bool NAO_PLANNER_CONTROL::compute_motion_plan(rrt_planner_msgs::Compute_Motion_Plan::Request &req, rrt_planner_msgs::Compute_Motion_Plan::Response &resp)

    std::cout <<"Compute Manipulation Plan requested"<< std::endl;

//	//-----------Start Configuration (= current robot state in planning_scene)
//	//Get the joint names of the planning group
//    //const std::vector<std::string>& joint_names = p_s_->getRobotModel()->getJointModelGroup(PLANNING_GROUP)->getJointModelNames();

//	//Get the current configuration (for the whole robot)
//    robot_state::RobotState state = p_s_->getCurrentState();

//    //Get Joint Names
//    std::vector<std::string> joint_title;
//    joint_title = state.getVariableNames();

//    //Get Joint Values
//    const double *joint_vals;
//    joint_vals = state.getVariablePositions();

//    std::map< std::string, double > joint_values;
//    for (int i = 0; i < joint_title.size(); i++)
//    {
//        joint_values.insert ( std::pair<std::string,double>(joint_title[i],joint_vals[i]));
//    }
//    //state.getStateValues(joint_values);

//	//Erase configuration elements not used for planning
//	joint_values.erase("HeadPitch");
//	joint_values.erase("HeadYaw");
//	joint_values.erase("world_joint/theta");
//	joint_values.erase("world_joint/x");
//	joint_values.erase("world_joint/y");

//    //    //Plot remaining configuration
//    //        for(std::map<std::string,double>::const_iterator i = joint_values.begin(); i != joint_values.end(); ++i)
//    //        {
//    //            std::cout << i->first << ": " << i->second << std::endl;
//    //        }

//	//Configuration for Planning (rearrange joint values in the order of the Kin. Model)
//    std::vector<double> start_config(joint_names_.size());
//    std::cout<<"Start Config."<<std::endl;
//    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < joint_names_.size(); i++)
//	{
//     start_config[i] = joint_values[joint_names_[i]];
//     std::cout << joint_names_[i] << ": " << joint_values[joint_names_[i]] << std::endl;
//	}

    //-----------Start Configuration (from request) -------------------------
    std::vector<double> start_config(joint_names_.size());
    std::cout<<"Start Config."<<std::endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < joint_names_.size(); i++)
     start_config[i] = req.wb_start_config[i];
     std::cout << joint_names_[i] << ": " << start_config[i] << std::endl;

	//Set trajectory mode (false will prepare a trajectory for simulation, true will prepare a trajectory for execution)

	//-----------Goal Configuration (generated by SCG)
	std::vector<double> desired_right_hand_pose(6);
	//Set the desired position of the right hand w.r.t the right foot
	desired_right_hand_pose[0] = req.right_hand_position.x;   // X [m]
	desired_right_hand_pose[1] = req.right_hand_position.y; // Y [m]
	desired_right_hand_pose[2] = req.right_hand_position.z;  // Z [m]
	//Set the desired direction of the z-axis of the right hand w.r.t the right foot frame
	desired_right_hand_pose[3] = req.right_hand_direction.x;   // X component of hand z-axis
	desired_right_hand_pose[4] = req.right_hand_direction.y; // Y component of hand z-axis
	desired_right_hand_pose[5] = req.right_hand_direction.z;  // Z component of hand z-axis

	//Sample a goal configuration
	int num_goal_configs_found = 0;
	float time_for_first_config = 0.0;
	num_goal_configs_found = scg_->sample_stable_configs(MAX_SAMPLES,MAX_IK_ITERATIONS,time_for_first_config, true, SSC_DS_GOAL_CONFIG_FIRST);
	//Time required to find first config
	resp.time_goal_config = time_for_first_config;

	if (num_goal_configs_found > 0)
		//Get the best goal config from the file
        std::vector<double> goal_config(joint_names_.size());
		scg_->loadGoalConfig(goal_config, SSC_DS_GOAL_CONFIG_FIRST);

