Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Testing correctness of parsed values */
void test_suite_2(void) {
    JSON_Value *root_value;
    JSON_Object *object;
    JSON_Array *array;
    int i;
    const char *filename = "tests/test_2.txt";
    printf("Testing %s:\n", filename);
    root_value = json_parse_file(filename);
    TEST(json_value_get_type(root_value) == JSONObject);
    object = json_value_get_object(root_value);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(object, "string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(object, "utf string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(json_object_get_number(object, "positive one") == 1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(object, "negative one") == -1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(object, "hard to parse number") == -0.000314);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(object, "boolean true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(object, "boolean false") == 0);
    TEST(json_value_get_type(json_object_get_value(object, "null")) == JSONNull);
    array = json_object_get_array(object, "string array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    array = json_object_get_array(object, "x^2 array");
    if (array != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < json_array_get_count(array); i++) {
            TEST(json_array_get_number(array, i) == (i * i));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_get_array(object, "non existent array") == NULL);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_dotget_string(object, "object.nested string"), "str"));
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(object, "object.nested true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(object, "object.nested false") == 0);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "object.nested null") != NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_number(object, "object.nested number") == 123);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "should.be.null") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "should.be.null.") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, ".") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "") == NULL);
    array = json_object_dotget_array(object, "object.nested array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(object, "nested true"));    
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Testing correctness of parsed values */
void test_suite_2(JSON_Value *root_value) {
    JSON_Object *root_object;
    JSON_Array *array;
    size_t i;
    TEST(json_value_get_type(root_value) == JSONObject);
    root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "utf string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "utf-8 string"), "あいうえお"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "surrogate string"), "lorem𝄞ipsum𝍧lorem"));
    TEST(json_object_get_number(root_object, "positive one") == 1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(root_object, "negative one") == -1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(root_object, "hard to parse number") == -0.000314);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(root_object, "boolean true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(root_object, "boolean false") == 0);
    TEST(json_value_get_type(json_object_get_value(root_object, "null")) == JSONNull);
    array = json_object_get_array(root_object, "string array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    array = json_object_get_array(root_object, "x^2 array");
    if (array != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < json_array_get_count(array); i++) {
            TEST(json_array_get_number(array, i) == (i * i));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_get_array(root_object, "non existent array") == NULL);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_dotget_string(root_object, "object.nested string"), "str"));
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(root_object, "object.nested true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(root_object, "object.nested false") == 0);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "object.nested null") != NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_number(root_object, "object.nested number") == 123);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "should.be.null") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "should.be.null.") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, ".") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "") == NULL);
    array = json_object_dotget_array(root_object, "object.nested array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(root_object, "nested true"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "/**/"), "comment"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "//"), "comment"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
char *json(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args,
      char *result, unsigned long *length,
      char *is_null, char *error)
    JSON_Value *jv = json_parse_string(args->args[0]);
    JSON_Value_Type json_type = json_value_get_type(jv);
        return NULL;
        if(json_type == JSONObject){
            JSON_Object *o = json_value_get_object(jv);
            JSON_Value *value = json_object_dotget_value(o,args->args[1]);
                *length = 0;
                *is_null = 0;
                return NULL;
                *is_null = 0;
                    case JSONArray:
                        *is_null = 1;
                    case JSONError:
                    case JSONObject:
                        *is_null = 1;
                        *error = 1;
                    case JSONString:
                    case JSONNumber:
                    case JSONNull:
                        *is_null = 1;
                    case JSONBoolean:
                *length = initid->ptr == NULL ? 0 : strlen(initid->ptr); 
            *is_null = 1;
        return initid->ptr; 
Ejemplo n.º 4
void do_network(JSON_Value* json, char* msg) {
    if(json_value_get_type(json) == JSONObject) {
        JSON_Object* obj = json_value_get_object(json);
        if(strcmp(json_object_dotget_string(obj, "type"), "act.heating.central") == 0) {
            if(json_object_dotget_value(obj, "msg.level") != 0) {
                int heatingLevel = 9 - (int)json_object_dotget_number(obj, "msg.level");
                printf("ACTING on cmd: %d\n", heatingLevel);

