Ejemplo n.º 1
void dependency_test1() {
    std::cout << "Starting dependency test 1" << std::endl;
    enum { kTestRuns = 1 };
    for (int test = 0; test < kTestRuns; ++test) {
        enum { kChildren = 1000 };
        child1_context ctx = { kChildren + 1, 0 };
        task_manager jq(next_power_of_two(kChildren + 2), 1);
        task_id parentid = jq.begin_add(child1, &ctx);
        for (int i = 0; i < kChildren; ++i) {
            task_id childid = jq.begin_add(child1, &ctx);
            jq.add_child(parentid, childid);
        task_id dependentid = jq.begin_add(dependent1, &ctx);
        jq.add_dependency(parentid, dependentid);
    std::cout << "Dependency test 1 succedded!\nEnding dependency test 1\n\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
void dependency_test3() {
    std::cout << "Starting dependency test 3" << std::endl;
    enum { kTestRuns = 5 };
    for (int test = 0; test < kTestRuns; ++test) {
        task_manager jq(8);
        // Create the parent
        dependency_test2_global_context global_ctx;
        dependency_test2_local_context parent_ctx = { &global_ctx, 0 };
        task_id parentid = jq.begin_add(dependency_test2_func, &parent_ctx);
            // Create sub-parent
            dependency_test2_local_context subparent_ctx = { &global_ctx, 1 };
            task_id subparentid = jq.begin_add(dependency_test2_func, &subparent_ctx);
                jq.add_child(parentid, subparentid);
                // Create first child
                dependency_test2_local_context child1_ctx = { &global_ctx, 2 };
                task_id child1id = jq.begin_add(dependency_test2_func, &child1_ctx);
                jq.add_child(subparentid, child1id);
                // Create the second child
                dependency_test2_local_context child2_ctx = { &global_ctx, 3 };
                task_id child2id = jq.begin_add(dependency_test2_func, &child2_ctx);
                jq.add_child(subparentid, child2id);

                // Create children's dependent task
                dependency_test2_local_context child_dependent_ctx = { &global_ctx, 4 };
                task_id child_dependentid = jq.begin_add(dependency_test2_func, &child_dependent_ctx);
                jq.add_dependency(subparentid, child_dependentid);
                jq.add_child(parentid, child_dependentid);
            // Add parent's dependent task
            dependency_test2_local_context parent_dependent_ctx = { &global_ctx, 5 };
            task_id parent_dependentid = jq.begin_add(dependency_test2_func, &parent_dependent_ctx);
            jq.add_dependency(parentid, parent_dependentid);
        int i = 1;
        mpsc_queue< int >::node* n = 0;
        while ((n = global_ctx.executionOrder.pop()) != 0) {
            std::cout << i << ".) " << n->value << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Ending dependency test 3\n\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool pathPlanning::singularity()
    Eigen::MatrixXd jq(this->device.get()->baseJframe(this->toolFrame,this->state).e().cols(), this->device.get()->baseJframe(this->toolFrame,this->state).e().rows());
    jq =  this->device.get()->baseJframe(this->toolFrame,this->state).e();

