static void encode_nul_byte() { json_t *json; char *result; json = json_stringn("nul byte \0 in string", 20); result = json_dumps(json, JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if(!result || memcmp(result, "\"nul byte \\u0000 in string\"", 27)) fail("json_dumps failed to dump an embedded NUL byte"); free(result); json_decref(json); }
static void encode_null() { if(json_dumps(NULL, JSON_ENCODE_ANY) != NULL) fail("json_dumps didn't fail for NULL"); if(json_dumpf(NULL, stderr, JSON_ENCODE_ANY) != -1) fail("json_dumpf didn't fail for NULL"); /* Don't test json_dump_file to avoid creating a file */ if(json_dump_callback(NULL, encode_null_callback, NULL, JSON_ENCODE_ANY) != -1) fail("json_dump_callback didn't fail for NULL"); }
/** Send response data to client. Parameters: int success: Status about data json_t *data: Data for response int client_sockfd: connection */ void response_data(int success, json_t *data, int client_sockfd) { json_t *root = json_object(); if (success == 1) json_object_set(root, "success", json_true()); else json_object_set(root, "success", json_false()); json_object_set(root, "data", data); char *decode = json_dumps(root, 1); write(client_sockfd, decode, 500); json_decref(root); }
std::string Message::toJSON() { json_t* jsonMessage = json_object(); json_object_set_new(jsonMessage, "action", json_string(action.c_str())); json_t* jsonObject = json_object(); bundle.toJSON(jsonObject); json_object_set_new(jsonMessage, "data", jsonObject); char* jsonStrLocal = json_dumps(jsonMessage, JSON_COMPACT | JSON_ENSURE_ASCII); std::string jsonStr(jsonStrLocal); json_decref(jsonObject); json_decref(jsonMessage); return jsonStr; }
static jobjectArray ExpandTypeScript(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring tmplt_nm, jstring tmplt_type, jstring tmplt_arg_json) { if ( tmplt_nm == NULL || tmplt_type == NULL) { gHook.last_error = "empty arguments when expand template"; return NULL; } string tmplt_nm_str, tmplt_type_str; GET_CPPSTR_FROM_JSTR(env, tmplt_nm, tmplt_nm_str); GET_CPPSTR_FROM_JSTR(env, tmplt_type, tmplt_type_str); if ( tmplt_nm_str.size() == 0 || tmplt_type_str.size() == 0) { gHook.last_error = "empty arguments when expand template"; return NULL; } vedit::ScriptType tp = vedit::AUDIO_RESOURCE_SCRIPT; for ( ; tp != vedit::INVALID_SCRIPT; tp = (vedit::ScriptType)((int)tp + 1) ) { if ( tmplt_type_str == string(Vm::proc_type_names[tp]) ) { break; } } if ( tp == vedit::INVALID_SCRIPT ) { gHook.last_error = "invalid template type when expand template"; return NULL; } json_t* arg_js = NULL; if (tmplt_arg_json != NULL) { string fail; arg_js = LoadJsonFromJString(env, tmplt_arg_json, fail); } JsonWrap wrap(arg_js, 1); try { ScriptSerialized pair = Vm::call_script(tmplt_nm_str.c_str(), tp, arg_js); jobjectArray jaret = env->NewObjectArray(2, gHook.java_string_clazz, NULL); env->SetObjectArrayElement(jaret,0, env->NewStringUTF(pair.first)); char* str = json_dumps(pair.second.h, 0); env->SetObjectArrayElement(jaret, 1, env->NewStringUTF(str)); free(str); return jaret; } catch(const vedit::Exception& e) { gHook.last_error = "expand template failed ,cause: "; gHook.last_error += e.what(); return NULL; } }
int pc__handshake_req(pc_client_t *client) { json_t *handshake_opts = client->handshake_opts; json_t *body = json_object(); if(body == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to create json_t for handshake request.\n"); return -1; } // compose handshake package json_t *sys = json_object(); if(sys == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to create json_t for handshake request.\n"); goto error; } json_object_set(body, "sys", sys); json_object_set(sys, "version", json_string(PC_VERSION)); if(handshake_opts) { json_t *heartbeat = json_object_get(handshake_opts, "heartbeat"); if(heartbeat) { json_object_set(sys, "heartbeat", heartbeat); } json_t *user = json_object_get(handshake_opts, "user"); if(heartbeat) { json_object_set(body, "user", user); } } const char *data = json_dumps(body, JSON_COMPACT); if(data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to compose Pomelo handshake package.\n"); goto error; } pc_buf_t buf = pc_pkg_encode(PC_PKG_HANDSHAKE, data, strlen(data)); if(pc__binary_write(client, buf.base, buf.len, pc__handshake_req_cb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to send handshake request.\n"); goto error; } json_decref(body); return 0; error: if(body) json_decref(body); return -1; }
