Ejemplo n.º 1
JsVar *jswrap_io_peek(JsVarInt addr, JsVarInt count, int wordSize) {
  if (count<=1) {
    return jsvNewFromLongInteger((long long)_jswrap_io_peek(addr, wordSize));
  } else {
    JsVarDataArrayBufferViewType aType;
	  // EDIT //
	  switch (wordSize) {
		  case 1: aType=ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8; break;
		  case 2: aType=ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT16; break;
		  default: aType=ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT32; break;
//    if (wordSize==1) aType=ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8;
//    if (wordSize==2) aType=ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT16;
//    if (wordSize==4) aType=ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT32;
    JsVar *arr = jsvNewTypedArray(aType, count);
    if (!arr) return 0;
    JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, arr, 0);
    while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetIntegerValue(&it, (JsVarInt)_jswrap_io_peek(addr, wordSize));
      addr += wordSize;
    return arr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*JSON{ "type":"method", "class": "ArrayBufferView",  "name": "interpolate2d",
         "description" : "Interpolate between two adjacent values in the Typed Array",
         "generate" : "jswrap_arraybufferview_interpolate2d",
         "params" : [ [ "width", "int", "Integer 'width' of 2d array" ],
                      [ "x", "float", "Floating point X index to access" ],
                      [ "y", "float", "Floating point Y index to access" ] ],
         "return" : [ "float", "The result of interpolating in 2d between the 4 surrounding cells" ]
JsVarFloat jswrap_arraybufferview_interpolate2d(JsVar *parent, JsVarInt width, JsVarFloat x, JsVarFloat y) {
  int yidx = (int)y;
  JsVarFloat ay = y-yidx;

  JsVarFloat findex = x + (JsVarFloat)(yidx*width);
  size_t idx = (size_t)findex;
  JsVarFloat ax = findex-(int)idx;

  JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, parent, idx);

  JsVarFloat xa,xb;
  int i;

  xa = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  xb = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  JsVarFloat ya = xa*(1-ax) + xb*ax;

  for (i=1;i<width;i++) jsvArrayBufferIteratorNext(&it);

  xa = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  xb = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  JsVarFloat yb = xa*(1-ax) + xb*ax;

  return ya*(1-ay) + yb*ay;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "I2C",
  "name" : "readFrom",
  "generate" : "jswrap_i2c_readFrom",
  "params" : [
    ["address","JsVar","The 7 bit address of the device to request bytes from, or an object of the form `{address:12, stop:false}` to send this data without a STOP signal."],
    ["quantity","int32","The number of bytes to request"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","The data that was returned - as a Uint8Array"],
  "return_object" : "Uint8Array"
Request bytes from the given slave device, and return them as a Uint8Array (packed array of bytes). This is like using Arduino Wire's requestFrom, available and read functions.  Sends a STOP
JsVar *jswrap_i2c_readFrom(JsVar *parent, JsVar *addressVar, int nBytes) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  if (!DEVICE_IS_I2C(device)) return 0;

  bool sendStop = true;
  int address = i2c_get_address(addressVar, &sendStop);

  if (nBytes<=0)
    return 0;
  if ((unsigned int)nBytes+256 > jsuGetFreeStack()) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Not enough free stack to receive this amount of data");
    return 0;
  unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)alloca((size_t)nBytes);

  jshI2CRead(device, (unsigned char)address, nBytes, buf, sendStop);

  JsVar *array = jsvNewTypedArray(ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8, nBytes);
  if (array) {
    JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, array, 0);
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0;i<(unsigned)nBytes;i++) {
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetByteValue(&it, (char)buf[i]);
  return array;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "ArrayBufferView",
  "name" : "set",
  "generate" : "jswrap_arraybufferview_set",
  "params" : [
    ["arr","JsVar","Floating point index to access"],
    ["offset","int32","The offset in this array at which to write the values (optional)"]
Copy the contents of `array` into this one, mapping `this[x+offset]=array[x];`
void jswrap_arraybufferview_set(JsVar *parent, JsVar *arr, int offset) {
  if (!(jsvIsString(arr) || jsvIsArray(arr) || jsvIsArrayBuffer(arr))) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Expecting first argument to be an array, not %t", arr);
  JsvIterator itsrc;
  jsvIteratorNew(&itsrc, arr);
  JsvArrayBufferIterator itdst;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&itdst, parent, (size_t)offset);