		//Assign best goal config to service response
		resp.wb_goal_config = goal_config;

		//Set joint weights
        std::vector<double> joint_weights(joint_names_.size());
		//Set joint weights
		double r_arm_weight = R_ARM_WEIGHT_APPROACH;
		double l_arm_weight = L_ARM_WEIGHT_APPROACH;
		double leg_weight = LEGS_WEIGHT_APPROACH;
		joint_weights[0] = leg_weight;			//	RAnkleRoll
		joint_weights[1] = leg_weight;			//	RAnklePitch
		joint_weights[2] = leg_weight;			//	RKneePitch
		joint_weights[3] = leg_weight;			//	RHipPitch
		joint_weights[4] = leg_weight;			//	RHipRoll
		joint_weights[5] = l_arm_weight;		//	LShoulderPitch
		joint_weights[6] = l_arm_weight;		//	LShoulderRoll
		joint_weights[7] = l_arm_weight;		//	LElbowYaw
		joint_weights[8] = l_arm_weight;		//	LElbowRoll
		joint_weights[9] = l_arm_weight;		//	LWristYaw
		joint_weights[10] = r_arm_weight;		//	RShoulderPitch
		joint_weights[11] = r_arm_weight;		//	RShoulderRoll
		joint_weights[12] = r_arm_weight;		//	RElbowYaw
		joint_weights[13] = r_arm_weight;		//	RElbowRoll
		joint_weights[14] = r_arm_weight;		//	RWristYaw
		joint_weights[15] = 0.0;				//	LHipYawPitch
		joint_weights[16] = leg_weight;			//	LHipRoll
		joint_weights[17] = leg_weight;			//	LHipPitch
		joint_weights[18] = leg_weight;			//	LKneePitch
		joint_weights[19] = leg_weight;			//	LAnklePitch
		joint_weights[20] = leg_weight;			//	LAnkleRoll

        std::cout<<"Right before setStartGoalConfigs in nao_planner_control"<<std::endl;

		if (planner_->setStartGoalConfigs(start_config,goal_config))
				//Solve the query
			    int num_nodes = 0;
			    float time_elapsed = 0.0;
				resp.motion_plan = planner_->solveQuery(MAX_EXPAND_ITERATIONS, ADVANCE_STEPS,SOLUTION_FILE_PATH_FIRST,num_nodes,time_elapsed);
				resp.num_nodes_generated = num_nodes;
				resp.search_time = time_elapsed;

		if(resp.motion_plan.trajectory.size()>0 && resp.motion_plan.trajectory[0].joint_trajectory.points.size() > 0)
			resp.success = true;
			resp.success = false;
		resp.success = false;

	return true;
bool NAO_PLANNER_CONTROL::compute_circular_manipulation_plan(rrt_planner_msgs::Compute_Circular_Manipulation_Plan::Request &req, rrt_planner_msgs::Compute_Circular_Manipulation_Plan::Response &resp)

    std::cout <<"Circular Manipulation Plan requested"<< std::endl;

//	//-----------Start Configuration (= current robot state in planning_scene)
//	//Get the joint names of the planning group
//    //const std::vector<std::string>& joint_names = p_s_->getRobotModel()->getJointModelGroup(PLANNING_GROUP)->getJointModelNames();

//	//Get the current configuration (for the whole robot)
//    //planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRO p_s(psm_);
//    robot_state::RobotState state = p_s_->getCurrentState();

//    //Get Joint Names
//    std::vector<std::string> joint_title;
//    joint_title = state.getVariableNames();

//    //Get Joint Values
//    const double *joint_vals;
//    joint_vals = state.getVariablePositions();

//    std::map< std::string, double > joint_values;
//    for (int i = 0; i < joint_title.size(); i++)
//    {
//        joint_values.insert ( std::pair<std::string,double>(joint_title[i],joint_vals[i]));
//    }