void *janus_rmq_out_thread(void *data) { if(rmq_client == NULL) { JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "No RabbitMQ connection??\n"); return NULL; } JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Joining RabbitMQ out thread\n"); while(!rmq_client->destroy && !g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) { /* We send messages from here as well, not only notifications */ janus_rabbitmq_response *response = g_async_queue_pop(rmq_client->messages); if(response == NULL) continue; if(response == &exit_message) break; if(!rmq_client->destroy && !g_atomic_int_get(&stopping) && response->payload) { janus_mutex_lock(&rmq_client->mutex); /* Gotcha! Convert json_t to string */ char *payload_text = json_dumps(response->payload, json_format); json_decref(response->payload); response->payload = NULL; JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Sending %s API message to RabbitMQ (%zu bytes)...\n", response->admin ? "Admin" : "Janus", strlen(payload_text)); JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "%s\n", payload_text); amqp_basic_properties_t props; props._flags = 0; props._flags |= AMQP_BASIC_REPLY_TO_FLAG; props.reply_to = amqp_cstring_bytes("Janus"); if(response->correlation_id) { props._flags |= AMQP_BASIC_CORRELATION_ID_FLAG; props.correlation_id = amqp_cstring_bytes(response->correlation_id); } props._flags |= AMQP_BASIC_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAG; props.content_type = amqp_cstring_bytes("application/json"); amqp_bytes_t message = amqp_cstring_bytes(payload_text); int status = amqp_basic_publish(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->janus_exchange, response->admin ? rmq_client->from_janus_admin_queue : rmq_client->from_janus_queue, 0, 0, &props, message); if(status != AMQP_STATUS_OK) { JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error publishing... %d, %s\n", status, amqp_error_string2(status)); } g_free(response->correlation_id); response->correlation_id = NULL; free(payload_text); payload_text = NULL; g_free(response); response = NULL; janus_mutex_unlock(&rmq_client->mutex); } } g_async_queue_unref(rmq_client->messages); JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Leaving RabbitMQ out thread\n"); return NULL; }
void ConnectionInstance::sendDebugReply(string message) { string outstr("ZZZ "); json_t* topnode = json_object(); json_t* messagenode = json_string(message.c_str()); if (!messagenode) messagenode = json_string_nocheck("Failed to parse the debug reply as a valid UTF-8 string."); json_object_set_new_nocheck(topnode, "message", messagenode); const char* replystr = json_dumps(topnode, JSON_COMPACT); outstr += replystr; free((void*) replystr); json_decref(topnode); MessagePtr outMessage(MessageBuffer::FromString(outstr)); send(outMessage); }
static void escape_slashes() { /* Test dump escaping slashes */ json_t *json; char *result; json = json_object(); json_object_set_new(json, "url", json_string("")); result = json_dumps(json, 0); if(!result || strcmp(result, "{\"url\": \"\"}")) fail("json_dumps failed to not escape slashes"); free(result); result = json_dumps(json, JSON_ESCAPE_SLASH); if(!result || strcmp(result, "{\"url\": \"https:\\/\\/\\/akheron\\/jansson\"}")) fail("json_dumps failed to escape slashes"); free(result); json_decref(json); }
void PomeloSocket::onPushDataCallback(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, void *data) { json_t* json = (json_t* )data; json_object_set(json,"route",json_string("onTest")); json_incref(json); const char* msg = json_dumps(json, 0); log("receve data:%s,%s", event, msg); pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); messageQueue.push_back(json); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); return; }
