Ejemplo n.º 1
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "create",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_create",
  "params" : [
    ["proto","JsVar","A prototype object"],
    ["propertiesObject","JsVar","An object containing properties. NOT IMPLEMENTED"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","A new object"]
Creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties. properties are currently unsupported.
JsVar *jswrap_object_create(JsVar *proto, JsVar *propertiesObject) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(proto) && !jsvIsNull(proto)) {
    jsWarn("Object prototype may only be an Object or null: %t", proto);
    return 0;
  if (jsvIsObject(propertiesObject)) {
    jsWarn("propertiesObject is not supported yet");
  JsVar *obj = jsvNewObject();
  if (!obj) return 0;
  if (jsvIsObject(proto))
    jsvObjectSetChild(obj, JSPARSE_INHERITS_VAR, proto);
  return obj;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  "type" : "constructor",
  "class" : "Number",
  "name" : "Number",
  "generate" : "jswrap_number_constructor",
  "params" : [
    ["value","JsVarArray","A single value to be converted to a number"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","A Number object"]
Creates a number
JsVar *jswrap_number_constructor(JsVar *args) {
  if (jsvGetArrayLength(args)==0) return jsvNewFromInteger(0);
  JsVar *val = jsvGetArrayItem(args, 0);
  JsVar *result = 0;

  if (jsvIsArray(val)) {
    JsVarInt l = jsvGetArrayLength(val);
    if (l==0) result = jsvNewFromInteger(0);
    else if (l==1) {
      JsVar *n = jsvGetArrayItem(val, 0);
      if (jsvIsString(n) && jsvIsEmptyString(n)) result = jsvNewFromInteger(0);
      else if (!jsvIsBoolean(n)) result=jsvAsNumber(n);
    } // else NaN
  } else if (jsvIsUndefined(val) || jsvIsObject(val))
    result = 0;
  else {
    if (jsvIsString(val) && jsvIsEmptyString(val)) {
      result = jsvNewFromInteger(0);
    } else
      result = jsvAsNumber(val);
  if (result) return result;
  return jsvNewFromFloat(NAN);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*JSON{ "type":"method", "class": "Serial", "name" : "setup",
         "description" : ["Setup this Serial port with the given baud rate and options.",
                          "If not specified in options, the default pins are used (usually the lowest numbered pins on the lowest port that supports this peripheral)"],
         "generate" : "jswrap_serial_setup",
         "params" : [ [ "baudrate", "JsVar", "The baud rate - the default is 9600"],
                      [ "options", "JsVar", ["An optional structure containing extra information on initialising the serial port.",
                                             "You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `UART`/`USART` markers.",
                                             "Note that even after changing the RX and TX pins, if you have called setup before then the previous RX and TX pins will still be connected to the Serial port as well - until you set them to something else using digitalWrite" ] ] ]
void jswrap_serial_setup(JsVar *parent, JsVar *baud, JsVar *options) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  if (!DEVICE_IS_USART(device)) return;

  JshUSARTInfo inf;

  if (!jsvIsUndefined(baud)) {
    int b = (int)jsvGetInteger(baud);
    if (b<=100 || b > 10000000)
      jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Invalid baud rate specified");
      inf.baudRate = b;

  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    inf.pinRX = jshGetPinFromVarAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "rx", 0));
    inf.pinTX = jshGetPinFromVarAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "tx", 0));    

    JsVar *v;
    v = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "bytesize", 0);
    if (jsvIsInt(v)) 
      inf.bytesize = (unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(v);
    inf.parity = 0;
    v = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "parity", 0);
    if(jsvIsString(v)) {
      if(jsvIsStringEqual(v, "o") || jsvIsStringEqual(v, "odd"))
        inf.parity = 1;
      else if(jsvIsStringEqual(v, "e") || jsvIsStringEqual(v, "even"))
        inf.parity = 2;
    } else if(jsvIsInt(v)) {
      inf.parity = (unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(v);
    if (inf.parity>2) {
      jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Invalid parity %d", inf.parity);

    v = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "stopbits", 0);
    if (jsvIsInt(v)) 
      inf.stopbits = (unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(v);

  jshUSARTSetup(device, &inf);
  // Set baud rate in object, so we can initialise it on startup
  if (inf.baudRate != DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE) {
    jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(parent, USART_BAUDRATE_NAME, jsvNewFromInteger(inf.baudRate)));
  } else
    jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, USART_BAUDRATE_NAME);
  // Do the same for options
  if (options)
    jsvUnLock(jsvSetNamedChild(parent, options, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME));
    jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "emit",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_emit",
  "params" : [
    ["event","JsVar","The name of the event, for instance 'data'"],
    ["args","JsVarArray","Optional arguments"]
Call the event listeners for this object, for instance ```http.emit('data', 'Foo')```. See Node.js's EventEmitter.
void jswrap_object_emit(JsVar *parent, JsVar *event, JsVar *argArray) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(parent)) {
    jsWarn("Parent must be a proper object - not a String, Integer, etc.");
  if (!jsvIsString(event)) {
    jsWarn("First argument to EventEmitter.emit(..) must be a string");
  char eventName[16];
  if (!jswrap_object_get_event_name(eventName, event)) return;