//    //std::map< std::string, double > joint_values;
//    //state.getStateValues(joint_values);

//	//Erase configuration elements not used for planning
//	joint_values.erase("HeadPitch");
//	joint_values.erase("HeadYaw");
//	joint_values.erase("world_joint/theta");
//	joint_values.erase("world_joint/x");
//	joint_values.erase("world_joint/y");

//	//Plot remaining configuration
//	//	for(std::map<std::string,double>::const_iterator i = joint_values.begin(); i != joint_values.end(); ++i)
//	//	{
//	//		std::cout << i->first << ": " << i->second << std::endl;
//	//	}

//	//Configuration for Planning (rearrange joint values in the order of the Kin. Model)
//    std::vector<double> start_config(joint_names_.size());
//    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < joint_names_.size(); i++)
//	{
//     start_config[i] = joint_values[joint_names_[i]];
//     //std::cout << joint_names[i] << ": " << joint_values[joint_names_[i]] << std::endl;
//	}

    //-----------Start Configuration (from request) -------------------------
    std::vector<double> start_config(joint_names_.size());
    std::cout<<"Start Config."<<std::endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < joint_names_.size(); i++)
     start_config[i] = req.wb_start_config[i];
     std::cout << joint_names_[i] << ": " << start_config[i] << std::endl;

	//-----------Init Planning variables
	//Weights for limb joints
	double r_arm_weight = 0.0;
	double l_arm_weight = 0.0;
	double leg_weight = 0.0;
	//Weight array
    std::vector<double> joint_weights(joint_names_.size());

	//Array storing the goal config for the approach motion plan
    std::vector<double> goal_config_approach(joint_names_.size());
	//Array storing the goal config for the manipulate motion plan
    std::vector<double> goal_config_manipulate(joint_names_.size());

	//Set trajectory mode (false will prepare a trajectory for simulation, true will prepare a trajectory for execution)

	//------------------ Motion Planning Approach
	//Goal Configuration for approach (generated by SCG)
	std::vector<double> desired_right_hand_pose(6);
	//Set the desired position of the right hand w.r.t the right foot
	desired_right_hand_pose[0] = req.right_hand_position.x;   // X [m]
	desired_right_hand_pose[1] = req.right_hand_position.y; // Y [m]
	desired_right_hand_pose[2] = req.right_hand_position.z;  // Z [m]
	//Set the desired direction of the z-axis of the right hand w.r.t the right foot frame
	desired_right_hand_pose[3] = req.right_hand_direction.x;   // X component of hand z-axis
	desired_right_hand_pose[4] = req.right_hand_direction.y; // Y component of hand z-axis
	desired_right_hand_pose[5] = req.right_hand_direction.z;  // Z component of hand z-axis

	//Sample a Goal Configuration
	int num_goal_configs_found = 0;
	float time_for_first_config = 0.0;
	num_goal_configs_found = scg_->sample_stable_configs(MAX_SAMPLES,MAX_IK_ITERATIONS,time_for_first_config, true, SSC_DS_GOAL_CONFIG_FIRST);
	//Time required to find first config
	resp.time_goal_config_approach = time_for_first_config;

	//Proceed only when a goal config has been found
	if (num_goal_configs_found > 0)
		//Get the best goal config from the file
		scg_->loadGoalConfig(goal_config_approach, SSC_DS_GOAL_CONFIG_FIRST);

		//Assign best goal config to service response
		resp.wb_goal_config_approach = goal_config_approach;

