timetoturn45degsinplace_secs, 0.6);

    int lethal_obstacle;
    lethal_obstacle_ = (unsigned char) lethal_obstacle;
    inscribed_inflated_obstacle_ = lethal_obstacle_-1;
    sbpl_cost_multiplier_ = (unsigned char) (costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE/inscribed_inflated_obstacle_ + 1);
    ROS_DEBUG("SBPL: lethal: %uz, inscribed inflated: %uz, multiplier: %uz",lethal_obstacle,inscribed_inflated_obstacle_,sbpl_cost_multiplier_);

    costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;

    std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint();

    if ("XYThetaLattice" == environment_type_){
      ROS_DEBUG("Using a 3D costmap for theta lattice\n");
      env_ = new EnvironmentNAVXYTHETALAT();
      ROS_ERROR("XYThetaLattice is currently the only supported environment!\n");

    // check if the costmap has an inflation layer
    // Warning: footprint updates after initialization are not supported here
    unsigned char cost_possibly_circumscribed_tresh = 0;
    for(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<costmap_2d::Layer> >::const_iterator layer = costmap_ros_->getLayeredCostmap()->getPlugins()->begin();
        layer != costmap_ros_->getLayeredCostmap()->getPlugins()->end();
        ++layer) {
      boost::shared_ptr<costmap_2d::InflationLayer> inflation_layer = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<costmap_2d::InflationLayer>(*layer);
      if (!inflation_layer) continue;

      cost_possibly_circumscribed_tresh = inflation_layer->computeCost(costmap_ros_->getLayeredCostmap()->getCircumscribedRadius());

      ROS_ERROR("Failed to set cost_inscribed_thresh parameter");
    if(!env_->SetEnvParameter("cost_possibly_circumscribed_thresh", costMapCostToSBPLCost(cost_possibly_circumscribed_tresh))){
      ROS_ERROR("Failed to set cost_possibly_circumscribed_thresh parameter");
    int obst_cost_thresh = costMapCostToSBPLCost(costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE);
    vector<sbpl_2Dpt_t> perimeterptsV;
    for (size_t ii(0); ii < footprint.size(); ++ii) {
      sbpl_2Dpt_t pt;
      pt.x = footprint[ii].x;
      pt.y = footprint[ii].y;

    bool ret;
      ret = env_->InitializeEnv(costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsX(), // width
                                costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsY(), // height
                                0, // mapdata
                                0, 0, 0, // start (x, y, theta, t)
                                0, 0, 0, // goal (x, y, theta)
                                0, 0, 0, //goal tolerance
                                perimeterptsV, costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getResolution(), nominalvel_mpersecs,
                                timetoturn45degsinplace_secs, obst_cost_thresh,
    catch(SBPL_Exception e){
      ROS_ERROR("SBPL encountered a fatal exception!");
      ret = false;
      ROS_ERROR("SBPL initialization failed!");
    for (ssize_t ix(0); ix < costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsX(); ++ix)
      for (ssize_t iy(0); iy < costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getSizeInCellsY(); ++iy)
        env_->UpdateCost(ix, iy, costMapCostToSBPLCost(costmap_ros_->getCostmap()->getCost(ix,iy)));

    if ("ARAPlanner" == planner_type_){
      ROS_INFO("Planning with ARA*");
      planner_ = new ARAPlanner(env_, forward_search_);
    else if ("ADPlanner" == planner_type_){
      ROS_INFO("Planning with AD*");
      planner_ = new ADPlanner(env_, forward_search_);
      ROS_ERROR("ARAPlanner and ADPlanner are currently the only supported planners!\n");

    ROS_INFO("[sbpl_lattice_planner] Initialized successfully");
    plan_pub_ = private_nh.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("plan", 1);
    stats_publisher_ = private_nh.advertise<sbpl_lattice_planner::SBPLLatticePlannerStats>("sbpl_lattice_planner_stats", 1);

    initialized_ = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void initialize_new_objects(parameter_t const& P,  directory_structure_t const& ds,
			    geometric_info_t const& gi, object_info_t& oi,
			    vector<std::vector<std::string> > const &seq, int tt,
			    vector<CImg<unsigned char> > const& images,
			    vector<matrix<float> > const& grd,
			    vector<matrix<float> >& detected_rects)
    int Ncam = seq.size();
    vector<object_trj_t> & trlet_list=oi.trlet_list;
    int nobj = trlet_list.size();
    int num_new_obj = detected_rects(0).size1();
    int T = seq[0].size();
    int np = oi.model.size();