  // extract data
  const unsigned int MAX_ARGS = 4;
  JsVar *args[MAX_ARGS];
  unsigned int n = 0;
  JsvObjectIterator it;
  jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, argArray);
  while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it)) {
    if (n>=MAX_ARGS) {
      jsWarn("Too many arguments");
    args[n++] = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);

  jsiQueueObjectCallbacks(parent, eventName, args, (int)n);
  // unlock
  jsvUnLockMany(n, args);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "SPI",
  "name" : "setup",
  "generate" : "jswrap_spi_setup",
  "params" : [
    ["options","JsVar",["An optional structure containing extra information on initialising the SPI port","Please note that baud rate is set to the nearest that can be managed - which may be -+ 50%","```{sck:pin, miso:pin, mosi:pin, baud:integer=100000, mode:integer=0, order:'msb'/'lsb'='msb' }```","If sck,miso and mosi are left out, they will automatically be chosen. However if one or more is specified then the unspecified pins will not be set up.","You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `SPI` marker.","The SPI ```mode``` is between 0 and 3 - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Peripheral_Interface_Bus#Clock_polarity_and_phase","On STM32F1-based parts, you cannot mix AF and non-AF pins (SPI pins are usually grouped on the chip - and you can't mix pins from two groups). Espruino will not warn you about this."]]
Set up this SPI port as an SPI Master.
void jswrap_spi_setup(JsVar *parent, JsVar *options) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  JshSPIInfo inf;
  jsspiPopulateSPIInfo(&inf, options);

  if (DEVICE_IS_SPI(device)) {
    jshSPISetup(device, &inf);
#ifdef LINUX
    if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
      jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(parent, "path", jsvObjectGetChild(options, "path", 0)));
  } else if (device == EV_NONE) {
    // software mode - at least configure pins properly
    if (inf.pinSCK != PIN_UNDEFINED)
      jshPinSetState(inf.pinSCK,  JSHPINSTATE_GPIO_OUT);
    if (inf.pinMISO != PIN_UNDEFINED)
      jshPinSetState(inf.pinMISO,  JSHPINSTATE_GPIO_IN);
    if (inf.pinMOSI != PIN_UNDEFINED)
      jshPinSetState(inf.pinMOSI,  JSHPINSTATE_GPIO_OUT);
  } else return;
  // Set up options, so we can initialise it on startup
  if (options)
    jsvUnLock(jsvSetNamedChild(parent, options, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME));
    jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/*JSON{ "type":"method",
         "class" : "WLAN", "name" : "setIP",
         "generate" : "jswrap_wlan_setIP",
         "description" : ["Set the current IP address for get an IP from DHCP (if no options object is specified).",
                          "**Note:** Changes are written to non-volatile memory, but will only take effect after calling `wlan.reconnect()`" ],
         "params" : [ [ "options", "JsVar", "Object containing IP address options `{ ip : '1,2,3,4', subnet, gateway, dns  }`, or do not supply an object in otder to force DHCP."] ],
         "return" : ["bool", "True on success"]
bool jswrap_wlan_setIP(JsVar *wlanObj, JsVar *options) {

  if (networkState != NETWORKSTATE_ONLINE) {
    jsError("Not connected to the internet");
    return false;

  tNetappIpconfigRetArgs ipconfig;

  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    _wlan_getIP_set_address(options, "ip", &ipconfig.aucIP[0]);
    _wlan_getIP_set_address(options, "subnet", &ipconfig.aucSubnetMask[0]);
    _wlan_getIP_set_address(options, "gateway", &ipconfig.aucDefaultGateway[0]);
    _wlan_getIP_set_address(options, "dns", &ipconfig.aucDNSServer[0]);
  } else {
    // DHCP - just set all values to 0
    *((unsigned long*)&ipconfig.aucIP[0]) = 0;
    *((unsigned long*)&ipconfig.aucSubnetMask) = 0;
    *((unsigned long*)&ipconfig.aucDefaultGateway) = 0;

  return netapp_dhcp(
      (unsigned long *)&ipconfig.aucIP[0],
      (unsigned long *)&ipconfig.aucSubnetMask[0],
      (unsigned long *)&ipconfig.aucDefaultGateway[0],
      (unsigned long *)&ipconfig.aucDNSServer[0]) == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*JSON{ "type":"method",
         "class" : "Ethernet", "name" : "setIP",
         "generate" : "jswrap_ethernet_setIP",
         "description" : "Set the current IP address for get an IP from DHCP (if no options object is specified)",
         "params" : [ [ "options", "JsVar", "Object containing IP address options `{ ip : '1,2,3,4', subnet, gateway, dns  }`, or do not supply an object in otder to force DHCP."] ],
         "return" : ["bool", "True on success"]
bool jswrap_ethernet_setIP(JsVar *wlanObj, JsVar *options) {

  if (networkState != NETWORKSTATE_ONLINE) {
    jsError("Not connected to the internet");
    return false;

  bool success = false;
  wiz_NetInfo gWIZNETINFO;

  ctlnetwork(CN_GET_NETINFO, (void*)&gWIZNETINFO);