void janus_videocall_hangup_media(janus_plugin_session *handle) { JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "No WebRTC media anymore\n"); if(g_atomic_int_get(&stopping) || !g_atomic_int_get(&initialized)) return; janus_videocall_session *session = (janus_videocall_session *)handle->plugin_handle; if(!session) { JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "No session associated with this handle...\n"); return; } if(session->destroyed) return; if(g_atomic_int_add(&session->hangingup, 1)) return; /* Get rid of the recorders, if available */ if(session->arc) { janus_recorder_close(session->arc); JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Closed audio recording %s\n", session->arc->filename ? session->arc->filename : "??"); janus_recorder_free(session->arc); } session->arc = NULL; if(session->vrc) { janus_recorder_close(session->vrc); JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Closed video recording %s\n", session->vrc->filename ? session->vrc->filename : "??"); janus_recorder_free(session->vrc); } session->vrc = NULL; if(session->peer) { /* Send event to our peer too */ json_t *call = json_object(); json_object_set_new(call, "videocall", json_string("event")); json_t *calling = json_object(); json_object_set_new(calling, "event", json_string("hangup")); json_object_set_new(calling, "username", json_string(session->username)); json_object_set_new(calling, "reason", json_string("Remote hangup")); json_object_set_new(call, "result", calling); char *call_text = json_dumps(call, JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER); json_decref(call); JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Pushing event to peer: %s\n", call_text); int ret = gateway->push_event(session->peer->handle, &janus_videocall_plugin, NULL, call_text, NULL, NULL); JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, " >> %d (%s)\n", ret, janus_get_api_error(ret)); g_free(call_text); } session->peer = NULL; /* Reset controls */ session->has_audio = FALSE; session->has_video = FALSE; session->audio_active = TRUE; session->video_active = TRUE; session->bitrate = 0; }
// Method for sending message from CPP to the targeted platform void sendMessageWithParams(std::string methodName, Value methodParams) { if (0 == strcmp(methodName.c_str(), "")) { return; } json_t *toBeSentJson = json_object(); json_object_set_new(toBeSentJson, __CALLED_METHOD__, json_string(methodName.c_str())); if (!methodParams.isNull()) { json_t *paramsJson = NDKHelper::getJsonFromValue(methodParams); json_object_set_new(toBeSentJson, __CALLED_METHOD_PARAMS__, paramsJson); } #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) JniMethodInfo t; if (JniHelper::getStaticMethodInfo(t, CLASS_NAME, "ReceiveCppMessage", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V")) { char *jsonStrLocal = json_dumps(toBeSentJson, JSON_COMPACT | JSON_ENSURE_ASCII); std::string jsonStr(jsonStrLocal); free(jsonStrLocal); jstring stringArg1 = t.env->NewStringUTF(jsonStr.c_str()); t.env->CallStaticVoidMethod(t.classID, t.methodID, stringArg1); t.env->DeleteLocalRef(stringArg1); t.env->DeleteLocalRef(t.classID); } #endif #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) json_t *jsonMessageName = json_string(methodName.c_str()); if (!methodParams.isNull()) { json_t *jsonParams = NDKHelper::getJsonFromValue(methodParams); IOSNDKHelperImpl::receiveCPPMessage(jsonMessageName, jsonParams); json_decref(jsonParams); } else { IOSNDKHelperImpl::receiveCPPMessage(jsonMessageName, NULL); } json_decref(jsonMessageName); #endif json_decref(toBeSentJson); }
static int watchman_send(struct watchman_connection *conn, json_t *query, struct watchman_error *error) { int json_result = json_dumpf(query, conn->fp, JSON_COMPACT); if (json_result) { char *dump = json_dumps(query, 0); watchman_err(error, "Failed to send watchman query %s", dump); free(dump); return 1; } fputc('\n', conn->fp); return 0; }