		//Set joint weights
		r_arm_weight =  R_ARM_WEIGHT_APPROACH;
		l_arm_weight =  L_ARM_WEIGHT_APPROACH;
		leg_weight =  LEGS_WEIGHT_APPROACH;
		joint_weights[0] = leg_weight;			//	RAnkleRoll
		joint_weights[1] = leg_weight;			//	RAnklePitch
		joint_weights[2] = leg_weight;			//	RKneePitch
		joint_weights[3] = leg_weight;			//	RHipPitch
		joint_weights[4] = leg_weight;			//	RHipRoll
		joint_weights[5] = l_arm_weight;		//	LShoulderPitch
		joint_weights[6] = l_arm_weight;		//	LShoulderRoll
		joint_weights[7] = l_arm_weight;		//	LElbowYaw
		joint_weights[8] = l_arm_weight;		//	LElbowRoll
		joint_weights[9] = l_arm_weight;		//	LWristYaw
		joint_weights[10] = r_arm_weight;		//	RShoulderPitch
		joint_weights[11] = r_arm_weight;		//	RShoulderRoll
		joint_weights[12] = r_arm_weight;		//	RElbowYaw
		joint_weights[13] = r_arm_weight;		//	RElbowRoll
		joint_weights[14] = r_arm_weight;		//	RWristYaw
		joint_weights[15] = 0.0;				//	LHipYawPitch
		joint_weights[16] = leg_weight;			//	LHipRoll
		joint_weights[17] = leg_weight;			//	LHipPitch
		joint_weights[18] = leg_weight;			//	LKneePitch
		joint_weights[19] = leg_weight;			//	LAnklePitch
		joint_weights[20] = leg_weight;			//	LAnkleRoll

		if (planner_->setStartGoalConfigs(start_config,goal_config_approach))
				//Solve the query
				int num_nodes = 0;
				float time_elapsed = 0.0;
				resp.motion_plan_approach = planner_->solveQuery(MAX_EXPAND_ITERATIONS, ADVANCE_STEPS,SOLUTION_FILE_PATH_FIRST, num_nodes,time_elapsed);
				resp.num_nodes_generated_approach = num_nodes;
				resp.search_time_approach = time_elapsed;

		if(resp.motion_plan_approach.trajectory.size() > 0 && resp.motion_plan_approach.trajectory[0].joint_trajectory.points.size() > 0)
			resp.success_approach = true;
			resp.success_approach = false;
		resp.success_approach = false;

	//------------------ Motion Planning Manipulation
	if (resp.success_approach == true)
		//Goal Configuration for manipulation (generated by SCG)
		//From handle position to point on the door
		double x_door = desired_right_hand_pose[0] + req.clearance_handle * cos(req.relative_angle*(M_PI/180)); 
		double y_door = desired_right_hand_pose[1] - req.clearance_handle * sin(req.relative_angle*(M_PI/180));
		double z_door = desired_right_hand_pose[2];
		//From point on the door to hinge position
		double x_hinge = x_door - req.rotation_radius * sin(req.relative_angle*(M_PI/180));
		double y_hinge = y_door - req.rotation_radius * cos(req.relative_angle*(M_PI/180));
		double z_hinge = z_door;
		//Goal position for point on the door
		double tmp_angle = (req.rotation_angle-req.relative_angle) *(M_PI/180);
		x_door = x_hinge - req.rotation_radius * sin(tmp_angle);   // X [m]; 
		y_door = y_hinge + req.rotation_radius * cos(tmp_angle); // Y [m];
		z_door = z_hinge;  // Z [m];	
		//Goal position for door handle
		tmp_angle = 1.5708 - tmp_angle; // 90 degree - tmp_angle
		std::vector<double> desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate(6);
		desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate[0] = x_door - req.clearance_handle * sin(tmp_angle);
		desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate[1] = y_door - req.clearance_handle * cos(tmp_angle);
		desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate[2] = z_door;
		//Set the desired direction of the z-axis of the right hand w.r.t the right foot frame
		desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate[3] = req.right_hand_direction.x;   // X component of hand z-axis
		desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate[4] = req.right_hand_direction.y; // Y component of hand z-axis
		desired_right_hand_pose_manipulate[5] = req.right_hand_direction.z;  // Z component of hand z-axis

