Ejemplo n.º 1
  "type"     : "staticmethod",
  "class"    : "ESP8266WiFi",
  "name"     : "getConnectedStations",
  "generate" : "jswrap_ESP8266WiFi_getConnectedStations",
  "return"   : ["JsVar","An array of connected stations."]
JsVar *jswrap_ESP8266WiFi_getConnectedStations() {
  uint8 stationCount = wifi_softap_get_station_num();
  struct station_info *stationInfo = wifi_softap_get_station_info();
  JsVar *jsArray = jsvNewArray(NULL, 0);
  if (stationInfo != NULL) {
    while (stationInfo != NULL) {
      os_printf("Station IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", IP2STR(&(stationInfo->ip)));
      JsVar *jsStation = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_OBJECT);
      jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(jsStation, "ip", jsvNewFromInteger(stationInfo->ip.addr)));
      jsvArrayPush(jsArray, jsStation);
      stationInfo = STAILQ_NEXT(stationInfo, next);
  return jsArray;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void _jswrap_promise_add(JsVar *parent, JsVar *callback, const char *name) {
  if (!jsvIsFunction(callback)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_TYPEERROR, "Callback must be a function, got %t", callback);
  JsVar *c = jsvObjectGetChild(parent, name, 0);
  if (!c) {
    jsvObjectSetChild(parent, name, callback);
  } else {
    if (jsvIsArray(c)) {
      jsvArrayPush(c, callback);
    } else {
      JsVar *fns[2] = {c,callback};
      JsVar *arr = jsvNewArray(fns, 2);
      jsvObjectSetChild(parent, name, arr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Callback function that is invoked at the culmination of a scan.
static void scanCB(void *arg, STATUS status) {
   * Create a JsVar that is an array of JS objects where each JS object represents a
   * retrieved access point set of information.   The structure of a record will be:
   * o authMode
   * o isHidden
   * o rssi
   * o channel
   * o ssid
   * When the array has been built, invoke the callback function passing in the array
   * of records.

  os_printf(">> scanCB\n");
  // Create the Empty JS array that will be passed as a parameter to the callback.
  JsVar *accessPointArray = jsvNewArray(NULL, 0);
  struct bss_info *bssInfo;

  bssInfo = (struct bss_info *)arg;
  while(bssInfo != NULL) {
    // Add a new object to the JS array that will be passed as a parameter to
    // the callback.  The ESP8266 bssInfo structure contains the following:
    // ---
    // uint8 bssid[6]
    // uint8 ssid[32]
    // uint8 channel
    // sint8 rssi \96 The received signal strength indication
    // AUTH_MODE authmode
    //  Open = 0
    //  WEP = 1
    //  WPA_PSK = 2
    //  WPA2_PSK = 3
    //  WPA_WPA2_PSK = 4
    // uint8 is_hidden
    // sint16 freq_offset
    // ---
    // Create, populate and add a child ...
    JsVar *currentAccessPoint = jspNewObject(NULL, "AccessPoint");
    jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(currentAccessPoint, "rssi", jsvNewFromInteger(bssInfo->rssi)));
    jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(currentAccessPoint, "channel", jsvNewFromInteger(bssInfo->channel)));
    jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(currentAccessPoint, "authMode", jsvNewFromInteger(bssInfo->authmode)));
    jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(currentAccessPoint, "isHidden", jsvNewFromBool(bssInfo->is_hidden)));
    // The SSID may **NOT** be NULL terminated ... so handle that.
    char ssid[sizeof(bssInfo->ssid) + 1];
    os_strncpy((char *)ssid, (char *)bssInfo->ssid, sizeof(bssInfo->ssid));
    ssid[sizeof(ssid)-1] = '\0';
    jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(currentAccessPoint, "ssid", jsvNewFromString(ssid)));

    // Add the new record to the array
    jsvArrayPush(accessPointArray, currentAccessPoint);

    os_printf(" - ssid: %s\n", bssInfo->ssid);
    bssInfo = STAILQ_NEXT(bssInfo, next);

  // We have now completed the scan callback, so now we can invoke the JS callback.
  JsVar *params[1];
  params[0] = accessPointArray;
  jsiQueueEvents(NULL, g_jsScanCallback, params, 1);
  os_printf("<< scanCB\n");