Ejemplo n.º 1
static void printActiveGenomes()
/* Print out JSON for an object mapping each genome that has at least one db with active=1
 * to its taxId.  */
struct jsonWrite *jw = jsonWriteNew();
jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
// Join with defaultDb because in rare cases, different taxIds (species vs. subspecies)
// may be used for different assemblies of the same species.  Using defaultDb means that
// we send a taxId consistent with the taxId of the assembly that we'll change to when
// the species is selected from the tree.
char *query = NOSQLINJ "select dbDb.genome, taxId, dbDb.name from dbDb, defaultDb "
    "where defaultDb.name = dbDb.name and active = 1 "
    "and taxId > 1;"; // filter out experimental hgwdev-only stuff with invalid taxIds
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *genome = row[0], *db = row[2];
    int taxId = atoi(row[1]);
    if (hDbExists(db))
        jsonWriteNumber(jw, genome, taxId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void cartJsonFree(struct cartJson **pCj)
/* Close **pCj's contents and nullify *pCj. */
if (*pCj == NULL)
struct cartJson *cj = *pCj;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static boolean writeGroupedTrack(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *name, char *label,
                                 struct hash *fieldHash, struct hash *excludeTypesHash,
                                 int maxDepth, struct slRef *tdbRefList)
/* If tdbRefList is empty after excluding tracks/views/subtracks whose types are
 * in excludeTypesHash, then return FALSE and write nothing.  Otherwise write a group
 * and its tracks/views/subtracks and return TRUE. */
// Make a new jsonWrite object in case this group turns out to have no children after filtering.
struct jsonWrite *jwNew = jsonWriteNew();
jsonWriteObjectStart(jwNew, NULL);
jsonWriteString(jwNew, "name", name);
jsonWriteString(jwNew, "label", label);
jsonWriteListStart(jwNew, "tracks");
boolean gotSomething = FALSE;
struct slRef *tdbRef;
for (tdbRef = tdbRefList;  tdbRef != NULL;  tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
    struct trackDb *tdb = tdbRef->val;
    // First see if there are any tracks to show for this group:
    struct jsonWrite *jwTrack = rTdbToJw(tdb, fieldHash, excludeTypesHash, 1, maxDepth);
    if (jwTrack)
        gotSomething = TRUE;
        jsonWriteAppend(jwNew, NULL, jwTrack);
if (gotSomething)
    // Group has at least one track, so append it to jw.
    jsonWriteAppend(jw, NULL, jwNew);
return gotSomething;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void syncSoftware(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Sync the eapSoftware table */
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from eapSoftware where metaUuid=''");
struct eapSoftware *sw, *swList = eapSoftwareLoadByQuery(conn, query);
for (sw = swList; sw != NULL; sw = sw->next)
    if (isupper(sw->name[0]))
	warn("Skipping %s until they handle upper case right", sw->name);
    struct jsonWrite *json = jsonForSoftware(sw);
    syncOneRecord(conn, "software", json, "eapSoftware", sw->id);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void syncSoftwareVersion(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Sync the eapSoftware table */
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from eapSwVersion where metaUuid=''");
struct eapSwVersion *ver, *verList = eapSwVersionLoadByQuery(conn, query);
for (ver = verList; ver != NULL; ver = ver->next)
    struct jsonWrite *json = jsonForSwVersion(conn, ver);
    if (json != NULL)
	syncOneRecord(conn, "software_version", json, "eapSwVersion", ver->id);
	verbose(2, "Skipping eapSwVersion id=%u\n", ver->id);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void syncStep(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Sync the eapStep table */
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from eapStep where metaUuid=''");
struct eapStep *step, *stepList = eapStepLoadByQuery(conn, query);
uglyf("Got %d steps\n", slCount(stepList));
for (step = stepList; step != NULL; step = step->next)
    struct jsonWrite *json = jsonForStep(conn, step);
    if (json != NULL)
	syncOneRecord(conn, "analysis_step", json, "eapStep", step->id);
	verbose(2, "Skipping eapStep id=%u\n", step->id);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void suggestAltOrPatch(char *database, char *term)
/* Print out a Javascript list of objects describing alternate haplotype or fix patch sequences
 * from database that match term. */
struct jsonWrite *jw = jsonWriteNew();
jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
// First, search for prefix matches
struct slName *fixMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "fixLocations", term, "alt", TRUE);
struct slName *altMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "altLocations", term, "fix", TRUE);
// Add category labels only if we get both types of matches.