  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    _eth_getIP_set_address(options, "ip", &gWIZNETINFO.ip[0]);
    _eth_getIP_set_address(options, "subnet", &gWIZNETINFO.sn[0]);
    _eth_getIP_set_address(options, "gateway", &gWIZNETINFO.gw[0]);
    _eth_getIP_set_address(options, "dns", &gWIZNETINFO.dns[0]);
    success = true;
  } else {
    // DHCP
    uint8_t DHCPisSuccess = getIP_DHCPS(net_wiznet_getFreeSocket(), &gWIZNETINFO);
    if (DHCPisSuccess == 1) {
      // info in lease_time.lVal
      success = true;
    } else {
      jsWarn("DHCP failed");
      success = false;

  ctlnetwork(CN_SET_NETINFO, (void*)&gWIZNETINFO);
  return success;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    "type" : "staticmethod",
    "class" : "NRF",
    "name" : "setAdvertising",
    "generate" : "jswrap_nrf_bluetooth_setAdvertising",
    "params" : [
      ["data","JsVar","The data to advertise as an object - see below for more info"]

Data is of the form `{ UUID : data_as_byte_array }`. For example to return battery level at 95%, do:

  0x180F : [95]

Or you could report the current temperature:

setInterval(function() {
    0x1809 : [0|E.getTemperature()]
}, 30000);
void jswrap_nrf_bluetooth_setAdvertising(JsVar *data) {
  uint32_t err_code;
  ble_advdata_t advdata;

  if (jsvIsObject(data)) {
    ble_advdata_service_data_t *service_data = (ble_advdata_service_data_t*)alloca(jsvGetChildren(data)*sizeof(ble_advdata_service_data_t));
    int n = 0;
    JsvObjectIterator it;
    jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, data);
    while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it)) {
      service_data[n].service_uuid = jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it));
      JsVar *v = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
      JSV_GET_AS_CHAR_ARRAY(dPtr, dLen, v);
      service_data[n].data.size    = dLen;
      service_data[n].data.p_data  = dPtr;

    advdata.service_data_count   = n;
    advdata.p_service_data_array = service_data;
  } else if (!jsvIsUndefined(data)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_TYPEERROR, "Expecting object or undefined, got %t", data);

  err_code = ble_advdata_set(&advdata, NULL);
  if (err_code)
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Got BLE error code %d", err_code);
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** Push data into a stream. To be used by Espruino (not a user).
 * This either calls the on('data') handler if it exists, or it
 * puts the data in a buffer. This MAY CLAIM the string that is
 * passed in.
 * This will return true on success, or false if the buffer is
 * full. Setting force=true will attempt to fill the buffer as
 * full as possible, and will raise an error flag if data is lost.
bool jswrap_stream_pushData(JsVar *parent, JsVar *dataString, bool force) {
  bool ok = true;

  JsVar *callback = jsvFindChildFromString(parent, STREAM_CALLBACK_NAME, false);
  if (callback) {
    if (!jsiExecuteEventCallback(parent, callback, dataString, 0)) {
      jsError("Error processing Serial data handler - removing it.");
      jsErrorFlags |= JSERR_CALLBACK;
      jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, STREAM_CALLBACK_NAME);
  } else {
    // No callback - try and add buffer
    JsVar *buf = jsvObjectGetChild(parent, STREAM_BUFFER_NAME, 0);
    if (!jsvIsString(buf)) {
      // no buffer, just set this one up
      jsvObjectSetChild(parent, STREAM_BUFFER_NAME, dataString);
    } else {
      // append (if there is room!)
      size_t bufLen = jsvGetStringLength(buf);
      size_t dataLen = jsvGetStringLength(dataString);
      if (bufLen + dataLen > STREAM_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        if (force) jsErrorFlags |= JSERR_BUFFER_FULL;
        // jsWarn("String buffer overflowed maximum size (%d)", STREAM_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
        ok = false;
      if ((ok || force) && (bufLen < STREAM_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE))
        jsvAppendStringVar(buf, dataString, 0, STREAM_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE-bufLen);
  return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "hasOwnProperty",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_hasOwnProperty",
  "params" : [
    ["name","JsVar","The name of the property to search for"]
  "return" : ["bool","True if it exists, false if it doesn't"]
Return true if the object (not its prototype) has the given property.

NOTE: This currently returns false-positives for built-in functions in prototypes
bool jswrap_object_hasOwnProperty(JsVar *parent, JsVar *name) {
  JsVar *propName = jsvAsArrayIndex(name);

  bool contains = false;
  if (jsvHasChildren(parent)) {
    JsVar *foundVar =  jsvFindChildFromVar(parent, propName, false);
    if (foundVar) {
      contains = true;

  if (!contains && !jsvIsObject(parent)) {
    /* search builtin symbol table, but not for Objects, as these
     * are descended from Objects but do not themselves contain
     * an Object's properties */
    const JswSymList *symbols = jswGetSymbolListForObject(parent);
    if (symbols) {
      char str[32];
      jsvGetString(propName, str, sizeof(str));

      JsVar *v = jswBinarySearch(symbols, parent, str);
      if (v) contains = true;

  return contains;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/*JSON{ "type":"staticmethod", "class": "Object", "name" : "keys",
         "description" : "Return all enumerable keys of the given object",
         "generate" : "jswrap_object_keys",
         "params" : [ [ "object", "JsVar", "The object to return keys for"] ],
         "return" : ["JsVar", "An array of strings - one for each key on the given object"]
JsVar *jswrap_object_keys(JsVar *obj) {
  if (jsvIsIterable(obj)) {
    bool (*checkerFunction)(JsVar*) = 0;
    if (jsvIsFunction(obj)) checkerFunction = jsvIsInternalFunctionKey;
    else if (jsvIsObject(obj)) checkerFunction = jsvIsInternalObjectKey;