    if(rw::math::LinearAlgebra::det(jq)> 0.01)
        return true;
        //cout << "Determinant: " <<rw::math::LinearAlgebra::det(jq) << endl;
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void mandelbrot_test() {
    std::cout << "Starting mandelbrot test." << std::endl;
    // Mandelbrot fractal setup
	enum { kNumBlocks = kNumHorizontalBlocks * kNumVerticalBlocks };
	enum { kNumFractals = 4 };
    #if 0
	// Single threaded profiling
		timeval t1, t2;
		double mandelbrot_x = -2.0f;
		double mandelbrot_y = -1.0f;
		double mandelbrot_width = 3.0f;
		double mandelbrot_height = 2.0f;
		mandelbrot_y += mandelbrot_height;
		uint8_t* image_mt = (uint8_t*)malloc(kImageWidth*kImageHeight);
		mandelbrot_block* blocks = (mandelbrot_block*)malloc(kNumBlocks*sizeof(mandelbrot_block));
		// setup image blocks and add jobs for multi-threaded test
        double elapsed = 0.0f;
			for(unsigned i = 0; i < kNumFractals; ++i)
				printf("Calculating fractal %i/%i...\n", i+1, kNumFractals);
				gettimeofday(&t1, 0);
				g_delta_cr = mandelbrot_width/kImageWidth;
				g_delta_ci = mandelbrot_height/kImageWidth;
				unsigned bi = 0;
				for(unsigned by = 0; by < kNumVerticalBlocks; ++by)
					for(unsigned bx = 0; bx < kNumHorizontalBlocks; ++bx)
                        mandelbrot_block &block = blocks[bi++];
                        block.start_cr = mandelbrot_x + double(bx) * mandelbrot_width / kNumHorizontalBlocks;
                        block.start_ci = mandelbrot_y - double(by) * mandelbrot_height / kNumVerticalBlocks;
                        block.result = image_mt + bx * kBlockWidth + by * kBlockHeight * kImageWidth;
				gettimeofday(&t2, 0);
				double e = elapsed_time_ms(t1, t2);
				std::cout << e << std::endl;
				elapsed += e;
				mandelbrot_x += mandelbrot_width * 0.05f;
				mandelbrot_y -= mandelbrot_height * 0.025f;
				mandelbrot_width *= 0.9f;
				mandelbrot_height *= 0.9f;
		std::cout << "Serial time (ms): " << elapsed << std::endl;
	// Multi-threaded profiling
        task_manager jq(next_power_of_two(kNumBlocks));
		timeval t1, t2;
		double mandelbrot_x = -2.0f;
		double mandelbrot_y = -1.0f;
		double mandelbrot_width = 3.0f;
		double mandelbrot_height = 2.0f;
		mandelbrot_y += mandelbrot_height;
		uint8_t* image_mt = (uint8_t*)malloc(kImageWidth*kImageHeight);
		mandelbrot_block* blocks = (mandelbrot_block*)malloc(kNumBlocks*sizeof(mandelbrot_block));
		// setup image blocks and add jobs for multi-threaded test
        double elapsed = 0.0f;
			for(unsigned i = 0; i < kNumFractals; ++i)
                task_id parent = jq.begin_add(0, 0);
				printf("Calculating fractal %i/%i...\n", i+1, kNumFractals);
				gettimeofday(&t1, 0);
				g_delta_cr = mandelbrot_width/kImageWidth;
				g_delta_ci = mandelbrot_height/kImageWidth;
				unsigned bi = 0;
				for(unsigned by = 0; by < kNumVerticalBlocks; ++by)
					for(unsigned bx = 0; bx < kNumHorizontalBlocks; ++bx)
                        mandelbrot_block &block = blocks[bi++];
                        block.start_cr = mandelbrot_x + double(bx) * mandelbrot_width / kNumHorizontalBlocks;
                        block.start_ci = mandelbrot_y - double(by) * mandelbrot_height / kNumVerticalBlocks;
                        block.result = image_mt + bx * kBlockWidth + by * kBlockHeight * kImageWidth;
                        task_id id = jq.begin_add(calculate_mandelbrot_block, &block);
                        jq.add_child(parent, id);
				gettimeofday(&t2, 0);
				double e = elapsed_time_ms(t1, t2);
				std::cout << e << std::endl;
				elapsed += e;
				mandelbrot_x += mandelbrot_width * 0.05f;
				mandelbrot_y -= mandelbrot_height * 0.025f;
				mandelbrot_width *= 0.9f;
				mandelbrot_height *= 0.9f;
		std::cout << "Parallel time (ms): " << elapsed << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Ending mandelbrot test.\n\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
rw::math::Q pathPlanning::invKin(double dx, double dy , double dz)

    rw::kinematics::State state =  this->state;
    rw::math::Transform3D<> t_tool_base =  this->device.get()->baseTframe(this->toolFrame,state);

    Eigen::MatrixXd jq(this->device.get()->baseJframe(this->toolFrame,state).e().cols(), this->device.get()->baseJframe(this->toolFrame,state).e().rows());
    jq =  this->device.get()->baseJframe(this->toolFrame,state).e();

    //cout << "Determinant: " <<rw::math::LinearAlgebra::det(jq) << endl;

    //Least square solver - dq = [j(q)]T (j(q)[j(q)]T)⁻1 du  <=> dq = A*du
    Eigen::MatrixXd A (6,6);
    //A = jq.transpose()*(jq*jq.transpose()).inverse();
    A = (jq*jq.transpose()).inverse()*jq.transpose();

    std::vector<rw::math::Transform3D<> > out = sphere(dx,dy,dz);

    std::ofstream outfile;
    outfile.open("q_conf.txt", std::ios_base::app);
    cout << "invKin" << endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= out.size() ; ++i )
        cout << "\r"+to_string(i);

        rw::math::Vector3D<> dif_p = out[i].P()-t_tool_base.P();

        Eigen::Matrix3d dif = out[i].R().e()- t_tool_base.R().e();
        rw::math::Rotation3D<> dif_r(dif);
        rw::math::RPY<> dif_rot(dif_r);

        Eigen::VectorXd du(6);
        du(0) = dif_p[0];
        du(1) = dif_p[1];
        du(2) = dif_p[2];

        du(3) = dif_rot[0];
        du(4) = dif_rot[1];
        du(5) = dif_rot[2];

        Eigen::VectorXd q(6);
        q = A*du;

        rw::math::Q q_current;
        q_current = this->device->getQ(this->state);
        rw::math::Q dq(q);
        rw::math::Q q_new = q_current+ dq;
        if(!collision(q_new) && !within_bound(q_new))
            std::string text = "setQ{"  + to_string(q_new[0])  + ", " + to_string(q_new[1]) + ", " + to_string(q_new[2]) + ", " + to_string(q_new[3]) + ", " + to_string(q_new[4]) + ", " + to_string(q_new[5]) + "}";
            //cout << text << endl;
            outfile << text << endl;
            cout << endl;
            //cout << "\rfalse";
            //cout << "collision" << endl;


    rw::math::Q bla(6); //Just used the text file for debugging purposes,  Which why I just return a random Q config.
    return bla;