  bool useInts = !JSV_ARRAYBUFFER_IS_FLOAT(itdst.type) || jsvIsString(arr);

  while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&itsrc) && jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&itdst)) {
    if (useInts) {
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetIntegerValue(&itdst, jsvIteratorGetIntegerValue(&itsrc));
    } else {
      JsVar *value = jsvIteratorGetValue(&itsrc);
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetValue(&itdst, value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void jsvIteratorFree(JsvIterator *it) {
  switch (it->type) {
  case JSVI_OBJECT : jsvObjectIteratorFree(&it->it.obj); break;
  case JSVI_STRING : jsvStringIteratorFree(&it->it.str); break;
  case JSVI_ARRAYBUFFER : jsvArrayBufferIteratorFree(&it->it.buf); break;
  default: assert(0); break;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void jsvIteratorFree(JsvIterator *it) {
  switch (it->type) {
  case JSVI_FULLARRAY: jsvUnLock(it->it.obj.var); // intentionally no break
  case JSVI_OBJECT : jsvObjectIteratorFree(&it->it.obj.it); break;
  case JSVI_STRING : jsvStringIteratorFree(&it->it.str); break;
  case JSVI_ARRAYBUFFER : jsvArrayBufferIteratorFree(&it->it.buf); break;
  default: assert(0); break;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*JSON{ "type":"method", "class": "ArrayBufferView",  "name": "interpolate",
         "description" : "Interpolate between two adjacent values in the Typed Array",
         "generate" : "jswrap_arraybufferview_interpolate",
         "params" : [ [ "index", "float", "Floating point index to access" ] ],
         "return" : [ "float", "The result of interpolating between (int)index and (int)(index+1)" ]
JsVarFloat jswrap_arraybufferview_interpolate(JsVar *parent, JsVarFloat findex) {
  size_t idx = (size_t)findex;
  JsVarFloat a = findex - (int)idx;
  JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, parent, idx);
  JsVarFloat fa = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  JsVarFloat fb = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  return fa*(1-a) + fb*a;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "ArrayBufferView",
  "name" : "map",
  "generate" : "jswrap_arraybufferview_map",
  "params" : [
    ["function","JsVar","Function used to map one item to another"],
    ["thisArg","JsVar","if specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg (optional)"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","An array containing the results"],
  "return_object" : "ArrayBufferView"
Return an array which is made from the following: ```A.map(function) = [function(A[0]), function(A[1]), ...]```

**Note:** This returns an ArrayBuffer of the same type it was called on. To get an Array, use `Array.prototype.map`
JsVar *jswrap_arraybufferview_map(JsVar *parent, JsVar *funcVar, JsVar *thisVar) {
  if (!jsvIsArrayBuffer(parent)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "ArrayBufferView.map can only be called on an ArrayBufferView");
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsFunction(funcVar)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "ArrayBufferView.map's first argument should be a function");
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(thisVar) && !jsvIsObject(thisVar)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "ArrayBufferView.map's second argument should be undefined, or an object");
    return 0;

  // create ArrayBuffer result
  JsVarDataArrayBufferViewType arrayBufferType = parent->varData.arraybuffer.type;
  JsVar *arrayBufferLength = jsvNewFromInteger((JsVarInt)jsvGetArrayBufferLength(parent));
  JsVar *array = jswrap_typedarray_constructor(arrayBufferType, arrayBufferLength, 0, 0);
  if (!array) return 0;

  // now iterate
  JsvIterator it; // TODO: if we really are limited to ArrayBuffers, this could be an ArrayBufferIterator.
  jsvIteratorNew(&it, parent);
  JsvArrayBufferIterator itdst;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&itdst, array, 0);

  while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
    JsVar *index = jsvIteratorGetKey(&it);
    if (jsvIsInt(index)) {
      JsVarInt idxValue = jsvGetInteger(index);