void workspace_callback (i3ipcConnection *conn, i3ipcWorkspaceEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { struct widget *widget = (struct widget*)user_data; json_t *json_data_object = format_workspaces(conn); char *json_str = strdup(json_dumps(json_data_object, 0)); struct js_callback_arg arg = widget_data_arg_string(json_str); struct js_callback_data data = { .widget = widget, .args = &arg, 1 }; web_view_callback(&data); free(json_str); } void* widget_main (struct widget *widget) { i3ipcConnection *conn = i3ipc_connection_new(NULL, NULL); json_t *json_data_object = format_workspaces(conn); char *json_str = strdup(json_dumps(json_data_object, 0)); widget_data_callback(widget, widget_data_arg_string(json_str)); free(json_str); void (*callback)(i3ipcConnection*, i3ipcWorkspaceEvent*, gpointer); callback = workspace_callback; GClosure *closure = g_cclosure_new(G_CALLBACK(callback), widget, NULL); i3ipc_connection_on(conn, (const gchar*)"workspace", closure, NULL); widget_epoll_init(widget); while (true) { widget_epoll_wait_goto(widget, 1000, cleanup); } cleanup: g_object_unref(conn); widget_epoll_cleanup(widget); widget_clean_exit(widget); }
static void encode_other_than_array_or_object() { /* Encoding anything other than array or object should only * succeed if the JSON_ENCODE_ANY flag is used */ json_t *json; FILE *fp = NULL; char *result; json = json_string("foo"); if(json_dumps(json, 0) != NULL) fail("json_dumps encoded a string!"); if(json_dumpf(json, fp, 0) == 0) fail("json_dumpf encoded a string!"); result = json_dumps(json, JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if(!result || strcmp(result, "\"foo\"") != 0) fail("json_dumps failed to encode a string with JSON_ENCODE_ANY"); free(result); json_decref(json); json = json_integer(42); if(json_dumps(json, 0) != NULL) fail("json_dumps encoded an integer!"); if(json_dumpf(json, fp, 0) == 0) fail("json_dumpf encoded an integer!"); result = json_dumps(json, JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if(!result || strcmp(result, "42") != 0) fail("json_dumps failed to encode an integer with JSON_ENCODE_ANY"); free(result); json_decref(json); }
void pss_response_delNode(req_t * req, json_t * response, int32_t requestId, void *sweb, req_store_t * req_store) { const char *ack = json_string_value(json_object_get(response, "ack")); if (strcmp(ack, "ok") == 0) { json_t *web_resp = json_object(); json_object_set_new(web_resp, "type", json_string("newData")); //TODO at the moment only the original node gets the update, which is good enough for me json_t *sessionIds = json_array(); json_array_append(sessionIds, json_object_get(req->request, "sessionId")); json_object_set_new(web_resp, "sessionIds", sessionIds); json_t *newData = json_object(); json_t *deletedNodes = json_array(); json_array_append(deletedNodes, json_object_get (json_object_get (json_object_get (req->request, "clientRequest"), "request"), "id")); json_object_set_new(newData, "deletedNodes", deletedNodes); json_object_set_new(web_resp, "newData", newData); zmsg_t *res = zmsg_new(); char *web_res_str = json_dumps(web_resp, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\nbroker:sweb sent: %s\n", web_res_str); zmsg_addstr(res, web_res_str); free(web_res_str); zmsg_wrap(res, req->address); zmsg_send(&res, sweb); json_decref(web_resp); } else { if (strcmp(ack, "fail") == 0) { //TODO ?? } } request_store_delete(req_store, requestId); json_decref(response); }