                if(heatingLevel > 9) heatingLevel = 9;
                if(heatingLevel < 0) heatingLevel = 0;
                printf("Set level %d\n", heatingLevel);
                serial_write("%d", heatingLevel);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int parse_SX1301_configuration(const char * conf_file) {
	int i;
	const char conf_obj[] = "SX1301_conf";
	char param_name[32]; /* used to generate variable parameter names */
	const char *str; /* used to store string value from JSON object */
	struct lgw_conf_board_s boardconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxif_s ifconf;
	JSON_Value *root_val;
	JSON_Object *root = NULL;
	JSON_Object *conf = NULL;
	JSON_Value *val;
	uint32_t sf, bw;
	/* try to parse JSON */
	root_val = json_parse_file_with_comments(conf_file);
	root = json_value_get_object(root_val);
	if (root == NULL) {
		MSG("ERROR: %s id not a valid JSON file\n", conf_file);
	conf = json_object_get_object(root, conf_obj);
	if (conf == NULL) {
		MSG("INFO: %s does not contain a JSON object named %s\n", conf_file, conf_obj);
		return -1;
	} else {
		MSG("INFO: %s does contain a JSON object named %s, parsing SX1301 parameters\n", conf_file, conf_obj);

	/* set board configuration */
	memset(&boardconf, 0, sizeof boardconf); /* initialize configuration structure */
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "lorawan_public"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
		boardconf.lorawan_public = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
	} else {
		MSG("WARNING: Data type for lorawan_public seems wrong, please check\n");
		boardconf.lorawan_public = false;
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "clksrc"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) {
		boardconf.clksrc = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val);
	} else {
		MSG("WARNING: Data type for clksrc seems wrong, please check\n");
		boardconf.clksrc = 0;
	MSG("INFO: lorawan_public %d, clksrc %d\n", boardconf.lorawan_public, boardconf.clksrc);
	/* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */
        if (lgw_board_setconf(boardconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
                MSG("WARNING: Failed to configure board\n");