      JsVar *args[3], *mapped;
      args[0] = jsvIteratorGetValue(&it);
      args[1] = jsvNewFromInteger(idxValue); // child is a variable name, create a new variable for the index
      args[2] = parent;
      mapped = jspeFunctionCall(funcVar, 0, thisVar, false, 3, args);
      if (mapped) {
        jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetValue(&itdst, mapped);

  return array;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "OneWire",
  "name" : "read",
  "generate" : "jswrap_onewire_read",
  "params" : [["count","JsVar","(optional) The amount of bytes to read"]],
  "return" : ["JsVar","The byte that was read, or a Uint8Array if count was specified and >=0"]
Read a byte
JsVar *jswrap_onewire_read(JsVar *parent, JsVar *count) {
  Pin pin = onewire_getpin(parent);
  if (!jshIsPinValid(pin)) return 0;
  if (jsvIsNumeric(count)) {
    JsVarInt c = jsvGetInteger(count);
    JsVar *arr = jsvNewTypedArray(ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8, c);
    if (!arr) return 0;
    JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, arr, 0);
    while (c--) {
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetByteValue(&it, (char)OneWireRead(pin, 8));
    return arr;
  } else {
    return jsvNewFromInteger(OneWireRead(pin, 8));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "E",
  "name" : "interpolate",
  "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
  "generate" : "jswrap_espruino_interpolate",
  "params" : [
    ["array","JsVar","A Typed Array to interpolate between"],
    ["index","float","Floating point index to access"]
  "return" : ["float","The result of interpolating between (int)index and (int)(index+1)"]
Interpolate between two adjacent values in the Typed Array
JsVarFloat jswrap_espruino_interpolate(JsVar *array, JsVarFloat findex) {
  if (!jsvIsArrayBuffer(array)) return 0;
  size_t idx = (size_t)findex;
  JsVarFloat a = findex - (int)idx;
  if (findex<0) {
    idx = 0;
    a = 0;
  if (findex>=jsvGetArrayBufferLength(array)-1) {
    idx = jsvGetArrayBufferLength(array)-1;
    a = 0;
  JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, array, idx);
  JsVarFloat fa = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  JsVarFloat fb = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  return fa*(1-a) + fb*a;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "E",
  "name" : "interpolate2d",
  "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
  "generate" : "jswrap_espruino_interpolate2d",
  "params" : [
    ["array","JsVar","A Typed Array to interpolate between"],
    ["width","int32","Integer 'width' of 2d array"],
    ["x","float","Floating point X index to access"],
    ["y","float","Floating point Y index to access"]
  "return" : ["float","The result of interpolating in 2d between the 4 surrounding cells"]
Interpolate between four adjacent values in the Typed Array, in 2D.
JsVarFloat jswrap_espruino_interpolate2d(JsVar *array, int width, JsVarFloat x, JsVarFloat y) {
  if (!jsvIsArrayBuffer(array)) return 0;
  int yidx = (int)y;
  JsVarFloat ay = y-yidx;
  if (y<0) {
    yidx = 0;
    ay = 0;

  JsVarFloat findex = x + (JsVarFloat)(yidx*width);
  size_t idx = (size_t)findex;
  JsVarFloat ax = findex-(int)idx;
  if (x<0) {
    idx = (size_t)(yidx*width);
    ax = 0;

  JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, array, idx);

  JsVarFloat xa,xb;
  int i;

  xa = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  xb = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  JsVarFloat ya = xa*(1-ax) + xb*ax;

  for (i=1;i<width;i++) jsvArrayBufferIteratorNext(&it);

  xa = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  xb = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it);
  JsVarFloat yb = xa*(1-ax) + xb*ax;

  return ya*(1-ay) + yb*ay;
Ejemplo n.º 12
JsVar *jswrap_spi_send(JsVar *parent, JsVar *srcdata, Pin nss_pin) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);

  jswrap_spi_send_data data;
  if (!jsspiGetSendFunction(parent, &data.spiSend, &data.spiSendData))
    return 0;

  JsVar *dst = 0;

  // we're sending and receiving
  if (DEVICE_IS_SPI(device)) jshSPISetReceive(device, true);