    JsVar *arr = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_ARRAY);
    if (!arr) return 0;
    JsvIterator it;
    jsvIteratorNew(&it, obj);
    while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
      JsVar *key = jsvIteratorGetKey(&it);
      if (!(checkerFunction && checkerFunction(key))) {
        JsVar *name = jsvCopyNameOnly(key,false,false);
        if (name) {
          jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(arr, name);
    return arr;
  } else {
    jsWarn("Object.keys called on non-object");
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "emit",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_emit",
  "params" : [
    ["event","JsVar","The name of the event, for instance 'data'"],
    ["args","JsVarArray","Optional arguments"]
Call the event listeners for this object, for instance ```http.emit('data', 'Foo')```. See Node.js's EventEmitter.
void jswrap_object_emit(JsVar *parent, JsVar *event, JsVar *argArray) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(parent)) {
      jsWarn("Parent must be a proper object - not a String, Integer, etc.");
  if (!jsvIsString(event)) {
    jsWarn("First argument to EventEmitter.emit(..) must be a string");
  char eventName[16] = "#on";
  jsvGetString(event, &eventName[3], sizeof(eventName)-4);

  // extract data
  const int MAX_ARGS = 4;
  JsVar *args[MAX_ARGS];
  int n = 0;
  JsvObjectIterator it;
  jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, argArray);
  while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it)) {
    if (n>=MAX_ARGS) {
      jsWarn("Too many arguments");
    args[n++] = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);

  jsiQueueObjectCallbacks(parent, eventName, args, n);
  // unlock
  while (n--)
Ejemplo n.º 13
/*JSON{ "type":"function", "name" : "analogWrite",
         "description" : "Set the analog Value of a pin. It will be output using PWM",
         "generate" : "jswrap_io_analogWrite",
         "params" : [ [ "pin", "pin", "The pin to use"],
                      [ "value", "float", "A value between 0 and 1"],
                      [ "options", "JsVar", ["An object containing options.",
                                            "Currently only freq (pulse frequency in Hz) is available: ```analogWrite(A0,0.5,{ freq : 10 });``` ",
                                            "Note that specifying a frequency will force PWM output, even if the pin has a DAC"] ]  ]
void jswrap_io_analogWrite(Pin pin, JsVarFloat value, JsVar *options) {
  JsVarFloat freq = 0;
  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    freq = jsvGetFloatAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "freq", 0));

  jshPinAnalogOutput(pin, value, freq);
Ejemplo n.º 14
/*JSON{ "type":"function", "name" : "analogWrite",
         "description" : "Set the analog Value of a pin. It will be output using PWM",
         "generate" : "jswrap_io_analogWrite",
         "params" : [ [ "pin", "pin", "The pin to use"],
                      [ "value", "float", "A value between 0 and 1"],
                      [ "options", "JsVar", ["An object containing options.",
                                            "Currently only freq (pulse frequency in Hz) is available: ```analogWrite(LED1,0.5,{ freq : 10 });``` ",
                                            "Note that specifying a frequency will force PWM output, even if the pin has a DAC"] ]  ]
void jswrap_io_analogWrite(Pin pin, JsVarFloat value, JsVar *options) {
  JsVarFloat freq = 0;
  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    freq = jsvGetFloatAndUnLock(jsvSkipNameAndUnLock(jsvFindChildFromString(options, "freq", false)));

  jshPinAnalogOutput(pin, value, freq);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "fs",
  "name" : "pipe",
  "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
  "generate" : "jswrap_pipe",
  "params" : [
    ["source","JsVar","The source file/stream that will send content."],
    ["destination","JsVar","The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source."],
    ["options","JsVar",["An optional object `{ chunkSize : int=64, end : bool=true, complete : function }`","chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time","complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete","end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished"]]
void jswrap_pipe(JsVar* source, JsVar* dest, JsVar* options) {
  if (!source || !dest) return;
  JsVar *pipe = jspNewObject(0, "Pipe");
  JsVar *arr = pipeGetArray(true);
  JsVar* position = jsvNewFromInteger(0);
  if (pipe && arr && position) {// out of memory?
    JsVar *readFunc = jspGetNamedField(source, "read", false);
    JsVar *writeFunc = jspGetNamedField(dest, "write", false);
    if(jsvIsFunction(readFunc)) {
      if(jsvIsFunction(writeFunc)) {
        JsVarInt chunkSize = 64;
        bool callEnd = true;
        // parse Options Object
        if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
          JsVar *c;
          c = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "complete", false);
          if (c) {
            jsvObjectSetChild(pipe, "#oncomplete", c);
          c = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "end", false);
          if (c) callEnd = jsvGetBoolAndUnLock(c);
          c = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "chunkSize", false);
          if (c) {
            if (jsvIsNumeric(c) && jsvGetInteger(c)>0)
              chunkSize = jsvGetInteger(c);
              jsWarn("chunkSize must be an integer > 0");
        } else if (!jsvIsUndefined(options)) {
          jsWarn("'options' must be an object, or undefined");
        // set up our event listeners
        jswrap_object_addEventListener(source, "close", jswrap_pipe_src_close_listener, JSWAT_VOID | (JSWAT_JSVAR << (JSWAT_BITS*1)));
        jswrap_object_addEventListener(dest, "drain", jswrap_pipe_drain_listener, JSWAT_VOID | (JSWAT_JSVAR << (JSWAT_BITS*1)));
        jswrap_object_addEventListener(dest, "close", jswrap_pipe_dst_close_listener, JSWAT_VOID | (JSWAT_JSVAR << (JSWAT_BITS*1)));
        // set up the rest of the pipe
        jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(pipe, "chunkSize", jsvNewFromInteger(chunkSize)));
        jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(pipe, "end", jsvNewFromBool(callEnd)));
        jsvUnLock(jsvAddNamedChild(pipe, position, "position"));
        jsvUnLock(jsvAddNamedChild(pipe, source, "source"));
        jsvUnLock(jsvAddNamedChild(pipe, dest, "destination"));
        // add the pipe to our list
        jsvArrayPush(arr, pipe);
      } else {
        jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Destination object does not implement the required write(buffer, length, position) method.");
    } else {
      jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Source object does not implement the required read(buffer, length, position) method.");
Ejemplo n.º 16
static NO_INLINE int i2c_get_address(JsVar *address, bool *sendStop) {
  *sendStop = true;
  if (jsvIsObject(address)) {
    JsVar *stopVar = jsvObjectGetChild(address, "stop", 0);
    if (stopVar) *sendStop = jsvGetBoolAndUnLock(stopVar);
    return jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(address, "address", 0));
  } else
    return jsvGetInteger(address);
Ejemplo n.º 17
// This is for Object.keys and Object.
JsVar *jswrap_object_keys_or_property_names(JsVar *obj, bool includeNonEnumerable) {
  // strings are iterable, but we shouldn't try and show keys for them
  if (jsvIsIterable(obj) && !jsvIsString(obj)) {
    JsvIsInternalChecker checkerFunction = jsvGetInternalFunctionCheckerFor(obj);