    int num_scales = P.scales.size();

    for(int oo=0; oo<num_new_obj; ++oo)
	int nn = oi.curr_num_obj + oo;

	trlet_list(nn).startt = tt;
	trlet_list(nn).endt = tt;
	trlet_list(nn).state = 1;
	trlet_list(nn).trj = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);
	for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam)
	    trlet_list(nn).trj(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 4, 0);
	trlet_list(nn).trj_3d = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 2, 0);

	trlet_list(nn).hist_p = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);
	trlet_list(nn).hist_q = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);

	trlet_list(nn).fscores = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);
	trlet_list(nn).scores = scalar_matrix<float>(Ncam, T, 0);

	vector<candidate_array<Float> > cand_array(Ncam);

	for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam)

	    trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(np*2, T, 0);

	    float w = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 2)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0);
	    float h = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 3)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1);
	    row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = row(detected_rects(cam), oo);

	    matrix<float> rects;
	    compute_part_rects(detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0), detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1),
			  w, h, oi.model, rects);

	    pmodel_t pmodel;

	    vector<float> br(row(detected_rects(cam), oo));
	    rects_to_pmodel_geom(br, gi.horiz_mean, pmodel);
	    oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn) = pmodel;

	    //collect_sift(grd(cam), );
	    matrix<float> hist_p, hist_q;
	    collect_hist(images(cam), rects, hist_p, hist_q);
	    trlet_list(nn).hist_p(cam) = hist_p;
	    trlet_list(nn).hist_q(cam) = hist_q;

	    std::vector<float> sxr, syr;
	    for(float v=-P.xrange/2; v<=P.xrange/2; v+=P.xstep)
	    for(float v=-P.yrange/2; v<=P.yrange/2; v+=P.ystep)
	    vector<float> xr(sxr.size()), yr(syr.size());
	    std::copy(sxr.begin(), sxr.end(), xr.begin());
	    std::copy(syr.begin(), syr.end(), yr.begin());

	    float feetx = (trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 0)
			   +trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 2))/2;
	    float feety = trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 3);

	    matrix<Float> cand_rects;
	    vector<Float> cand_scale;
	    matrix<int> cand_ijs;

	    enumerate_rects_inpoly(images(cam), oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn),
				   feetx, feety,
				   xr, yr, P.scales, gi.horiz_mean, gi.horiz_sig,
				   cand_rects, cand_scale,
				   cand_ijs, cand_array(cam));

	    vector<Float> cand_hist_score;
	    matrix<Float> hist_fscores;

	    real_timer_t timer;
	    get_cand_hist_score(images(cam), oi.model, P.logp1, P.logp2,
				cand_hist_score, hist_fscores);

	    vector<Float> cand_score=cand_hist_score;
	    std::cout<<"\t\t"<<cand_rects.size1()<<" rects, \tget_cand_hist_score time:"

	    int idx_max = std::max_element(cand_score.begin(), cand_score.end())
		- cand_score.begin();

	    column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt) = row(hist_fscores, idx_max);
	    trlet_list(nn).scores(cam, tt) = cand_score(idx_max);
	    cand_array(cam).fill_score(cand_score, cand_ijs);

	}//end for cam

	real_timer_t timer;

	ground_scoremap_t<Float> grd_scoremap;
	combine_ground_score(cand_array, grd_scoremap, gi);
	int best_y, best_x, best_s;

	grd_scoremap.peak(best_y, best_x, best_s);	

	for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam)
	    vector<double> bx(1), by(1), ix, iy;
	    bx <<= best_x; by <<= best_y;
	    apply_homography(gi.grd2img(cam), bx, by, ix, iy);
	    float hpre = oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).hpre;
	    float cur_fy = iy(0);
	    float cur_fx = ix(0);
	    float cur_hy = gi.horiz_mean+hpre*(cur_fy-gi.horiz_mean);
	    float ds = P.scales(best_s)*(cur_fy-cur_hy)/oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bh;
	    float ww = ds*oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bw;
	    float hh = cur_fy - cur_hy;

	    vector<Float> tmp(4);
	    tmp <<= (cur_fx-ww/2), cur_hy, (cur_fx+ww/2), cur_fy;
	    row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = tmp;

	    //std::cout<<"trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, :)="
	    //     <<row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt)<<std::endl;