  // assert NSS
  if (nss_pin!=PIN_UNDEFINED) jshPinOutput(nss_pin, false);

  // send data
  if (jsvIsNumeric(srcdata)) {
    int r = data.spiSend((unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(srcdata), &data.spiSendData);
    if (r<0) r = data.spiSend(-1, &data.spiSendData);
    dst = jsvNewFromInteger(r); // retrieve the byte (no send!)
  } else if (jsvIsString(srcdata)) {
    dst = jsvNewFromEmptyString();
    JsvStringIterator it;
    jsvStringIteratorNew(&it, srcdata, 0);
    int incount = 0, outcount = 0;
    while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it) && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
      unsigned char in = (unsigned char)jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it);
      int out = data.spiSend(in, &data.spiSendData);
      if (out>=0) {
        char outc = (char)out;
        jsvAppendStringBuf(dst, (char*)&outc, 1);
    // finally add the remaining bytes  (no send!)
    while (outcount < incount && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
      unsigned char out = (unsigned char)data.spiSend(-1, &data.spiSendData);
      jsvAppendStringBuf(dst, (char*)&out, 1);
  } else {
    int nBytes = jsvIterateCallbackCount(srcdata);
    dst = jsvNewTypedArray(ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8, nBytes);
    if (dst) {
      data.rxAmt = data.txAmt = 0;
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&data.it, dst, 0);
      // Write data
      jsvIterateCallback(srcdata, (void (*)(int,  void *))jswrap_spi_send_cb, &data);
      // Wait until SPI send is finished, and flush data
      while (data.rxAmt < data.txAmt && !jspIsInterrupted())
        jswrap_spi_send_cb(-1, &data);

  // de-assert NSS
  if (nss_pin!=PIN_UNDEFINED) jshPinOutput(nss_pin, true);
  return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * \brief Iterate over the contents of the content of a variable, calling callback for each.
 * Contents may be:
 * * numeric -> output
 * * a string -> output each character
 * * array/arraybuffer -> call itself on each element
 * object -> call itself object.count times, on object.data
bool jsvIterateCallback(
    JsVar *data,                                    // The data to iterate over.
	void (*callback)(int item, void *callbackData), // The callback function invoke.
	void *callbackData                              // Data to be passed to the callback function
  ) {
  bool ok = true;
  // Handle the data being a single numeric.
  if (jsvIsNumeric(data)) {
    callback((int)jsvGetInteger(data), callbackData);
  // Handle the data being an object.
  else if (jsvIsObject(data)) {
    JsVar *countVar = jsvObjectGetChild(data, "count", 0);
    JsVar *dataVar = jsvObjectGetChild(data, "data", 0);
    if (countVar && dataVar && jsvIsNumeric(countVar)) {
      int n = (int)jsvGetInteger(countVar);
      while (ok && n-- > 0) {
        ok = jsvIterateCallback(dataVar, callback, callbackData);
    } else {
      jsWarn("If specifying an object, it must be of the form {data : ..., count : N}");
    jsvUnLock2(countVar, dataVar);
  // Handle the data being a string
  else if (jsvIsString(data)) {
    JsvStringIterator it;
    jsvStringIteratorNew(&it, data, 0);
    while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it) && ok) {
      char ch = jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it);
      callback(ch, callbackData);
  // Handle the data being an array buffer
  else if (jsvIsArrayBuffer(data)) {
    JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, data, 0);
    if (JSV_ARRAYBUFFER_GET_SIZE(it.type) == 1 && !JSV_ARRAYBUFFER_IS_SIGNED(it.type)) {
      // faster for single byte arrays.
      while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
        callback((int)(unsigned char)jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it.it), callbackData);
    } else {
      while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
        callback((int)jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetIntegerValue(&it), callbackData);
  // Handle the data being iterable
  else if (jsvIsIterable(data)) {
    JsvIterator it;
    jsvIteratorNew(&it, data);
    while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it) && ok) {
      JsVar *el = jsvIteratorGetValue(&it);
      ok = jsvIterateCallback(el, callback, callbackData);
  } else {
    jsWarn("Expecting a number or something iterable, got %t", data);
    ok = false;
  return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void jsfGetJSONWithCallback(JsVar *var, JSONFlags flags, const char *whitespace, vcbprintf_callback user_callback, void *user_data) {
  JSONFlags nflags = flags + JSON_INDENT; // if we add a newline, make sure we indent any subsequent JSON more
  if (!whitespace) whitespace="  ";