		//Sample a Goal Configuration
		time_for_first_config = 0.0;
		num_goal_configs_found = scg_->sample_stable_configs(MAX_SAMPLES,MAX_IK_ITERATIONS,time_for_first_config, true, SSC_DS_GOAL_CONFIG_SECOND);
		//Time required to find first config
		resp.time_goal_config_manipulate = time_for_first_config;

		if (num_goal_configs_found > 0)
			//Get the best goal config from the file
			scg_->loadGoalConfig(goal_config_manipulate, SSC_DS_GOAL_CONFIG_SECOND);

			//Assign best goal config to service response
			resp.wb_goal_config_manipulate = goal_config_manipulate;

			//Parameters for the door (required)
			std::vector<double> object_parameter(4);
			object_parameter[0] = req.rotation_radius; 	//door width
			object_parameter[1] = req.rotation_angle;	//door opening angle
			object_parameter[2] = req.relative_angle;	//relative angle of door w.r.t right foot frame
			object_parameter[3] = req.clearance_handle;	// distance between door and handle
			//Activate manipulation constraint

			//Set joint weights
			r_arm_weight =  R_ARM_WEIGHT_MANIPULATE;
			l_arm_weight =  L_ARM_WEIGHT_MANIPULATE;
			leg_weight =  LEGS_WEIGHT_MANIPULATE;
			joint_weights[0] = leg_weight;			//	RAnkleRoll
			joint_weights[1] = leg_weight;			//	RAnklePitch
			joint_weights[2] = leg_weight;			//	RKneePitch
			joint_weights[3] = leg_weight;			//	RHipPitch
			joint_weights[4] = leg_weight;			//	RHipRoll
			joint_weights[5] = l_arm_weight;		//	LShoulderPitch
			joint_weights[6] = l_arm_weight;		//	LShoulderRoll
			joint_weights[7] = l_arm_weight;		//	LElbowYaw
			joint_weights[8] = l_arm_weight;		//	LElbowRoll
			joint_weights[9] = l_arm_weight;		//	LWristYaw
			joint_weights[10] = r_arm_weight;		//	RShoulderPitch
			joint_weights[11] = r_arm_weight;		//	RShoulderRoll
			joint_weights[12] = r_arm_weight;		//	RElbowYaw
			joint_weights[13] = r_arm_weight;		//	RElbowRoll
			joint_weights[14] = r_arm_weight;		//	RWristYaw
			joint_weights[15] = 0.0;				//	LHipYawPitch
			joint_weights[16] = leg_weight;			//	LHipRoll
			joint_weights[17] = leg_weight;			//	LHipPitch
			joint_weights[18] = leg_weight;			//	LKneePitch
			joint_weights[19] = leg_weight;			//	LAnklePitch
			joint_weights[20] = leg_weight;			//	LAnkleRoll

			if (planner_->setStartGoalConfigs(goal_config_approach,goal_config_manipulate))
					//Solve the query
					int num_nodes = 0;
					float time_elapsed = 0.0;
					resp.motion_plan_manipulation = planner_->solveQuery(MAX_EXPAND_ITERATIONS, ADVANCE_STEPS,SOLUTION_FILE_PATH_SECOND, num_nodes,time_elapsed);
					resp.num_nodes_generated_manipulate = num_nodes;
					resp.search_time_manipulate = time_elapsed;

			if(resp.motion_plan_manipulation.trajectory.size() > 0 && resp.motion_plan_manipulation.trajectory[0].joint_trajectory.points.size() > 0)
				resp.success_manipulation = true;
				resp.success_manipulation = false;

		} //END if num_goal_configs_found > 0

			resp.success_manipulation = false;