static int handle_request(void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) { int ret; struct MHD_Response *response = NULL; struct brubeck_server *brubeck = cls; if (!strcmp(method, "GET")) { if (!strcmp(url, "/ping")) { char *jsonr; json_t *pong = json_pack("{s:s, s:i, s:s}", "version", "brubeck " GIT_SHA, "pid", (int)getpid(), "status", "OK"); jsonr = json_dumps(pong, JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER); response = MHD_create_response_from_data(strlen(jsonr), jsonr, 1, 0); json_decref(pong); } else if (!strcmp(url, "/stats")) response = send_stats(brubeck); else if (starts_with(url, "/metric/")) response = send_metric(brubeck, url); } else if (!strcmp(method, "POST")) { if (starts_with(url, "/expire/")) response = expire_metric(brubeck, url); } if (!response) { static const char *NOT_FOUND = "404 not found"; response = MHD_create_response_from_data( strlen(NOT_FOUND), (void *)NOT_FOUND, 0, 0); MHD_add_response_header(response, "Connection", "close"); ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, 404, response); } else { MHD_add_response_header(response, "Connection", "close"); MHD_add_response_header(response, "Content-Type", "application/json"); ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, 200, response); } MHD_destroy_response(response); return ret; }
static void on_result(struct state_data *state, struct sign_request *request, json_t *result) { if (state->ses->id != state->ses_id) return; if (result == NULL) goto error; json_t *code = json_object_get(result, "code"); if (code == NULL) goto error; int error_code = json_integer_value(code); if (error_code != 0) { const char *message = json_string_value(json_object_get(result, "message")); if (message == NULL) goto error; log_error("sign fail, access_id: %s, authorisation: %s, token: %"PRIu64" code: %d, message: %s", request->access_id, request->authorisation, request->tonce, error_code, message); send_error(state->ses, state->request_id, 11, message); return; } json_t *data = json_object_get(result, "data"); if (data == NULL) goto error; struct clt_info *info = state->info; uint32_t user_id = json_integer_value(json_object_get(data, "user_id")); if (user_id == 0) goto error; if (info->auth && info->user_id != user_id) { asset_unsubscribe(info->user_id, state->ses); order_unsubscribe(info->user_id, state->ses); } info->auth = true; info->user_id = user_id; log_error("sign success, access_id: %s, user_id: %u", request->access_id, user_id); send_success(state->ses, state->request_id); return; error: if (result) { char *reply = json_dumps(result, 0); log_fatal("invalid reply: %s", reply); free(reply); } send_error_internal_error(state->ses, state->request_id); }
void AssemblyWriter::writeToString(utString& out) { json_t *json = json_object(); json_object_set(json, "type", json_string("ASSEMBLY")); json_object_set(json, "name", json_string(name.c_str())); json_object_set(json, "version", json_string(version.c_str())); json_object_set(json, "uid", json_string(uid.c_str())); json_object_set(json, "loomconfig", json_string(loomConfig.c_str())); #ifdef LOOM_ENABLE_JIT json_object_set(json, "jit", json_true()); #else json_object_set(json, "jit", json_false()); #endif json_object_set(json, "debugbuild", LSCompiler::isDebugBuild() ? json_true() : json_false()); // references json_t *refArray = json_array(); json_object_set(json, "references", refArray); for (UTsize i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { utString assemblyName =; json_t *ro = json_object(); json_object_set(ro, "name", json_string(assemblyName.c_str())); json_array_append(refArray, ro); } // modules json_t *moduleArray = json_array(); json_object_set(json, "modules", moduleArray); for (UTsize i = 0; i < modules.size(); i++) { json_t *mjson = modules[i]->write(); json_array_append(moduleArray, mjson); } out = json_dumps(json, JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_SORT_KEYS | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER | JSON_COMPACT); }
void BE_get_request() { char request[1024]; int n = ME_sock_recv(the_context.driverfd, request); if (n <= 0 || !(*request)) return 1; //Parse out JSON json_t *root, *params; json_error_t error; root = json_loads(request, 0, &error); params = json_object_get(root,"params"); char * RLI_expr = json_string_value(json_array_get(params,0)); json_t *id_copy = json_copy(json_object_get(root,"id")); ME_RLI_IR_value value_result = BE_rhandler_dispatch(RLI_expr); json_decref(root); //Send response root = json_object(); json_object_set_new(root, "jsonrpc", json_string("2.0")); if (value_result.type == ME_RLI_IR_VALUE_MEASUREMENT) { json_object_set_new(root, "result", ME_measurement_toJSON(; } else { json_object_set_new(root, "result", json_null()); } json_object_set_new(root, "id", id_copy); char * response; response = json_dumps( root, 0 ); ME_sock_send(the_context.driverfd, response); json_decref(root); if (quitting) { close(the_context.driverfd); exit(-1); } }
