Ejemplo n.º 1

      This function gets the tdt (Terrestrial Dynamic Time, or TT time)
      Julian Date at the time desired.
      tdt_julian_date - The tdt date is returned here, corresponding 
      to the desired time.
      desired_time - The time in UT1 (UTC) to get julian date for.
                     Can use time(NULL) to get the UTC time on an RDA
      DELTA_T - The difference between TT and UT1, maintain from 
                Navy data reports.  Currently about 67 seconds 
                difference between the time scales.

static void Get_tdt_julian_date_at_time( double *tdt_julian_date,
                                         time_t desired_time,
                                         double DELTA_T ){

    /* result (struct tm) - broken down time */
    struct tm result;

    /* Get TDT date for the input time using NOVAS */

    /* time_in is in the UT1 time system (UT1 is approximately UTC)
       Since TT = UT1 + DELTAT. Correct the input desired time,
       to be on the TT time scale. */
    desired_time += DELTA_T;

    /* Now get broken down time on  TT time scale. */
    gmtime_r(&desired_time, &result);

    /* Use the NOVAS routine to get the julian date on TT time scale.
       TT is approximately TDT. */
    *tdt_julian_date = julian_date(
            result.tm_year + 1900, result.tm_mon + 1, result.tm_mday,
            (double) result.tm_hour +
            ((double) result.tm_min) / 60.0 + ((double) result.tm_sec) /

} /* End of Get_tdt_julian_date_at_time(). */
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * compute greenwich mean sidereal time (GST) corresponding to a given
 * number of seconds since the unix epoch
 * (after duffett-smith, section 12)
static double GST(time_t ssue)
     //time_t ssue;               /* seconds since unix epoch */
  double     JD;
  double     T, T0;
  double     UT;
  struct tm *tm;

  tm = gmtime(&ssue);

  JD = julian_date(tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday);
  T  = (JD - 2451545) / 36525;

  T0 = ((T + 2.5862e-5) * T + 2400.051336) * T + 6.697374558;

  T0 = fmod(T0, 24.0);
  if (T0 < 0) T0 += 24;

  UT = tm->tm_hour + (tm->tm_min + tm->tm_sec / 60.0) / 60.0;

  T0 += UT * 1.002737909;
  T0 = fmod(T0, 24.0);
  if (T0 < 0) T0 += 24;

  return T0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void main() 
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    double jd0 = julian_date(1272672000);
    // 1271474022);
    // jd -= 10.0;
    double i;

    for (i = 0.0; i < 300; i += 0.01) { 
        double jd = jd0 + i;
        double io[3];
        get_io_parent_coordsv(jd, io);

        double europa[3];
        get_europa_parent_coordsv(jd, europa);
        double ganymede[3];
        get_ganymede_parent_coordsv(jd, ganymede);

        double calisto[3];
        get_callisto_parent_coordsv(jd, calisto);

        double ioy = compute_delta(jd, io);
        double europay = compute_delta(jd, europa);
        double ganymedey = compute_delta(jd, ganymede);
        double calistoy = compute_delta(jd, calisto);

        /* printf("%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n", earth[0], earth[1], earth[2]); */
        /* printf("%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n", jupiter[0], jupiter[1], jupiter[2]); */
        /* printf("%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n", calisto[0], calisto[1], calisto[2]); */
        /* printf("A = %10.10f, B = %10.10f, C = %10.10f, y = %10.10f\n", A, B, C, y); */

        printf("%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f \n", jd, ioy, europay, ganymedey, calistoy);
    //    printf("pow(A,2) = %10.10f, B = %10.10f, C = %10.10f, y = %10.10f\n", pow(A,2), (pow(C,2) + pow(A,2) - pow(B,2)) / C, ((pow(C,2) + pow(A,2) - pow(B,2))/(2*C)), y);