    JsVar *arr = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_ARRAY);
    if (!arr) return 0;
    JsvIterator it;
    jsvIteratorNew(&it, obj);
    while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
      JsVar *key = jsvIteratorGetKey(&it);
      if (!(checkerFunction && checkerFunction(key)) || (jsvIsStringEqual(key, JSPARSE_CONSTRUCTOR_VAR))) {
        /* Not sure why constructor is included in getOwnPropertyNames, but
         * not in for (i in ...) but it is, so we must explicitly override the
         * check in jsvIsInternalObjectKey! */
        JsVar *name = jsvAsArrayIndexAndUnLock(jsvCopyNameOnly(key, false, false));
        if (name) {
          jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(arr, name);

    /* Search our built-in symbol table
       Assume that ALL builtins are non-enumerable. This isn't great but
       seems to work quite well right now! */
    if (includeNonEnumerable) {
      const JswSymList *symbols = 0;

      JsVar *protoOwner = jspGetPrototypeOwner(obj);
      if (protoOwner) {
        symbols = jswGetSymbolListForObjectProto(protoOwner);
      } else if (!jsvIsObject(obj)) {
        // get symbols, but only if we're not doing it on a basic object
        symbols = jswGetSymbolListForObject(obj);

      if (symbols) {
        unsigned int i;
        for (i=0;i<symbols->symbolCount;i++)
          jsvArrayAddString(arr, &symbols->symbolChars[symbols->symbols[i].strOffset]);

      if (jsvIsArray(obj) || jsvIsString(obj)) {
        jsvArrayAddString(arr, "length");

    return arr;
  } else {
    jsWarn("Object.keys called on non-object");
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
// Return how many bytes are available to read
JsVarInt jswrap_stream_available(JsVar *parent) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(parent)) return 0;
  JsVar *buf = jsvObjectGetChild(parent, STREAM_BUFFER_NAME, 0);
  JsVarInt chars = 0;
  if (jsvIsString(buf))
    chars = (JsVarInt)jsvGetStringLength(buf);
  return chars;
Ejemplo n.º 19
/*JSON{ "type":"method", "class": "Serial", "name" : "setup",
         "description" : "Setup this Serial port with the given baud rate and options",
         "generate" : "jswrap_serial_setup",
         "params" : [ [ "baudrate", "int", "The baud rate - the default is 9600"],
                      [ "options", "JsVar", ["An optional structure containing extra information on initialising the serial port.",
                                             "Note that even after changing the RX and TX pins, if you have called setup before then the previous RX and TX pins will still be connected to the Serial port as well - until you set them to something else using digitalWrite" ] ] ]
void jswrap_serial_setup(JsVar *parent, JsVarInt baud, JsVar *options) {
  IOEventFlags device = jsiGetDeviceFromClass(parent);
  JshUSARTInfo inf;

  if (baud>0) inf.baudRate = (int)baud;

  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {

    inf.pinRX = jshGetPinFromVarAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "rx", 0));
    inf.pinTX = jshGetPinFromVarAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "tx", 0));
    inf.bytesize = (unsigned char)jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "bytesize", 0));