	}//END if resp.success == true

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
double IK::solve_ik()
	int i, j;
	double current_max_condnum = -1.0;
	if(n_all_const > 0)
		// check rank when HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE constraints have high priority
		int n_high_const;
		fMat Jhigh;
		fMat wJhigh;
		fVec fb_high;
		fVec weight_high;
		int* is_high_const = 0;
		double cond_number = 1.0;
//		cerr << "---" << endl;
//		cerr << n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY] << " " << n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE] << " " << n_const[LOW_PRIORITY] << endl;
		if(n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE] > 0)
			is_high_const = new int [n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE]];
			// initialize
			for(i=0; i<n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE]; i++)
				is_high_const[i] = true;
			// search
			int search_phase = 0;
				n_high_const = n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY];
				for(i=0; i<n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE]; i++)
					if(is_high_const[i]) n_high_const++;
				Jhigh.resize(n_high_const, n_dof);
				wJhigh.resize(n_high_const, n_dof);
				if(n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY] > 0)
					// set fb and J of higher priority pins
					for(i=0; i<n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY]; i++)
						fb_high(i) = fb[HIGH_PRIORITY](i);
						weight_high(i) = weight[HIGH_PRIORITY](i);
						for(j=0; j<n_dof; j++)
							Jhigh(i, j) = J[HIGH_PRIORITY](i, j);
							wJhigh(i, j) = Jhigh(i, j) * weight_high(i) / joint_weights(j);
				int count = 0;
				// set fb and J of medium priority pins
				for(i=0; i<n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE]; i++)
						fb_high(n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY]+count) = fb[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i);
						weight_high(n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY]+count) = weight[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i);
						for(j=0; j<n_dof; j++)
							Jhigh(n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY]+count, j) = J[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i, j);
							wJhigh(n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY]+count, j) = J[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i, j) * weight[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i) / joint_weights(j);
				// singular value decomposition
				fMat U(n_high_const, n_high_const), VT(n_dof, n_dof);
				fVec s;
				int s_size;
				if(n_high_const < n_dof) s_size = n_high_const;
				else s_size = n_dof;
				wJhigh.svd(U, s, VT);
				double condnum_limit = max_condnum * 100.0;
				if(s(s_size-1) > s(0)/(max_condnum*condnum_limit))
					cond_number = s(0) / s(s_size-1);
					cond_number = condnum_limit;
				if(current_max_condnum < 0.0 || cond_number > current_max_condnum)
					current_max_condnum = cond_number;
				if(n_high_const <= n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY]) break;
				// remove some constraints
				if(cond_number > max_condnum)
					int reduced = false;
					for(i=n_constraints-1; i>=0; i--)
						if(constraints[i]->enabled &&
						   constraints[i]->priority == HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE &&
						   constraints[i]->i_const >= 0 &&
						   constraints[i]->GetType() == HANDLE_CONSTRAINT &&
							IKHandle* h = (IKHandle*)constraints[i];
							if(search_phase ||
							   (!search_phase && h->joint->DescendantDOF() > 0))
								for(j=0; j<constraints[i]->n_const; j++)
									is_high_const[constraints[i]->i_const + j] = false;
								constraints[i]->is_dropped = true;
//								cerr << "r" << flush;
								reduced = true;
					if(!reduced) search_phase++;
				else break;
			n_high_const = n_const[HIGH_PRIORITY];
			Jhigh.resize(n_high_const, n_dof);
			wJhigh.resize(n_high_const, n_dof);
			if(n_high_const > 0)
#if 0
		// adjust feedback according to the condition number
		if(current_max_condnum > max_condnum);
			double k = (current_max_condnum-max_condnum)/(1.0-max_condnum);
			fb_high *= k;
			cerr << current_max_condnum << ", " << k << endl;
		if(current_max_condnum < 0.0) current_max_condnum = 1.0;
		int n_low_const = n_all_const - n_high_const;
		int low_first = 0, count = 0;
		fMat Jlow(n_low_const, n_dof);
		fVec fb_low(n_low_const);
		fVec weight_low(n_low_const);
		for(i=0; i<n_const[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE]; i++)
				fb_low(count) = fb[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i);
				weight_low(count) = weight[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i);
				for(j=0; j<n_dof; j++)
					Jlow(count, j) = J[HIGH_IF_POSSIBLE](i, j);
		low_first = count;
		double* p = + low_first;
		double* q = fb[LOW_PRIORITY].data();
		double* r = + low_first;
		double* s = weight[LOW_PRIORITY].data();
		for(i=0; i<n_const[LOW_PRIORITY]; p++, q++, r++, s++, i++)
//			fb_low(low_first+i) = fb[LOW_PRIORITY](i);
			*p = *q;
			*r = *s;
			double* a = + low_first + i;
			int a_row = Jlow.row();
			double* b = J[LOW_PRIORITY].data() + i;
			int b_row = J[LOW_PRIORITY].row();
			for(j=0; j<n_dof; a+=a_row, b+=b_row, j++)
//				Jlow(low_first+i, j) = J[LOW_PRIORITY](i, j);
				*a = *b;
		if(is_high_const) delete[] is_high_const;

