Ejemplo n.º 1
** If any files are associated with the given rid, a JSON array
** containing information about them is returned (and is owned by the
** caller). If no files are associated with it then NULL is returned.
** flags may optionally be a bitmask of json_get_changed_files flags,
** or 0 for defaults.
cson_value * json_get_changed_files(int rid, int flags){
  cson_value * rowsV = NULL;
  cson_array * rows = NULL;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
           "SELECT (pid==0) AS isnew,"
           "       (fid==0) AS isdel,"
           "       (SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=mlink.fnid) AS name,"
           "       blob.uuid as uuid,"
           "       (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=pid) as parent,"
           "       blob.size as size"
           "  FROM mlink, blob"
           " WHERE mid=%d AND pid!=fid"
           " AND blob.rid=fid AND NOT mlink.isaux"
           " ORDER BY name /*sort*/",
  while( (SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&q)) ){
    cson_value * rowV = cson_value_new_object();
    cson_object * row = cson_value_get_object(rowV);
    int const isNew = db_column_int(&q,0);
    int const isDel = db_column_int(&q,1);
    char * zDownload = NULL;
      rowsV = cson_value_new_array();
      rows = cson_value_get_array(rowsV);
    cson_array_append( rows, rowV );
    cson_object_set(row, "name", json_new_string(db_column_text(&q,2)));
    cson_object_set(row, "uuid", json_new_string(db_column_text(&q,3)));
    if(!isNew && (flags & json_get_changed_files_ELIDE_PARENT)){
      cson_object_set(row, "parent", json_new_string(db_column_text(&q,4)));
    cson_object_set(row, "size", json_new_int(db_column_int(&q,5)));

    cson_object_set(row, "state",
    zDownload = mprintf("/raw/%s?name=%s",
                        /* reminder: g.zBaseURL is of course not set for CLI mode. */
    cson_object_set(row, "downloadPath", json_new_string(zDownload));
  return rowsV;
cson_value * json_artifact_file(cson_object * zParent, int rid){
  cson_object * pay = NULL;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
  cson_array * checkin_arr = NULL;
  char contentFormat;
  i64 contentSize = -1;
  char * parentUuid;
  if( ! g.perm.Read ){
                 "Requires 'o' privileges.");
    return NULL;
  pay = zParent;

  contentFormat = json_artifact_get_content_format_flag();
  if( 0 != contentFormat ){
    Blob content = empty_blob;
    const char *zMime;
    char const * zFormat = (contentFormat<1) ? "raw" : "html";
    content_get(rid, &content);
    zMime = mimetype_from_content(&content);
    cson_object_set(zParent, "contentType",
                    json_new_string(zMime ? zMime : "text/plain"));
    if(!zMime){/* text/plain */
      if(0 < blob_size(&content)){
        if( 0 < contentFormat ){/*HTML-size it*/
          Blob html = empty_blob;
          wiki_convert(&content, &html, 0);
          assert( blob_size(&content) < blob_size(&html) );
          blob_swap( &html, &content );
          assert( blob_size(&content) > blob_size(&html) );
          blob_reset( &html );
        }/*else as-is*/
      cson_object_set(zParent, "content",
                                            (unsigned int)blob_size(&content)));
    }/*else binary: ignore*/
    contentSize = blob_size(&content);
    cson_object_set(zParent, "contentSize", json_new_int(contentSize) );
    cson_object_set(zParent, "contentFormat", json_new_string(zFormat) );
  contentSize = db_int64(-1, "SELECT size FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
  assert( -1 < contentSize );
  cson_object_set(zParent, "size", json_new_int(contentSize) );

  parentUuid = db_text(NULL,
                       "SELECT DISTINCT p.uuid "
                       "FROM blob p, blob f, mlink m "
                       "WHERE m.pid=p.rid "
                       "AND m.fid=f.rid "
                       "AND f.rid=%d",
    cson_object_set( zParent, "parent", json_new_string(parentUuid) );
  /* Find checkins associated with this file... */
      "SELECT filename.name AS name, "
      "  (mlink.pid==0) AS isNew,"
      "  (mlink.fid==0) AS isDel,"
      "  cast(strftime('%%s',event.mtime) as int) AS timestamp,"
      "  coalesce(event.ecomment,event.comment) as comment,"
      "  coalesce(event.euser,event.user) as user,"
#if 0
      "  a.size AS size," /* same for all checkins. */
      "  b.uuid as checkin, "
#if 0
      "  mlink.mperm as mperm,"
      "  coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                      "  WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0 AND "
                      " rid=mlink.mid),'trunk') as branch"
      "  FROM mlink, filename, event, blob a, blob b"
      " WHERE filename.fnid=mlink.fnid"
      "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
      "   AND a.rid=mlink.fid"
      "   AND b.rid=mlink.mid"
      "   AND mlink.fid=%d"
      "   ORDER BY filename.name, event.mtime",
      TAG_BRANCH, rid
  /* TODO: add a "state" flag for the file in each checkin,
     e.g. "modified", "new", "deleted".
  checkin_arr = cson_new_array(); 
  cson_object_set(pay, "checkins", cson_array_value(checkin_arr));
  while( (SQLITE_ROW==db_step(&q) ) ){
    cson_object * row = cson_value_get_object(cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt));
    /* FIXME: move this isNew/isDel stuff into an SQL CASE statement. */
    char const isNew = cson_value_get_bool(cson_object_get(row,"isNew"));
    char const isDel = cson_value_get_bool(cson_object_get(row,"isDel"));
    cson_object_set(row, "isNew", NULL);
    cson_object_set(row, "isDel", NULL);
    cson_object_set(row, "state",
                    json_new_string(json_artifact_status_to_string(isNew, isDel)));
    cson_array_append( checkin_arr, cson_object_value(row) );
  return cson_object_value(pay);