    JsVar *v;
    v = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "parity", 0);
    if(jsvIsNull(v)) {
      inf.parity = 0;
    else if(jsvIsString(v)) {
      inf.parity = 0xFF;
      char s[8] = "";

      jsvGetString(v, s, sizeof(s) - 1);

      if(!strcmp(s, "o") || !strcmp(s, "odd")) {
        inf.parity = 1;
      else if(!strcmp(s, "e") || !strcmp(s, "even")) {
        inf.parity = 2;
    else if(jsvIsInt(v)) {
      inf.parity = (unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(v);


    v = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "stopbits", 0);
    inf.stopbits = (unsigned char)jsvGetInteger(v);

  jshUSARTSetup(device, &inf);
  // Set baud rate in object, so we can initialise it on startup
  if (baud != DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE) {
    JsVar *baudVar = jsvNewFromInteger(baud);
    jsvUnLock(jsvSetNamedChild(parent, baudVar, USART_BAUDRATE_NAME));
  } else
    jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, USART_BAUDRATE_NAME);
  // Do the same for options
  if (options)
    jsvUnLock(jsvSetNamedChild(parent, options, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME));
    jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, DEVICE_OPTIONS_NAME);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "crypto",
  "name" : "PBKDF2",
  "generate" : "jswrap_crypto_PBKDF2",
  "params" : [
    ["salt","JsVar","Salt for turning passphrase into a key"],
    ["options","JsVar","Object of Options, `{ keySize: 8 (in 32 bit words), iterations: 10, hasher: 'SHA1'/'SHA224'/'SHA256'/'SHA384'/'SHA512' }`"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","Returns an ArrayBuffer"],
  "return_object" : "ArrayBuffer",
  "ifdef" : "USE_TLS"

Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 algorithm, using SHA512
JsVar *jswrap_crypto_PBKDF2(JsVar *passphrase, JsVar *salt, JsVar *options) {
  int iterations = 1;
  int keySize = 128/32;
  mbedtls_md_type_t hasher = MBEDTLS_MD_SHA1;

  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    keySize = jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "keySize", 0));
    if (keySize<=0) keySize=128/32;
    iterations = jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "iterations", 0));
    if (iterations<1) iterations = 1;

    JsVar *hashVar = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "hasher", 0);
    if (!jsvIsUndefined(hashVar))
      hasher = jswrap_crypto_getHasher(hashVar);

  } else if (!jsvIsUndefined(options))
    jsError("Options should be an object or undefined, got %t", options);

  if (hasher == MBEDTLS_MD_NONE)
    return 0; // already shown an error

  JSV_GET_AS_CHAR_ARRAY(passPtr, passLen, passphrase);
  if (!passPtr) return 0;
  JSV_GET_AS_CHAR_ARRAY(saltPtr, saltLen, salt);
  if (!saltPtr) return 0;

  int err;
  mbedtls_md_context_t ctx;

  mbedtls_md_init( &ctx );
  err = mbedtls_md_setup( &ctx, mbedtls_md_info_from_type( hasher ), 1 );

  char *keyPtr = 0;
  JsVar *keyArr = jsvNewArrayBufferWithPtr((unsigned)keySize*4, &keyPtr);
  if (!keyPtr) {
    jsError("Not enough memory for result");
    return 0;

  err = mbedtls_pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac( &ctx,
        (unsigned char*)passPtr, passLen,
        (unsigned char*)saltPtr, saltLen,
        (unsigned)keySize*4, (unsigned char*)keyPtr );
  mbedtls_md_free( &ctx );
  if (!err) {
    return keyArr;
  } else {
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void jswrap_waveform_start(JsVar *waveform, Pin pin, JsVarFloat freq, JsVar *options, bool isWriting) {
  bool running = jsvGetBoolAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(waveform, "running", 0));
  if (running) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Waveform is already running");
  if (!jshIsPinValid(pin)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Invalid pin");
  if (!isfinite(freq) || freq<0.001) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Frequency must be above 0.001Hz");

  JsSysTime startTime = jshGetSystemTime();
  bool repeat = false;
  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    JsVarFloat t = jsvGetFloatAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "time", 0));
    if (isfinite(t) && t>0)
       startTime = jshGetTimeFromMilliseconds(t*1000);
    repeat = jsvGetBoolAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "repeat", 0));
  } else if (!jsvIsUndefined(options)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Expecting options to be undefined or an Object, not %t", options);

  bool is16Bit = false;
  JsVar *buffer = jswrap_waveform_getBuffer(waveform,0, &is16Bit);
  JsVar *buffer2 = jswrap_waveform_getBuffer(waveform,1,0);

  UtilTimerEventType eventType;

  if (is16Bit) {
    eventType = isWriting ? UET_WRITE_SHORT : UET_READ_SHORT;
  } else {
    eventType = isWriting ? UET_WRITE_BYTE : UET_READ_BYTE;

  // And finally set it up
  if (!jstStartSignal(startTime, jshGetTimeFromMilliseconds(1000.0 / freq), pin, buffer, repeat?(buffer2?buffer2:buffer):0, eventType))
    jsWarn("Unable to schedule a timer");

  jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(waveform, "running", jsvNewFromBool(true)));
  jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(waveform, "freq", jsvNewFromFloat(freq)));
  // Add to our list of active waveforms
  JsVar *waveforms = jsvObjectGetChild(execInfo.hiddenRoot, JSI_WAVEFORM_NAME, JSV_ARRAY);
  if (waveforms) {
    jsvArrayPush(waveforms, waveform);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  "type" : "constructor",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "Object",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_constructor",
  "params" : [
    ["value","JsVar","A single value to be converted to an object"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","An Object"]
Creates an Object from the supplied argument
JsVar *jswrap_object_constructor(JsVar *value) {
  if (jsvIsObject(value) || jsvIsArray(value) || jsvIsFunction(value))
    return jsvLockAgain(value);
  const char *objName = jswGetBasicObjectName(value);
  JsVar *funcName = objName ? jspGetNamedVariable(objName) : 0;
  if (!funcName) return jsvNewObject();
  JsVar *func = jsvSkipName(funcName);
  JsVar *result = jspeFunctionCall(func, funcName, 0, false, 1, &value);
  jsvUnLock2(funcName, func);
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "defineProperty",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_defineProperty",
  "params" : [
    ["obj","JsVar","An object"],
    ["name","JsVar","The name of the property"],
    ["desc","JsVar","The property descriptor"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","The object, obj."]
Add a new property to the Object. 'Desc' is an object with the following fields:

* `configurable` (bool = false) - can this property be changed/deleted
* `enumerable` (bool = false) - can this property be enumerated
* `value` (anything) - the value of this property
* `writable` (bool = false) - can the value be changed with the assignment operator?
* `get` (function) - the getter function, or undefined if no getter
* `set` (function) - the setter function, or undefined if no setter
**Note:** `configurable`, `enumerable`, `writable`, `get`, and `set` are not implemented and will be ignored.
JsVar *jswrap_object_defineProperty(JsVar *parent, JsVar *propName, JsVar *desc) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(parent)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "First argument must be an object, got %t", parent);
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsObject(desc)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Property description must be an object, got %t", desc);
    return 0;

  JsVar *name = jsvAsArrayIndex(propName);
  JsVar *value = jsvObjectGetChild(desc, "value", 0);
  JsVar *property = jsvFindChildFromVar(parent, name, true);
  if (property && value)
    jsvSetValueOfName(property, value);
  jsvUnLock2(property, value);

  return jsvLockAgain(parent);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void jsvIteratorNew(JsvIterator *it, JsVar *obj) {
  if (jsvIsArray(obj) || jsvIsObject(obj) || jsvIsFunction(obj)) {
    it->type = JSVI_OBJECT;
    jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it->it.obj, obj);
  } else if (jsvIsArrayBuffer(obj)) {
    it->type = JSVI_ARRAYBUFFER;
    jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it->it.buf, obj, 0);
  } else if (jsvHasCharacterData(obj)) {
    it->type = JSVI_STRING;
    jsvStringIteratorNew(&it->it.str, obj, 0);
  } else assert(0);
Ejemplo n.º 25
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
  "class" : "Storage",
  "name" : "write",
  "generate" : "jswrap_storage_write",
  "params" : [
    ["name","JsVar","The filename - max 8 characters (case sensitive)"],
    ["data","JsVar","The data to write"],
    ["offset","int","The offset within the file to write"],
    ["size","int","The size of the file (if a file is to be created that is bigger than the data)"]
  "return" : ["bool","True on success, false on failure"]
Write/create a file in the flash storage area. This is
nonvolatile and will not disappear when the device resets
or power is lost.

Simply write `require("Storage").write("MyFile", "Some data")` to write
a new file, and `require("Storage").read("MyFile")` to read it.

If you supply:

* A String, it will be written as-is
* An array, will be written as a byte array (but read back as a String)
* An object, it will automatically be converted to
a JSON string before being written.

You may also create a file and then populate data later **as long as you
don't try and overwrite data that already exists**. For instance:

var f = require("Storage");
f.write("a"," ",5);

This can be useful if you've got more data to write than you
have RAM available.
bool jswrap_storage_write(JsVar *name, JsVar *data, JsVarInt offset, JsVarInt _size) {
  JsVar *d;
  if (jsvIsObject(data)) {
    d = jswrap_json_stringify(data,0,0);
    offset = 0;
    _size = 0;
  } else
    d = jsvLockAgainSafe(data);
  bool success = jsfWriteFile(jsfNameFromVar(name), d, JSFF_NONE, offset, _size);
  return success;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "ArrayBufferView",
  "name" : "map",
  "generate" : "jswrap_arraybufferview_map",
  "params" : [
    ["function","JsVar","Function used to map one item to another"],
    ["thisArg","JsVar","if specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg (optional)"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","An array containing the results"],
  "return_object" : "ArrayBufferView"
Return an array which is made from the following: ```A.map(function) = [function(A[0]), function(A[1]), ...]```

**Note:** This returns an ArrayBuffer of the same type it was called on. To get an Array, use `Array.prototype.map`
JsVar *jswrap_arraybufferview_map(JsVar *parent, JsVar *funcVar, JsVar *thisVar) {
  if (!jsvIsArrayBuffer(parent)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "ArrayBufferView.map can only be called on an ArrayBufferView");
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsFunction(funcVar)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "ArrayBufferView.map's first argument should be a function");
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(thisVar) && !jsvIsObject(thisVar)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "ArrayBufferView.map's second argument should be undefined, or an object");
    return 0;

  // create ArrayBuffer result
  JsVarDataArrayBufferViewType arrayBufferType = parent->varData.arraybuffer.type;
  JsVar *arrayBufferLength = jsvNewFromInteger((JsVarInt)jsvGetArrayBufferLength(parent));
  JsVar *array = jswrap_typedarray_constructor(arrayBufferType, arrayBufferLength, 0, 0);
  if (!array) return 0;