		fVec jvel(n_dof);   // ³û¼â1¡¦x
		fVec jvel0(n_dof);  // ¹ó/¡¦¾å
		fVec fb_low_0(n_low_const), dfb(n_low_const), y(n_dof);
		fMat Jinv(n_dof, n_high_const), W(n_dof, n_dof), JW(n_low_const, n_dof);
		fVec w_error(n_low_const), w_norm(n_dof);
		// weighted
		double damping = 0.1;
//		w_error = 1.0;
		w_norm = 1.0;
//		w_norm.set(joint_weights);
//		cerr << "joint_weights = " << joint_weights << endl;
//		cerr << "weight_high = " << weight_high << endl;
//		cerr << "weight_low = " << weight_low << endl;
		clock_t t1 = clock();
		// ¹ó/¡¦¾å¡¦€ÅæéòÉçïàïêvZ
		if(n_high_const > 0)
			for(i=0; i<n_dof; i++)
				int a_row = wJhigh.row();
				double* a = + a_row*i;
				int b_row = Jhigh.row();
				double* b = + b_row*i;
				double* c = + i;
				double* d =;
				for(j=0; j<n_high_const; a++, b++, d++, j++)
//					wJhigh(j, i) = Jhigh(j, i) / joint_weights(i);
					*a = *b * *d / *c;
			fVec w_fb_high(fb_high);
			for(i=0; i<n_high_const; i++)
				w_fb_high(i) *= weight_high(i);
			jvel0.mul(Jinv, w_fb_high);
			W.mul(Jinv, wJhigh);
			for(i=0; i<n_dof; i++)
				double* w = + i;
				double a = joint_weights(i);
				for(j=0; j<n_dof; w+=n_dof, j++)
					if(i==j) *w -= 1.0;
					*w /= -a;
				jvel0(i) /= a;
			JW.mul(Jlow, W);
		clock_t t2 = clock();
		high_constraint_time += (double)(t2-t1)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		// Ǥ¡¦#x¥¯¥È¥ë¹à¤ê³×Z
		if(n_low_const > 0)
			fb_low_0.mul(Jlow, jvel0);
			dfb.sub(fb_low, fb_low_0);
			y.lineq_sr(JW, w_error, w_norm, damping, dfb);
			if(n_high_const > 0) jvel.mul(W, y);
			else jvel.set(y);
//			fVec error(n_low_const);
//			error = dfb-Jlow*jvel;
//			cerr << dfb*dfb << "->" << error*error << endl;
		// ³û¼â1¡¦x
		jvel += jvel0;
		clock_t t3 = clock();
		low_constraint_time += (double)(t3-t2)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//		cerr << fb_high - Jhigh * jvel << endl;
	if(current_max_condnum < 0.0) current_max_condnum = 1.0;
	return current_max_condnum;