  if (jsvIsUndefined(var)) {
    cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "undefined");
  } else {
    // Use IS_RECURSING  flag to stop recursion
    if (var->flags & JSV_IS_RECURSING) {
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, " ... ");
    var->flags |= JSV_IS_RECURSING;

    if (jsvIsArray(var)) {
      JsVarInt length = jsvGetArrayLength(var);
      bool limited = (flags&JSON_LIMIT) && (length>(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
      bool needNewLine = false;
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"[ ":"[");
      JsVarInt lastIndex = -1;
      bool numeric = true;
      bool first = true;
      JsvObjectIterator it;
      jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, var);
      while (lastIndex+1<length && numeric && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
        JsVar *key = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
        if (!jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it) || jsvIsNumeric(key)) {
          JsVarInt index = jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it) ? jsvGetInteger(key) : length-1;
          JsVar *item = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
          while (lastIndex < index) {
            if (!limited || lastIndex<(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT || lastIndex>=length-(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
              if (!first) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
              first = false;
              if (limited && lastIndex==length-(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT);
              bool newNeedsNewLine = ((flags&JSON_SOME_NEWLINES) && jsonNeedsNewLine(item));
              if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) {
                needNewLine = true;
                newNeedsNewLine = true;
              if (needNewLine || newNeedsNewLine) {
                jsonNewLine(nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
                needNewLine = false;
              if (lastIndex == index)
                jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
                cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_NO_UNDEFINED)?"null":"undefined");
              needNewLine = newNeedsNewLine;
        } else {
          numeric = false;

      // non-numeric  - but NOT for standard JSON
      if ((flags&JSON_PRETTY))
        jsfGetJSONForObjectItWithCallback(&it, flags, whitespace, nflags, user_callback, user_data, first);
      if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(flags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?" ]":"]");
    } else if (jsvIsArrayBuffer(var)) {
      JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
      bool allZero = true;
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, var, 0);
      while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
        if (jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it)!=0)
          allZero = false;
      bool asArray = flags&JSON_ARRAYBUFFER_AS_ARRAY;

      if (allZero && !asArray) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "new %s(%d)", jswGetBasicObjectName(var), jsvGetArrayBufferLength(var));
      } else {
        const char *aname = jswGetBasicObjectName(var);
        /* You can't do `new ArrayBuffer([1,2,3])` so we have to output
         * `new Uint8Array([1,2,3]).buffer`! */
        bool isBasicArrayBuffer = strcmp(aname,"ArrayBuffer")==0;
        if (isBasicArrayBuffer) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, asArray?"[":"new %s([", aname);
        if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) jsonNewLine(nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
        size_t length = jsvGetArrayBufferLength(var);
        bool limited = (flags&JSON_LIMIT) && (length>JSON_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
        // no newlines needed for array buffers as they only contain simple stuff

        jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, var, 0);
        while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it) && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
          if (!limited || it.index<JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT || it.index>=length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
            if (it.index>0) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
            if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) jsonNewLine(nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
            if (limited && it.index==length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT);
            JsVar *item = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetValue(&it);
            jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
        if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) jsonNewLine(flags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, asArray?"]":"])");
        if (isBasicArrayBuffer && !asArray) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, ".buffer");
    } else if (jsvIsObject(var)) {
      IOEventFlags device = (flags & JSON_SHOW_DEVICES) ? jsiGetDeviceFromClass(var) : EV_NONE;
      if (device!=EV_NONE) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%s", jshGetDeviceString(device));
      } else {
        bool showContents = true;
        if (flags & JSON_SHOW_OBJECT_NAMES) {
          JsVar *proto = jsvObjectGetChild(var, JSPARSE_INHERITS_VAR, 0);
          if (jsvHasChildren(proto)) {
            JsVar *constr = jsvObjectGetChild(proto, JSPARSE_CONSTRUCTOR_VAR, 0);
            if (constr) {
              JsVar *p = jsvGetIndexOf(execInfo.root, constr, true);
              if (p) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v: ", p);
              /* We had the constructor - now if there was a non-default toString function
               * we'll execute it and print the result */
              JsVar *toStringFn = jspGetNamedField(var, "toString", false);
              if (toStringFn && toStringFn->varData.native.ptr != (void (*)(void))jswrap_object_toString) {
                // Function found and it's not the default one - execute it
                JsVar *result = jspExecuteFunction(toStringFn,var,0,0);
                cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v", result);
                showContents = false; // we already printed something
        if (showContents) {
          JsvObjectIterator it;
          jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, var);
          cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"{ ":"{");
          bool needNewLine = jsfGetJSONForObjectItWithCallback(&it, flags, whitespace, nflags, user_callback, user_data, true);
          if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(flags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
          cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?" }":"}");
    } else if (jsvIsFunction(var)) {
      if (flags & JSON_IGNORE_FUNCTIONS) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "undefined");
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "function ");
        jsfGetJSONForFunctionWithCallback(var, nflags, user_callback, user_data);
    } else if (jsvIsString(var) && !jsvIsName(var)) {
      if ((flags&JSON_LIMIT) && jsvGetStringLength(var)>JSON_LIMIT_STRING_AMOUNT) {
        // if the string is too big, split it and put dots in the middle
        JsVar *var1 = jsvNewFromStringVar(var, 0, JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT);
        JsVar *var2 = jsvNewFromStringVar(var, jsvGetStringLength(var)-JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT, JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%q%s%q", var1, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT, var2);
        jsvUnLock2(var1, var2);
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%q", var);
    } else {
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v", var);

    var->flags &= ~JSV_IS_RECURSING;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void jsfGetJSONWithCallback(JsVar *var, JSONFlags flags, vcbprintf_callback user_callback, void *user_data) {
  JSONFlags nflags = flags + JSON_INDENT; // if we add a newline, make sure we indent any subsequent JSON more

  if (jsvIsUndefined(var)) {
    cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "undefined");
  } else {
    // Use IS_RECURSING  flag to stop recursion
    if (var->flags & JSV_IS_RECURSING) {
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, " ... ");
    var->flags |= JSV_IS_RECURSING;

    if (jsvIsArray(var)) {
      size_t length = (size_t)jsvGetArrayLength(var);
      bool limited = (flags&JSON_LIMIT) && (length>JSON_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
      bool needNewLine = false;
      size_t i;
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"[ ":"[");
      for (i=0;i<length && !jspIsInterrupted();i++) {
        if (!limited || i<JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT || i>=length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
          if (i>0) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
          if (limited && i==length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
            if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(nflags, user_callback, user_data);
            cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT);
          JsVar *item = jsvGetArrayItem(var, (JsVarInt)i);
          if (jsvIsUndefined(item) && (flags&JSON_NO_UNDEFINED))
              item = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_NULL);
          bool newNeedsNewLine = (flags&JSON_NEWLINES) && jsonNeedsNewLine(item);
          if (needNewLine || newNeedsNewLine) {
            jsonNewLine(nflags, user_callback, user_data);
            needNewLine = false;
          jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, user_callback, user_data);
          needNewLine = newNeedsNewLine;
      if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(flags, user_callback, user_data);
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?" ]":"]");
    } else if (jsvIsArrayBuffer(var)) {
      JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
      bool allZero = true;
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, var, 0);
      while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
        if (jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it)!=0)
          allZero = false;

      if (allZero) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "new %s(%d)", jswGetBasicObjectName(var), jsvGetArrayBufferLength(var));
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "new %s([", jswGetBasicObjectName(var));
        size_t length = jsvGetArrayBufferLength(var);
        bool limited = (flags&JSON_LIMIT) && (length>JSON_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
        // no newlines needed for array buffers as they only contain simple stuff

        jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, var, 0);
        while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it) && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
          if (!limited || it.index<JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT || it.index>=length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
            if (it.index>0) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
            if (limited && it.index==length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT);
            JsVar *item = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetValue(&it);
            jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, user_callback, user_data);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "])");
    } else if (jsvIsObject(var)) {
      IOEventFlags device = (flags & JSON_SHOW_DEVICES) ? jsiGetDeviceFromClass(var) : EV_NONE;
      if (device!=EV_NONE) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%s", jshGetDeviceString(device));
      } else {
        bool first = true;
        bool needNewLine = false;
        size_t sinceNewLine = 0;
        JsvObjectIterator it;
        jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, var);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"{ ":"{");
        while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it) && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
          JsVar *index = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
          JsVar *item = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
          bool hidden = jsvIsInternalObjectKey(index) ||
                        ((flags & JSON_IGNORE_FUNCTIONS) && jsvIsFunction(item)) ||
                        ((flags&JSON_NO_UNDEFINED) && jsvIsUndefined(item));
          if (!hidden) {
            if (!first) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
            bool newNeedsNewLine = (flags&JSON_NEWLINES) && jsonNeedsNewLine(item);
            if ((flags&JSON_NEWLINES) && sinceNewLine>JSON_ITEMS_ON_LINE_OBJECT)
              needNewLine = true;
            if (needNewLine || newNeedsNewLine) {
              jsonNewLine(nflags, user_callback, user_data);
              needNewLine = false;
              sinceNewLine = 0;
            cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"%q: ":"%q:", index);
            if (first)
              first = false;
            jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, user_callback, user_data);
            needNewLine = newNeedsNewLine;
        if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(flags, user_callback, user_data);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?" }":"}");
    } else if (jsvIsFunction(var)) {
      if (flags & JSON_IGNORE_FUNCTIONS) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "undefined");
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "function ");
        jsfGetJSONForFunctionWithCallback(var, nflags, user_callback, user_data);
    } else if (jsvIsString(var) && !jsvIsName(var)) {
      if ((flags&JSON_LIMIT) && jsvGetStringLength(var)>JSON_LIMIT_STRING_AMOUNT) {
        // if the string is too big, split it and put dots in the middle
        JsVar *var1 = jsvNewFromStringVar(var, 0, JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT);
        JsVar *var2 = jsvNewFromStringVar(var, jsvGetStringLength(var)-JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT, JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%q%s%q", var1, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT, var2);
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%q", var);
    } else {
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v", var);

    var->flags &= ~JSV_IS_RECURSING;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Send data through SPI.
 * The data can be in a variety of formats including:
 * * `numeric` - A single byte is transmitted.
 * * `string` - Each character in the string is transmitted.
 * * `iterable` - An iterable object is transmitted.
 * \return the Received bytes (MISO).  This is byte array.
JsVar *jswrap_spi_send(
    JsVar *parent,  //!< A description of the SPI device to send data through.
    JsVar *srcdata, //!< The data to send through SPI.
    Pin    nss_pin  //!< The pin to toggle low then high (CS)
  ) {
  // Debug
  // jsiConsolePrintf("jswrap_spi_send called: parent=%j, srcdata=%j, nss_pin=%p\n", parent, srcdata, nss_pin);
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);

  jswrap_spi_send_data data;
  if (!jsspiGetSendFunction(parent, &data.spiSend, &data.spiSendData))
    return 0;

  JsVar *dst = 0;

  // we're sending and receiving
  if (DEVICE_IS_SPI(device)) jshSPISetReceive(device, true);

  // assert NSS
  if (nss_pin!=PIN_UNDEFINED) jshPinOutput(nss_pin, false);

  // Now that we are setup, we can send the data.