  // now iterate
  JsvIterator it; // TODO: if we really are limited to ArrayBuffers, this could be an ArrayBufferIterator.
  jsvIteratorNew(&it, parent);
  JsvArrayBufferIterator itdst;
  jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&itdst, array, 0);

  while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
    JsVar *index = jsvIteratorGetKey(&it);
    if (jsvIsInt(index)) {
      JsVarInt idxValue = jsvGetInteger(index);

      JsVar *args[3], *mapped;
      args[0] = jsvIteratorGetValue(&it);
      args[1] = jsvNewFromInteger(idxValue); // child is a variable name, create a new variable for the index
      args[2] = parent;
      mapped = jspeFunctionCall(funcVar, 0, thisVar, false, 3, args);
      if (mapped) {
        jsvArrayBufferIteratorSetValue(&itdst, mapped);

  return array;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/*JSON{ "type":"method", "class": "Object", "name" : "emit",
         "description" : ["Call the event listeners for this object, for instance ```http.emit('data', 'Foo')```. See Node.js's EventEmitter."],
         "generate" : "jswrap_object_emit",
         "params" : [ [ "event", "JsVar", "The name of the event, for instance 'data'"],
                      [ "v1", "JsVar", "Optional argument 1"],
                      [ "v2", "JsVar", "Optional argument 2"]  ]
void jswrap_object_emit(JsVar *parent, JsVar *event, JsVar *v1, JsVar *v2) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(parent)) {
      jsWarn("Parent must be a proper object - not a String, Integer, etc.");
  if (!jsvIsString(event)) {
    jsWarn("First argument to EventEmitter.emit(..) must be a string");
  char eventName[16] = "#on";
  jsvGetString(event, &eventName[3], sizeof(eventName)-4);
  jsiQueueObjectCallbacks(parent, eventName, v1, v2);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "defineProperties",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_defineProperties",
  "params" : [
    ["obj","JsVar","An object"],
    ["props","JsVar","An object whose fields represent property names, and whose values are property descriptors."]
  "return" : ["JsVar","The object, obj."]
Adds new properties to the Object. See `Object.defineProperty` for more information
JsVar *jswrap_object_defineProperties(JsVar *parent, JsVar *props) {
  if (!jsvIsObject(parent)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "First argument must be an object, got %t\n", parent);
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsObject(props)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Second argument must be an object, got %t\n", props);
    return 0;

  JsvObjectIterator it;
  jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, props);
  while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it)) {
    JsVar *name = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
    JsVar *desc = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
    jsvUnLock3(jswrap_object_defineProperty(parent, name, desc), name, desc);

  return jsvLockAgain(parent);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  "type" : "function",
  "name" : "analogWrite",
  "generate" : "jswrap_io_analogWrite",
  "params" : [
    ["pin","pin",["The pin to use","You can find out which pins to use by looking at [your board's reference page](#boards) and searching for pins with the `PWM` or `DAC` markers."]],
    ["value","float","A value between 0 and 1"],
    ["options","JsVar",["An object containing options for analog output - see below"]]
Set the analog Value of a pin. It will be output using PWM.

Objects can contain:

* `freq` - pulse frequency in Hz, eg. ```analogWrite(A0,0.5,{ freq : 10 });``` - specifying a frequency will force PWM output, even if the pin has a DAC
* `soft` - boolean, If true software PWM is used if available.
* `forceSoft` - boolean, If true software PWM is used even

 **Note:** if you didn't call `pinMode` beforehand then this function will also reset pin's state to `"output"`
void jswrap_io_analogWrite(Pin pin, JsVarFloat value, JsVar *options) {
  JsVarFloat freq = 0;
  JshAnalogOutputFlags flags = JSAOF_NONE;
  if (jsvIsObject(options)) {
    freq = jsvGetFloatAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "freq", 0));
    if (jsvGetBoolAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "forceSoft", 0)))
          flags |= JSAOF_FORCE_SOFTWARE;
    else if (jsvGetBoolAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "soft", 0)))
      flags |= JSAOF_ALLOW_SOFTWARE;

  jshPinAnalogOutput(pin, value, freq, flags);
Ejemplo n.º 30
JsVar *_jswrap_array_map_or_forEach(JsVar *parent, JsVar *funcVar, JsVar *thisVar, bool isMap) {
  const char *name = isMap ? "map":"forEach";
  if (!jsvIsIterable(parent)) {
    jsError("Array.%s can only be called on something iterable", name);
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsFunction(funcVar)) {
    jsError("Array.%s's first argument should be a function", name);
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(thisVar) && !jsvIsObject(thisVar)) {
    jsError("Array.%s's second argument should be undefined, or an object", name);
    return 0;
  JsVar *array = 0;
  if (isMap)
    array = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_ARRAY);
  if (array || !isMap) {
    JsvIterator it;
    jsvIteratorNew(&it, parent);
    while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
      JsVar *index = jsvIteratorGetKey(&it);
      if (jsvIsInt(index)) {
        JsVarInt idxValue = jsvGetInteger(index);

        JsVar *args[3], *mapped;
        args[0] = jsvIteratorGetValue(&it);
        args[1] = jsvNewFromInteger(idxValue); // child is a variable name, create a new variable for the index
        args[2] = parent;
        mapped = jspeFunctionCall(funcVar, 0, thisVar, false, 3, args);
        if (mapped) {
          if (isMap) {
            JsVar *name = jsvNewFromInteger(idxValue);
            if (name) { // out of memory?
              jsvMakeIntoVariableName(name, mapped);
              jsvAddName(array, name);
  return array;