json_t *Result::getJson() { json_t *json = json_object(); // if(success) // { // }else // { json_object_set(json, "success", json_pack("b", success)); json_object_set(json, "failReason", json_pack("s", Util::cStr(failReason))); // } // json = json_pack("{" // "s:i," // productNo // "s:b," // success // "s:b," // loaded // "s:b," // generated // "s:i," // screenWidth // "s:i," // screenHeight // "s:i," // imageGeneratedCount // "s:i," // imageCount // "s:i," // loadElapsed // "s:i," // totalElapsed // "s:s" // failReason // "}", // "productNo", request->getProductNo(), // "success", success, // "loaded", loaded, // "generated", generated, // "screenWidth", (qint64)screenWidth, // "screenHeight", (qint64)screenHeight, // "imageGeneratedCount", (qint64)screenHeight, // "imageGeneratedCount", (qint64)imageGeneratedCount, // "imageCount", (qint64)imageCount, // "loadElapsed", (qint64)loadElapsed, // "totalElapsed", (qint64)totalElapsed, // "failReason", Util::cStr(failReason) // ); char *json_str = json_dumps(json, JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if(json_str != NULL) { LOG(DEBUG) << "JSON String " << json_str; free(json_str); } return json; }
void Net::pomeloMsgCallBack(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, void *data) { char nullStr[] = ""; void *msg = data ? data : (void*)nullStr; if(data) { msg = json_dumps((const json_t*)data, 0); } Net::getInstance()->pushMsg(std::string(event), std::string((const char*)msg)); if(data) { free(msg); } }
int PomeloSocket::sendMsg(const char* route, json_t* json) { if(state != CONNECTED_OK){ log("socket has disconnected......"); return -1; } Loading::getInstance()->show(); pc_request_t *request = pc_request_new(); void (*request_cb)(pc_request_t *req, int status, json_t *resp )= &PomeloSocket::requstCallback; int ret=pc_request(client, request, route, json, request_cb); log("发送数据:route:%s,msg:%s",route,json_dumps(json,0)); return ret; }
std::string TDvbJanssonParser::GetProfiles() { std::string res; json_error_t error; json_t* json = json_load_file(DvbConfigProfileFile.c_str(), 0, &error); if (json) { res = std::string(json_dumps(json, JSON_INDENT(2)|JSON_ENSURE_ASCII|JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER)); json_decref(json); } else { OS_LOG(DVB_ERROR, "%s:%d: json_load_file(%s) failed, error = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, DvbConfigProfileFile.c_str(), error.text); } return res; }
std::string Json::stringify() { char *buf = json_dumps( data, JSON_COMPACT | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER | JSON_ENCODE_ANY ); if ( buf != NULL ) { std::string res( buf ); sized_free( buf ); return res; } else { LLOG return ""; } }
static int __jsondump(json_t *json) { char *dump; int indent = g_oneline ? 0 : 4; dump = json_dumps(json, JSON_INDENT(indent) | JSON_ENSURE_ASCII | JSON_SORT_KEYS); if (!dump) { pr_err("Failed to get JSON dump.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } pr_out("%s\n", dump); free(dump); return 0; }
static void handle_conn(Broker *broker, HttpRequest *req, Socket *sock) { json_error_t err; json_t *body; { const char *start = strchr(req->body, '{'); const char *end = strrchr(req->body, '}'); if (!(start && end)) { goto exit; } body = json_loadb(start, end - start + 1, 0, &err); if (!body) { broker_send_internal_error(sock); goto exit; } } const char *dsId = broker_http_param_get(&req->uri, "dsId"); if (!dsId) { goto exit; } log_info("%s connecting \n", dsId); const char *token = broker_http_param_get(&req->uri, "token"); json_t *resp = broker_handshake_handle_conn(broker, dsId, token, body); json_decref(body); if (!resp) { broker_send_internal_error(sock); goto exit; } char *data = json_dumps(resp, JSON_INDENT(2)); json_decref(resp); if (!data) { broker_send_internal_error(sock); goto exit; } char buf[1024]; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, CONN_RESP, (int) strlen(data), data); buf[len] = '\0'; dslink_free(data); dslink_socket_write(sock, buf, (size_t) len); exit: return; }