  // Handle the data being a single byte value
  if (jsvIsNumeric(srcdata)) {
    int r = data.spiSend((unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(srcdata), &data.spiSendData);
    if (r<0) r = data.spiSend(-1, &data.spiSendData);
    dst = jsvNewFromInteger(r); // retrieve the byte (no send!)
  // Handle the data being a string
  else if (jsvIsString(srcdata)) {
    dst = jsvNewFromEmptyString();
    JsvStringIterator it;
    jsvStringIteratorNew(&it, srcdata, 0);
    int incount = 0, outcount = 0;
    while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it) && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
      unsigned char in = (unsigned char)jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it);
      int out = data.spiSend(in, &data.spiSendData);
      if (out>=0) {
        char outc = (char)out;
        jsvAppendStringBuf(dst, (char*)&outc, 1);
    // finally add the remaining bytes  (no send!)
    while (outcount < incount && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
      unsigned char out = (unsigned char)data.spiSend(-1, &data.spiSendData);
      jsvAppendStringBuf(dst, (char*)&out, 1);
  // Handle the data being an iterable.
  else {
    int nBytes = jsvIterateCallbackCount(srcdata);
    dst = jsvNewTypedArray(ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_UINT8, nBytes);
    if (dst) {
      data.rxAmt = data.txAmt = 0;
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&data.it, dst, 0);
      // Write data
      jsvIterateCallback(srcdata, (void (*)(int,  void *))jswrap_spi_send_cb, &data);
      // Wait until SPI send is finished, and flush data
      while (data.rxAmt < data.txAmt && !jspIsInterrupted())
        jswrap_spi_send_cb(-1, &data);

  // de-assert NSS
  if (nss_pin!=PIN_UNDEFINED) jshPinOutput(nss_pin, true);
  return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 Iterate over the contents of the content of a variable, calling callback for each.
 Contents may be:
 * numeric -> output
 * a string -> output each character
 * array/arraybuffer -> call itself on each element
 * {data:..., count:...} -> call itself object.count times, on object.data
 * {callback:...} -> call the given function, call itself on return value
bool jsvIterateCallback(
    JsVar *data,
    jsvIterateCallbackFn callback,
    void *callbackData
  ) {
  bool ok = true;
  // Handle the data being a single numeric.
  if (jsvIsNumeric(data)) {
    callback((int)jsvGetInteger(data), callbackData);
  // Handle the data being an object.
  else if (jsvIsObject(data)) {
    JsVar *callbackVar = jsvObjectGetChild(data, "callback", 0);
    if (jsvIsFunction(callbackVar)) {
      JsVar *result = jspExecuteFunction(callbackVar,0,0,NULL);
      if (result) {
        bool r = jsvIterateCallback(result, callback, callbackData);
        return r;
      return true;
    JsVar *countVar = jsvObjectGetChild(data, "count", 0);
    JsVar *dataVar = jsvObjectGetChild(data, "data", 0);
    if (countVar && dataVar && jsvIsNumeric(countVar)) {
      int n = (int)jsvGetInteger(countVar);
      while (ok && n-- > 0) {
        ok = jsvIterateCallback(dataVar, callback, callbackData);
    } else {
      jsExceptionHere(JSET_TYPEERROR, "If specifying an object, it must be of the form {data : ..., count : N} or {callback : fn} - got %j", data);
      ok = false;
    jsvUnLock2(countVar, dataVar);
  // Handle the data being a string
  else if (jsvIsString(data)) {
    JsvStringIterator it;
    jsvStringIteratorNew(&it, data, 0);
    while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it) && ok) {
      char ch = jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it);
      callback(ch, callbackData);
  // Handle the data being an array buffer
  else if (jsvIsArrayBuffer(data)) {
    JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, data, 0);
    if (JSV_ARRAYBUFFER_GET_SIZE(it.type) == 1 && !JSV_ARRAYBUFFER_IS_SIGNED(it.type)) {
      JsvStringIterator *sit = &it.it;
      // faster for single byte arrays - read using the string iterator.
      while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(sit)) {
        callback((int)(unsigned char)jsvStringIteratorGetChar(sit), callbackData);
    } else {
      while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
        callback((int)jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetIntegerValue(&it), callbackData);
  // Handle the data being iterable
  else if (jsvIsIterable(data)) {
    JsvIterator it;
    jsvIteratorNew(&it, data, JSIF_EVERY_ARRAY_ELEMENT);
    while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it) && ok) {
      JsVar *el = jsvIteratorGetValue(&it);
      ok = jsvIterateCallback(el, callback, callbackData);
  } else {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_TYPEERROR, "Expecting a number or something iterable, got %t", data);
    ok = false;
  return ok;