writeAltFixMatches(jw, fixMatches, altMatches ? "Fix Patches" : "");
writeAltFixMatches(jw, altMatches, fixMatches ? "Alt Patches" : "");
// If there are no prefix matches, look for partial matches
if (fixMatches == NULL && altMatches == NULL)
    fixMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "fixLocations", term, "alt", FALSE);
    altMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "altLocations", term, "fix", FALSE);
    writeAltFixMatches(jw, fixMatches, altMatches ? "Fix Patches" : "");
    writeAltFixMatches(jw, altMatches, fixMatches ? "Alt Patches" : "");
// If there are still no matches, try chromAlias.
if (fixMatches == NULL && altMatches == NULL)
    struct slPair *aliasMatches = queryChromAlias(conn, term, TRUE);
    writeValLabelMatches(jw, aliasMatches, "");
    if (aliasMatches == NULL)
        struct slPair *aliasMatches = queryChromAlias(conn, term, FALSE);
        writeValLabelMatches(jw, aliasMatches, "");
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void lookupTerm()
/* Look for matches to term in hgcentral and print as JSON for autocomplete if found. */
char *term = getSearchTermUpperCase();

// Write JSON response with list of matches

struct dbDb *dbDbList = hDbDbList();
struct dbDbMatch *matchList = searchDbDb(dbDbList, term);
struct aHubMatch *aHubMatchList = searchPublicHubs(dbDbList, term);
struct jsonWrite *jw = jsonWriteNew();
jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
// Write out JSON for dbDb matches, if any; add category if we found assembly hub matches too.
char *category = aHubMatchList ? "UCSC databases" : NULL;
struct dbDbMatch *match;
for (match = matchList;  match != NULL;  match = match->next)
    writeDbDbMatch(jw, match, term, category);
// Write out assembly hub matches, if any.
writeAssemblyHubMatches(jw, aHubMatchList);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static struct jsonWrite *rTdbToJw(struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *fieldHash,
                                  struct hash *excludeTypesHash, int depth, int maxDepth)
/* Recursively build and return a new jsonWrite object with JSON for tdb and its children,
 * or NULL if tdb or all children have been filtered out by excludeTypesHash.
 * If excludeTypesHash is non-NULL, omit any tracks/views/subtracks with type in excludeTypesHash.
 * If fieldHash is non-NULL, include only the field names indexed in fieldHash. */
if (maxDepth >= 0 && depth > maxDepth)
    return NULL;
boolean doSubtracks = (tdb->subtracks && fieldOk("subtracks", fieldHash));
// If excludeTypesHash is given and tdb is a leaf track/subtrack, look up the first word
// of tdb->type in excludeTypesHash; if found, return NULL.
if (excludeTypesHash && !doSubtracks)
    char typeCopy[PATH_LEN];
    safecpy(typeCopy, sizeof(typeCopy), tdb->type);
    if (hashLookup(excludeTypesHash, firstWordInLine(typeCopy)))
        return NULL;
boolean gotSomething = !doSubtracks;
struct jsonWrite *jwNew = jsonWriteNew();
jsonWriteObjectStart(jwNew, NULL);
writeTdbSimple(jwNew, tdb, fieldHash);
if (tdb->parent && fieldOk("parent", fieldHash))
    // We can't link to an object in JSON and better not recurse here or else infinite loop.
    if (tdbIsSuperTrackChild(tdb))
        // Supertracks have been omitted from fullTrackList, so add the supertrack object's
        // non-parent/child info here.
        jsonWriteObjectStart(jwNew, "parent");
        writeTdbSimple(jwNew, tdb->parent, fieldHash);
        // Just the name so we don't have infinite loops.
        jsonWriteString(jwNew, "parent", tdb->parent->track);
if (doSubtracks)
    jsonWriteListStart(jwNew, "subtracks");
    slSort(&tdb->subtracks, trackDbViewCmp);
    struct trackDb *subTdb;
    for (subTdb = tdb->subtracks;  subTdb != NULL;  subTdb = subTdb->next)
        struct jsonWrite *jwSub = rTdbToJw(subTdb, fieldHash, excludeTypesHash, depth+1, maxDepth);
        if (jwSub)
            gotSomething = TRUE;
            jsonWriteAppend(jwNew, NULL, jwSub);
if (! gotSomething)
    // All children were excluded; clean up and null out jwNew.
return jwNew;