	/* set configuration for RF chains */
	for (i = 0; i < LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB; ++i) {
		memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
		sprintf(param_name, "radio_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */
		val = json_object_get_value(conf, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */
		if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
			MSG("INFO: no configuration for radio %i\n", i);
		/* there is an object to configure that radio, let's parse it */
		sprintf(param_name, "radio_%i.enable", i);
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, param_name);
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			rfconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			rfconf.enable = false;
		if (rfconf.enable == false) { /* radio disabled, nothing else to parse */
			MSG("INFO: radio %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  { /* radio enabled, will parse the other parameters */
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.freq", i);
			rfconf.freq_hz = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.rssi_offset", i);
			rfconf.rssi_offset = (float)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.type", i);
			str = json_object_dotget_string(conf, param_name);
			if (!strncmp(str, "SX1255", 6)) {
				rfconf.type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255;
			} else if (!strncmp(str, "SX1257", 6)) {
				rfconf.type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257;
			} else {
				MSG("WARNING: invalid radio type: %s (should be SX1255 or SX1257)\n", str);
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.tx_enable", i);
			val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, param_name);
			if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
				rfconf.tx_enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
			} else {
				rfconf.tx_enable = false;
			MSG("INFO: radio %i enabled (type %s), center frequency %u, RSSI offset %f, tx enabled %d\n", i, str, rfconf.freq_hz, rfconf.rssi_offset, rfconf.tx_enable);
		/* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */
		if (lgw_rxrf_setconf(i, rfconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for radio %i\n", i);
	/* set configuration for LoRa multi-SF channels (bandwidth cannot be set) */
	for (i = 0; i < LGW_MULTI_NB; ++i) {
		memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
		sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */
		val = json_object_get_value(conf, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */
		if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
			MSG("INFO: no configuration for LoRa multi-SF channel %i\n", i);
		/* there is an object to configure that LoRa multi-SF channel, let's parse it */
		sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.enable", i);
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, param_name);
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			ifconf.enable = false;
		if (ifconf.enable == false) { /* LoRa multi-SF channel disabled, nothing else to parse */
			MSG("INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  { /* LoRa multi-SF channel enabled, will parse the other parameters */
			sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.radio", i);
			ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.if", i);
			ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			// TODO: handle individual SF enabling and disabling (spread_factor)
			MSG("INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel %i enabled, radio %i selected, IF %i Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12\n", i, ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz);
		/* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */
		if (lgw_rxif_setconf(i, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for LoRa multi-SF channel %i\n", i);
	/* set configuration for LoRa standard channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "chan_Lora_std"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
		MSG("INFO: no configuration for LoRa standard channel\n");
	} else {
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, "chan_Lora_std.enable");
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			ifconf.enable = false;
		if (ifconf.enable == false) {
			MSG("INFO: LoRa standard channel %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  {
			ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.radio");
			ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.if");
			bw = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.bandwidth");
			switch(bw) {
				case 500000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break;
				case 250000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break;
				case 125000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break;
				default: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED;
			sf = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.spread_factor");
			switch(sf) {
				case  7: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7;  break;
				case  8: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8;  break;
				case  9: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9;  break;
				case 10: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break;
				case 11: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break;
				case 12: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break;
				default: ifconf.datarate = DR_UNDEFINED;
			MSG("INFO: LoRa standard channel enabled, radio %i selected, IF %i Hz, %u Hz bandwidth, SF %u\n", ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz, bw, sf);
		if (lgw_rxif_setconf(8, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for LoRa standard channel\n");
	/* set configuration for FSK channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "chan_FSK"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
		MSG("INFO: no configuration for FSK channel\n");
	} else {
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, "chan_FSK.enable");
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			ifconf.enable = false;
		if (ifconf.enable == false) {
			MSG("INFO: FSK channel %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  {
			ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.radio");
			ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.if");
			bw = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.bandwidth");
			if      (bw <= 7800)   ifconf.bandwidth = BW_7K8HZ;
			else if (bw <= 15600)  ifconf.bandwidth = BW_15K6HZ;
			else if (bw <= 31200)  ifconf.bandwidth = BW_31K2HZ;
			else if (bw <= 62500)  ifconf.bandwidth = BW_62K5HZ;
			else if (bw <= 125000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ;
			else if (bw <= 250000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
			else if (bw <= 500000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ;
			else ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED;
			ifconf.datarate = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.datarate");
			MSG("INFO: FSK channel enabled, radio %i selected, IF %i Hz, %u Hz bandwidth, %u bps datarate\n", ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz, bw, ifconf.datarate);
		if (lgw_rxif_setconf(9, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for FSK channel\n");
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @property: (in): encoders.x.elements.element.property.name or source.elements.element.property.name
gchar * jobdesc_element_property_value (gchar *job, gchar *property)
        JSON_Value *val;
        JSON_Object *obj;
        JSON_Array *array;
        JSON_Value_Type type;
        JSON_Value *value;
        gchar *p;
        gint64 i;
        gdouble n;
        gint index;

        val = json_parse_string_with_comments (job);
        obj = json_value_get_object (val);
        if (g_str_has_prefix (property, "encoder")) {
                array = json_object_dotget_array (obj, "encoders");
                sscanf (property, "encoder.%d", &index);
                obj = json_array_get_object (array, index);
                p = g_strrstr (property, "elements");
                value = json_object_dotget_value (obj, p);

        } else if (g_str_has_prefix (property, "source")) {
                value = json_object_dotget_value (obj, property);
        if (value == NULL) {
                json_value_free (val);
                return NULL;
        type = json_value_get_type (value);
        switch (type) {
        case JSONString:
                p = g_strdup (json_value_get_string (value));

        case JSONNumber:
                n = json_value_get_number (value);
                i = n;
                if (i == n) {
                        p = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", i);

                } else {
                        p = g_strdup_printf ("%f", n);

        case JSONBoolean:
                if (json_value_get_boolean (value)) {
                        p = g_strdup ("TRUE");

                } else {
                        p = g_strdup ("FALSE");

                GST_ERROR ("property value invalid.");
        json_value_free (val);

        return p;