	}//endfor cam

    }//endfor oo

    oi.curr_num_obj += num_new_obj;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void initialize_new_objects(mpi::communicator& world,
			    parameter_t const& P,  directory_structure_t const& ds,
			    geometric_info_t const& gi, object_info_t& oi,
			    vector<std::vector<std::string> > const &seq, int tt,
			    vector<CImg<unsigned char> > const& images,
			    vector<matrix<float> > const& grd,
			    vector<matrix<float> >& detected_rects)
    int Ncam = seq.size();
    vector<object_trj_t> & trlet_list=oi.trlet_list;
    int nobj = trlet_list.size();
    int num_new_obj = detected_rects(0).size1();
    int T = seq[0].size();
    int np = oi.model.size();

    int num_scales = P.scales.size();


    for(int oo=0; oo<num_new_obj; ++oo)
	int nn = oi.curr_num_obj + oo;

	trlet_list(nn).startt = tt;
	trlet_list(nn).endt = tt;
	trlet_list(nn).state = 1;
	trlet_list(nn).trj = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);
	for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam)
	    trlet_list(nn).trj(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 4, 0);
	trlet_list(nn).trj_3d = scalar_matrix<float>(T, 2, 0);

	trlet_list(nn).hist_p = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);
	trlet_list(nn).hist_q = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);

	trlet_list(nn).fscores = vector<matrix<float> >(Ncam);
	trlet_list(nn).scores = scalar_matrix<float>(Ncam, T, 0);

	vector<candidate_array<Float> > cand_array(Ncam);
	for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam)

	    trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam) = scalar_matrix<float>(np*2, T, 0);

	    float w = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 2)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0);
	    float h = detected_rects(cam)(oo, 3)-detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1);
	    row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = row(detected_rects(cam), oo);

	    matrix<float> rects;
	    compute_part_rects(detected_rects(cam)(oo, 0), detected_rects(cam)(oo, 1),
			  w, h, oi.model, rects);

	    pmodel_t pmodel;

	    vector<float> br(row(detected_rects(cam), oo));
	    rects_to_pmodel_geom(br, gi.horiz_mean, pmodel);
	    oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn) = pmodel;

	    //collect_sift(grd(cam), );
	    matrix<float> hist_p, hist_q;
	    collect_hist(images(cam), rects, hist_p, hist_q);
	    trlet_list(nn).hist_p(cam) = hist_p;
	    trlet_list(nn).hist_q(cam) = hist_q;

	    matrix<Float> cand_rects;
	    vector<Float> cand_scale;
	    matrix<int> cand_ijs;


		std::vector<float> sxr, syr;
		for(float v=-P.xrange/2; v<=P.xrange/2; v+=P.xstep)
		for(float v=-P.yrange/2; v<=P.yrange/2; v+=P.ystep)
		vector<float> xr(sxr.size()), yr(syr.size());
		std::copy(sxr.begin(), sxr.end(), xr.begin());
		std::copy(syr.begin(), syr.end(), yr.begin());

		float feetx = (trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 0)
			       +trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 2))/2;
		float feety = trlet_list(nn).trj(cam)(tt, 3);

		enumerate_rects_inpoly(images(cam), oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn),
				       feetx, feety,
				       xr, yr, P.scales, gi.horiz_mean, gi.horiz_sig,
				       gi.polys_im(tt, cam),
				       cand_rects, cand_scale,
				       cand_ijs, cand_array(cam));


	    mpi::broadcast(world, cand_rects, 0);

	    real_timer_t timer;
	    vector<Float> cand_hist_score(cand_rects.size1());
	    matrix<Float> hist_fscores;

	    range rrank(world.rank()*cand_rects.size1()/world.size(), 
	    matrix<Float> cand_rects_rank(project(cand_rects, rrank, range(0, 4)));
	    vector<Float> cand_hist_score_rank;
	    matrix<Float> hist_fscores_rank;
	    get_cand_hist_score(images(cam), oi.model, P.logp1, P.logp2,
				cand_hist_score_rank, hist_fscores_rank);
		std::vector<vector<Float> > v1;
		std::vector<matrix<Float> > v2;
		mpi::gather(world, cand_hist_score_rank, v1, 0);
		mpi::gather(world, hist_fscores_rank, v2, 0);
		hist_fscores = matrix<Float>(cand_rects.size1(),
		for(int r=0; r<world.size(); ++r)
		    int start = r*cand_rects.size1()/world.size();
		    for(int vv=0; vv<v1[r].size(); ++vv)
			cand_hist_score(start+vv) = v1[r](vv);
		    for(int vv=0; vv<v2[r].size1(); ++vv)
			row(hist_fscores, start+vv) = row(v2[r], vv);
		mpi::gather(world, cand_hist_score_rank, 0);
		mpi::gather(world, hist_fscores_rank, 0);