void janus_echotest_slow_link(janus_plugin_session *handle, int uplink, int video) { /* The core is informing us that our peer got or sent too many NACKs, are we pushing media too hard? */ if(handle == NULL || handle->stopped || g_atomic_int_get(&stopping) || !g_atomic_int_get(&initialized)) return; janus_echotest_session *session = (janus_echotest_session *)handle->plugin_handle; if(!session) { JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "No session associated with this handle...\n"); return; } if(session->destroyed) return; session->slowlink_count++; if(uplink && !video && !session->audio_active) { /* We're not relaying audio and the peer is expecting it, so NACKs are normal */ JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Getting a lot of NACKs (slow uplink) for audio, but that's expected, a configure disabled the audio forwarding\n"); } else if(uplink && video && !session->video_active) { /* We're not relaying video and the peer is expecting it, so NACKs are normal */ JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Getting a lot of NACKs (slow uplink) for video, but that's expected, a configure disabled the video forwarding\n"); } else { /* Slow uplink or downlink, maybe we set the bitrate cap too high? */ if(video) { /* Halve the bitrate, but don't go too low... */ session->bitrate = session->bitrate > 0 ? session->bitrate : 512*1024; session->bitrate = session->bitrate/2; if(session->bitrate < 64*1024) session->bitrate = 64*1024; JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Getting a lot of NACKs (slow %s) for %s, forcing a lower REMB: %"SCNu64"\n", uplink ? "uplink" : "downlink", video ? "video" : "audio", session->bitrate); /* ... and send a new REMB back */ char rtcpbuf[24]; janus_rtcp_remb((char *)(&rtcpbuf), 24, session->bitrate); gateway->relay_rtcp(handle, 1, rtcpbuf, 24); /* As a last thing, notify the user about this */ json_t *event = json_object(); json_object_set_new(event, "echotest", json_string("event")); json_t *result = json_object(); json_object_set_new(result, "status", json_string("slow_link")); json_object_set_new(result, "bitrate", json_integer(session->bitrate)); json_object_set_new(event, "result", result); char *event_text = json_dumps(event, JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER); json_decref(event); json_decref(result); event = NULL; gateway->push_event(session->handle, &janus_echotest_plugin, NULL, event_text, NULL, NULL); g_free(event_text); } } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------// int MOAIHarness::_sendMessage(lua_State* L) { // Read the message off of the top of the stack json_t* message = MOAIHarness::ConvertStackIndexToJSON(L, lua_gettop(L)); // Send the message back to the IDE. json_t* msg = json_object(); json_object_set_new(msg, "ID", json_string("message")); json_object_set_new(msg, "Value", message); char* data = json_dumps(msg, 0); MOAIHarness::SendData(std::string(data)); free(data); // Done! return 0; }
double getAvail(Parameters& params, std::string currency) { json_t* root = authRequest(params, "", ""); while (json_object_get(root, "message") != NULL) { sleep(1.0); *params.logFile << "<Bitstamp> Error with JSON: " << json_dumps(root, 0) << ". Retrying..." << std::endl; root = authRequest(params, "", ""); } double availability = 0.0; if ("btc") == 0) { availability = atof(json_string_value(json_object_get(root, "btc_balance"))); } else if ("usd") == 0) { availability = atof(json_string_value(json_object_get(root, "usd_balance"))); } json_decref(root); return availability; }