    /* for (i = 0.0; i < 30; i += 0.01) { */
    /*     double j = jd + i; */
    /*     // printf("JD = %f\n", jd); */
    /*     double xyz1[3]; */
    /*     double xyz2[3]; */
    /*     double xyz3[3]; */
    /*     double xyz4[3]; */
    /*     GetL1Coor(j, 0, xyz1); */
    /*     GetL1Coor(j, 1, xyz2); */
    /*     GetL1Coor(j, 2, xyz3); */
    /*     GetL1Coor(j, 3, xyz4); */
    /*     // printf("x: %10.10f, y: %10.10f, z: %10.10f\n", xyz[0], */
    /*     // xyz[1], xyz[2]); */
    /*     // printf("%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n", j, -1.0 * xyz1[1], -1.0 * xyz2[1], -1.0 * xyz3[1], -1.0 * xyz4[1]); */
    /*     printf("%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n", j, -1.0 * xyz1[0], -1.0 * xyz1[1], -1.0 * xyz4[0], -1.0 * xyz4[1]); */
    /* } */

Ejemplo n.º 4
double obliquity_of_ecliptic(date d)
    double t;                   // Julian centuries from a given to the beginning of the epoch J2000
    double e;                   // result obliquity of the ecliptic (ε)

    // computing time from the beginning of the epoch J2000 to a given date measured in Julian centuries
    t = (julian_date(d) - J2000) / DAYS_IN_JULIAN_CENTURY;

    // computing obliquity of the ecliptic (ε) using formula adopted by IAU; constants are measured in arcseconds
    // Source: J.H. Lieske, T. Lederle, W. Fricke and B. Morando. Expressions for the precession Quantities Based upon
    //         the IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants, Astronomy ans Astrophysics, vol. 58, 1977, p. 15.
    e = 84381.448 - 46.8150 * t - 0.00059 * t * t + 0.001813 * t * t * t;

    // converting arcseconds to radians (π = 648000")
    e *= M_PI / 648000.0;

    return e;
Ejemplo n.º 5
double nutation_in_obliquity(date d)
    double t;                   // time measured in Julian centuries between given date and the beggingig of the epoch J2000
    double da[TOTAL_DELAUNAY_ARGUMENTS];      // array holding Delaunay arguments
    double lan;                 // longitude of lunar ascending node (☊) referred to the mean equinox of date
    int i;                      // loop index variable
    double a;                   // argument of each term of the serie
    double n;                   // result nutation in obliquity value

    // computing time since the beginning of the epoch J2000 to the given measured in Julian centuries
    t = (julian_date(d) - J2000) / DAYS_IN_JULIAN_CENTURY;

    // computing Delaunay arguments as given by semi-analytic lunar theory ELP
    compute_delaunay_arguments(t, FULL_SERIES_TOTAL_TERMS, da);

    // computing longitude of the lunar ascending node (☊)
    // Source: P.K. Seidelman. 1980 IAU Theory of Nutation: The Final Report of the IAU Working Group on Nutation,
    //         Celestial Mechanics, vol. 27, May 1982, p. 20.
    lan = 450160.28 - 6962890.539 * t + 7.455 * t * t + 0.008 * t * t * t;

    // computing nutation serie (see top comment for more information)
    for (i = 0, n = 0.0; i < TOTAL_NUTATION_TERMS; i++) {
        // computing argument of the term of the serie
        a = nutation_multipliers[i][0] * da[L];
        a += nutation_multipliers[i][1] * da[LP];
        a += nutation_multipliers[i][2] * da[F];
        a += nutation_multipliers[i][3] * da[D];
        a += nutation_multipliers[i][4] * lan;

        // converting argument from arcseconds to radians (π = 648000")
        a *= M_PI / 648000.0;

        // accumulation nutation values
        n += (nutation_coefficients[i][3] + nutation_coefficients[i][4] * t) * cos(a);

    // coefficients are given in 10⁻⁵", converting to degrees (1° = 36000000×10⁻⁵")
    n /= 36000000.0;

    // converting nutation values from arcseconds to radians (π = 180°)
    n *= M_PI / 180.0;

