Ejemplo n.º 1
jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array(jl_type_t *atype, void *data, jl_tuple_t *dims,
                            int julia_mallocated)
    size_t i, elsz, nel=1;
    jl_array_t *a;
    size_t ndims = jl_tuple_len(dims);

    for(i=0; i < ndims; i++) {
        nel *= jl_unbox_long(jl_tupleref(dims, i));
    jl_type_t *el_type = (jl_type_t*)jl_tparam0(atype);

    int isunboxed = jl_is_bits_type(el_type);
    if (isunboxed)
        elsz = jl_bitstype_nbits(el_type)/8;
        elsz = sizeof(void*);

    int ndimwords = (ndims > 2 ? (ndims-2) : 0);
#ifndef __LP64__
    // on 32-bit, ndimwords must be odd to preserve 8-byte alignment
    ndimwords += (~ndimwords)&1;
    a = allocobj(sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t));
    a->type = atype;
    a->data = data;
    a->length = nel;
    a->elsize = elsz;
    a->ptrarray = !isunboxed;
    a->ndims = ndims;

    if (julia_mallocated) {
        a->reshaped = 0;
    else {
        // this marks the array as not owning its buffer
        a->reshaped = 1;
        *((jl_array_t**)(&a->_space[0] + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t))) = a;

    if (ndims == 1) {
        a->nrows = a->length;
        a->maxsize = a->length;
        a->offset = 0;
    else {
        size_t *adims = &a->nrows;
        for(i=0; i < ndims; i++) {
            adims[i] = jl_unbox_long(jl_tupleref(dims, i));
    return a;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: gc.c Proyecto: wlbksy/julia
jl_mallocptr_t *jl_gc_managed_malloc(size_t sz)
    if (allocd_bytes > collect_interval) {
    sz = (sz+15) & -16;
    void *b = malloc_a16(sz);
    if (b == NULL)
    allocd_bytes += sz;
    return jl_gc_acquire_buffer(b, sz, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array(jl_type_t *atype, void *data, jl_tuple_t *dims,
                            int own_buffer)
    size_t i, elsz, nel=1;
    jl_array_t *a;
    size_t ndims = jl_tuple_len(dims);

    for(i=0; i < ndims; i++) {
        nel *= jl_unbox_long(jl_tupleref(dims, i));
    jl_type_t *el_type = (jl_type_t*)jl_tparam0(atype);

    int isunboxed = jl_is_bits_type(el_type);
    if (isunboxed)
        elsz = jl_bitstype_nbits(el_type)/8;
        elsz = sizeof(void*);

    int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(ndims);
    a = allocobj((sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t)+15)&-16);
    a->type = atype;
    a->data = data;
    a->length = nel;
    a->elsize = elsz;
    a->ptrarray = !isunboxed;
    a->ndims = ndims;

    if (own_buffer) {
        a->ismalloc = 1;
        jl_array_data_owner(a) = (jl_value_t*)jl_gc_acquire_buffer(data,nel*elsz);
    else {
        a->ismalloc = 0;
        jl_array_data_owner(a) = (jl_value_t*)a;

    if (ndims == 1) {
        a->nrows = a->length;
        a->maxsize = a->length;
        a->offset = 0;
    else {
        size_t *adims = &a->nrows;
        for(i=0; i < ndims; i++) {
            adims[i] = jl_unbox_long(jl_tupleref(dims, i));
    return a;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// ** NOTE: julia_mallocated means buffer was allocated using julia_malloc.
// using the address of another array does not work!!
jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array_1d(jl_type_t *atype, void *data, size_t nel,
                               int julia_mallocated)
    size_t elsz;
    jl_array_t *a;
    jl_type_t *el_type = (jl_type_t*)jl_tparam0(atype);

    int isunboxed = jl_is_bits_type(el_type);
    if (isunboxed)
        elsz = jl_bitstype_nbits(el_type)/8;
        elsz = sizeof(void*);

    a = allocobj(sizeof(jl_array_t));
    a->type = atype;
    a->data = data;
    a->length = nel;
    a->elsize = elsz;
    a->ptrarray = !isunboxed;
    a->ndims = 1;

    if (julia_mallocated) {
        a->reshaped = 0;
    else {
        // this marks the array as not owning its buffer
        a->reshaped = 1;
        *((jl_array_t**)(&a->_space[0])) = a;

    a->nrows = a->length;
    a->maxsize = a->length;
    a->offset = 0;
    return a;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// own_buffer != 0 iff GC should call free() on this pointer eventually
jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array_1d(jl_type_t *atype, void *data, size_t nel,
                               int own_buffer)
    size_t elsz;
    jl_array_t *a;
    jl_type_t *el_type = (jl_type_t*)jl_tparam0(atype);

    int isunboxed = jl_is_bits_type(el_type);
    if (isunboxed)
        elsz = jl_bitstype_nbits(el_type)/8;
        elsz = sizeof(void*);

    a = allocobj((sizeof(jl_array_t)+jl_array_ndimwords(1)*sizeof(size_t)+15)&-16);
    a->type = atype;
    a->data = data;
    a->length = nel;
    a->elsize = elsz;
    a->ptrarray = !isunboxed;
    a->ndims = 1;

    if (own_buffer) {
        a->ismalloc = 1;
        jl_array_data_owner(a) = (jl_value_t*)jl_gc_acquire_buffer(data,nel*elsz);
    else {
        a->ismalloc = 0;
        jl_array_data_owner(a) = (jl_value_t*)a;

    a->nrows = a->length;
    a->maxsize = a->length;
    a->offset = 0;
    return a;