	    mpi::broadcast(world, cand_hist_score, 0);
	    mpi::broadcast(world, hist_fscores, 0);

	    vector<Float> cand_score=cand_hist_score;
	    std::cout<<"\t\t"<<cand_rects.size1()<<" rects, \tget_cand_hist_score time:"

		int idx_max = std::max_element(cand_score.begin(), cand_score.end())
		    - cand_score.begin();

		column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt) = row(hist_fscores, idx_max);
		trlet_list(nn).scores(cam, tt) = cand_score(idx_max);
		cand_array(cam).fill_score(cand_score, cand_ijs);
	    mpi::broadcast(world, cand_array(cam), 0);
	    mpi::broadcast(world, trlet_list(nn).scores(cam, tt), 0);
	    vector<Float> fscore_col;
		fscore_col = column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt);
	    mpi::broadcast(world, fscore_col, 0);
		column(trlet_list(nn).fscores(cam), tt) = fscore_col;

	}//end for cam

	int best_y, best_x, best_s;
	    ground_scoremap_t<Float> grd_scoremap;
	    combine_ground_score(tt, cand_array, grd_scoremap, gi);
	    grd_scoremap.peak(best_y, best_x, best_s);	
	mpi::broadcast(world, best_y, 0);
	mpi::broadcast(world, best_x, 0);

	trlet_list(nn).trj_3d(tt, 0) = best_x;
	trlet_list(nn).trj_3d(tt, 1) = best_y;

	for(int cam=0; cam<Ncam; ++cam)
	    vector<Float> trj_row(4);

		vector<double> bx(1), by(1), ix, iy;
		bx <<= best_x; by <<= best_y;
		apply_homography(gi.grd2img(tt, cam), bx, by, ix, iy);
		float hpre = oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).hpre;
		float cur_fy = iy(0);
		float cur_fx = ix(0);
		float cur_hy = gi.horiz_mean+hpre*(cur_fy-gi.horiz_mean);
		float ds = P.scales(best_s)*(cur_fy-cur_hy)/oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bh;
		float ww = ds*oi.pmodel_list(cam, nn).bw;
		float hh = cur_fy - cur_hy;

		trj_row <<= (cur_fx-ww/2), cur_hy, (cur_fx+ww/2), cur_fy;
	    mpi::broadcast(world, trj_row, 0);
	    row(trlet_list(nn).trj(cam), tt) = trj_row;

	}//endfor cam

    }//endfor oo

    oi.curr_num_obj += num_new_obj;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Elastic::FAC::pack_strain(double* buffer,
                          const SAMRAI::hier::Patch& patch,
                          const SAMRAI::hier::Box& region,
                          const int &depth) const
  boost::shared_ptr<SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double> > v_ptr=
    boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double> >
  SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double>& v = *v_ptr;

  boost::shared_ptr<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > dv_diagonal;
  boost::shared_ptr<SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double> > dv_mixed;
      dv_diagonal=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> >
      dv_mixed=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double> >

  const Gamra::Dir dim=d_dim.getValue();
      boost::shared_ptr<SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double> > level_set_ptr;
        level_set_ptr=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SAMRAI::pdat::SideData<double> >

  Gamra::Dir ix(Gamra::Dir::from_int(depth/dim)),
  const SAMRAI::hier::Index zero(SAMRAI::hier::Index::getZeroIndex(d_dim));
  SAMRAI::hier::Index ip(zero), jp(zero);

  const double *dx(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast

  SAMRAI::pdat::CellIterator iend(SAMRAI::pdat::CellGeometry::end(region));
      icell!=iend; ++icell)
      const SAMRAI::pdat::SideIndex
          double diff(v(s+ip)-v(s));
          const int ix_iy(index_map(ix,iy,dim));
          double diff(- v(s-jp) - v(s+ip-jp) + v(s+jp)  + v(s+ip+jp));

            diff+=(*dv_mixed)(s,ix_iy+1) - (*dv_mixed)(s-jp,ix_iy)
              + (*dv_mixed)(s+ip,ix_iy+1) - (*dv_mixed)(s+ip-jp,ix_iy)
              + (*dv_mixed)(s+jp,ix_iy+1) - (*dv_mixed)(s,ix_iy)
              + (*dv_mixed)(s+ip+jp,ix_iy+1) - (*dv_mixed)(s+ip,ix_iy);