    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 6
char *
conv_date_pict (
    long date,
    const char *picture)
    static char
        *month_name [] =
            "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
            "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
        *day_name [] =
            "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
            "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
        formatted [FORMAT_MAX + 1];     /*  Formatted return string          */
        century,                        /*  Century component of date        */
        year,                           /*  Year component of date           */
        month,                          /*  Month component of date          */
        day,                            /*  Day component of date            */
        cursize;                        /*  Size of current component        */
       *dest,                           /*  Store formatted data here        */
        ch,                             /*  Next character in picture        */
        lastch = '0';                   /*  Last character we output         */
        full_date = date;

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */

    /*  Zero date is returned as empty string                                */
    if (date == 0)
        strclr (formatted);
        return (formatted);

    default_century (&full_date);
    century = GET_CENTURY (full_date);
    year    = GET_YEAR    (full_date);
    month   = GET_MONTH   (full_date);
    day     = GET_DAY     (full_date);

    ASSERT (month > 0 && month <= 12);
    ASSERT (day   > 0 && day   <= 31);

    /*  Scan through picture, converting each component                      */
    dest = formatted;
    *dest = 0;                          /*  string is empty                  */
    while (*picture)
        /*  Get character and count number of occurences                     */
        ch = *picture++;
        for (cursize = 1; *picture == ch; cursize++)

        switch (ch)
            /*  cc        century 2 digits, 01-99                            */
            case 'c':
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", century);

            /*  y         day of year, 1-366                                 */
            /*  yy        year 2 digits, 00-99                               */
            /*  yyyy      year 4 digits, 0100-9999                           */
            case 'y':                   /*  y = day of year                  */
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, "%d", julian_date (full_date));
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", year);
                if (cursize == 4)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d%02d", century, year);

            /*  m         month, 1-12                                        */
            /*  mm        month, 01-12                                       */
            /*  mmm       month, 3 letters                                   */
            /*  mmmm      month, full name                                   */
            case 'm':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, (isdigit (lastch)? "%2d": "%d"), month);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", month);
                if (cursize == 3)
                    memcpy (dest, month_name [month - 1], 3);
                    dest [3] = 0;
                if (cursize == 4)
                    strcpy (dest, month_name [month - 1]);

            /*  MMM       month, 3-letters, ucase                            */
            /*  MMMM      month, full name, ucase                            */
            case 'M':
                if (cursize == 3)
                    memcpy (dest, month_name [month - 1], 3);
                    dest [3] = 0;
                    strupc (dest);
                if (cursize == 4)
                    strcpy (dest, month_name [month - 1]);
                    strupc (dest);

            /*  d         day, 1-31                                          */
            /*  dd        day, 01-31                                         */
            /*  ddd       day of week, Sun-Sat                               */
            /*  dddd      day of week, Sunday-Saturday                       */
            case 'd':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, (isdigit (lastch)? "%2d": "%d"), day);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", day);
                if (cursize == 3)
                    memcpy (dest, day_name [day_of_week (full_date)], 3);
                    dest [3] = 0;
                if (cursize == 4)
                    strcpy (dest, day_name [day_of_week (full_date)]);

            /*  DDD       day of week, SUN-SAT                               */
            /*  DDDD      day of week, SUNDAY-SATURDAY                       */
            case 'D':
                if (cursize == 3)
                    memcpy (dest, day_name [day_of_week (full_date)], 3);
                    dest [3] = 0;
                    strupc (dest);
                if (cursize == 4)
                    strcpy (dest, day_name [day_of_week (full_date)]);
                    strupc (dest);

            /*  w         day of week, 1-7 (1=Sunday)                        */
            /*  ww        week of year, 1-53                                 */
            case 'w':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, "%d", day_of_week (full_date) + 1);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%d", week_of_year (full_date));

            /*  q         year quarter, 1-4                                  */
            case 'q':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, "%d", year_quarter (full_date));

            /*  \x        literal character x                                */
            case '\\':
                ch = *picture++;
        if (*dest)                      /*  If something was output,         */
            while (*dest)               /*    skip to end of string          */
            while (cursize--)           /*  Else output ch once or more      */
                *dest++ = ch;           /*    and bump dest pointer          */

        lastch = *(dest - 1);           /*  Get previous character           */
        *dest = 0;                      /*  Terminate the string nicely      */
    return (formatted);